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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2015 in all areas

  1. u uses title 2 time like.this title%=red, title%=crap If.u no want crap buts do.want reddish crapapples do this title%=red, title%=crap, !title~=crap
    6 points
  2. Hi, there, ProcessWire community. I'm seriously considering ProcessWire to make a Magazine-like site. But first, allow me to indulge in some history. Two years ago I was searching for a CMS to make a site for a magazine. I remember Processwire seemed very attractive but in the end I chose Wordpress. Boy did I ended up regretting that decision! Not that the site doesn't work, it works just fine, it just that maintaining it has been such a pain in the ass (and ended up stealing editing time, as I was also the editor). This year, as I transition to a new position, we hired a developer to simplify the admin burden that's currently placed on the very small staff of the magazine. With more than 2,500 posts, all of whom depended on custom plug-ins, we decided that moving out of Wordpress was out of the questions, even if it took so much time, we were to invested in it. In conclusion, I don't wan't to fall into the same mistakes and now I'm thinking about building a new site for a new in ProcessWire. It seems like it can already do a lot of the things my previous site did without the need of plugins: tags, categories, multiple authors, multiple post formats. But some plugins I think I will need, such as the one for adding fields to images (for properly crediting the images). I would also love a Markdown editor, which it seems currently doesn't exist. So I have a few question for you: * How stable are plug ins? Am I going to run into the same problem as Wordpress, when plugins stop working from one update to the next? * How easy is ProcessWire to update? I'm chosing it in part for the roadmap, and I want to take advantage of new functionality when it approaches? * Will 2k visitors, 6K pages daily be any problem with ProcessWire? * Can I have a template for a single page? * How come there's no markdown editor? I am mainly an editor with some self taught front-end skills. All the php I know is from this last two years battling against Wordpress. I already feel I'm a little over my head but I hope I'm making the right choice
    2 points
  3. At the moment I have no usage for FCM module, but after FormHelper 0.5.2 is finished I've done a quick FCM rewrite. Only few tests done yet!
    2 points
  4. I'll just answer these one by one. It depends. You should always test updates locally before deploying it to the server, so you see if something isn't working on a newer version. It's still the work of the modules creator or the community to fix issues if present, so it's kinda the same principle as with wordpress. But you'll most likely not need as much plugins as for wordpress and more than that, you'll most likely won't need it for remodeling core cms functionalities but rather for smaller enhancements. There's also a compatibility list for each module in the modules directory and most likely a dedicated forum thread to each module, where you can always seek support. ProcessWire is quite easy to update. There's now even a module from Ryan, that does backup the database and the old wire/ directory for you. As your site and the cms are in seperate directories an update also can't change stuff from your site, so with the database backup and the wire/ directory you can always roll back if something broke. ProcessWire can easily handle lots of users. It has lot's of great caching methods build in and you could even buy procache which works on the .htaccess level to even bypass php (only useful for static sites) You can have as many templates as you need. It really depends on your usecases and on your way of handling templatefiles. You can use markdown with any textarea inputfield of processwire. Markdown is parsed by a textformatter and therefore isn't dependent on the editor. If you don't like CKEditor maybe have a look at this fresh addition to community modules: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9164-release-inputfield-ace-extended/
    2 points
  5. When it comes to pure PHP regex testing, http://www.phpliveregex.com/ beats the crap out of every other tester out there. (Though regex101 looks pretty neat too.)
    2 points
  6. Introducing ProcessWire ProFields: Table – it lets you literally define your own Fieldtype! This is one of the most exciting ProFields and it's something very different than any other Fieldtypes. I think it is best described by this screencast (be sure your sound is on): Special thanks to Joss for his great voiceover on this screencast. Please view the video at 720p and full screen if possible. Read more about the Table Field Table is part of the ProcessWire ProFields package now available for purchase in the ProcessWire store.
