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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2014 in all areas
Just deployed a new PW site for a contemporary classical composer: http://www.jonathandawe.com/ AIOM Formbuilder ProCache Redirects MapMarker ImportPagesCSV MarkupSimpleNavigation Hanna Code Version Control Audio plugins used: Soundmanager2, 360 player with visualizer Fancy Music Player And thanks to the combination of AIOM, Procache and Cloudflare, the site seems to be very fast, gets a yslow of 96-98; Homepage Here is the sm2 circle player example with vis, overlaid on a relevant image: [goodbye joomla....!]5 points
Hey @ryan I have send a PR https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/pull/366 which will fix this. This have been run and is working fine. Edit : If you are running on an older ones have a look into http://zaemis.blogspot.in/2014/02/fixing-mysql-server-has-gone-away.html post . That will help you to set the flag. But not for PDO.4 points
You can write that as something like this (pipe symbol | means OR): $usersWithoutRole = $users->find("roles!=gooduser|guest|superuser"); You don't need to try and partial match if you know the exact names of the roles. If you just want to make sure every user has the guest role though, just re-add it regardless of whether they have it or not like this: foreach ($users as $u) { $u->addRole('guest'); $u->save(); }3 points
Pharrell Williams presents "Happy"—the world's first 24 hour music video http://24hoursofhappy.com/ Very unique.2 points
Really difficult to say much without much info... PW version? Server environment? Any hooks doing things in Admin? Any modules doing stuff in the background? etc?2 points
2 points
Hey - that's what I suggested in post #5 above I just typed it as PageSelectlist accidentally! Anyway, glad you have it working now. EDIT: Looking at that other post, I think I finally understand things. If you are not actually ever changing the value of this field manually, you could also just store the page ID of the article in a simple text field. You might even want to make it a hidden or locked field.2 points
Hi Felix, be sure utf-8 is selected when saving your csv sheet. That should do the trick for you.2 points
If you're mostly wanting to change the theme colors, I'd recommend you read this post: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4650-new-processwire-admin-theme-on-dev-branch/?p=54479 Ryan explains how you can create a new color scheme for the default admin theme. Hope that helps.2 points
About a month ago I announced UserGroups module, which I gave humble beginning, but Nik and Teppo really pushed forward (not sure if there is anything of my original code left anymore...). We are getting closer to initial 1.0 release feature wise, so this is good time to get more feedback from you guys. We have been focusing on finding all the different situations, where user access is defined and finding the right balance of features and simplicity. I am pretty sure there must be some cases where this module fails, so please do test all kind of combinations you can imagine and hunt some bugs! Grab the module from here and install it on big, popular and complex live site and go wild (or actually.. maybe not): https://github.com/apeisa/UserGroups/ Module is based on groups instead of roles. Idea here is that groups are something that your client can manage, but roles & permissions are not. There is no documentation or tutorial yet, but just install it - I think you will figure it soon (just create few groups, look for access tab on pages and try). Also check out this companion module that Teppo has build. It allows access management right from page tree: https://github.com/Aldone/PageListPermissions/1 point
Hi guys We are thinking about organizing a little PW-meetup for all the Finnish PW-developers (of course, people from other countries are also welcome). Logical location could be Tampere, since we have people there, and I know many from these forums who are also there. Avoine can provide meeting place and something to eat/drink. I am thinking about having the meetup at workday (maybe Friday), but if that makes it harder for people to join, we can think of weekend or evening also. What I have in mind is half day long (maybe from 12:00 - 16:00), very free form meeting, where people can just discuss about pw, projects they have done, talk about modules etc. Also few more "official" presentations are welcome. I don't have actual date yet - but I think meeting would be in end of March. If you are interested, please let me know by personal message here on these forums or by emailing: antti@avoine.fi1 point
Hi all, we lauched this big website for a festival last week, and pout a lot of work and love into this. Check out: boomfestival.org Hope you like it! and it has been received very well so far.. ( 60 000 visits in less then 1 week) It uses processwire as CMS , and I must say awesome decision to replace Wordpress we used the last editions, processwire is highly superior to wordpress as CMS . I even managed to import a lot of content from Wordpress with the Processwire bootstrap API and JSON and the help of this forum Content is loaded all with Ajax , and still backbutton does work and everything can be deeplinked . Ryan ProCache module has helped very much with Site speed and our high traffic server load If I find the time I might do a case study here...as this ajax approach moight be interesting for other developers1 point
1 point
Adrian, Thanks — just saw that. Was editing my post as you posted.1 point
I think basic dependency support has already been committed: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/3591 point
Yep, but I wasted already too much time with this when it came out, so I won't even click the link1 point
Also, why not try to get some results to browser screen before jQuery? Is url correct?1 point
