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Logs JSON Viewer Formats JSON data in ProcessLogger for improved readability. Because log files can only contain strings, it's a common practice to use json_encode() to convert an array to a string when you want to save the data to a log file. But the resulting JSON is not as readable as it could be when viewing the log in ProcessLogger. The Logs JSON Viewer module uses the json-viewer library to improve the readability of JSON data in ProcessLogger and add some useful features. Before: After: Configuration You can set the config options for json-viewer in a textarea field. See the json-viewer readme for information about the options. There is also an option to set the width of the column that contains the JSON data. This setting exists because otherwise the column jumps around in an inconsistent and distracting way when changing from log to log or between paginations. Features You can switch the view of the JSON data between formatted and unformatted using the toggle button at the bottom of the data. The viewer has a number of useful features such as: Progressively expand or collapse levels in the data. View the count of child items and the data type of each item. Search for a string within the data. Copy all or part of the data to the clipboard (requires the HTTPS protocol).
This is the new topic for the Settings Factory module (formerly known as Settings Train). Repo: I'm not sure what versions this is compatible with, it has only been tested on 3.x branch; it is not namespaced, and i'm not sure if namespacing is necessary or a benefit for this module; if any namespace or module gurus can weigh in on this, let me know. I'm also not sure if there needs to be a minimum php version; I have one live site using this now and it's working great; But before submitting to mods directory, would be better if there was some additional testing by other users.
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I think I saw post on here or an article in the newsletter about a forthcoming feature for defining/importing templates using a JSON file… or did I completely imagine this?! ? If it’s real I can’t find the info anywhere!
Page Query Boss Build complex nested queries containing multiple fields and pages and return an array or JSON. This is useful to fetch data for SPA and PWA. You can use the Module to transform a ProcessWire Page or PageArray – even RepeaterMatrixPageArrays – into an array or JSON. Queries can be nested and contain closures as callback functions. Some field-types are transformed automatically, like Pageimages or MapMarker. Installation Via ProcessWire Backend It is recommended to install the Module via the ProcessWire admin "Modules" > "Site" > "Add New" > "Add Module from Directory" using the PageQueryBoss class name. Manually Download the files from Github or the ProcessWire repository: Copy all of the files for this module into /site/modules/PageQueryBoss/ Go to “Modules > Refresh” in your admin, and then click “install” for the this module. Module Methods There are two main methods: Return query as JSON $page->pageQueryJson($query); Return query as Array $page->pageQueryArray($query); Building the query The query can contain key and value pairs, or only keys. It can be nested and contain closures for dynamic values. To illustrate a short example: // simple query: $query = [ 'height', 'floors', ]; $pages->find('template=skyscraper')->pageQueryJson($query); Queries can be nested, contain page names, template names or contain functions and ProcessWire selectors: // simple query: $query = [ 'height', 'floors', 'images', // < some fileds contain default sub-queries to return data 'files' => [ // but you can also overrdide these defaults: 'filename' 'ext', 'url', ], // Assuming there are child pages with the architec template, or a // field name with a page relation to architects 'architect' => [ // sub-query 'name', 'email' ], // queries can contain closure functions that return dynamic content 'querytime' => function($parent){ return "Query for $parent->title was built ".time(); } ]; $pages->find('template=skyscraper')->pageQueryJson($query); Keys: A single fieldname; height or floors or architects The Module can handle the following fields: Strings, Dates, Integer… any default one-dimensional value Page references Pageimages Pagefiles PageArray MapMarker FieldtypeFunctional A template name; skyscraper or city Name of a child page (; my-page-name A ProcessWire selector; template=building, floors>=25 A new name for the returned index passed by a # delimiter: // the field skyscraper will be renamed to "building": $query = ["skyscraper`#building`"] Key value pars: Any of the keys above (1-5) with an new nested sub-query array: $query = [ 'skyscraper' => [ 'height', 'floors' ], 'architect' => [ 'title', 'email' ], ] A named key and a closure function to process and return a query. The closure gets the parent object as argument: $query = [ 'architecs' => function($parent) { $architects = $parent->find('template=architect'); return $architects->arrayQuery(['name', 'email']); // or return $architects->explode('name, email'); } ] Real life example: $query = [ 'title', 'subtitle', // naming the key invitation 'template=Invitation, limit=1#invitation' => [ 'title', 'subtitle', 'body', ], // returns global speakers and local ones... 