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Tracy Debugger


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  On 2/11/2018 at 2:49 AM, mel47 said:

Just wondering if it's normal that even in full screen mode, the console output is so small? I can't resize also.


It does look like the initial resize hasn't worked properly - maybe I need to test Firefox. Try dragging the resize handle (between the code and results pane).

Also, if you click the Console panel icon (rather than hover) and then click the "large" up arrow at the top right. The large version will be kept unless you revert.

Let me know if you have trouble getting that to work.

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  On 2/11/2018 at 3:47 AM, mel47 said:

ah, yeah, could move the console but not the output


Sorry, I have no idea what that means :)

Could you explain a little more, or do a screen recording please. I don't see an issue here on FF on Mac, but maybe there is something with the Linux version?

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  On 2/11/2018 at 3:47 AM, mel47 said:

Thanks for ->each, didn't know. ;-)


Here's the info on each() 

On a related note, it's also worth reading about these related methods

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/24/2018 at 1:59 PM, Gideon So said:

All of a sudden Tracy consum 100% CPU. If I disable or uninstall Tracy, the CPU consumption back to normal. Any idea what is the possible cause?


Not sure, but let's go through a few things:

1) Is this a new thing on a version of Tracy that was fine before, or is it a new version of Tracy?

2) Same server / php version as before the issue?

3) What is the OS of the server?

4) Is it an issue on all pages of your site?

5) Does it make any difference to click the PW Info Panel > Clear Session & Cookies?

6) Does restarting apache help?

7) Does the debug bar actually load still?  Does it take a long time to load?

8) Are there any huge files in site/assets/logs ?

Let me know all that stuff and we'll go from there. 

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  On 2/24/2018 at 3:21 PM, adrian said:

Not sure, but let's go through a few things:

1) Is this a new thing on a version of Tracy that was fine before, or is it a new version of Tracy?

I was using an old version and then upgraded to the latest version but both versions cause the same problem.

2) Same server / php version as before the issue?


3) What is the OS of the server?


4) Is it an issue on all pages of your site?


5) Does it make any difference to click the PW Info Panel > Clear Session & Cookies?

Makes no difference.

6) Does restarting apache help?


7) Does the debug bar actually load still?  Does it take a long time to load?

The debug loads pretty normal.

8) Are there any huge files in site/assets/logs ?


Let me know all that stuff and we'll go from there. 




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Thanks for those details @Gideon So - here's some more :)

1) What Linux distro? Just wondering if there is any Debian session stuff going on

2) After restarting apache, does CPU stay low consistently, or does it start to climb again?

3) Can you narrow it down to a specific panel? Firstly check the Panel Selector to see if any are listed as high MB. But then, please try turning off all extra panels and enable one by one to see if there is one that is the trigger.

Thanks for helping out.

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Hi @adrian,

Is there a way to see actions executed in the Console and Snippets panels reflected in the Debug panel?

So if in the Console panel I execute some code that gets data from the database, is there a way I can I see PDO Queries, Selector Queries, Hooks Triggered, etc, for that?

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  On 2/24/2018 at 4:09 PM, adrian said:

Thanks for those details @Gideon So - here's some more :)

1) What Linux distro? Just wondering if there is any Debian session stuff going on

Fedora 23

2) After restarting apache, does CPU stay low consistently, or does it start to climb again?

After restarting apache, the CPU stay low.

3) Can you narrow it down to a specific panel? Firstly check the Panel Selector to see if any are listed as high MB. But then, please try turning off all extra panels and enable one by one to see if there is one that is the trigger.

I got that. The Tracy Logs panel causes the problem.

Thanks for helping out.



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  On 2/26/2018 at 1:08 AM, Robin S said:

Is there a way to see actions executed in the Console and Snippets panels reflected in the Debug panel?


It should already do that. Here's an example showing a selector query in the Console Panel and the selector and resulting query in the Selector Queries section of the Debug panel that is on the AJAX bar. Does this work for you?


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  On 2/26/2018 at 1:35 AM, Gideon So said:

I got that. The Tracy Logs panel causes the problem.


I have actually had this happen once before - it's why I implemented the "Delete All Logs" button. It seems that when a file gets huge, it can cause problems. Maybe I can make the reading of the log files more efficient - I'll take a look.

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  On 2/26/2018 at 3:54 AM, adrian said:

I have actually had this happen once before - it's why I implemented the "Delete All Logs" button. It seems that when a file gets huge, it can cause problems. Maybe I can make the reading of the log files more efficient - I'll take a look.



