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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2015 in all areas

  1. Not sure which forum category this should go in, but I spent my lunch break today training a few staff members of a pretty large client of mine on how to use a new processwire website I designed for them. They currently have a wordpress website and were dreading the training process. She said she didn't like how the wordpress widget system worked, and it was confusing to use. (Knowing where to go to update what.) After showing her how to use processwire, she said it was much more intuitive and user friendly. She likes how the page tree logically lays out the website, and how I designed their staff to be a page that other pages could read from so they only needed to update one spot. (Instead of typing it in to many different pages and widgets.) They gave it a big thumbs up! Just wanted to let you guys know!
    6 points
  2. MarkupActivityLog Example here: https://github.com/Renobird/MarkupActivityLog#api
    4 points
  3. Ok thanks - in order to see the summary, you'll need to view source, or use the chrome dev tools and inspect element, then navigate to the head, to see your summary meta tag. Meta tags are not visible when viewing web pages.
    3 points
  4. There's Colorprofile in the image, that's why. Added same ProRGB profile to resized as the original in PS.
    2 points
  5. Hi and welcome to pw, I don't think the wiki is actively maintained though it was still online a few days ago. So it's a bit weird, that it is down today. However, there are some other resources you may find helpful: https://processwire-recipes.com/ http://www.flamingruby.com/blog/ And this tutorial section of the forum of course. If you have more specific questions the fine folks from the community are always here to answer.
    2 points
  6. Thats not a beard, my chin just hit puberty
    2 points
  7. @pwired Surpricingly the database aint that big, only 6.3 MB.
    2 points
  8. --- ALPHA WARNING --- Hey, today I'm going to release a module which especially is nice for photographers I guess: ImageEXIF (it's in the module repository). What does it do? This module the EXIF data of an image to it's object. There are some aliases (e.g. "exposureTime" and "tv") and unformatted values (e.g. "focalLengthUnformatted") included. Example for which EXIF data get's added: How to use (example): <?php $image = $page->images->first(); echo 'ISO: '.$image->EXIF->iso; // $image->exif->iso would work, too ?> Did I forget some important data? Other wishes?
    1 point
  9. Another small, but potentially helpful module. This fieldtype references a field in a page, where the field's data is retrieved from a somehow related remote page. It's kinda like a one way symlink to a remote field. To make this description a little easier to understand I'll just add a example. Imagine you've some pages placed all over the page-tree, but you need editors to be aware of a specific setting in a single page. With this Fieldtype you would set this up like this: - Get the page (php snippet kinda like for page fields) return $pages->get("/special-settings-page/"); - Setup template to field pairing settings=my_special_field - Add this field to any template you need this on. Now this special setting is visible in the backend, if someone edits a page with this reference field, and via the api as read-only field. The field can use all collapsed modes, which do not allow editing, so it can be hidden if it's only needed by the api. This can be useful for content heavy sites, where information is scattered around multiple (parent) pages, but maybe all information needs to be available for the children. It's also nice for creating (shorter) selectors for inputfield dependencies or dynamic page fields. More elaborate examples about this options can be found in the readme of the module. Todo Add checks to prevent infinite loops Maybe make it a field, which can be edited and saved. GitHub: https://github.com/LostKobrakai/FieldtypeReference
    1 point
  10. Maybe just look in the Suppor Forum of the module: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/201-fieldtype-select-aka-drop-down/?p=45320
    1 point
  11. You can re-use page fields as many times as you want. If the content of the summary field suits your needs you can also echo it in other parts of the template file (or _main.php) . For it to be visible 'onscreen' it needs to be output somewhere between the html body, in a place of your liking.
    1 point
  12. As seen from my post count I'm around the forums for quite some time already, which helps with sorting out issues. Also everyone here was at the point of having no clue about how the whole cms works. So I eventually had the same problem when I started using the form api.
    1 point
  13. I have some updates coming that address scenarios where a field has been removed from a template or deleted all together, and a few other things that make it easier to get/set values from the API.
    1 point
  14. uhhh, whoa. I'm cautiously excited here.
    1 point
  15. I don't want to nitpick to much, but there isn't even a new fieldtype necessary, as it won't even know the difference. Only the inputfield would need some enhancement to make this work.
    1 point
  16. Currently working on a html5 / js web app that turns an image into a pixelated version and found it simple to set up, on the back of this I could create a github version which is more about minimising size if someone else wants to spin it into a field type for PW. Lots more testing a to be done but looks positive. demo of what i have currently - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/608298/pixelator-gif.mov
    1 point
  17. Amazing module! is this something you could pull into templates to show on the frontend of the website too?
    1 point
  18. Hi @AndreJansen. Welcome to the forums... There's also tutorials here: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/ and the 'Docs' section as well: http://processwire.com/docs/
    1 point
  19. You can be sure that 99.99% of your issues in near future are between your chair and your computer and not ProcessWire.
    1 point
  20. I'll doubt that, because there's no inherently wrong userAuthSalt value. You hashed password just doesn't match the database value, but the system doesn't know why it's this way.
