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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2015 in all areas

  1. Just committed v1.1.0 to the dev branch at GitHub: https://github.com/rolandtoth/InputfieldURLChecker/tree/dev This is 99% the same in functionality but under the hood it uses InputfieldURL::render and InputfieldURL::renderValue. The only new feature is that locked field urls now respect the module setting "Target", so clicking on them may open in an iframe if setting so. Locked url fields with description or notes was linkified incorrectly in the previous (JS-only) version, as all the field contents were wrapped in a link, not only the url. Now it's handled beautifully with the renderValue hook. Using backend hooks made it much simpler and reliable to deal with template/field restrictions, and probably there will be more benefits in further developments.
    3 points
  2. Taking a look at this it seems like you can achieve what you need. Did you try it in latest version?
    2 points
  3. @nixsofar: Do you speak from the exact same server in regard of the 2.6 and 2.7 installs? And what's about to install the 2.6, and after checking and seeing it's running, just upload the complete wire folder and subfolders from 2.7 to, e.g. wire-27. After upload is complete, rename wire to wire-26 and wire-27 to wire. Besides the complete wire folder you also have to switch the index.php. That's all. (the htaccess hasn't any changes between this two versions and can stay as is). Does this work?
    2 points
  4. Thanks, version 1.0.5 is up on GitHub with the fix.
    2 points
  5. 2-3 years in the making (content-wise, not development) - and now finally live: http://paradiesli.net/ The site is in german only (though the initial idea was to have a french version too). It's a simple site, no black magic frontend- or backend-wise, but I quite like it. Mainly lots and lots of pictures, fullstretch background images and a simple navigation. btw - "Paradiesli" would translate into something like "little paradise". If you'd like to know more, here's a little summary in english.
    1 point
  6. As far as I know, the only option is to do it with the buildFormContent hook. Have a look here: https://github.com/adrianbj/BatchChildEditor/blob/master/BatchChildEditor.module#L371 See the commented code of the old way I did this using the BuildForm hook and then the new way by creating a new InputfieldFieldsetTabOpen with buildFormContent. Hope that helps.
    1 point
  7. Well if that is acceptable in some cases then I could probably make it possible to limit edit access to more than one branch - would just need to disable the visibility restriction to that use case. I'll take a look sometime in the next couple of days to see what I can do.
    1 point
  8. So if I understand you correctly you have added the fields that exist in your spreadsheet to your template, if not your first task will be to create some inputs for these fields. Once you have done that and you have added all of your data you will loop over your pages like before and test the value in the field. I used an array but if you wanted to concatenate a string you could do that as well. This is just one quick option . <div class="grid"> <?php $items = $pages->find("template=einzelansicht, sort=title"); foreach($items as $item): $firstimage = $item->einzelbild->first()->size(200,200)->url; //Test your fields for the values that you are wanting if($item->year == 'yes') $addClasses[] = 'year'; if($item->fictional == 'yes') $addClasses[] = 'fictional'; if($item->interactive == 'yes') $addClasses[] = 'interactive'; if($item->cogntive == 'yes') $addClasses[] = 'cogntive'; //create a string out of your array of options $extraClasses = implode(' ',$addClasses); //foreach loop is still running ?> <a href="<?=$item->url;?>"> <div class="item <?=$extraClasses;?>"> <div class="overlay'></div> <img src="<?=$firstimage;?>" /> <h2 class="headline"><?=$item->title;?></h2> </div> </a> <?php //unset classes for the next item unset($extraClasses); unset($addClasses); endforeach; //foreach over ?> </div>
    1 point
  9. you can't edit the hanna code 'cached' files directly
    1 point
  10. Maybe the easiest would be some admincustomfiles CSS display: none ?
    1 point
  11. You could probably do that by hooking into ProcessPageEditImageSelect::execute and filter out unwanted fields from $imageFields before they get concatenated into $imageFieldNames (perhaps with a module that has a config field that lets you specify a list of unwanted fields).
    1 point
  12. That's one solution, the other would have been to determine the field type through the page's template. $tpl = wire('templates')->get($templatename); if( $tpl->fields->get($fieldname)->type instanceof FieldtypeFile ) { /* true for file and image field types, import as file */ }
    1 point
  13. The CRM part some highly specific stuff, certainly not helpful for anybody else. The modules I'll focus on getting into publishable state will be OpenSearchServerSearch (including the schema for OSS), PagePublishPerLanguage, ArticleIDLinks and ActiveDirectory/LDAP integration. If there's time left (I'm a bit cautious with promises atm, as I'm going to be rather involved in switching our ERP system next year), I'll see if I can change the translation TextFormatter into something generic and configurable and bundle everything together with the notice board into an Intranet site profile.
    1 point
  14. I will rewrite half of the module to take advantage of InputfieldUrl::render, which would make things simpler. Now JavaScript makes all the heavyweight stuff which works, but it's too clunky here and there.
    1 point
  15. I had a feeling that questions was going to come up It would be very easy to make it restrict the editing rights for more than one branch. But it's not so easy to restrict the page list view to multiple branches. This is where you get into issues with incorrect child page counts and subsequent pagination issues. Have a read of this Github issue: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/302 and some of the forum posts it links to. As I mentioned above, AdminPageHider () and some of my gists I link to in that thread might be useful, but the child count is still a problem unless you make numChildren() hookable, which it isn't. I had a fairly unique need for creating this module - one that @tpr also has (). It works great if you have very compartmentalized branches (potentially subsites) in your page tree that are specific to individual users, or teams of clients.
    1 point
  16. Yes, just like it says in the instructions @RogC1, Welcome to PW and the forums. Please note that the CSS and the demo template files are just that; a demo...You can do pretty much what you want using MarkupBlog. I'm in the process of transferring the documentation to my new server. Thanks for choosing Blog
    1 point
  17. Just goes to show, how PW is eco-friendly and sustainable 1. less electricity used keeping the computer on while agonizing over problems 2. less anxiety medication used so they won't pollute our precious waters
    1 point
  18. The site profile you are using has delayed output (on mobile search for that keyword) You need to put all the slider markup in the variable $content instead of echoing it: $content = $slider->render...
    1 point
  19. Slightly updated translation attached below. This is incompleted version, I'm going to make some more in a couple of days. В прикремленном файле - слегка обновленная версия. Еще не закончена, я планирую сделать более полный перевод в ближайшее время. PW 2.7 russian-wire.zip
    1 point
  20. This is working perfectly having it independent from all the different host limitations out there. Big thanks fly out to Adriaan.
    1 point
  21. Might be better to use Protected Mode: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/protected-mode/
    1 point
  22. Hi Adrian, Thank you so much. Yes that is it. Here is the working piece : /* Create new field using API */ $field = new Field(); // Set type as FieldtypeTextarea $field->type = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeTextarea"); // Set inputfield as InputfieldTinyMCE. Thanks to Adrian $field->set('inputfieldClass', "InputfieldTinyMCE"); // name of the field $field->name = 'footer_region'; // set label $field->label = 'Footer region area'; // Save ! $field->save(); Thanks again Adrian & the community
    1 point
  23. What you're looking for is: inputfieldClass The easiest way to figure these things out is often to use your browser dev tools. I actually didn't know this initially, but a quick right-click > Inspect Element on the select field under Inputfield Type, revealed the name of the select as: inputfieldClass
    1 point
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