Yes. After click on the delete all log button, it is fine now. Thanks a lot for supporting this useful module so well.



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  On 2/26/2018 at 4:36 AM, Gideon So said:


Yes. After click on the delete all log button, it is fine now. Thanks a lot for supporting this useful module so well.



I just took a look at the Tracy log file scanner code and I am actually extending PW's core log file find() method which seems to have a lot of operations for chunking and limiting the number of lines read so at the moment I don't really know why it's not working efficiently. I'll keep it in mind to revisit at some point, but for now, this is definitely a good reminder for others to check this if things seem to be slowing down lots.

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Several nice improvements over the last few days:

1) Major improvements to panel zIndex behavior - this should make things much less annoying - no more trying to get your panel of interest to be on top of another one. Mousing over the panel icon should now always bring it to the top, but with already open panels, now they only get promoted to the top if you click somewhere on the panel. Before it was onmouseover which made it quit annoying at times. Also panel order is remembered when reloading the page.

2) Console panel will no longer disappear if you use the keyboard shortcut to run code without having clicked somewhere on the panel first - much friendlier.

3) ESC key to close all open panels - I am finding this really handy already. I don't think this interferes with any other use of the escape key, but let me know if anyone thinks this should be optional.

4) Add test email address option to the Mail Interceptor panel - this was mentioned in another thread, but added here in case anyone missed it. If no address is entered, it behaves how it always did - it prevents the email from being sent and instead captures and displays what would have been sent. If you add a test email address, in addition to it's normal behavior, it also sends the email to the test address (but still not the original recipients).



5) Various bug fixes - especially in the Request Info panel when viewing certain module settings pages. 

As always, thanks for any feedback on these new features!

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Hey @adrian, thank you for your continous great work and efforts on this module. Is there any way we can support you with a little donation or something else? Would you even want that?

Tracy Debugger helped me so many times, and reduces my work and error finding, so I would like to give something back to thank you.

I know, that you invest much time in developing this.

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  On 3/1/2018 at 10:59 AM, jmartsch said:

I would like to give something back to thank you.


Lots of us too! See a few posts starting from this one:


Let's start a donate to Adrian movement! :) And AOS fans should ask @tpr to implement a donation button as well!

Edited by szabesz
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Thanks for mentioning me/AOS but I don't think AOS is comparable to Tracy :) Anyway, I may implement such button sometime, mainly out of curiosity. I've been in a similar situation years ago with my portable launcher (yaP) but I postponed it until... still today :)

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Hi @adrian

I have a hook to 'TemplateFile::render' which replaces template output. In the hook, I check whether it's the main template of the page like

if ($this->wire('page') === null || $this->wire('page')->template->name == 'admin') {

		$template = $event->object;
		$options = $template->options;

		if(is_array($options) && array_key_exists('pageStack', $options)) {

But when I run any code inside Console panel I get the output of entire page render. Is there a way how I can prevent this behavior? 

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Thanks guys for the donation request - stay tuned :)

@Zeka - I am sure we can figure something out. I am having trouble reproducing at the moment - could you perhaps provide a full code example that I could test?

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Here is the full code of the hook, not sure that it will be helpful to debug the issue. Currently, have to finish module and will upload it tomorrow. 

	public function hookAfterTemplateRender($event)
		if ($this->wire('page') === null || $this->wire('page')->template->name == 'admin') {

		$template = $event->object;
		$options = $template->options;

		if(is_array($options) && array_key_exists('pageStack', $options)) {
			$view = $this->wire($this->api_view_var);
			$layout = $this->wire($this->api_layout_var);
			$page = $this->wire('page');
			if($template->halt) {

			if (is_file($this->getViewFile($page->template->name))) {
			} else {
				throw new WireException("View file for this page template does not exist");

			$view_output = $view->render();

			if (isset($layout->template) && $layout->template !== 'none') {
				$layout->setFilename($this->getViewFile($this->layouts_dir . '/' . $layout->template));
				$layout->set($this->api_view_var, $view_output);
				$event->return = $layout->render();
			} elseif(isset($layout->template) && $layout->template === 'none') {
				$event->return = $view_output;


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Thanks @Zeka - yeah a bit challenging because of missing methods (and not enough time right now to futz with it). If you want to send me a copy of the module before you post it publicly, I can test and get a fix in place for the Console panel.

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