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GraphQL for ProcessWire


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  On 12/18/2018 at 9:37 AM, bernhard said:

I guess I need to try GraphQL and hope to find some time for that soon...


Hey @bernhard, thats the same what I want to do, since a while, but time is also missing. I want to figure out, how to get the data into ag-grid/RockGrid. I hope to start experiments between christmas and new years eve.

I think GraphQL is much easier than using MySQL queries and has one big advantage (at least for me) over using direct SQL queries:

The GraphQL processwire module respects access rights and only returns results that the user has access to.

One problem with RockGrid is that there is currently no way to display only entries that the user has access to. Or you would have to include this in the SQL query.

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  • 1 month later...


Thanks for all your work on this module, it's a joy to use!

I have a question around modifying a mutation, and am not sure how the ___getMutation Hook works.  I normally use TracyDebugger but using Tracy with this module seems to break (all graphql responses throw a json error)

How do I modify the value of a field in a mutation using the getMutation hook?




Edit - to clarify - I'm generating a base64 image in vuejs on the front end, and need to save this to an image field. I'm planning to do this by sending the base64 string as part of  the request (I'm using vue apollo) - and then intercepting this with a hook, creating and saving as a png file in a temporary directory, and then setting this as the PageImage url in the query. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I noticed that this module is actually quite slow in the backend. A native PW query in the Tracy Console takes 27ms, and the equivalent GraphQL query >6s (TTFB in the inspector network panel). Is that because of the overhead of the GraphQL playground frontend assets? Or in other words, would a real-life request take also that long?

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  On 3/3/2019 at 3:09 PM, dragan said:

I noticed that this module is actually quite slow in the backend. A native PW query in the Tracy Console takes 27ms, and the equivalent GraphQL query >6s (TTFB in the inspector network panel). Is that because of the overhead of the GraphQL playground frontend assets? Or in other words, would a real-life request take also that long?


GraphQL requests are slow for sure, but 6 seconds is a bit too much. In my cases it usually took around 200-300ms. Not sure what's causing it to be so slow on your end.

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  On 2/7/2019 at 6:00 PM, sodesign said:

Edit - to clarify - I'm generating a base64 image in vuejs on the front end, and need to save this to an image field. I'm planning to do this by sending the base64 string as part of  the request (I'm using vue apollo) - and then intercepting this with a hook, creating and saving as a png file in a temporary directory, and then setting this as the PageImage url in the query. 


Unfortunately the getMotationHook requires you to use the Youshido/GraphQL library that this module depends on. The issue with it, is that the youshido/graphql is not maintained anymore. Which means that I'll be rewriting GraphQL module to get red of it and use some other library. So I can't give you the correct solution because it's being deprecated at the moment, and I can't tell when I'll finish the migration to another php graphql library because I'm limited with my spare time.


Sorry for replying this late, I hope you found a solution.

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No problem, thanks for the clarification.

In the end I solved this by saving the base64 image as a text field, and I'm planning to use an on page-created hook to convert this to an image in a more PW way.

I look forward to seeing where this plugin goes; even in its early form it's been very helpful.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was spending some more time with this module, and have tried various queries.

The exact same query with JS + graphQL: 6s. PW inside Tracy (and JSON output): 0.177s (tried several times)

Does the number of allowed fields and templates play a role with performance?

Edited by dragan
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well then... that explains it. I had allowed approx. 4 dozen fields. Roughly 40% of these are page-ref fields.

Is that a general graphQL (architectural) performance issue, or just with this particular PHP library in particular? (which, as I have noticed, is not being maintained anymore)

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  On 3/26/2019 at 6:04 PM, dragan said:

Is that a general graphQL (architectural) performance issue, or just with this particular PHP library in particular? (which, as I have noticed, is not being maintained anymore)


I'm not sure if I can blame the PHP library alone. It definitely could be one of the things that contribute to poor performance. But there are many more things going on. For example permissions is a big one. The schema needs to check the permissions for each field and subfields. So if you have lots of page-refs and fetching their subfields, it will check if the user has permission to view those fields. When you make a query inside your templates, the script already got access and don't do permission checks manually.

It needs to be improved. Performance is very important. But right now I'm dealing with PHP library deprecation, because it's not maintained anymore.

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  • 7 months later...

I implemented a very basic caching strategy for GraphQL queries with the help of PW’s native $cache methods. Here’s how my graphql.php template looks like:

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

$namespace = 'graphql';
$serializedQuery = file_get_contents('php://input');
$cacheName = hash('md5', $serializedQuery);

$cacheData = $cache->getFor($namespace, $cacheName);

if (!$cacheData) {
  $cacheData = $modules->get('ProcessGraphQL')->executeGraphQL();
  $cacheSaved = $cache->saveFor($namespace, $cacheName, $cacheData, $expire = 604800);
  $log->save('graphql', "cache saved $cacheSaved with name $cacheName");

echo json_encode($cacheData, true);

When saving a page in the backend, for now I just clear the whole cache associated with this namespace (inside ready.php )

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

$pages->addHookAfter('saveReady', function($event) {
  $deleted = wire('cache')->deleteFor('graphql');
  if ($deleted) wire('log')->save('graphql', 'cache deleted');

Serializing the whole query just to get a unique cache name obviously isn’t optimal. How about if the module supported globally unique IDs that could then be used as cache name instead?

