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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2015 in all areas

  1. 2-3 years in the making (content-wise, not development) - and now finally live: http://paradiesli.net/ The site is in german only (though the initial idea was to have a french version too). It's a simple site, no black magic frontend- or backend-wise, but I quite like it. Mainly lots and lots of pictures, fullstretch background images and a simple navigation. btw - "Paradiesli" would translate into something like "little paradise". If you'd like to know more, here's a little summary in english.
    5 points
  2. I recently launched Greenform llc's new website: http://green-form.com/ Designed by Durre Design. Similar techniques and approach on the frontend to the other websites I developed (Gulp-based workflow based off of Sage, Bootstrap, Animsition, MatchHeight, Slick Carousel, etc.). The main part of this website is the products section. ProcessWire really excels for for these heavy catalog type sites, among many others. It's the perfect choice. The search/filter feature was a little tricky, but I was able to pull it off Here is a screenshot of how the 'product' template looks in the admin: As you can see, I'm using the Profields Table fieldtype for the product variations. The end client and designer love the ease at which they can update the website. Training beyond how to log in wasn't even necessary since ProcessWire's default interface is straightforward. More details on my personal website: https://jonathanlahijani.com/projects/greenform/
    5 points
  3. It's been more than 9 months since I wrote in this thread about our intranet. Well, things happened that had me away for a good while, and when I got back to it, the wishlist exploded. Finally, though, the migrated intranet is up and running, and based on the feedback I'm getting, I can already call it a success. Here's a short feature list: Running on Windows Server 2012R2 / IIS 8.5 A little over 8000 pages, two languages, 600+ frontend users in 15 countries, 45 editors About 20 templates 15 custom modules Reduced custom CRM module code to less than one-eighth (counted in bytes, not lines) Integrated web server authentication and detailed Group permissions using Apeisa's UserGroups module (big thanks there! Keeping our group-based permissions was one of the main requirements for the new CMS) Live user + groups synchronization from Active Directory Granular search via OpenSearchServer (including permissions handling and indexing linked PageFiles) Tag based in-text translation system through custom Textformatter module linked to our ERP database, with own CKEdtior plugin (think detailed technical data sheets where you don't want to edit every language version separately) About 400 dynamic pages that range from simple database-driven lists to rich single page apps Persistent page links using page IDs that get replaced on save + render Versioning for textareas Custom links in the style of "article:CUSTOM_UNIQUE_FIELD" used to fetch recurring content into pages in our in-house manuals Booking system for our inhouse training center using just pages, standard fields and a bit (well, a good bit) of frontend-editing glue, with graphical interactive calendar Pages can be published per language through a multilanguage checkbox, with corresponding indicator icons and actions in ProcessPageList Notice board system (title, short body, optional attachment, expiry date) for main and department pages, with frontend adding/editing and admin interface Detailed permissions reports in backend and through command line for compliance audits Not yet implemented, but a working prototype is already on the test system: a simple question/linear response forum system with rating, tagging, answer accepting and highlighting options, primarily targeted towards international knowledge exchange Big thanks to Ryan, PW is really an outstanding system in terms of flexibility, scaling and ease of integration, and also to everyone who contributed in any way to PW itself or its huge module repository. As a funny side node, I talked to a colleague from manufacturing when migration was still under way, and he was initially a bit miffed that I'd swap the system he already knows (hey, it's only been 7 1/2 years!) - but only until I told him I'd use PW. At the mention of the word "Process" he immediately determined that his workflow to add content would get a lot smoother, something I could confirm without thinking. (The old system had a separation between categories and articles, so you had to create both in different backend screens to get a navigation entry for a simple page that shows just some text - in PW he only needs to tick the "Show in Navigation" checkbox for his new page.) Shows that the right naming choice already gets you halfway to the goal Now that "The Big Project" is done, I'll only have to weather the usual end-of-year-craziness, then I'll get my custom modules into a shape where I can share them (meaning: polish documentation, add reasonable defaults and switch to module config fields instead of config files).
    4 points
  4. Sometimes a little bit of Googling can be helpful: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5693-new-module-type-wiremail/. WireMail is a core class that provides support for sending email, and in template context you can access its features through the wireMail() function. Native WireMail implementation is just an abstraction layer on top of PHP's native mail() function, but other WireMail modules provide different methods, such as SMTP support (which is a key part of both WireMailSwiftMailer and WireMailSMTP), or other features, like the WireMail Branding which wraps WireMail messages with custom markup.
    3 points
  5. If I increase your padding to 80px like here: body { background: #222 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; color: #FFF; padding: 80px; margin: 0px; font-family: "Helvetica Neue","Helvetica",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; position: relative; font-style: normal; } the bottom now looks normal so hopefully this indicates where to look.