'speakers' => function($page){ $speakers = $page->speaker_relation; $speakers = $speakers->prepend(wire('pages')->find('template=Speaker, global=1, sort=-id')); // build a query of the speakers with return $speakers->arrayQuery([ 'title#name', // rename title field to name 'subtitle#ministry', // rename subtitle field to ministry 'links' => [ 'linklabel#label', // rename linklabel field to minlabelistry 'link' ], ]); }, 'Program' => [ // Child Pages with template=Program 'title', 'summary', 'start' => function($parent){ // calculate the startdate from timetables return $parent->children->first->date; }, 'end' => function($parent){ // calculate the endate from timetables return $parent->children->last->date; }, 'Timetable' => [ 'date', // date 'timetable#entry'=> [ 'time#start', // time 'time_until#end', // time 'subtitle#description', // entry title ], ], ], // ProcessWire selector, selecting children > name result "location" 'template=Location, limit=1#location' => [ 'title#city', // summary title field to city 'body', 'country', 'venue', 'summary#address', // rename summary field to address 'link#tickets', // rename ticket link 'map', // Mapmarker field, automatically transformed 'images', 'infos#categories' => [ // repeater matrix! > rename to categories 'title#name', // rename title field to name 'entries' => [ // nested repeater matrix! 'title', 'body' ] ], ], ]; if ($input->urlSegment1 === 'json') { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo $page->pageQueryJson($query); exit(); } Module default settings The modules settings are public. They can be directly modified, for example: $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->debug = true; $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->defaults = []; // reset all defaults Default queries for fields: Some field-types or templates come with default selectors, like Pageimages etc. These are the default queries: // Access and modify default queries: $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->defaults['queries'] … public $defaults = [ 'queries' => [ 'Pageimages' => [ 'basename', 'url', 'httpUrl', 'description', 'ext', 'focus', ], 'Pagefiles' => [ 'basename', 'url', 'httpUrl', 'description', 'ext', 'filesize', 'filesizeStr', 'hash', ], 'MapMarker' => [ 'lat', 'lng', 'zoom', 'address', ], 'User' => [ 'name', 'email', ], ], ]; These defaults will only be used if there is no nested sub-query for the respective type. If you query a field with complex data and do not provide a sub-query, it will be transformed accordingly: $page->pageQueryArry(['images']); // returns something like this 'images' => [ 'basename', 'url', 'httpUrl', 'description', 'ext', 'focus'=> [ 'top', 'left', 'zoom', 'default', 'str', ] ]; You can always provide your own sub-query, so the defaults will not be used: $page->pageQueryArry([ 'images' => [ 'filename', 'description' ], ]); Overriding default queries: You can also override the defaults, for example $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->defaults['queries']['Pageimages'] = [ 'basename', 'url', 'description', ]; Index of nested elements The index for nested elements can be adjusted. This is also done with defaults. There are 3 possibilities: Nested by name (default) Nested by ID Nested by numerical index Named index (default): This is the default setting. If you have a field that contains sub-items, the name will be the key in the results: // example $pagesByName = [ 'page-1-name' => [ 'title' => "Page one title", 'name' => 'page-1-name', ], 'page-2-name' => [ 'title' => "Page two title", 'name' => 'page-2-name', ] ] ID based index: If an object is listed in $defaults['index-id'] the id will be the key in the results. Currently, no items are listed as defaults for id-based index: // Set pages to get ID based index: $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->defaults['index-id']['Page']; // Example return array: $pagesById = [ 123 => [ 'title' => "Page one title", 'name' => 123, ], 124 => [ 'title' => "Page two title", 'name' => 124, ] ] Number based index By default, a couple of fields are transformed automatically to contain numbered indexes: // objects or template names that should use numerical indexes for