    1 point
  7. A highly configurable and flexible ACE editor input field. This module is sponsored in part by Nibiri, aka forum member Macrura which was a great jump start. So many thanks to him. See this short screencast to get an overview: Get it from Github or the Modules Directory. Roadmap add full screen mode expose a jQuery api for resizing, setting row count etc. add image handling like in Adam Kiss' version
    1 point
  8. FrontendContentManager (unstable / testing) FrontendContentManager is a module based on FormHelper to generate needed page edit / add form via form api. NO sanitizing of form values at the moment!!! edit pages create / add new pages add, replace and remove images Download ProcessWire module page: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/frontend-content-manager Bitbucket Repo: https://bitbucket.org/pwFoo/frontendcontentmanager Version 0.2.0 Required FormHelper (0.7.1+) Usage Example template file <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo $page->title; ?></title> <?php // Load FormHelper module and also set wire('fh') variable $fcm = $modules->get('FrontendContentManager'); // edit existing page //$form = $fcm->edit($pages->get('1108')); // add a new page based on a template and a parent object $parent = $pages->get('name=test'); $form = $fcm->add($parent, $parent->template); // jsConfig needed by ckeditor echo $fcm->JsConfig(); // outpunt needed scripts for inputfield modules, ... foreach ($config->styles as $file) { echo "<link type='text/css' href='$file' rel='stylesheet' />\n"; } foreach ($config->scripts as $file) { echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='$file'></script>\n"; } ?> </head> <body> <h1><?php echo $page->title; ?></h1> <?php // output the forom echo $form; ?> </body> </html> *UPDATED TO 0.1.0* At the moment I have no usage for FCM module, but after FormHelper 0.5.2 is finished I've done a quick FCM rewrite. Only few tests done yet! *UPDATED TO 0.2.0* Updated to work with redesigned FormHelper 0.7
    1 point
  9. If the module extends at least WireData, you could also use setArray: public function __construct() { $this->setArray(self::$defaultSettings); }
    1 point
  10. Then you should really take a look at the repos of ProcessRecipes on GitHub.
    1 point
  11. @awebcreature I have modified the MapMarker module so you can add a polyline (both admin and front-end). You can download it here: https://github.com/madebymats/FieldtypeMapMarkerDraw Please note that you should not use the module in production, but may give you an idea how to build the functionality you needed.
    1 point
  12. That's really nice, especially to get through more complex ones you didn't write on your own. But to be the nitpicker: This regex isn't correct. The part before the @ is in fact technically case sensitive and additionally [a-z] does not include language specific unicode chars. So HansMüller@gmx.de would not be found / validated. The unicode chars wheren't valid before 2012 that's why there are still lots of old regex examples out there, but now one should account for these. I'd think especially older people, wanting to get to know this internet, will happily use those in their emailaddresses if the emailprovider does allow those chars. I've also seen a help thread (i think somewhere on github) where a employee could not register, because his company worked with case sensitive emails, so the lowercase one didn't get to his inbox.
    1 point
  13. just found another great tool with very different approach! look at this example of a regex to find emails: ^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$ http://ysono.github.io/pegrex/#47%2C%5E(%5Ba-z0-9_%5C.-%5D%2B)%40(%5B%5Cda-z%5C.-%5D%2B)%5C.(%5Ba-z%5C.%5D%7B2%2C6%7D)%24 to be honest i don't understand the tool at the bottom, but i love the graphical mockup of the regex
    1 point
  14. Welcome to processwire. Let's face it, without offense, but wordpress has been quite a few times in the news, and recently is, about it's plugins being exploited and has millions of hacked wordpress sites. That must give you something to think about. Secondly with processwire you don't have to learn your way around a new system that: "let you" make websites. With processwire you are going to make websites directly from the core. That means that all the experience you already have learned in the past with html, css, php, etc. you can start using directly with processwire and make a website in any way you would like to see it. 2k visitors, 6K pages daily won't be any problem because Processwire has been made scalable from the ground up. About templates that is where Processwire really shines because you can literally make your own templates both in the backend (admin) and in the frontend. About markdown editor, here are some good reads: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4213-markdown/ http://modules.processwire.com/categories/textformatter/ http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Text_Formatters Open this page: https://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/multi-language-urls/ and read the part where it says: Changing the rich text editor About upgrading processwire in the future: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/52-how-do-i-upgrade-processwire-to-the-latest-version/ About making your right choice, no fanboy talk here but from my own (and others) experience if you compare processwire with the "popular" big 3 out there, processwire is going to save you a lot of time and headache. Isn't that what we all seek over "popularity" ? In processwire a lot of practical functionality is already included, no need for those to plugin afterwards e.g. you will have multi-language out of the box. Don't forget browsing the processwire api and the modules: https://processwire.com/api/ https://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/images/ https://processwire.com/api/variables/templates/ https://processwire.com/api/variables/fields/ http://modules.processwire.com/
    1 point
  15. Found it. This did the trick: 1. To start over, I deleted the HanaCodeHelper entry from the database directly (at "modules") 2. Then I found the module after refreshing Modules in the Admin under the "install" tab and could install it normally (Is it because the Helper code has no uninstall code yet?)
