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Everything posted by wbmnfktr

  1. Well... you can't really compare any other ProcessWire site with ProCache to your site. So... let's go another way here to find out if ProCache is even necessary in your case. Are there more than 100 visitors per hour? Are there heavy or large peaks of visitors? Do you have to query lots and lots of data on each page load? Then ProCache is probably a good choice. You could also use and try template cache and wire cache, which are both quite good actually, and precompile and minify every CSS and JS before using it. With those two tools can easily optimize a ProcessWire site to a certain level and boost performance/speed even without ProCache. ProCache is an awesome tool but even with it enabled you can build slow sites. And the other way around of course.
  2. Didn't California pass a privacy law/bill/act in 2018 as a foundation for something similar to the GDPR? Oh... and in regards to the EU-US privacy shield and the GDPR-compliance of a company those have to follow the rules as well or have to find someone who certifies them anyway.
  3. Just a small addition to this. I just added a new site profile to my Github page. It's a mix of the official blank and the multi-language site profile. The reason I made and published it is simple. This kind of setup/profile is almost always my starting point for a new project. So it saves me a lot of time for the inital setup. I kept (almost) all example files, removed demo content, added a few core modules and stripped almost everything in the output/template files. No UIKIT. No real output strategy. No hassle. Just BLANK in multilanguage flavour. It's not much, but it's honest work. ? PWB Multi Blank
  4. That could be one reason or maybe their backend isn't that powerful and scalable by now as they might need it to be. Or... building reputation, some clients, enough press and BUZZ that Google or Microsoft take a closer look and maybe even buy them. Wouldn't be the first time. In terms of affiliate business... yes... that could be a great opportunity. Similar to GorillaROI. And they offer a quite small service but it seems to work out pretty well for both sides.
  5. Probably a legal, tax and more bureaucracy problems. DeepL is based in Cologne (Germany) and maybe their are even patent-depending problems or issues involved.
  6. Had a similar task a few weeks ago and this is the way I went... exported the whole site with Site Exporter created two local copies of it - one as a reference, one as the new version made all necessary field and template changes - only added fields and moved content where necessary edited the template's output to the new design started switching to new fields on the frontend where added added PagePathHistory module (core) and Jumplinks module reworked content to fit the new needs and fields reorganized the pages crawled the new page with ScreamingFrog to find dead links, 404s and similar things looked for fields, templates, whatever that were not necessary anymore created a working copy of it deleted all "unnecessary" fields, tested and debugged the almost finished site To make some things more clear. When I started with 1. I already had a full HTML dummy of the new site/design, so I exactly knew what the goal is/was/will be. So no surprises later on with the client (for example: we want that, that must move to there). I could just migrate the new styles over into the template files and move content accordingly. So... I guess... sometimes the easiest way is the most comfortable. Depending on that site, there might be other things to include, such a custom modules or developments but as you built that site, you should know what's involved somewhere else there.
  7. This approach seems totally fine. You could speed things up using $cache or even ProCache. Depending on the overall setup one thing might work better than the other. To be honest... build your structure, build up your content and when you reach 100-200 news/events/whatever type of content try playing around with different settings. Do it again and again. Always have a DEV environment to test those things. In most cases there is more than one way to get things done in ProcessWire. At first one approach seems to work fine but later on with more content and users another might work way better. I find myself quite often in this situation and rework things in projects after a while because of things and the amount of content changes. My opinion on this: Don't force them. Give them the option to choose what they want. Offer a nice "The last time you watched CITY. Go this way to get all the latest news for CITY." You never know why someone visited a particular city. Maybe just for interest or by accident. Yet again there is no real this is the best option to do this answer. In your case you might want to look at the page reference field and take a look at this post about categorising content and this post about getting references in different ways. You can also try the skyscraper demo @ryan did a while back. He is handling a lot of data and references there as well. This version of Skyscraper profile works with the latest ProcessWire verion.
  8. If you believe your client will sell the theme you did for them should already be a red flag. But there are a few things in mind. ProcessWire isn't that often used as WordPress, so selling the custom theme might no really pay off. If the work is highly customized it will be hard to sell it anyway. If your client paid you for creating a custom PW theme and not for a custom business website you are too late to the party in this case. Depending on your location (country and legislation) selling a custom theme/website might already break copyright laws - in this case you might only need a good lawyer. Being in an association or union might help as well - but depending on your country and legislation, offered services, contracts and some more details it could be too late as well in this case. For now or the future... if you have a bad feeling about clients in regards of "they will steal my work" make it more difficult to clone/copy your work. don't provide full sources of PHP/CSS/JS/SVG/PSD/AI/... add licenses/copyright notices with your details within a license.md/.txt add license/copyright details in your main files add and use custom namespaces for functions, classes, whatever never work without a contract never work without those details written down in the contract write your own framework/functions and built-up on that, while providing basics of it as Open Source on Github Those things can proof your ownership of that code if necessary or at least will benefit you in proofing in to some point.