    2 points
  6. WireMail is core and mails with the default PHP mail function, WireMailSmtp and WireMailSwiftMailer extends WireMail, when installed one of these will be used as mailer. WireMailBranding, is just a convenience Module that wraps markup around the HTML you want to send. Here wireMail function binds to the MailObject. (That is why wireMail() is a function call) https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/core/Functions.php#L797 Here's the WireMail class https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/core/WireMail.php I don't understand this one use what you need if it makes sense.
    2 points
  7. Untested, but every multi language field class should implement FieldtypeLanguageInterface, which you should be able to check for using instanceof. if($f->type instanceof FieldtypeLanguageInterface) $langFields->add($f);
    2 points
  8. Thanks for the hint to the IntlDateFormatter class. ...and I know about the Aachener Klenkes, but my nickname is derived from my last name, since I don't know when... decades(oh god I'm old)
    1 point
  9. hey tpr - thanks and also let me thank you for this module, it looks great, and you have put a lot of work into it - it will be really handy for this project i'm working on where we need to check that links to external sites are working/correct! So i checked everything and troubleshot it to where i have narrowed down the issue to the field restriction - if that is set, then it doesn't work; setting the template restriction works... being that i don't really need to restrict by field, i'm all good, but i can further assist with this issue if you need more info. thanks again!
    1 point
  10. Yes, just like it says in the instructions @RogC1, Welcome to PW and the forums. Please note that the CSS and the demo template files are just that; a demo...You can do pretty much what you want using MarkupBlog. I'm in the process of transferring the documentation to my new server. Thanks for choosing Blog
    1 point
  11. Just goes to show, how PW is eco-friendly and sustainable 1. less electricity used keeping the computer on while agonizing over problems 2. less anxiety medication used so they won't pollute our precious waters
    1 point
  12. Thanks kuba2, worked perfectly as it should.
    1 point
  13. I had to move the CSS folder into the template folder. It's in the Markupblog folder in the Modules folder.
    1 point
  14. v1.1.5 is up with a handful of fixes and some new features. Thanks for all who reported/suggested/helped in any ways. Changelog
    1 point
  15. It doesn't work for me: JqueryMagnific.js:4 Uncaught TypeError: e is not a function(anonymous function) @ JqueryMagnific.js:4(anonymous function) @ JqueryMagnific.js:4 FrontEndEditLightbox.js:77 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'defaults' of undefined I tried to disable other scripts but no success so far. Javascript is loaded before the end of body tag. I am using jquery-2.1.0.min.js I found the error. I had all the script added at the body tag. But the JqueryMagnific gets added at the head, so it was inserted before jQuery.
    1 point
  16. Changing it to 2.2 worked! Awesome.
    1 point
  17. I am trying to create a hanna code [[side-menu]] to display a static menu. If I put the menu html in the hanna file directly it works fine. What I'd want though is to keep the menu html in a external file and just let the hanna code include it. So in my hanna code I put: <?php include('/site/templates/mysidemenu.php'); ?> This does not work - no errors just no output. The menu in mysidemenu.php is just plain html. Not sure what I am missing on this. RESOLVED: I determined that if I write the include like this it will work as expected: include($config->paths->templates.'/mysidemenu.php'); Surprised though that I didn't see a file not found on the first approach.
    1 point
  18. I am using HeidiSQL too and like it just like kongondo. But I believe the question was about the use of a remote database with a localhost installation (of a PW, probably?) So you could just copy or git clone your site and start working not even changing the db in the config.php? If so, I would say having your own MySQL is cheaper for someone already having some kind of db hosting. But you have to set up SSH port forwarding to access your remote db (which scares me as (yet) windows user) or lower the security by allowing the access to it not only from localhost. As I could understand Google SQL is the same MySQL but with some restrictions. I do not know their benefits, so would probably go with my own MySQL instance.
    1 point
  19. If pagination wasn't working it is most likely because in your own template's settings, you did not tell it to allow pagination. When editing a template, this is set in the URLs tab -> Allow Page Numbers
    1 point
  20. hey guys, I had the same problem. I connected a database that was connected to processwire in a previous installation. After installing processwire with a fresh database everything works fine for me.
    1 point
  21. Hi, I think there's a hickup in your database - the sqlstate error hints that there's a duplicate entry. make sure to empty the trash in pw backend and if possible look directly in the database and look out for the "language-22" entry in "name_parent_id", my guess is this is in the pages table. I'm afraid that you deleted the admin page for the language settings (id 22?), possibly this needs to be present. not sure tho, maybe someone else has more experience with that… cheers tom
    1 point
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