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. While MODX and Symfony are probably great systems, their goals are not necessarily the same as ours. I don't think that anyone here (or anyone in their right mind, for that matter) would ever deny that standardisation is a good thing, but I do believe that Ryan is doing the right thing by always putting things in the right context -- which, in this case, would be ProcessWire, it's target audience, and their needs. Also: all good things take time. Even if we don't act instantly, it doesn't mean we won't act when the time is right. This really isn't something that is going to happen overnight, and sometimes we just need to be patient By the way, I'm absolutely not trying to discourage discussion. I just hope that we're all on the same page here: no-one is opposed to these ideas, and I'm sure we'd all like to see them discussed even further, but especially bigger and more fundamental changes need to be properly evaluated first. "X does it like this" doesn't necessarily mean that it's the best thing for us to do, and so on.
    1 point
  18. This would mean, that you have to insert the password every time you save a user, which is definitely not the case. The "real" password isn't even stored in the db, so there's no way to pre-populate the password field with a value, thus it has to have a blank state, where it won't trigger a database comparison / save. Just un-/publishing a user should normally not intrude this behavior, at least in my opinion.
    1 point
  19. Hi all, http://axisanimation.com http://axis-vfx.com http://flauntproductions.com I've added these to the directory but you might like to check some of the more interesting details written up in a blog post here - http://newnow.co/blog/the-4k-website/ They use: Modified multisite module to mix shared and site-specific content in one instance Modified thumbnail inputfield for cropping Custom inputfield to retrieve video details from Vimeo API Form builder module They are responsive from mobile to 4K, built on Zurb Foundation, and use the new picture element in conjunction with Processwire to serve images at the most appropriate size, and double size for higher pixel density displays. Wouldn't have been possible without the great forum content and documentation so thanks to everyone in the community! Crawford. New Now Ltd. http://newnow.co
    1 point
  20. Take a look at lazysizes from Alexander Farkas who's on the modernizr team: https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes Very complete and constantly updated, it even includes its own responsive images polyfill and a set of additional plugins to lazyload iframes, modules, background images, etc.
    1 point
  21. I made a Leaflet version of this module: https://github.com/madebymats/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker- Front-end demo: http://tegelwebb.se/leaflet-map-test/
    1 point
  22. Hello all, I'm working on a travel directory site with locations of the region I live in in Thailand. This is a private fun learning project. I would like to assign an icon to each location. ATM I have a simple text input field in my location template where I manually type in the fontawesome class name for the icon I want to assign which is a bit tedious. So I am thinking about putting together an Inputfieldtype "Icon" which will surely aid in learning PW module development (and some more PHP along the way) My concept so far: -since people will hardly use all 500+ icons on their sites, I want to use an asm select in the field setup to search and select the icons that we want to use -the asm select should show both, the icon and it's class name for each icon -then use the selected icons to populate a select dropdown field as input field where the user can choose an icon. Which inputfield module could I have a look at that is using asm select in the field setup? I used import.io (which really is a fun tool) to create a data set with all fontawesome4.2.0 icon class names and their unicodes. If you're interested you can see the dataset here (you need to login/signup with them first). I can export the dataset as JSON and use that to populate the asm select for the field setup. These are my ideas so far. Yours are always welcome
    1 point
  23. You could build with PW planboards, map applications, newsletter-tools, news-scapers, spiders, voting games, surveys etc etc. Calling PW an enterprise CMS is way to limited.