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  On 11/1/2019 at 4:40 PM, charger said:

Serializing the whole query just to get a unique cache name obviously isn’t optimal. How about if the module supported globally unique IDs that could then be used as cache name instead?


The link you're referring to talks about the caching on the client side, not server. And we already have unique id for all the objects. They are page ids and are enabled by default. But that wont help you with caching on the server side.

I think using a hash of your queries as a cache name is perfectly reasonable solution. Why do you feel uncomfortable with it?

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My idea was to move the logic to get a unique cache name from the server to the client (by setting an ID for a query just like in the linked example) and then use that ID on the server for caching purposes. I was mainly worried that there might be a performance problem with creating hashes from complex queries, but I have no data to back that up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New version release! 1.0.2

I am very happy to inform you guys that the new major version of the module is out.

⚠️ WARNING: Breaking Changes! ⚠️

The module was rewritten to use webonyx/graphql-php instead of youshido/graphql. This was a big issue because the latter was not properly maintained anymore and the webonyx/graphql-php gone very further in development and supports more features that we need. There are some more breaking changes that are listed on the latest release page.

What's new

  • trash(id: ID!): Page! field allows to move pages to trash via GraphQL api.
  • Solves N+1 problem for FieldtypePage field. Significantly improves response speed!
  • Support for even more ProcessWire permissions. Now the full list is:
    • page-add
    • page-create
    • page-delete
    • page-edit
    • page-move
    • page-view
    • page-edit-created
    • page-edit-trash-created

It is already available in ProcessWire's modules directory. So you can install it via class name.

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I spent last week working on a GraphQL API module built upon the webonyx library! Not wasted time though, I think I've probably implemented a few things that would be welcome additions (e.g. WireCache for $pages->find()).

When I get a chance I'll have a look at the new version of this module and see whether I can suggest any additions.



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New Version Release: 1.0.3

- Improves performance for FieldtypeFile & FieldtypeImage fields.

@dragan Looking forward to your feedback. I'm still very curious how you managed to get 6s response time from GraphQL. Let me know how the latest version works for you.

@nbcommunication That's great to hear! Any involvement is absolutely welcome. If you have your module available on github or some other place I would love to look at your approach and maybe steal some ideas ?. Also, if your implementation is different than mine I would encourage you to finish it. We will only benefit from different approaches.

Edited by dadish
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I finally found some time to install the brandnew version and do some tests.

I made sure I cleared the modules cache, and cleared file compiler cache.

But I get some strange behaviour in the test-tool (pw-admin/setup/graphql/) :

Did anything major change in regards to query syntax?
This used to work previously:

  Reveal hidden contents

Now I get lots of errors.
Even something smaller throws errors:

  Reveal hidden contents

If I remove "budget" field, it works. I double-checked it's in the allowed fields in the module config.

Something similar happens when I include images, and some pages don't have images.
With this selector it works as expected:
project(s: "industry%=verwaltung, images.count>0, sort=-year, limit=3") 

If I just do 
project(s: "industry%=verwaltung, sort=-year, limit=3") {

I get stuff like this:

  Reveal hidden contents

Funny thing is, the output at the bottom after

"data": {
    "project": {
      "list": [)

still looks OK to me. Do I see these error messages only because the site is in debug-mode? Or because I do this in the backend as superuser?

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  On 11/24/2019 at 4:46 PM, dragan said:

Do I see these error messages only because the site is in debug-mode?


Yes. In debug mode it will return very verbose error messages. But ideally it should not return any errors. All my success tests check if the response has data in it and does not assert that there are no errors. So it might be that I have those errors as well, just didn't catch them. I'll try to reproduce your case and fix it.

  On 11/24/2019 at 4:46 PM, dragan said:

If I remove "budget" field, it works. I double-checked it's in the allowed fields in the module config.


What type of field your budget field is? I assume integer, but want to be certain.

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  On 11/24/2019 at 4:58 PM, dadish said:

What type of field your budget field is? I assume integer, but want to be certain.


Yes, just a regular integer field.

I was just thinking... Most fields in the pages / template I'm querying are optional.

Granted, I didn't do extensive testing so far, but I guess it throws errors each time when there is no value in a field. (hence, the selector "only show if images.count > 0" was working fine). Could that be? Earlier it just outputted empty nodes or null instead (which I would expect and is totally fine).

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