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  1. Is there a way to make JPGs progressive by default via the API? I've added the following to my site/config.php file but user-uploaded images are often displayed as non progressive. $config->imageSizerOptions = array( 'upscaling' => true, // upscale if necessary to reach target size? 'cropping' => true, // crop if necessary to reach target size? 'autoRotation' => true, // automatically correct orientation? 'interlace' => true, // use interlaced JPEGs by default? (recommended) 'sharpening' => 'soft', // sharpening: none | soft | medium | strong 'quality' => 95, // quality: 1-100 where higher is better but bigger 'hidpiQuality' => 60, // Same as above quality setting, but specific to hidpi images 'defaultGamma' => 0.5, // defaultGamma: 0.5 to 4.0 or -1 to disable gamma correction (default=2.0) ); Thanks
  2. Hi all, Just wondering if someone with a bit more PW knowledge than me could give a run down of what this method actually does and how its achieved. I get that it rebuilds image variations but based on what settings? If I wanted to rebuild all the websites image variations but at say a reduced image quality can this be set somewhere globally that this method would take into account? For some context I have built a fairly simple module to delete all the image variations connected to any FieldtypeImage which is being used on the website, for the most part this works quite well. As I was quite happy with how that turned out I figured I would give the module another option to rebuild the images also. So there would be a 'Remove' and 'Rebuild' button on the modules config page. The idea being that I could use this tool to delete all the image variations, update some global settings then regenerate them all but currently it doesn't appear to do that. I assume this is either because my codes borked or im misunderstanding something fundamental about how rebuildVariations() works.
  3. Hi everyone, Yesterday I began working on a module to create a filesystem abstraction for files and images using the Flysytem library (http://flysystem.thephpleague.com), out of the necessity of having the images copied (and probably linked) on Amazon S3 and other places like Dropbox. There two reasons why I decided to tackle this: 1 - When I work on the project on my machine, I need a way to automatically sync the images from the server and/or the external storage. When an image is added on the server and the database is imported on my local env, PW shows a blank thumbnail of it. The idea for the module if to check if the page image has a width == 0 and if it exists on the server, add it to the local filesystem. 2 - In the past, I had to move a large website to a different server in a hurry and a lot of images were left behind (it was a mess). So I'm planning for a possible future worst-case scenario of the server exploding ? The code I quickly wrote is below (please bear with me that it's pretty raw at the moment). One thing I had to figure it out is why PW fires the Pageimage::size hook wherever a page is loaded in the admin, even though the thumbnails are already created. I was planning to save the image variations on S3 as well. Can someone clarify? I know that @LostKobrakai was working on a similar project, and so I would like to ask him and everyone else if you think I (and who may help) should evolve this idea into a full-featured module where the user can select which server (adapter) to use (AWS, Digital Ocean spaces, Dropbox etc.) <?php namespace ProcessWire; use Aws\S3\S3Client; use League\Flysystem\AwsS3v3\AwsS3Adapter; use League\Flysystem\Filesystem; use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local; use Spatie\Dropbox\Client; use Spatie\FlysystemDropbox\DropboxAdapter; class ProcessFly extends WireData implements Module, ConfigurableModule { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'ProcessWire Flysystem Integration', 'version' => 001, 'summary' => 'Synchronize all the page assets uploaded through PW to a specified bucket in Amazon S3 and...', 'author' => 'Sérgio Jardim', 'singular' => true, 'autoload' => true, 'icon' => 'image' ); } public function init() { $this->client = S3Client::factory([ 'credentials' => [ 'key' => '', 'secret' => '', ], 'region' => 'sa-east-1', 'version' => 'latest', ]); $this->bucket_name = ""; $this->dir_name = "images"; $this->s3_adapter = new AwsS3Adapter($this->client, $this->bucket_name, $this->dir_name); $this->s3_filesystem = new Filesystem($this->s3_adapter); // DROPBOX $this->authorizationToken = ""; $this->dropbox_client = new Client($this->authorizationToken); $this->adapter_dropbox = new DropboxAdapter($this->dropbox_client); $this->dropbox_filesystem = new Filesystem($this->adapter_dropbox); $this->addHookAfter('Pages::saved', $this, 'checkImageS3'); // Download images that are not in local filesystem for whatever reason but are available in the remove one. $this->addHookAfter('InputfieldFile::fileAdded', $this, 'uploadImageS3'); // Fired when a file/image is added to a page in the admin // $this->addHookAfter('Pageimage::size', $this, 'uploadImageS3'); // Fired when a file is resized via API. Note: this hook is also called when the page is loaded in Admin. Need to know why. $this->addHookAfter('Pageimage::url', $this, 'redirectImageURL'); //Replace image URL for the S3 path } public function redirectImageURL($event){ if($event->page->template == 'admin') return; else $event->return = "https://s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/[bucket name]/images/" . $event->object->page . "/" . $event->object->name; } // UPLOAD public function uploadImageS3($event){ if(count($event->return)) { //if it is a image resize event get image variation data $file = $event->return; } else { $file = $event->arguments(0); } $filename = $file->name; $filename_original = $file->url; $pathToFile = $file->page . "/" . $filename; $system_path = $file->filename(); try{ $file_on_s3 = $this->s3_filesystem->has($pathToFile); //check if file exists on AWS if(!$file_on_s3) { $contents = file_get_contents($system_path); $this->s3_filesystem->put($pathToFile, $contents, array( 'visibility' => 'public', )); //upload file with the same folder structure as in assets/files: page_id/file_name //Also add a copy to Dropbox (OPTIONAL) $this->dropbox_filesystem->put($pathToFile, $contents); } } catch (Exception $e){ throw new WireException("Error: Image not Added to S3: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } public function checkImageS3($event){ $page = $event->arguments(0); if(count($page->images)) { foreach($page->images as $file) { if($file->width == 0) { return $this->downloadImageS3($page, $file); }; } } } public function downloadImageS3($page, $file){ $pathToFile = $page->id . "/" . $file->name; $file_on_s3 = $this->s3_filesystem->has($pathToFile); //check if file exists on AWS if($file_on_s3) { $image = "https://s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/[bucket name]/images/" . $pathToFile; // $page->images->remove($image); $page->images->add($image); $page->save(); } else { throw new WireException("Error: Image not found on S3: {$file->name}"); } } }
  4. Hi My first use of repeaters. They seem very useful, but I'm having a strange problem with the descriptions of the images field. I can't change them after deploying from my local dev server to the live server. I have defined a repeater with one images field and one textarea (multi language) field. This works as expected when added to a template and on the page I add an image and text in 3 languages. I usually populate the image description fields with a caption text in 3 languages so that I can output a caption if required under the image. Now this all works a treat on my test localhost server, but when deployed to the live site the captions cannot be changed on these repeater image fields. If I login to the live site and change the image text in there - as soon as I hit save the text goes back to what it was before! I am logged in as superuser so can't work out what the problem is. I had a search through the forums but couldn't find a similar problem. Any ideas where to look for some clues to what the problem may be? I'm using ProcessWire 3.0.96 Many thanks - Paul
  5. Hi all I have a problem here. I created a gallery with 240 pictures. Created an images field with no maximum amount (0). Unfortunately, only 98 of the 240 images show on the website. Any idea what I possibly could have done wrong? Thanks for your help! <?php foreach ($page->images as $image) { $options = array( 'quality' => 90, 'upscaling' => false ); $thumb = $image->size(250, 250, $options); ?> <div class="col-xl-2 col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-6 foto"> <a href="<?= $image->url ?>" data-lightbox="lightbox" > <img src="<?= $thumb->url ?>" alt="" > </a> </div> <?php } ?>
  6. Hi there, I migrated my site from dev to live server. Copied all files in the new location, transferred MySQL db from dev to live. The site works properly, but the images not. Even the processwire logo in control panel is not visible: is it something related with files permissions? Is there an easy way to solve this issue? EDIT: if I update a page via control panel, adding a new image, the thumbnail is blank...