children instead of names $defaults['index-n'] => [ 'Pageimage', 'Pagefile', 'RepeaterMatrixPage', ]; // example $images = [ 0 => [ 'filename' => "image1.jpg", ], 1 => [ 'filename' => "image2.jpg", ] ] Tipp: When you remove the key 'Pageimage' from $defaults['index-n'], the index will again be name-based. Help-fill closures & tipps: These are few helpfill closure functions you might want to use or could help as a starting point for your own (let me know if you have your own): Get an overview of languages: $query = ['languages' => function($page){ $ar = []; $l=0; foreach (wire('languages') as $language) { // build the json url with segment 1 $ar[$l]['url']= $page->localHttpUrl($language).wire('input')->urlSegment1; $ar[$l]['name'] = $language->name == 'default' ? 'en' : $language->name; $ar[$l]['title'] = $language->getLanguageValue($language, 'title'); $ar[$l]['active'] = $language->id == wire('user')->language->id; $l++; } return $ar; }]; Get county info from ContinentsAndCountries Module Using the [ContinentsAndCountries Module]( you can extract iso code and names for countries: $query = ['country' => function($page){ $c = wire('modules')->get('ContinentsAndCountries')->findBy('countries', array('name', 'iso', 'code'),['code' =>$page->country]); return count($c) ? (array) $c[count($c)-1] : null; }]; Custom strings from a RepeaterTable for interface Using a RepeaterMatrix you can create template string for your frontend. This is usefull for buttons, labels etc. The following code uses a repeater with the name `strings` has a `key` and a `body` field, the returned array contains the `key` field as, you guess, keys and the `body` field as values: // build custom translations $query = ['strings' => function($page){ return array_column($page->get('strings')->each(['key', 'body']), 'body', 'key'); }]; Multilanguage with default language fallback Using the following setup you can handle multilanguage and return your default language if the requested language does not exist. The url is composed like so: `page/path/{language}/{content-type}` for example: `api/icf/zurich/conference/2019/de/json` // get contenttype and language (or default language if not exists) $lang = wire('languages')->get($input->urlSegment1); if(!$lang instanceof Nullpage){ $user->language = $lang; } else { $lang = $user->language; } // contenttype segment 2 or 1 if language not present $contenttype = $input->urlSegment2 ? $input->urlSegment2 : $input->urlSegment1; if ($contenttype === 'json') { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo $page->pageQueryJson($query); exit(); } Debug The module respects wire('config')->debug. It integrates with TracyDebug. You can override it like so: // turns on debug output no mather what: $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->debug = true; Todos Make defaults configurable via Backend. How could that be done in style with the default queries? Module in alpha Stage: Subject to change This module is in alpha stage … Query behaviour (especially selecting child-templates, renaming, naming etc) could change
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I would like to create pages from a json feed. So i decode my json and create them via API. $jsonData = json_decode($jsonFromOtherWebsite); foreach($jsonData as $jsonDataItem) { $pageTitle = $jsonDataItem->name; $p = new Page(); $p->template = 'import_page'; $p->parent = $pages->get(xxxx); $p->title = $pageTitle; $p->save(); } Let's say the source (json) changes and i have to do another import. Then I want to compare the new json with the existing pages to see if there are new ones and if there some aren't there anymore. Is there a way to compare the new JsonData with my existing pw-pages with the API. Something like foreach($jsonData as $jsonDataItem) { // check if a page with this title exist if($pages->find("template=import_page, title=$jsonDataItem->name") { // update existing field values $getExistingPage = $pages->find("template=import_page, title=$jsonDataItem->name"); // update value $getExistingPage->setAndSave('field', $jsonDataItem->x); } else { // create new page $pageTitle = $jsonDataItem->name; $p = new Page(); $p->template = 'import_page'; $p->parent = $pages->get(xxxx); $p->title = $pageTitle; $p->save(); } } // search for pages wich are not anymore in the json and hide/delete them // …