    1 point
  24. I think there's the problem which we're talking about. Not every developer is in a position to choose a CMS, just by providing a prove / examples of it's advantages to the client. Some companies want to make their own decision, no matter what the developer has to offer. So it can't hurt to offer information for such people, just so they see, that processwire can easily be as good as some of the big ones (typo3 and so on). If there is no information stating: "This can be used for big enterprise sites", they just move another cms, which tells them to be the right and big business-cms. This doesn't have to be a big marketing campain, but one simple microsite, or a part of the already existing page should be enough. The already existing "What's unique?" and "Why ProcessWire?" seem to be very much catered to be read by developers or quite techsavvy people. A marketing member doesn't care about jquery-like api, but if it's easy to maintain for them, if it's extendable, maybe if it's "enterprice", because it has to work for "such a big" company. Honestly I think some even just want to read that everything is possible, because a friend once told them a bad story where something just couldn't be done by the developer. So they want to be in control. With one page, catered to their need in information in a well-written form, they can evaluate ProcessWire against other CMSes, if a developer aims for ProcessWire. If they need to search the page for the tiny bits of information they need, between the developer talk, they do harder to compare or even stop trying. That's what I think is missing on the current website. Nothing more.
    1 point
  25. Funny thing, I usually associate “Enterprise CMS” with something expensive and closed-source that consists of a weird combination of Java, Perl, XSLT and other outdated technologies which should not be used to build modern web sites or apps any longer. As for “Business CMS”, that's a term that I (just my 2 cents) find rather confusing. A lot of us make a living building more or less complex web sites and apps using ProcessWire. Judging from the Showcase forum, a lot of those web sites are for businesses. Besides, what would be a “non-business” CMS? Something for hobbyists? (Did I just hear someone say “Joomla”? ) In all seriousness, I don't think it's necessary to market PW for Enterprise/Business use. It (currently) is a CMS for developers. Devlopers who make/made an educated, informed decision to use this particular CMS. Developers who will (individually) market this wonderful CMS to their clients. I really liked the way Marc put it in the original thread – focus on building a smart, yet simple CMS that developers like. The rest will follow organically. No need to hurry it.
    1 point
  26. I think anything that sees PW being marketed as Enterprise needs ryan's input as there have been discussions around enterprise support etc in the past and the last thing any of us want is to market it as enterprise without the infrastructure to back that up (for example if I was an enterprise customer seeing PW marketed as such, I'd go straight to the PW website to see if there was any official support from the core team in case things went wrong with the dev doing the work - it's only sensible to be cautious with large sums of money). I know marketing it as suitable for enterprise work and official support are two different things, and it's fine to discuss how to market it as such, I'm just saying that it's not as simple as putting up a page or mini-site.
    1 point
  27. I want to like this post multiple times but the forum software doesn't allow me to do that. So: Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Honestly: It's comparing apples to oranges. PW is strong. It is the most intuitive, the best designed (in terms of API and UI) CMS out there with the smallest footprint possible. I recently used again the multi language support. I mean, look at the API. Look at the solution for a problem each CMS has. It is just beautiful. You have several ways to solve that problem (as always with PW). But it is there, written in the core, well documented on one(!) API page, because it just works intuitively, it is just simple. Every addition to the core is an addition which solves general problems and the way Ryan solves them is just genius. There is no addition you have to scratch your head when reading the new API. You always think: "wow, clever". And this is the way to go with the core. Make it simple, make it smart, make it beautiful! Regarding themes, profiles and such: It is already possible. It is out there. Provide a custom profile for a real estate agent: Give him a set of modules, fields and templates to handle his offers. This is no problem! This is even easier and more flexible than it ever will be in WordPress, because it goes way beyond a custom theme and can be installed with one click. But: Nobody will care at the moment, because ProcessWire has no own category in theme/template websites, because ProcessWire has not the attention of other plug&play systems. And this is totally okay! Think of TYPO3, a widely spread system, mostly used in enterprise environments and even on small sites (dunno why), but the point is: Everyone (at least in Europe) knows it, it is one of the most used systems in the business sector (not on private children soccer club websites). But: this is the goal! Be the system developers use. Don't be the system every idiot wants to use. Concentrate on performance, flexibility and most of all: beauty of the API! The rest will follow.