  7. Hi guys, I'm trying to resize images which I query through getRandom(). I can't seem to get it right though. What I have so far is: $randomImage = $pages->get($targetPageId)->images->getRandom() Which returns an image, albeit in original resolution. I assumed I should be able to call resize() on the image like so: $randomImage = $pages->get($targetPageId)->images->getRandom()->width(400) Which unfortunately gives me an exception. I assume this is because getRandom() might not return an image but something else(?). So how would I do this correctly? Greetings derelektrischemoench
  8. Ill be honest, I am a bit unsure how accomplish this. I have a repeater (dev_repeater) that contains an image field set to 1 image. Nested within this repeater, is another repeater (dev_child_repeater) that allows a user to add in some urls. However, there is also a hidden field that I am trying to pass the parent repeater's image path. I know I can output all the data by using: <?php foreach($page->dev_repeater as $repeater) { foreach($repeater as $url) { # do some stuff } } ?> For the life of me, I can not figure out how to obtain the image url in my php to pass to a variable inside the nested foreach loop. Hopefully this made some sense.
  9. Hi, I have a template that it's working fine in development, however I can't get it to work on production! It shows every information inside repeater fields except the images. Here's the template: These are the circuit_day_image settings: This is the code: <?php foreach($page->circuit_days as $circuit_day) { if($circuit_day->circuit_day_image) { $day_image = $circuit_day->circuit_day_image->size(300, 300)->url; echo '<img src="' . $day_image . '" />'; } else { echo 'No image! :('; } echo '<h2>' . $circuit_day->title . '</h2>'; echo $circuit_day->body; } ?> I always get "No image! :(" I think I'm doing everything right! Anyone else with a similar problem? Update After uploading the production database into my server, the images stopped working. It can be one of two problems: 1. Bad field configuration; 2. Something wrong with the Database. I can't find the problem. Any suggestion is welcome, thanks, Update 2 I forgot to upload the images. It's working on dev and not on production. Still no clue! Clue 1 When I insert <pre><?php print_r($circuit_day); ?></pre> On development I get a clean list for each repetition: However, on production, the command gets on a weird recursive loop that takes forever (it even slows the browser to a halt): What might be going on?
  10. I'm wondering if it is possible to add a label to the description input in image fields (in the admin). I'm using the module Image Extra, which has labels for each input, but I'd like to add a label to the default 'description' input too. The image below illustrates this: If there is no way (no hook?) then, I suppose I could just not use the default description and add a new description input with the Image Extra module. But I thought I'd ask in case I (or others) ever want to do this without using the module (i.e. just the one input required). I'm using PW 3.0.98 Thanks. --- FYI: yes, that is a cat and not a quilt -- this is on my local dev server and I don't have the actual photos yet! She is on a quilt, so it counts... technically.
  11. Hello! Can I deactivate the renaming feature of images and the editing (croping, rotating etc) in the processwire admin panel?
  12. I have a file I want to access with ajax: The purpose of this file is to iterate through a repeater, and get the image from each entry. The number of images in the image field is set to 1, and just for good measure, to return a single image. And my code: // site/ajax/processImage.ajax.php?group=1206 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/index.php'); $resourceGroup = (int) $_REQUEST['group']; // get the Repeater field $resources = $pages->get($resourceGroup)->resources; foreach ($resources as $resource) { echo $resource->title; // Works as expected echo $resource->image->url; // /site/assets/files/1259/ echo $resource->image; // filename.jpg echo $resource->image->description; // nothing } See comments above for what is output, why isn't URL giving me a full URL, and no description is available? If I try to access $image->size() I get the following fatal error: Error: Uncaught exception 'ProcessWire\WireException' with message 'Method Pageimages::size does not exist or is not callable in this context' in F:\sites\<sitename>\wire\core\Wire.php:519
  13. Hi all, I am working on a site which involves a lot of image upload fields, 99% of the time it works perfectly but I have noticed that every so often image variations will be missing. Like the original uploaded image is fine but maybe 1 or 2 out of the variations is just blank. The variation files will appear within the assets folder but they will be just in name only without any actual image content. Since its quite a random thing I am finding it rather difficult to figure out why this happens? Any ideas?
  14. Is there a way to change the input options for the images field? I am trying to figure out if it would make sense to use an external script like Zenphoto as a central media library/manager. How could I connect that with Processwire? 'Choose File' in the images field would have to be able to open that 3rd party media library or a directory on the server or some cloud service instead of (only) the client file manager. Could justb3a's field type module Image Extra be part of the solution? I will try that and report back. Other field types/modules? I know there is a pro module Media Manager that does look very slick, but would prefer to make this work with a mature, tested 3rd party script if a central media gallery is never going to be a core Processwire feature.
