Pretobrazza Posted February 4, 2016 Share Posted February 4, 2016 On 1/31/2016 at 1:16 PM, Yannick Albert said: Just missed it: When I was on win os, I really liked it. However, it seems that it is not longer maintained, last release 2010-11-25... Just tested it in win 10 and indeed, it's not maintained and not fully translated neither. So what's the best option as an IDE for someone who's not fully versed in any language and eventually would like to see PW options pop up in that IDE? I read and re-read this tread which mailly dates back to 2013 and in 2016 I am now hesitating between Sublime Text, PHPStorm and to a far lesser degree WeBuilder. Any sugesstions for the long term [edit] for up to windows 10 users ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martijn Geerts Posted February 4, 2016 Share Posted February 4, 2016 Any sugesstions for the long term ? BBEdit, served me well from 1998 or so till now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pretobrazza Posted February 4, 2016 Share Posted February 4, 2016 On 2/4/2016 at 3:20 PM, Martijn Geerts said: Any sugesstions for the long term ? BBEdit, served me well from 1998 or so till now Dank je wel Martijn voor dit snelle antwoord. Unfortunately I forgot to mention that I'm on windows 10 ... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diogo Posted February 4, 2016 Share Posted February 4, 2016 I'm liking Visual Studio Code a lot. It's not a IDE, though, just a code editor like Sublime or Atom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martijn Geerts Posted February 4, 2016 Share Posted February 4, 2016 BBEdit is no IDE and not for windows... But ones in a while I have to spam about this editor. It's a real solid editor and the developer is just awesome. He deserves it! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
szabesz Posted February 4, 2016 Share Posted February 4, 2016 On 2/4/2016 at 3:20 PM, Martijn Geerts said: Any sugesstions for the long term ? BBEdit, served me well from 1998 or so till now PhpStorm is the best The current version's code-completion is super intelligent, I have never been able to type code this fast with any other IDE or editor. Finding your way around in the code is well supported too. Search is powerful, it helps a lot when you have to dig in code not written by you. At least, PhpStorm is worth a look at Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martijn Geerts Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 I have tried all kind of editors and IDE's, but all those IDE's 'are' running on JAVA. There are a few things I really don't like about those IDE's is that your working space is full with all kind of buttons spoiling your work space. Next what I really hate is that those are slow, very slow. In the past they had even latency on typing in bigger documents. My experience with Eclipse isn't very good and I guess it's running from the same base as PHPStorm does. There are a some parts in BBEdit that I've never seen in any editor. I can drop i a 150MB CSV and do regular regex find and replaces and it does do that quick. BBEdit is very precise with white space and you know your documents are clean. Sublime tend to make a mesh (I own a licence for that and have worked with Sublime for 3 months fulltime, (love the color coding)) With BBedit I can do (regex) find/replace directly on the server in thousands of files. Haven't seen those functionalities in other editors. And I don't know how to make PHPStorm aware of your project. Where you can get an overview of all your used methods properties and constand etc etc. So a part of the story is that I don't know how to configure it. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
szabesz Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 Well, I do not want to praise PhpStorm too much, and it is certainly true that I can get lost in the preferences panel, since there are thousands of settings in it. But the preferences panel has its own search feature that helps sometimes (when one knows what that thingy is called). Still, if you spend the time to set it up, you can adjust it to your likings. It's main interface is clean. Just by clicking on the sidebars or using the equivalent keyboard shortcuts (Project, Structure, etc) and using shortcuts for everything else, one can quickly perform any action easily. Being a Java application it takes some time to boot up: a few secs (v10 has improvements in this area too), but if you launch it in the morning and quit it in the evening than it does not make a difference, it is an IDE after all. Afterwards it is a speedy beast. It is _not_ Eclipse, Eclipse is the worst IDE I have ever used, so I do not even want to compare them I also like its history feature which is quite useful even when also using git at the same time. When experimenting with code, it is handy that one can revert back to (or copy form) any previous saved state of a file. And yes, BBEdit is super cool, which is my primary code editor when not working on the files of a PhpStorm project. And even if I'm in a PhpStorm project I sometimes also use BBEdit to perform specific tasks. Why not use both if possible? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marco Angeli Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 ...first I used Coda, then switched to Sublime Text, and now happily using Brackets: you should give it a try! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
szabesz Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 Brackets is fantastic when working with its live preview feature, so I use it when working on JavaScript based prototypes. That way I do not have to refresh anything. However, Brackets is an editor not an IDE and live preview cannot be used with php generated output. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tpr Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 On 2/5/2016 at 7:19 AM, szabesz said: I also like its history feature which is quite useful even when also using git at the same time. When experimenting with code, it is handy that one can revert back to (or copy form) any previous saved state of a file. This feature has saved my ass a few times On 2/5/2016 at 5:41 AM, Martijn Geerts said: And I don't know how to make PHPStorm aware of your project. Where you can get an overview of all your used methods properties and constand etc etc. Phpstorm is very project-centric, knows more of the project than you I believe this IDE helped me much becoming a better developer. As for the methods/properties, there's a popup (ctrl+F12 here) that lists all of them in the file, but you can stick this panel where you want. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