I wanted to view the contents of a JSON post in a web hook from an external application. In this instance the source application was Stripe posting event info at irregular intervals to a PW page URL. The process had to be unobtrusive. Solution was to send an email to myself. The web hook page template contained: // create a PW mail object using whatever method works for you $mail = wire()->modules('WireMailSmtp'); // Retrieve the request's body and parse it as JSON $stripe_input = @file_get_contents("php://input"); $event_json = json_decode($stripe_input); try { $body = "<pre>" . var_export($event_json, true) . "</pre>"; $mail->to(''); $mail->from(''); $mail->subject('test event_json'); $mail->bodyHTML($body); $mail->send(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $error = "Email not sent: " . $e->getMessage(); $mail->log($error); } Resulting email body contains nicely formatted code, eg: stdClass::__set_state(array( 'id' => 'evt_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'object' => 'event', 'api_version' => '2016-07-06', 'created' => 1476900798, 'data' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'object' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'id' => 'sub_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'object' => 'subscription', 'application_fee_percent' => NULL, 'cancel_at_period_end' => false, 'canceled_at' => NULL, 'created' => 1476900796, 'current_period_end' => 1508436796, 'current_period_start' => 1476900796, 'customer' => 'cus_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'discount' => NULL, 'ended_at' => NULL, 'livemode' => true, 'metadata' => stdClass::__set_state(array( )), 'plan' => stdClass::__set_state(array( 'id' => 'annual', 'object' => 'plan', 'amount' => 8000, 'created' => 1474521586, 'currency' => 'usd', 'interval' => 'year', 'interval_count' => 1, 'livemode' => true, 'metadata' => stdClass::__set_state(array( )), 'name' => 'Annual', 'statement_descriptor' => NULL, 'trial_period_days' => NULL, )), 'quantity' => 1, 'start' => 1476900796, 'status' => 'active', 'tax_percent' => NULL, 'trial_end' => NULL, 'trial_start' => NULL, )), )), 'livemode' => true, 'pending_webhooks' => 1, 'request' => 'req_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'type' => 'customer.subscription.created', ))
Hey folks, for a module (a pagebuilder based on PageTable) I need to save some settings as JSON. The values are saved for each page table item (a pw page). It's working well, but I am looking for ways to improve the structure I have. As I'm not that experienced with JSON, maybe someone more experienced can take a look and tell me if my approach is good practice. My goal is to make all the items accessible by page id, without looping over them (using objects instead of arrays): // access from template with pw page var $jsonObject->items->{$page}->cssClass; Her is an example of my JSON structure: { "items": { "3252": { "id": "3252", "cssClass": "pgrid-main", "breakpoints": { "base": { "css": { "grid-column-end": "auto", "grid-row-end": "auto", "grid-column-start": "auto", "grid-row-start": "auto", "align-self": "auto", "z-index": "auto", "padding-left": "60px", "padding-right": "60px", "padding-top": "60px", "padding-bottom": "60px", "background-color": "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "color": "rgb(0, 0, 0)" }, "size": "@media (min-width: 576px)", "name": "base" } } }, "3686": { "id": "3686", "cssClass": "test_global", "breakpoints": { "base": { "css": { "grid-column-end": "-1", "grid-row-end": "span 1", "grid-column-start": "1", "grid-row-start": "auto", "align-self": "auto", "z-index": "auto", "padding-left": "0px", "padding-right": "0px", "padding-top": "0px", "padding-bottom": "0px", "background-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "color": "rgb(0, 0, 0)" }, "size": "@media (min-width: 576px)", "name": "base" } } }, "3687": { "id": "3687", "cssClass": "block_editor-3687", "breakpoints": { "base": { "css": { "grid-column-end": "span 2", "grid-row-end": "span 1", "grid-column-start": "auto", "grid-row-start": "auto", "align-self": "auto", "z-index": "auto", "padding-left": "0px", "padding-right": "0px", "padding-top": "0px", "padding-bottom": "0px", "background-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "color": "rgb(0, 0, 0)" }, "size": "@media (min-width: 576px)", "name": "base" } } }, "3696": { "id": "3696", "cssClass": "block_editor-3696", "breakpoints": { "base": { "css": { "grid-column-end": "span 2", "grid-row-end": "span 1", "grid-column-start": "auto", "grid-row-start": "auto", "align-self": "auto", "z-index": "auto", "padding-left": "0px", "padding-right": "0px", "padding-top": "0px", "padding-bottom": "0px", "background-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "color": "rgb(0, 0, 0)" }, "size": "@media (min-width: 576px)", "name": "base" } } } }, "breakpointActive": "base", "breakpointActiveSize": "@media (min-width: 576px)" }
Hi all I need to export all the texts from a website to a translation company (as json or csv or txt...). How can this be done? Of course manually, but this website is huge and it would take me years... Also, as a second step, importing the translation ... Any ideas anyone? Tutorials? Plugins? Thanks for your help.