  15. Hi, I'm having problems to insert images on a Ckeditor body field. The images are uploaded to a image field and the page is saved. When I do clic in Ckeditor Image button I get: Failed to init module: ProcessPageEditImageSelect - No page specified The requested process does not exist The process returned no content. I'm using the superuser account. Processwire version: 3.0.79 This is the first time I get an error in Processwire... Thank you.
  16. Add Image URLs A module for ProcessWire CMS/CMF. Allows images/files to be added to Image/File fields by pasting URLs or using the API. Installation Install the Add Image URLs module. Configuration You can add MIME type > file extension mappings in the module config. These mappings are used when validating URLs to files that do not have file extensions. Usage A "Paste URLs" button will be added to all Image and File fields. Use the button to show a textarea where URLs may be pasted, one per line. Images/files are added when the page is saved. A Pagefiles::addFromUrl method is also added to the API to achieve the same result. The argument of this method is expected to be either: a URL: "https://domain.com/image.jpg" an array of URLs: ["https://domain.com/image1.jpg", "https://domain.com/image2.jpg"] Example: // Get unformatted value of File/Image field to be sure that it's an instance of Pagefiles $page->getUnformatted('file_field')->addFromUrl("https://domain.com/path-to-file.ext"); // No need to call $page->save() as it's already done in the method Should you have an issue using the method, please have a look at the "errors" log to check if something was wrong with your URL(s). WebP conversion The core InputfieldImage does not support images in WebP format. But if you have the WebP To Jpg module installed (v0.2.0 or newer) then any WebP images you add via Add Image URLs will be automatically converted to JPG format. https://github.com/Toutouwai/AddImageUrls https://modules.processwire.com/modules/add-image-urls/
  17. Processwire allows us to define predefined tags for images. What if I want to use a repeater field on the page for the purpose? How can I use values of this repeater field as the list of available tags for image fields? Thanks.
  18. I have the following code which creates a 2 column div. In the first I check to see if there are any images present and only echo an image if there is. If I don't do this, I get an error. But I was wondering if there was a more efficient way to do this? I don't know the proper terminology but I suspect breaking the code into three parts as I have done ... First - the first <div class='uk-width-1-2@s'> Second - the image check Third - the final div ...is somewhat more verbose than it needs to be with more modern PHP <?php $imgoptions = array('quality' => 100,'upscaling' => false); $products = $page->siblings("id!=$page"); foreach ($products as $prod){ echo" <div class='uk-width-1-2@s'> "; if(count($prod->images)){ echo" <a href='$prod->url'> <img class='lazyload prod-thumb-ov' src='{$prod->images->first()->height(300, $imgoptions)->url}' data-src='{$prod->images->first()->height(300, $imgoptions)->url}' data-srcset=' {$prod->images->first()->width(414)->url} 414w, {$prod->images->first()->width(320)->url} 320w' data-sizes='auto' alt='{$prod->images->first()->description}'> </a> ";} echo " </div> <div class='uk-width-1-2@s'> {$prod->title} </div> ";} ?> Thanks
  19. Reference: PW 3.0.62 and uikit3 based site using the Regular-Master profile. I wonder if anyone has come across the problem of displaying images within the <figure> element before. When editing a page: If an image is added inside <p></p> tags without any align assigned, it displays normally at the size the user has specified. See screen grab example 1. If an image is placed inside the <figure> element and left or right alignment applied, the size the image is displayed as in the editing view is significantly reduced. See screen grab example 2. If an image is placed inside the <figure> element and center alignment applied, the size the image completely disappears in the editing view with only the caption text showing. See screen grab example 3. The code used to display an image in <p></p> tags without aligment assigned is standard: <p><img alt="" src="/<path-to-image>/image.jpg" width="128" /></p> Examples of the code automatically being generated by PW3/UiKit3 from within the image editing interface are: <figure class="align_left"><img alt="" src="/<path-to-image>/image.jpg>" width="128" /> <figcaption>Caption text</figcaption> </figure> <figure class="align_right"><img alt="" src="/<path-to-image>/image.jpg>" width="128" /> <figcaption>Caption text</figcaption> </figure> <figure class="align_center"><img alt="" src="/<path-to-image>/image.jpg>" width="128" /> <figcaption>Caption text</figcaption> </figure> Important Note: The images and and captions actually do display correctly when the website is browsed, but from the editing perspective it is not practical. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