  9. We had this discussion a few weeks/months back... could be interesting as well:
  10. Just an idea... but there might be an event() in your .js that watches if someone clicks or touches outside the opened navigation container and therefore closes it. It's not that uncommon to take care of opened elements and to close them if there is an click/touch event somewhere else. As you use fancybox I looked for this feature and found this: // Clicked on the background (backdrop) element; // if you have not changed the layout, then most likely you need to use `clickSlide` option clickOutside: "close", There are more similar options, maybe someone can look into it and test it.
  11. Something like this? <?php // Page sub-select - find pages based on previous selected pages // example: find all brand based on products // https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3553-handling-categories-on-a-product-catalogue/?do=findComment&comment=37833 // define array for brands $brands = new PageArray(); foreach($pages->find("template=productTemplate") as $product) { // add brand from product page to brands array $brands->add($product->brandField); };
  12. Thank you, guys! Thanks for your feedback, thoughts and preview on your upcoming ideas and projects here and in my inbox. I will sort my thoughts and mix them with your input now. I'll keep you posted on this.
  13. Sorry for being late to the party but I had to look around on that site. As already said here... Awesome!
  14. To make a long story short... the last few weeks I asked myself... "What kinds of ProcessWire Profiles are missing or could be interesting for new/existing users?" The answers were... feature rich - with the full glory/monty of ProcessWire's features basic default profiles - Agency, Portfolio, CV, kind-of-niche (Photographers, Musicians, ...) verbose and detailed for starters Premium Theme - kind of... like WordPress has So I wanted to ask you... what could be interesting for you and maybe others out there. I already created Sublime (theme based), pwRecipes (super basic starter) and PWBrecipes (advanced starter based on pwRecipes) but still... I want to create and offer more options for new and existing users of ProcessWire. I teamed up with my colleague and friend from Muskaat to create a nice multi-purpose theme/design to provide a nice entry-point for everyone in regards of ProcessWire but this will take time as it will be highly customized and art-directed. There is a side-project of mine (some of you may know about it) where I want to provide all kinds of ProcessWire Barebones like an Agency-Theme-themed starter profile and such. But... to be honest... right now I'm a bit lost. I don't know what could be interesting or what might be needed. And yes... I don't know where to start. ? Is there anything YOU wanted to have being around as a site profile or theme or anything like this? Every answer, idea and recommendation is highly appreciated.
  15. I almost understand your need (or desire) for this kind of feature. I have had several situations in which I wanted to show clients or others the backend without the ability to change/save anything while still being able to present the full/all capabilities of ProcessWire (and therefore CKEditor textareas, autocomplete in page references, and so on...). I created dummy instances of ProcessWire to show it and imported database backups a few days after to get everything back to normal. While your idea is interesting in some kind... it wouldn't fit my need to show people all kinds of things ProcessWire can do. They wouldn't see the CKEditor in all of its glory - for example. Maybe I got this wrong but... half rendered pages wouldn't work for most of my suspicious clients in regards of ProcessWire. They want to see the "WORD-like textarea" and want play around with it. Nonetheless I can imagine situations in which this would be handy and a great addition but I really don't know how much work this kind of user permission would cause - either in core or as a module... so... sorry for not answering your question. ? Admin read-only permission: could be nice Demo mode for new clients: oh yes... please A mix of both: well... why not
  16. Good to hear it works now. It would be interesting to see and know how and why ProcessWire rejects some files nonetheless.
  17. That's... weird. I'd try this now. take whatever kind of files to test which will be accepted take the video files and change file extension to .txt or .pdf try weird file names and easy file names - long, short, letters, numbers, all in the mix keep an eye on the dev console for errors enable debug mode and maybe some sort of Tracy Do your files have some sort of special names or characters in the names? Are these files corrupt or are they not properly exported? Are these files real movie files or just MP3s (or other) renamed?
  18. Once I missed to add the file extension to my files field. Took me some time to find that issue. Another time something in Firefox messed things up. While it didn't work in Firefox, all other browsers or therefore the uploads from within those worked without problems. Never found out what it exactly was.
  19. FYI: The FormBuilder cookie feature throws an error when using Foundation v6 as output framework. The other options work without any flaws.
  20. Well... maybe next time. ? Good to hear you found it.
  21. It should. My example above will therefore look in /site/templates/_view/FILE.php - this works in about 99% of all cases. Sometimes... I don't know why it doesn't. In those rare cases I have to write render("./_view/..."). and need to add this ./ before the path.
  22. In addition to my previous post some more details about a problem I recently faced with myStyles.js. The browser console showed the following error: Uncaught Error: [CKEDITOR.resourceManager.add] The resource name "mystyles" is already registered. The template had 3 textarea fields but only one of these fields had a custom myStyles.js. After adding the custom myStyles.js to the other two fields everything worked as expected again. Maybe this detail helps in the future.
  23. Can you post the code that is responsible for rendering/creating those images. Maybe there is a glitch in it.
  24. Weird... the favicon.ico thing works like this: The browser looks in certain places for certain files. The favicon.ico is expected here: https://www.domain.tld/favicon.ico and will be displayed if it exists. You can... nonetheless... define an alternative file as described above to change default behaviour or to show another file like a .png Sometimes browsers are kind of lazy and don't look for new files they either haven't found for a while or have already cached. So using another browser or adding a bookmark to your bookmark bar can help to trigger a reload/refresh.
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