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ProcessWire on the web


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Trust me, Ryan, I never pop!

Sorry I have not been around. Couple of distracting bits going on earlier in the year and I was away a bit (serious glamping!) and also been working on an album for a publisher. My web activity has dwindled to nothing!

I do have one little project for an angling club coming up, however, and of course I will be using Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla ... PROCESSWIRE for it.

I suppose I should, as an amateur, stick to those things with thousands of clunky plugins, but for some reason I want the site to work and be more or less maintenance free.

Fussy me.

Hugs all round.

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  On 11/2/2013 at 1:28 PM, DaveP said:

Looking forward to seeing that!  :)

Me too.

Currently it is like this:


It is made with a very old copy of Bream Weaver (sorry, couldn't resit the pun) by an old theatre director pal of mine. He is stopping his involvement, so I need to turn it into something the "committee" can handle without breaking it!

Oh, and I think it needs a bit of prettying up!

I will ensure it has a "Made with ProcessWire" on it. And I wonder if I should employ some hooks......

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  On 11/2/2013 at 1:47 PM, DaveP said:

Looks ideal for a site migration tutorial.

(Here's one I prepared earlier - http://web.archive.org/web/20000823084832/http://www.wiganaa.f9.co.uk/ - August, 2000. Man, that feels like a long time ago!)

 It would be if it wasn't for the fact that it will look completely different, most of the old content is being chucked and the structure is going to be completely different.

But other than that....

  On 11/2/2013 at 3:16 PM, Pete said:

Yay! Joss is back!

It just.... <sniff> wasn't the same without you :'(


You mean, they have been letting you get away with stuff again?

  On 11/2/2013 at 1:38 PM, apeisa said:

Daddy bear is back!

hmmm .... a quick word in your shell like?

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Good to see you here Joss!!

Just realized that Teppo's awesome blog isn't mentioned here yet: http://www.flamingruby.com/blog/ and really recommend it's new hooks post: http://www.flamingru...of-processwire/

If Teppo keeps this up, we'll just have to add a new docs tab on processwire.com that goes straight to his site. :) 

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Eine "Seite" in processwire ist nämlich eigentlich keine "Seite": Sie dient lediglich als Strukturelement. Der Seitentitel ist also der "Key" (der Titel der Seite ist als einzige Vorgabe Pflicht) und muss keine physische Entsprechung in z.B. in der Navigation der eigentlichen Applikation haben.


Die Art, Struktur und Menge der verwalteten Daten sowie ihres Ausgabeformates sind dem System vollkommen egal.

Jede Seite kann nun mit Hilfe eines "Templates" eine beliebige Anzahl von Eigenschaften (Feldern) zugewiesen werden.

Der intuitive und einfache Eindruck des Backends setzt sich bei der Benutzung der Programmierschnittstelle bzw. im Templating des Systems nahtlos fort.

Felix I much appreciate your writings on your neuwaerts website ! 1. quality content 2. easy to read 3. easy to understand (zum beispiel das gut und einfach erklärende wort strukturelement) for a beginner and designer to catch up with processwire in a short time. I call that writing style talent ! Deserves a place in Community Support.

Same for the writings of Teppo about hooks.

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  On 11/13/2013 at 6:28 PM, pwired said:

Felix I much appreciate your writings on your neuwaerts website ! 1. quality content 2. easy to read 3. easy to understand (zum beispiel das gut und einfach erklärende wort strukturelement) for a beginner and designer to catch up with processwire in a short time. I call that writing style talent ! Deserves a place in Community Support.

Same for the writings of Teppo about hooks.

Thanks a lot for your great Feedback! That's what the article was intended to be: An easy introduction for beginners. After reading the article again several times I think the part about Templates, Fields and Pages still misses some "polishing" though. Due to the quite lengthy sentences it's not that easy to understand which of these does what. I think I'll add some sort of "Begriffserklärung" tomorrow ;)

  On 11/13/2013 at 6:28 PM, pwired said:

Same for the writings of Teppo about hooks.

Yup. I feel the same. That's why I've linked it in my article.

  On 11/13/2013 at 5:20 PM, Manfred62 said:

Nice written. Like it!! BTW: check the link in the article (one s missing).


Thanks for your finding. I already fixed it.

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Great article Felix! I had to use Google translate to read it, and German is one of the languages it doesn't translate to English particularly well, but I think I caught most of it and thought it was really fantastic. Thanks for writing it! It sounds like you are going to do more and I look forward to it.

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  On 11/13/2013 at 11:02 PM, ryan said:

Great article Felix! I had to use Google translate to read it, and German is one of the languages it doesn't translate to English particularly well, but I think I caught most of it and thought it was really fantastic. Thanks for writing it! It sounds like you are going to do more and I look forward to it.

I've just tried that, too. You're right: It doesn't translate very well. That's not surprising given that german is one of the worlds most complicated (and confusing) languages concerning grammar. It's a quite funny read though.  :)

You're right: There are a lot more articles to come. I'm actually thinking about publishing a series of "how to build a simple website with processwire" on a large german tech magazine as a guest author in the future. But that's just an Idea and I don't know if they are intrerested yet. And I think it's better to wait until 2.4 with all it's improvements is finished before publishing it.

  On 11/14/2013 at 6:12 AM, Martijn Geerts said:

Agreed with Ryan, and could read it.

( living 10 kilometers from the German border, listening funkhaus europa every day :-))

Wonderful article, Thanks for you effort ! 

Thanks a lot! I'm glad you like it.

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Felix, it'd be great to find a way to get your articles in English versions too, perhaps published on your own site or here. I think there's a big audience that could benefit that might otherwise miss it due to not knowing German (and the imperfect Google translations). Though the same could be said for translating to any other language too, but I perceive ability to read English is a common element among most of our users. Though it does seem like most of our audience reads German too... I think I may be one of the few here that doesn't. :) 

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