  20. Hi! I have a problem with uploading animated GIFs again. The upload starts, but never finishes and just loads forever. Iam running PW 3.0.62 and have the Image Animated GIF Module installed. I also increased the memory limit in the htaccess file in PW root directory like this: <IfModule mod_php5.c> php_value memory_limit 256 php_value upload_max_filesize 64M php_value post_max_size 64M php_value max_execution_time 300 php_value max_input_time 1000 </IfModule> I had this problem before, but was able to fix it with the Animated GIF Module and the modification of the htaccess file. So maybe this is related to the provider (strato). Here is the error I get, when uploading the GIF (1.1 MB filesize) Warning: preg_match_all() expects at least 3 parameters, 2 given in /mnt/web216/a2/50/51925650/htdocs/processwire/wire/core/PWGIF.php on line 252 Warning: preg_match_all() expects at least 3 parameters, 2 given in /mnt/web216/a2/50/51925650/htdocs/processwire/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/ImageAnimatedGif/ImageAnimatedGif.module on line 285 Warning: preg_match_all() expects at least 3 parameters, 2 given in /mnt/web216/a2/50/51925650/htdocs/processwire/wire/core/PWGIF.php on line 252 Warning: preg_match_all() expects at least 3 parameters, 2 given in /mnt/web216/a2/50/51925650/htdocs/processwire/wire/core/PWGIF.php on line 252 Warning: preg_match_all() expects at least 3 parameters, 2 given in /mnt/web216/a2/50/51925650/htdocs/processwire/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/ImageAnimatedGif/ImageAnimatedGif.module on line 285 Warning: preg_match_all() expects at least 3 parameters, 2 given in /mnt/web216/a2/50/51925650/htdocs/processwire/wire/core/PWGIF.php on line 252 [{"error":false,"message":"Added file: test.gif","file":"\/processwire\/site\/assets\/files\/1098\/test.gif","size":101734,"markup":"<li id='file_daf280af792fd5b906511363ae2bc39d' class='ImageOuter gridImage ui-widget'><div class='gridImage__tooltip'><table><tr><th>Dimensions<\/th><td>500x333<\/td><\/tr><tr><th>Filesize<\/th><td>99&nbsp;kB<\/td><\/tr><tr><th>Variations<\/th><td>0<\/td><\/tr><\/table><\/div>\n\t\t\t<div class='gridImage__overflow'>\n\t\t\t\t<img src=\"\/processwire\/site\/assets\/files\/1098\/test.0x260.gif?nc=1509109293\" alt=\"\" data-w=\"500\" data-h=\"333\" data-original=\"\/processwire\/site\/assets\/files\/1098\/test.gif?nc=1509109293\" \/>\n\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='gridImage__hover'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='gridImage__inner'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<label for='' class='gridImage__trash'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class='gridImage__deletebox' type='checkbox' name='delete_thumbnail_daf280af792fd5b906511363ae2bc39d' value='1' title='Delete' \/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='fa fa-trash-o'><\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/label>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class='gridImage__edit'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span>Edit<\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/a>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='ImageData'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<h2 class='InputfieldImageEdit__name'><span contenteditable='true'>test<\/span>.gif<\/h2>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='InputfieldImageEdit__info'>99&nbsp;kB, 500&times;333 <\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='InputfieldImageEdit__errors'><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='InputfieldImageEdit__buttons'><small><button type='button' data-href='\/processwire\/admin\/page\/image\/edit\/?id=1098&file=1098,test.gif&rte=0&field=thumbnail' class='InputfieldImageButtonCrop ui-button ui-corner-all ui-state-default pw-modal-large pw-modal' data-buttons='#non_rte_dialog_buttons button' data-autoclose='1' data-close='#non_rte_cancel'><span class='ui-button-text'><span class='fa fa-crop'><\/span> Crop<\/span><\/button><button