    1 point
  21. Over time we have often had discussions about the nature of Pages and the fact that the term 'Pages', in context of ProcessWire(PW), can be misleading. Pages can represent a lot of things and serve multiple goals. (fun read: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2296-confused-by-pages/ ) You are right that Pages can be seen as (URL accessible) data objects. What data a particular Page can hold is defined via the page his Template and the Fields added to that template. So a Template can, amongst other things, be seen as a data model. ProcessWire has its own way of organizing and relating data. While the underlying database structure might be different than most MVC-ish systems, the Page tree and the Page fieldtype allow for really flexible ways of achieving most, if not all, of the traditional model associations like in Rails' Active Record. Finding and working with pages/data couldn't be easier thanks to the great API, so i don't think there is a need for an 'ORM' because in a way PW already has this.
    1 point
  22. Thanks very much. Module works fab, nice job
    1 point
  23. Mainly its has pages which contain a newsletter, these are grouped by site (there are a couple of sites that have their own newsletter) All newsletters have child pages which resemble the items in the newsletter. These vary from article, image, banner, agenda (feed), rss (feed) and twitter (feed), and such items. Another part of the tool is sort of a scraper tool, it fetches agenda, rss and twitter feeds and stores the content as pages in the database so they can easely be fetched from and used in a newsletter item. There is somesort of cleaning calls in the scraper page (which is called from a cron task). This removes all scraped pages that are older than a given date in the past.
    1 point
  24. Thanks teppo - changed loadImageMaxFileSize to 100mb and it worked with a 19.5mb image. The thumbnail only took a second to display on the uploader @mr-fan - that's a much larger job unfortunately, but hopefully this proves impressive enough that it will be considered for the backend. Here's a screencast for those wondering what the fuss is about: http://www.screencast.com/t/CuAwqAc8G (ignore the white rectangle that appears when browsing files to upload, that's just me hiding stuff ) That's about 26mb worth of images resized to max width or height of 800px. So 26mb becomes 1.37mb prior to upload. My jaw is somewhere near the floor right now that this is all just JS, HTML canvas etc with fallbacks for even really old browsers No sound on the audio clip at the end but use your imagination - it plays direct from your PC before upload. That's probably more useful for videos to make sure you're uploading the right one!
    1 point
  25. I love you man! I've been waiting for something like this for soooo long. My clients are going to love this. I found a CSS bug by the way. In PixlrEditor.css you should change: .pixlr-menu-bar{ position: absolute; top: 1em; right: 1em; background: transparent; } to: .pixlr-menu-bar{ position: absolute; top: 1em; right: 1em; background: transparent; z-index:9999; } This prevents the button from being un-clickable because it sits underneath the image thumbnail on the back-end of the page. Great work and thanks again!
    1 point
  26. Greets, I know, this thread is quite old but I wanted to throw in some thought, even if they're nonsense My "problem" is user generated content. I have comments, even only a few for now and statistics. I have them in seperate pages, and if a page doesn't have one yet it get's created. So while I'm working offline there could be new pages online. And sometimes while I'm testing something offline, I'm creating and deleting pages, id's are incrementing. This means I'm not able to use $pages->get(1824) any more or just import/export my db. What if the id's would have a prefix? So for example you could define an id prefix for some automated page creation or user content like comments for example $new = new Page(); $new->template = "comment"; $new->idPrefix = 2; So the 2 wouldn't increment. I'm not good with mySQL, but I guess it sounds easier than it is right? Then the id is not a normal integer incrementing as usual and having a different field for the prefix is probably nonsense, too?! But maybe it inspires someone somehow By the way, I don't know how long this exists, but I'm using a config.php and a config-dev.php and excluded the config-dev.php in my FTP app as mentioned last in the API https://processwire.com/api/variables/config/
    1 point
  27. Here a little helper module that does it optimized using direct SQL. https://gist.github.com/somatonic/5568201 If you install module you can do: $helper = $modules->get("RandomImages"); // load module somewhere before // getRandomImages(count, field, parent) $image = $helper->getRandomImages(1,"images", 1001); echo "<img src='{$image->size(150,0)->url}'>"; Or to get more than 1 $helper = $modules->get("RandomImages"); // load module somewhere before // getRandomImages(count, field, parent) $images = $helper->getRandomImages(2,"images", 1001); foreach ($images as $key => $image) { echo "<img src='{$image->size(150,0)->url}'>"; }
    1 point
  28. I have to admit a static site generator is something I would also be interested in. I have used similar plugins for other systems (wordpress, modx etc) and found it useful in various situations. I often use processwire for prototyping an idea on my local machine, and being able to quickly share that with clients or team members to get feedback requires copying the db and code over to the server (not a massive task but still takes time and effort). Having a one click export to folder or zip file for sharing would be a huge time saver. If you set that up with a dropbox folder and a service like site44 (http://www.site44.com/), you could have a pretty neat publishing workflow. Instant one click publishing - just like FrontPage 98! Another interesting use case, if you made the static site generator flexible enough, would be to use it for exporting to epub, pdf and mobi formats - a kind of ebook export module. This would fit in nicely with an idea I have been thinking about - a simple book publishing platform with PW - something similar to the booktype project by sourcefabric ( http://www.sourcefabric.org/en/booktype/ ) or the Leanpub site ( https://leanpub.com/ ), which could be used for writing books or documentation. Also, similar to httprack application suggested by teppo, If you are on a mac and want to create local copy of a website, site sucker is very good (and free) http://sitesucker.us
    1 point
  29. You can take a look at Ryan's ProCache module.
    1 point
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