szabesz Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 @tpr On 2/5/2016 at 8:13 AM, tpr said: I believe this IDE helped me much becoming a better developer. Good point! The same is true in my case. It is gently leading me to the right direction. I could not ask for more in this regard 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martijn Geerts Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 Right now there's "quite a lot stress" around my work and don't have much spare time to figure new things out next to all the new things I have to learn right now. My mind is full with new info these days and I need the time to arrange that first . However, I do think IDE is the way to go in the for seeable future. (I did bought PHP Storm) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LostKobrakai Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 PHPStorm does have a few damn nice features (mostly related to namespaces and inheritance), but it's a big resource hogger. It's consuming about 1,5 GB of ram on my machine, which just isn't nice if you're also running one or two vm's at the same time. Therefore I find myself using SublimeText most of the time. But I've lately also considered using vim more and set it up once like I need it. It's just super easy to put it on another machines and work from wherever you need to (as long as you've some shell access). 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
szabesz Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 Maybe it is those "running one or two vm's at the same time" which are the resource hoggers? I sometimes run PhpStorm, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and many others parallel on a 4GB ram + SSD Air without running into performance problems. Sure, the number of running VMs is zero in my case Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LostKobrakai Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 It's not like I could read my task manager, which tells me which program is using which amount of ram I'm fully aware vm's need lots of ram, but phpstorm needing roughly the same amount is hefty. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
szabesz Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horst Posted February 5, 2016 Share Posted February 5, 2016 I'm really happy with NuSpheres PhpED on Windows! If you create an project it also knows more of it as you or I ever will, It has all sorts of Tooltips and Popuplists with classes, properties, functions, that also contain links to the files wheere they live, etc. It has a pane called Code Navigator which shows this list(s) of the current opened file with synchronized focus, means: it highlights that method where your cursor in the editor pane currently is. It has an own live debugger that can be embedded as a php extension in apaches webserver, also on remote machines, that can be controlled with little browser extensions or else. It supports remote editing via sftp or ftpes, ssh, terminals, it has a DB client that fastly displays information of mysql or sqlite databases and it has much more what I currently have not tested. Its memory consumption is not low but around 0.5 GB when I have opened 1-3 projects simultaneous. Downside is, it is not free. But it is worth its costs. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuruMeditation Posted February 6, 2016 Share Posted February 6, 2016 I'm on Linux so I prefer lightweight software. I don't use an IDE, I use Atom. I was using Sublime, but I'm preferring Atom at the moment. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ivan Gretsky Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 On 2/6/2016 at 12:47 AM, GuruMeditation said: I'm on Linux so I prefer lightweight software. I don't use an IDE, I use Atom. I was using Sublime, but I'm preferring Atom at the moment. What I need to switch to Atom for PW development is: Goto class/method definition: Function list in the sidebar. Did you manage to find plugins for those? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pretobrazza Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 On 2/7/2016 at 6:23 PM, Ivan Gretsky said: What I need to switch to Atom for PW development is: Goto class/method definition: Function list in the sidebar. Did you manage to find plugins for those Same question here, Following the thread, I downloaded a lot of things and cast them off again. Now I have both Atom and phpstorm (30 day trial) on my machine. Coming from notepad+++ plus filezilla and dreaming to be more efficient, where do I go from here? Earlier tonight I was hoping someone would open a thread with a simple guide as to how to streamline the development of a site with PW on the one side and a php (say html5) template on the other. I'm coming from Joomla/Seblod situations with mainly Yootheme templates. Now I love PW because there's a clear line between content output and rendering but somehow I'm really searching to find an external -in between- tool to tie those two together when developing a site. For sure I'm only learning so .. is there something obvious I'm missing? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ivan Gretsky Posted February 8, 2016 Share Posted February 8, 2016 @Pretobrazza: Hey! Joomla and Seblod - the same route that led me here) Actually I do not think that proper choice of an IDE matters that much for PW development. The main switch has to be made in the head. You should start reading code to cook PW right. But a proper IDE can help you to read the code faster) That is why I was asking about fast navigation to class and method definition and about the method list in the sidebar. All IDEs like NetBeans and PHPStorm scan you project and are able to help you go to significant points in code in just a couple of clicks. For example you can ctrl+click on a method call in NetBeans and you will be "teleported" to its definition. As PW is written in object oriented style with inheritance and stuff, it helps a lot. Simple text editors are not so smart, at least out of the box. I like to deal with frontend code and backend code in the same editor. IDEs are usually slower and do not have all the cool features as new breed text editors, like ST, Atom or Brackets for html/css/js/git/gulp/grunt... That is the essense of this discussion, as I understand it. How to get all the cool stuff in one product, and preferably for free. I am using NetBeans (as it is free in comparaison to PHPStorm, which is more popular) and Notepad++. I am looking into Atom as it can happen to be "something in between". ...And just yesterday I learned about this thing from kongondo. It can actually help you write code in simple text editor, as you can search for stuff there. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LostKobrakai Posted February 8, 2016 Share Posted February 8, 2016 @Ivan It looks like atom does have a way to index function definitions via ctags. This might work for you. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gebeer Posted February 8, 2016 Share Posted February 8, 2016 And Sublime Text has 2 plugins that index method definitions and let you jump there quickly: (not maintained anymore) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ivan Gretsky Posted February 8, 2016 Share Posted February 8, 2016 On 2/8/2016 at 10:11 AM, LostKobrakai said: @Ivan It looks like atom does have a way to index function definitions via ctags. This might work for you. I know about that. But I could not get it to work properly) And when I thought I am doing everything right, it just hang. I think Atom still sucks for loading big files, which tags file is sertainly an example of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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