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So I have been hard at work creating url segments for a template (api) and everything is working swimmingly in creating a simple end point for svelte.js. I have however, run into a few questions that I can wrap my head around. In my api template I have: if($input->urlSegment1 === 'clients') { header('Content-Type: application/json'); $clients = $pages->find("template=clients"); $client_array = array(); foreach ($clients as $client) { $id = $client->id; $title = $client->title; $url = $client->url; $clientName = $client->client_name; $clientColor = $client->client_color->value; $assigned = $client->assigned_to->user_full_name; $client_array[] = array( 'id' => $id, 'code' => $title, 'name' => $clientName, 'associated_users' => $assigned, 'url' => $url ); } $client_json = json_encode($client_array, true); echo $client_json; } The output json from this is: [ { "id":1644, "code":"abc", "name":"Test Name", "associated_users":null, "url":"\/pw\/clients\/abc\/" }, { "id": 1645, "code": "xyz", "name": "Test Name", "associated_users": null, "url": "\/pw\/clients\/xyz\/" }, ] I was curious is it possible to add in "clients" before this output json so it would appear as clients: [ { "id":1644, "code":"abc", "name":"Test Name", "associated_users":null, "url":"\/pw\/clients\/abc\/" }, { "id": 1645, "code": "xyz", "name": "Test Name", "associated_users": null, "url": "\/pw\/clients\/xyz\/" }, ] I was not really sure of how to tackle this in my php code, and have spent more time than I care to admit trying to figure it out. Another question I have is that "associated_users" is returning null, which in this instance is correct. It is a multi page field that is set to pull a custom name field from the users template, ie "Louis Stephens" would be associated with the first page. I understand that I need to use a foreach to get the correct data, but I was really unsure of how to place this inside an array, or update the array with the new data. Any help with any of this would greatly be appreciated.
So I reread my first draft, and it made absolutely no sense (I deleted it to hopefully better explain myself). I am trying to make a system (that to me is a bit complicated) utilizing jquery and processwire together. My whole goal is to put a url like in a script tag on another site(just a localhost .php page) to then pull out the data for that person and append to divs etc. Basically, the initial script tag would point to "launch" which has a content-type of "application/javascript". Using jquery, I would pull out the persons name and occupation and then make a specific ajax get request to "" (in json format) for a look up of the person. Essentially then I could pull that particular person's information from the json data, and do with it how I please in the "launch" page. In processwire, I have a page structure like: People -Jim Bob (template: person ) --Occupations (template: basic-page) ---Builder (template: occupation) ---Greeter (template: occupation) It is really just a bunch of people with their occupations and a few fields to the occupation template. With the "api" (template: api) url, I was hoping to return all the data (of people) in json format like: Example Format: { "id": 1, "title": "Jim Bob", "occupations": { "builder": { "id": 44, "title": "Builder", "years_worked": 1, "etc": "ect", }, "Greeter": { "id": 44, "title": "Greeter", "years_worked": 1, "etc": "ect", }, } } Where I get lost is really outputting the page names and nesting in the occupations into json. I have used Pages2JSON before, but I was a bit lost on how to implement what i was thinking. I have access to all the local host files, but I was hoping to kind of build out a "system" where I could place the script tag/parameters in any project, and be able to interact with the data without doing an ajax call on the actual site. In a way, this would keep processwire handling all the data and requests, and my other "projects" just with a simple script tag. This might all be way too much/over complicated, but I couldn't quite wrap my head around how to achieve it.
This module helps you dynamically create schemas for improved SEO & SERP listings from within your templates. Each schema can be configured to meet your requirements. You can even add your own ProcessWire schema classes to the module. Read about the module on github: Download from github: Download from ProcessWire modules:
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I have a script that is pulling in a json feed (will be attached to a cron job later) which looks like: $http = new WireHttp(); // Get the contents of a URL $response = $http->get("feed_url"); if($response !== false) { $decodedFeed = json_decode($response); } Everything there works well and I can pull the id, title, status (updated, new, sold) and other items from the decoded feed in a foreach loop. My whole goal is to create pages from the feed, but if the page has already been created, with all the same exact items from the json feed, I will need to "skip" over it. So far, I am running into a roadblock with my checks. I guess I need to compare the json to all my pages and their values and: 1. If an id already exists, check to see if a fields data has been updated and then update the page, 2. If an id exists and all fields are unchanged, skip adding that page $http = new WireHttp(); // Get the contents of a URL $response = $http->get("feed_url"); if($response !== false) { $decodedFeed = json_decode($response); foreach($decodedFeed as $feed) { $u = new Page(); $u->template = $templates->get("basic-page"); $u->parent = $pages->get("/development/"); $u->name = $feed->title = $feed->id; $u->title = $feed->title; $u->status = $feed->status $u->body = $feed->title; $u->save(); $u->setOutputFormatting(false); } } else { echo "HTTP request failed: " . $http->getError(); } I am really just hung up on how to do the current page checks and matching them with the json field data.
