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Love your post Teppo - it did make me wonder if there should be an official blog on this site if certain folks would be willing to post to it?

I used Google Translate on that article above Antti - some amusing mis-translations I think by Google (such gems as: "ProcessWire does not matter by itself", "So there is no overhead - but you can also get paid nothing") but I got the idea and it was a nice, positive and concise assessment.

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  • 2 months later...

Pretty much the same old arguments there: no front-end themes, end-user can't add new functionality via back-end and "it doesn't look like WordPress".

Based on a couple of rather similar reviews (bad choice of words, but anyway) I'd say that it probably wouldn't hurt if we had more site profiles available.. and if they were more obviously visible at processwire.com. I feel that this is one area where we're a bit behind from what we should've / could've done, since people only just getting to know PW tend to miss these entirely.

Just saying.

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No one likes change or a honest appraisal.  

The big three (Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal) will not fair well against ProcessWire whenever a true comparison is done based on strictly technical requirements/capabilities for building actual websites, not blogs.

We are all here because we have already dealt with those platforms, worked within their systems to improve their capabilities and unfortunately found them lacking for various reasons.  Those platforms will improve over time, however so will ProcessWire.

We need to just press ahead and keep doing what we are doing. 

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I have just put a long post up to answer some of his points - in a gentle way.

At the end of the day, ProcessWire IS a system for website development - that is its strength and what makes it better for serious business websites than WordPress.

In itself it is not, and probably should not be, a drumlapress clone. I would not want it to be as that is why I have moved away from those kinds of CMS.

Of course, it is perfectly possible to build a Drumlapress type CMS using PW as the backend, and maybe that ought to be done, but that is a different thing and would be addressing a different market.

The interesting point is, of course, that though PW is a development package, rather than an plug-and-play, instantly themable, push-button, solution, it is amazingly easy to learn! Even for complete non-developers.

But you really have to want to. If you don't then probably PW is not for you.

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Great link Diogo. Thanks to you guys that replied to the article. 

It would really be quite an upset if a WordPress cheerleading site named WP Tavern came out with article saying they were switching their publishing platform to ProcessWire, wouldn't it? :)

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