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Everything posted by HMCB

  1. I am probably the least capable person in the community. I was able to build a very nice delivery app two years ago with Processwire. I was proud of it although it needed more polish. Because of being a relative newbie and designer by trade, I built a front-end that was meant to replicate a backend. Why? Because I wasn’t versed enough on creating custom admin pages in PW plus I didn't want it to look like the PW backend. That left me open to security holes, no doubt. But the end result was decently slick. But guess what really bothered me about the PW backend? I didn’t want my client seeing the word “Pages” throughout the UI they’d be working on. PW is powerful and I didn’t want them thinking this app was a glorified website. “Pages” stuck out like a sore thumb. Other CMSs forgo that which makes building something on top of them seem more custom and crafted to the specific use case. For instance, Craft CMS (see attachments) has a modern backend UI that would feel at home to me and yet there is no mention of “Pages.” I think that extends the use of their product beyond just a website. I know some of you may think I’m crazy but it’s been touched upon throughout this thread in one way or another. PW is the perfect ground floor. Being so opinionated on Pages just seems to pigeon-hole it and especially if the backend UI improved to feel more modern, then we’d have a tool that would allow relative beginners (to custom app development) to build some powerful stuff. Thanks for listening.
  2. Wasn’t that linked enhancement already addressed?
  3. @Juergen holy smoke! That’s exactly what I meant and wanted. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽. Thank you my friend.
  4. It would be awesome if there were a way to indicate whether a form input should be displayed, right within FrontEndForms, when we define our fields. I know this was asked on page 11 of this post/thread. Something like… $privacy = new \FrontendForms\InputCheckbox('privacy'); $privacy->setLabel('I accept the privacy policy'); $privacy->setRule('required')->setCustomMessage('You have to accept our privacy policy'); $form->add($privacy); $customNote = new \FrontendForms\Textarea('message'); $customNote->setLabel('Custom Note'); $customNote->setRule('displayIf')->$privacy(true); $customNote->setRule('required'); $form->add($customNote); I’m not a programmer but 'displayIf' was meant to check if a form field (in this case the privacy checkbox) was selected. But the same should be true if a radio button was selected or a choice in a dropdown or a value entered into a standard text/message input field. And of course, the required rule of customNote in the example would only fire off if that field was displayed on the page. Otherwise, that field is hidden.
  5. @FireWire this was masterful. Just wow. You, Ryan, ProcessWire, and the entire community is awesome.
  6. This is masterful. I can see using this on just about every site. Thanks Ryan!
  7. @BitPoet amazing and helpful response. This is perfect for an opportunity that just materialized in the last 48 hours. Thanks ??.
  8. @BitPoet This module is assigned to specific fields, like an image upload field? The resulting URI is then saved in Processwire in a separate field? What I am looking to do is save have both the image and URI saved in PW.
  9. @bernhard, I meant “_not_ beholden to UIKit…” At any rate, I understand everything you’ve explained. I appreciate your input.
  10. @bernhard, this module uses both UIKit and Tailwind in conjunction? The use of UIKit is because it has premade components not available in Tailwind (out of the box)? If in conjunction, won’t the CSS styles clash with each other? My preference is for Tailwind styling so for the components we are beholden to UIKit-way of styling?
  11. I like your efforts on this. Visualizing the title portion is very helpful.
  12. @teppo Thank you. This is fantastic.
  13. Very cool. Thank you, @Robin S.
  14. I really like this. Thank you.
  15. I would love to swap out UIKit for Bootstrap. Big time.
  16. Yes, but that’s after the fact. I want to grab and assign the field to the dropdown upon loading the form.
  17. Looking forward to testing this. PW is such a great platform but ecommerce is so much a part of how my clients are looking to make money. I hope this project thrives and the community can keep it vibrant.
  18. Unlike the Integer input type, Decimal doesn’t allow for a default value. I’d love to see this added. I’m working on a mini project where this would come in really handy. The site admins would have all 7 fields pre-populated and they can then adjust as needed.
  19. Same. I’m actually hoping I can use it outside of the typical shop site. I want to build an app that allows for invoicing/payment through Stripe for 1-up items and most importantly being able to run a query in PW that searches pages and then invoices them all as **one** invoice. Padloper probably is overkill for that though. There’s probably already something available in modules that would do the job. But anyways, I’ll be supporting Padloper for sure.
  20. I believe this is a bug. If UIKit theme is used and we traverse to Modules > Configure > AdminThemeUikit > Forms + input, the setting for “Input types that should be offset with additional top/bottom margin” has no affect. I started with Fieldset, but it didn't work. I thought, maybe it’s just the Fieldset field which isn't working; so I placed the entirety of **all** the available fields in that setting. But no fields are effected within my admin screens. I logged out and cleared my cache but still nothing. What **does** work is going into the individual settings for each field (at the field level) and activating the extra margin setting there. But at the global UIKit setting, it appears something is broke. (Attached is the setting I’m referring to.)
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