ProcessWire & Vue.js — a Lovestory Introducing the all new ICF Conference Website The new ICF Conference Page — Fearless » What would happen if we were equipped to fearlessly face the daily challenges and live a life without fear? « This question is at the core of our next ICF Conference in 2019 in Zurich. Its also the question we set out to answer in terms of developing the new website; the all new ICF Conference website is our most advanced website in terms of technology, designed to take advantage of the latest web-technologies. Its a brand new design powered by a lean setup, using ProcessWire for easy content management and a slick frontend based on Vue.js, Quasar and a heavily customized Uikit theme. Technology-stack — From backend to frontend, technologies that are fun, easy and fast to develop with We built on the ICF Ladieslounge website as a solid foundation and took our learnings from building our last Conference Booklet PWA (Progressive Web App) and applied it to the new website. Some highlights of the new ICF Conference website: Completely decoupled backend and frontend Custom design based on Uikit frontend framework Changing of languages happens instantly, no page-reload required Easy content updates thanks to ProcessWire All data is transferred using a single request returning custom JSON » Continue reading on Medium And please don't forget to clap and share:
json Plain JSON PHP file in a template with ProCache
Eunico Cornelius posted a topic in API & Templates
Hi, I am trying to create a PHP page in my website that is hidden and produce a plain JSON format. However, when I implement json_encode on my string, the result is not only a plain JSON but also a <!DOCTYPE HTML>.... I have created a new page and a new template that has it's cache disabled, but it still doesn't work. this is what my code looks like <?PHP $useMain=false; $data = "[{'title':'AAAAA','url':''}]"; header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($data); ?> This is what I currently get "[{'title':'AAAAA','url':'https:\/\/'}]"<!DOCTYPE html><html>....</html> This is what I am trying to achieve "[{'title':'AAAAA','url':'https:\/\/'}]" What am I missing here? I am also using ProCache.(dont know if it has any influence since I created and disable cache in a new template) -
Hi Guys, So i have a big piece of Json data for a Travel - Tour all kinds of rates, dates, services and so on.. The Structure of the Json slightly changes here and there depending on the Tour. What would be the best way to import that data in processwire to make it easily searchable etc trough the API.. ? I tried Multi Level Repeater Matrixes which are good and would do the job, but then i have no big options to search trough that data.. Would really appreciate all input! Thanks so much
I just noticed that PW will output frontend-editing markup, even if I output JSON. Is there a way I can disable that, from inside my template? I use classic switch/case statements and URL-segments to output different content, HTML + JSON, in the same template. I know that my JS modules will not see all that extra markup, and guest users neither. [{"title":"Joe Doe","firstName":"<span id=pw-edit-1 class='pw-edit pw-edit-InputfieldText' data-name=firstName data-page=1161 style='position:relative'><span class=pw-edit-orig>Joe<\/span><span class=pw-edit-copy id=pw-editor-firstName-1161 style='display:none;-webkit-user-select:text;user-select:text;' contenteditable>Joe<\/span><\/span>","lastName":"<span id=pw-edit-2 class='pw-edit pw-edit-InputfieldText' data-name=lastName data-page=1161 style='position:relative'><span class=pw-edit-orig>Doe<\/span><span class=pw-edit-copy id=pw-editor-lastName-1161 style='display:none;-webkit-user-select:text;user-select:text;' contenteditable>Doe<\/span><\/span>","teamEmail":"<span id=pw-edit-3 class='pw-edit pw-edit-InputfieldEmail' data-name=teamEmail data-page=1161 style='position:relative'><span class=pw-edit-orig><\/span><span class=pw-edit-copy id=pw-editor-teamEmail-1161 style='display:none;-webkit-user-select:text;user-select:text;' contenteditable><\/span><\/span>","office":"<span id=pw-edit-4 class='pw-edit pw-edit-InputfieldText' data-name=office data-page=1161 style='position:relative'><span class=pw-edit-orig>PFA E 91<\/span><span class=pw-edit-copy id=pw-editor-office-1161 style='display:none;-webkit-user-select:text;user-select:text;' contenteditable>PFA E 91<\/span><\/span>","phone":"<span id=pw-edit-5 class='pw-edit pw-edit-InputfieldText' data-name=phone data-page=1161 style='position:relative'><span class=pw-edit-orig>+41 44 123 45 67<\/span><span class=pw-edit-copy id=pw-editor-phone-1161 style='display:none;-webkit-user-select:text;user-select:text;' contenteditable>+41 44 123 45 67<\/span><\/span>"}] But when working on a PW site, it would be cool to somehow not see this. Is there a setting for this? Do I have to add something to my selector?