Any chance that you've migrated this site (including users) from another server / PHP version? In any case this sounds like some sort of issue with Blowfish / PHP crypt function. One possible solution (though not one suggested in the long run, especially if this is a production site!) was provided by Ryan here. Quick Google search also returns a ton of related topics, so I'd probably start from there.1 point
Cheers adrian - I'll check it out later unless someone beats me to it. The problem I found is that even just between Thunderbird and Outlook signatures are treated a bit differently and there's no code in the source of the email to say when a signature starts in an email unfortunately. I honestly don't think that until someone big enough like Google (joining forces with Microsoft and possibly supermom) redesigns how emails should work from the ground up we'll ever see a satisfactory standard for handling email signatures1 point
1 point
1 point
I finally got around to actually checking out this module yesterday. A very useful module with great configurable options. You saved me many hours of work. Thanks.1 point
Just change select box to PageAutocomplete or Pagelistmultiple inputfield and you are good to go. 20000 items is heavy to generate on server side and just insane for browser / ui to render.1 point
I would suggest changing your input field type (on the page field's Input tab) to PageSelectlist. It is going to be an impossible user experience for someone to scroll down through a select with 23559 items, let alone 293363 items. Another possibility might be to a Page Auto Complete input field type. This is included in the core modules section, but must be installed before it will be available from the Page field's input tab. Try those and let us know how you go.1 point
hey - thanks everyone for taking a look; a lot of fun processwire stuff going on under the hood with this one; - every object (news, release, event..) has a page select for the works list which is a database in an unpublished part of the tree; then when outputting the works list it checks for references and links to those; the 2 column works list is output using selectors for the century (work_year>1999) and the category.. - the fractals page uses tags on the audio and image files to find matches and associate the audio file onto the image; - other use tags to define galleries, teaser images; - maps plugin used for event locations and then build URL to google maps from the map marker module vars; @David - your AIOM saved the day as far as dealing with all of the jquery/css files from the multitude of jquery addons..!1 point
@Manaus, What's the use case driving this necessity? Storage of plaintext passwords or even reversibly encrypted passwords is a definite concern. PW stores a salted hash of the password for a good reason.1 point
I have no idea. Probably some tricks soma is doing again, and reno is following blindly (as usual)...1 point
I have a car loaded with 23 tons of rocks. Now the.car is slow.. PW doesn't load stuff in PageArray except autoload fields. You don't want to load that much pages in memory anyway so you should use limits.1 point
Hi verdeandrea and welcome to PW. PW 2.4 introduces a new system for managing admin themes. If you are using 2.4 and you're new to PW I would recommend staying with the default theme for the moment until existing themes are updated to handle some of the new functionality. However if you are still keen to change, I think all you should need to do for the moment is uninstall "Default Admin Theme" from the Core tab of the module settings page. Then your manually installed theme should work. Alternatively, you could follow Ryan's instructions for converting your old theme of choice into a new installable theme: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4650-new-processwire-admin-theme-on-dev-branch/?p=53671 Let us know if you need any further help.1 point
That universal module is called ProcessWire. In all seriousness, I understand what you are saying. This Events fieldtype isn't particularly useful in it's standard state. It is meant purely for you to take and extend it to do what you want with it. It might also be useful as a starting point for someone wanting to make a fully configurable version of it. But as to how "much work" it would take, it would not be a small project.1 point
Dear Ryan, Please accept my appreciation on the system that you have created. Processwire is amazing. We were planning to redesign and make our Film Magazine more attractive and easy to manage, especially as it was run by a very short staff. We had been lagging behind in deadlines with each issue. We started the process about 5 months ago, when I started searching for the most suitable system to trust the work to. I have been a wordpress developer for sometime, but I did not want to take that path, frankly very annoyed with the huge amount of mostly defunct and dead plugins and other things that makes it tedious to run a website for a developer ( those are just my thoughts ). The process was gradual, and I was tremendously impressed by the conciseness of the entire Processwire system and the support forums, suffice it to say that, I did not have to ask any questions in the forums to work things out, the answers were all there. This is the first forum post that I am writing and this is after the job has been completed. I invite the community and especially Ryan to please have a look at the Magazine, its available here: PROJECTORHEAD Although it is still a work in progress, but we feel glad to release the magazine with the new issue. The magazine has been in existence for more than 2 years and this is the ninth issue. The blog section on the website is still running wordpress. I would love to hear feedback about the website, both in terms of content and design, and ideas about making it more reader friendly. We present this magazine to the community. Thank you. Suraj Prasad Web-Architect PROJECTORHEAD1 point