    1 point
  28. I have made some nice progress: DeliveryPost done, which asks post address + email.These DeliveryModules pretty much control the whole checkout process (and also adds some admin actions). This is the part of the shop that I guess will be most often customized. It also keeps things simple, when your needs are simple. module that hooks into DeliveryPost and adds shipping options order events (or order history - what has happened and when) Oh, and the module has a name: PadLoper (named after cute turtle species) Here are few teasers:
    1 point
  29. It's static so that all configurable modules can share a common interface. Some modules do stuff when they are instantiated, like hook things, queue CSS or JS files, or other things that aren't related to configuring a module (and may even be a problem if present when configuring a module). So we need the ability to know what it takes to configure a module without actually instantiating it. The only module type that would be instantiated at the same time as configuration would be an autoload module. If you are dealing with an autoload module, or you are willing to manage your own configurable vs. executable state, then there is an easy pattern you can follow. This assumes you have two configuration variables in your class, 'foo' and 'bar'. class MyFooBar implements Module, ConfigurableModule { public static function getModuleInfo() { /* you know what's here */ } public function __construct() { // set your default values for config variables $this->set('foo', ''); $this->set('bar', 0); } public function init() { // note that PW populates the actual values for your config vars, 'foo' and 'bar' // before this init() function is called, but after __construct is called. That's why // we set the defaults in __construct. Once you get to this init(), your config is // now populated, and likewise available for this non-static function below: } public function getConfig() { // you can name this function whatever you want, since it's not part of any interface // this is the stuff you would usually have in your static getModuleConfigInputfields // see how we can pull the values from $this->foo rather than $data['foo']; $inputfields = new InputfieldWrapper(); $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldText'); $f->attr('name', 'foo'); $f->attr('value', $this->foo); $f->label = 'Foo'; $inputfields->add($f); $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldInteger'); $f->attr('name', 'bar'); $f->attr('value', $this->bar); $f->label = 'Bar'; $inputfields->add($f); return $inputfields; } public static function getModuleConfigInputfields(array $data) { // note we don't actually need $data in this pattern $module = wire('modules')->get('MyFooBar'); return $module->getConfig(); } }
    1 point
  30. I heard a lot of good things about Yii Framework. Its learning curve's considered not as steep as of Zend Framework and it's much more compact and lightweight (Zend Framework components can be incorporated if needed). At the same time it's more powerful and feature rich then CI. Not sure if it will play well along with PW as it's full stack framework so its components can't be used separately. Symfony 2 looks like a totally new and fresh approach to frameworks, it's full stack but also based on decoupled components (so they can be easily entegrated into Processwire). I haven't have enough time to fiddle with it and, honestly, I think my expertise is not enough to fully appreciate its possibilities. It resembles me a modular synthesizer: if you don't know where each cord leads, what's the purpose of each slot and what knob tunes which sound parameter, all you get is noise at best or more often just silence It's easier to use semi-modular synth or even hard-wired one that suits your needs unless you need something truly unique and exlusive.
    1 point
  31. If I had to put it shortly: PW gives you (that are missing from many more traditional frameworks): Admin, users and access management UI for building your data schema (clicking on admin instead of coding) Url mapping to pages (no need to define routes) Something pretty similar to most (with a twist of course): PW API == GOOD ORM Controllers == template files can be easily used as a controllers What is missing (what some frameworks have): Crazy amount of helpers (as others have noted, using zend classes or flourish can be good help in that kind of situation) Routing (I hate doing routes... mostly repetition) Custom template languages Strict rules how to construct your code What pw "requires" that you might not like in your app: Unique database schema: you don't have single "posts" table, instead you end up with field_title, field_body, field_author, field_date etc.. tables MySQL, MyISAM
    1 point
  32. alan, you can use markdown or textile syntax in description fields. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown This was mentioned here: http://processwire.c...__fromsearch__1 Markdown is a module in PW by default (textformatter), textile version is also existent. you can, using markdown, simply do this to make links in field description : [linktext](someurl) *** corrected some
    1 point
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