type='button' data-href='\/processwire\/admin\/page\/image\/variations\/?id=1098&file=test.gif&modal=1&varcnt=varcnt_thumbnail_daf280af792fd5b906511363ae2bc39d' class='ui-button ui-corner-all ui-state-default pw-modal-large pw-modal' data-buttons='button'><span class='ui-button-text'><span class='fa fa-files-o'><\/span> Variations <span class='ui-priority-secondary'>(0)<\/span><\/span><\/button><\/small><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='InputfieldImageEdit__core'><div class='InputfieldFileDescription'><label for='description_thumbnail_daf280af792fd5b906511363ae2bc39d' class='detail'>Description<\/label><input type='text' name='description_thumbnail_daf280af792fd5b906511363ae2bc39d' id='description_thumbnail_daf280af792fd5b906511363ae2bc39d' value='' \/><\/div><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='InputfieldImageEdit__additional'><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input class='InputfieldFileSort' type='text' name='sort_thumbnail_daf280af792fd5b906511363ae2bc39d' value='1' \/>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input class='InputfieldFileReplace' type='hidden' name='replace_thumbnail_daf280af792fd5b906511363ae2bc39d' \/>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input class='InputfieldFileRename' type='hidden' name='rename_thumbnail_daf280af792fd5b906511363ae2bc39d' \/>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t<\/li>","replace":true,"overwrite":0}]
  21. Hi all, PW: 3.0.42 I'm trying to have responsive images in the body field. First I need to stop the image tag generated by CKEditor adding the width attribute to the image tag on insertion. I found the 'Skip width attributes on image tags?' in the settings of ProcessPageEditImage and that suggests it does exactly what I'm after. Sadly, even when this checkbox is checked and a new image is inserted the width attribute is still added. Am I missing something? TIA.
  22. A simple recursive function that walks over all image fields and those inside repeaters(including FieldtypeFieldsetPage) to find images tagged with a certain tag(s). It can easily be extended to file fields by changing instanceof FieldtypeImage to FieldtypeFile, or be restricted to file fields by adding a !$type instanceof FieldtypeFile, too. Adapted from ProcessPageEditLink::getFilesPage() method. /** * Find all images tagged with a certain tag in a page including repeater items. * * @param $page Page to search tagged images * @param $tag string|array Image tag(s). Can be 'foo' for single, 'foo|bar' for multiple OR tags, 'foo,bar' or ['foo', 'bar'] for multiple AND tags * @return array Tagged images in [basename => Pageimage] associated array form or empty an array */ function findTaggedImages(Page $page, $tag) { $tagged = []; foreach ($page->template->fieldgroup as $f) { $type = $f->type; if ($type instanceof FieldtypeImage) { /** @var Pageimages $images */ $images = $page->{$f->name}; if (!$images) continue; $tagged = array_merge($tagged, $images->findTag($tag)->getArray()); } else if ($type instanceof FieldtypeRepeater) { $items = $page->{$f->name}; if (!$items) continue; if ($items instanceof PageArray) { foreach ($page->$f as $item) $tagged = array_merge($tagged, findTaggedImages($item, $tag)); } // FieldtypeFieldsetPage returns a single page instead of a PageArray elseif ($items instanceof Page) { $tagged = array_merge($tagged, findTaggedImages($items, $tag)); } } } return $tagged; } And can be used as $featuredImages = findTaggedImages($page, 'featured'); // get first featured image $featured = reset($featuredImages); // or array_shift($featuredImages)
  23. Hello, I have repeater field with an image field as one of its fields. It works correctly on all but one templates. I added an image, it shows the image uploading, but then the image just disappears and it doesn't save. What could it be ? Thanks
  24. Hi there, I'm looking to render some square images that are based on portrait originals. When the image is selected, I'll display it in portrait mode but when the images are in a "summary" mode, I want them square. What would be the best way to generate a square image from a portrait original? FYI, I would ideally prefer these images to based on IMG tags and not background images. Cheers!
  25. Solution : Issue : Fresh install ProcessWire 3.0.39 + multilangual support In video it shows how it goes. And I can't figure it out. It happens for few of my sites. td;tl : Upload 5 image in images field -> Save -> 2 left. EDIT : Files are in "/assets/files/id" processwire-bug.mp4
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