I'm puzzled by something I thought would be rather easy: I want to send a request to a PW page. It's POST, and I define a header, and send data as JSON. I need to send data in the following format: $ POST {"headers": {"Authorization": "Bearer API_KEY", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "body": {"fields": {"Name": "<get name>", "Department": "<get team>", "Home Address": "<get address>", "Phone #": "<get phone>", "Personal Email Address": "<get email>", "Birthday": "<get birthday>", "Date Added": "<call>currentDate</call>" }}} This is supposed to be sent via a Chatbot engine (Dexter). In the PW page that should handle this, $_POST is always empty, as is $_REQUEST. Same for PW's $input or if ($config->ajax) {}. I get the header, but no data. So I dug deeper, and tried this: @ini_set("allow_url_fopen", true); @ini_set("always_populate_raw_post_data", true); $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); $d = print_r($data, true); // I store this, along with the header infos and timestamp in a PW page-field (instead of using file_put_content) I checked page permissions, I made sure I use pagename/, i.e. with trailing slash only, to avoid stripping the header away due to redirects (which somebody in an older forum thread once highly suggested). I tried to send the same stuff that the chatbot does via CURL. Nothing. PW error logs don't report anything (site is still in dev-mode). PW 3.0.81 - everything else runs just fine. Any ideas what I should change? Any more PHP/Apache settings maybe? Help is highly appreciated.
I want to implement tables with Dynatable populated via ajax. Here's what I could muster: if($config->ajax) { $results = $pages->find($sanitizer->selector()); foreach($results as $r) $array[] = [ $r->title, $r->modified ]; header("Content-type: application/json"); echo json_encode($array); exit; } $content .= <<<EOT <table id="my-ajax-table"></table> <script> $("#my-ajax-table").dynatable({ dataset: { ajax: true, ajaxUrl: '.', ajaxOnLoad: true, records: [] } }); </script> EOT; But that's really nothing. Pro tips?
Hello I made a simple app for reading the main RSS for ProcessWire news. Now you can access ProcessWire Blog, ProcessWire weekly and the Latest Forum Posts in a Single App in your iOS or Android smartphone. Open Source of Course. Made using the technology. You can compile your own app if you want. For A Quick Look 1.- Download the Jason App (iOS) (Android) 2.- Use the Following Url Source Here
Has anyone integrated Directus with ProcessWire? I have a database in Directus that I want to sync with ProcessWire (create/update/delete pages). But I don't not know where to start. It might be possible with ProcessWire's API in some way?
Hi everyone, I've recently hired at a new company and here I am evaluating the abilities of ProcessWire for our projects. I was able to meet almost every requirement so far, but there is one point I couldn't find an adequate solution for: outputting data to json. I am aware of modules like (which does not seem to work for me) but I thought with a function like wireEncodeJSON this should be much cleaner. What I would like to achieve is outputting pages with according field values into an array to use this within javascript. My first attempt on this was: $jsontestOne = $pages->find(1001)->children(); echo wireEncodeJSON($jsontestOne); which outputs [{}] and afterwards I tried that one: $jsontest = $pages->find("template=basic-page")->getArray(); echo wireEncodeJSON($jsontest); which outputs [{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},...] Maybe you can point out where my mistake is. Thanks in advance!
I have been wanting to set up a quick "dashboard" for a recent project, and was considering using ajax to get a "real time" update/refresh on the page (some of my output depends on the datetime field). I know how to get the desired output using php with some if statements comparing todays date to the date stored in the field, however, I am a bit at a lose of how to interact with the ProcessWire API using ajax to get the desired effect. I found the following and know that I need to start off with: <?php if($config->ajax) { // page was requested from ajax } Unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, how would one actual find pages using a template and get the field contents from them using AJAX? I apologize if this seems bit broad, but I am stil getting a grasp of using AJAX to deliver content to get a real time update on a page without refresh.
Now that Google is closing down the paid service Google Site Search, and only the free ad version of their search will be available within a year, I have started looking around. It seems that DuckDuckGo has an API that delivers data as JSON. Has anyone used this with ProcessWire and have some code and guidance to offer? Such as listing the results, open for pagination and any other tricks?
Hey I'm pretty new to Processwire.. I need to have responsive images and using the Markup Srcset so could anyone brush up on how to use it and about Breakpoints and Image sets JSON array thing..