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Everything posted by wbmnfktr

  1. Ok... I see the problem. alexander-abelt.test shares one of the other domains abelt.test in it which I can't really avoid as these are or will be my domains (just with another .tld of course) I want to use later on. As this has no further effects on maintaining content, building menus and whatever so far I guess I can ignore that linking/redirecting issue for now. Thanks for pointing that out.
  2. Maybe I'm missing something here but I ran into minor problems setting this up for domains that contain a hyphen. First of all the setup is multisite AND multilanguage. PW 3.0.130, Multisite Module from Github, 3 domains, 2 languages Link from ProcessWire Backend: http://abelt.test/en/alexander-abelt.test/ gets wrongly redirected to http://abelt.test/en/alexander- and not to http://alexander-abelt.test/en/. In this case it's not a real deal-breaker as it's only a setup I need for some of my domains and I know how to work around this but nonetheless I'd like to know if I have to change something or if it is a hiccup here.
  3. Have you tried something like this? 'onsubmit' => "ym(53558719, \'reachGoal\', \'form_question\'); return true;"
  4. Showing user-specific content based on an URL might not be that kind of a good idea. As your users are known and therefore must be logged in you should go the PW route and create pages->find() queries and/or conditional statements based on the user details you have. It's much more secure as well.
  5. Maybe your lazyCron is locked. Look into your /site/assets/lazycron/ or in /site/assets/ folder. Don't know the exact path and name right now. There should be a lazycron file and maybe even a lazycron.locked file. The last one prevents LazyCron from working due to an error that occured before.
  6. They want me to log in so I postpone this for a moment. I saw one or some playlists with similar content on YouTube a while back. Maybe I can find them. There are so many good curated playlists actually.
  7. Just don't create a fake homepage. Build a custom menu that shows whatever pages you want to appear there below the homepage item. Menu Builder is the perfect module for this.
  8. You can of course customize them. Most sites I've seen use only a few iterations for all of its content. So sometime it doesn't match but thats fine for the most part I guess. Facebook is quite good at it.
  9. Yes and I will never ever recommend it to anyone in the near future. It's too bloated and too much of an overhead for most things and the things I want to accomplish. The idea is nice but but no. I use a local LAMP setup which is way easier to maintain, to extend and to use. Maybe its because I focus on frontend and less on backend or plain programming so maybe you should still try to play with it. Well... you know how to contact me for further discussions. ?
  10. I try to create a script that allows me to "rebuild" the Laragon features I liked. Starting the script, entering a name and all I need gets set up. Dev folder, vHost, database, and my pre-built PW profile. You should. It has one of the best keyboards you can get. Unless your keyboard is broken as mine. Military standard was way better on my old X201, X220 than on my X1 but I don't want to blame Lenovo here. I'd like to do so as well but clients prefer to choose their own hosting company.
  11. +1 for X1 Carbon. Hope yours works the same as on day one. Mine is f*cked up as hell already. ? I'm on 19.04 but ok... it's almost the same actually. Gnome is quite slow compared to KDE or XFCE or i3 but it's super customizable which I like. And I know it from the past already. I'd prefer Manjaro but for said reasons Ubuntu seems to be the better choice for now. My "servers" or hosting environments run under several different systems. From Debian to Ubuntu to WaitWhatIneverHeardOfThat so I really don't care about that. I tried to to get a new system under control which allows me to establish a workflow of some kind that it's more customizable than Win 10 and I guess I'm almost there. In addition to that I get some of my tools I need. Prepros and ScreamingFrog work way better here than on Windows. I wrote some .bash scripts to implement my version of Laragon and even git with some aliases and custom .bash scripts seems to work. I will see if this is my long-time setup or just a journey through another OS. Free should never be an argument for something. ? But that's another story.
  12. it's still some kind of a Ubuntu-based distribution. ? But yes... they do several things different and right. I played a lot with linux the past days and to be honest... Ubuntu seems to be the perfect fit for developers (or at least me) as there are so many ready-made packages for Ubuntu or at least .deb packages available. Tried Manjaro in all its flavours (Gnome, KDE, XFCE, i3) but I haven't had the option of packages I wanted. Now on Ubuntu it's a complete different thing. I can change from Gnome to KDE or i3 almost instantly if I wanted. And in terms of an editor or IDE I saw a lot of really nice things that were done with VIM.
  13. Is it a multi-language installation? I guess I've seen something similar a few days ago but didn't care much about it.
  14. Glad to hear that. There are actually no known settings that apply to sub-domain installations. At least I don't know anything about it. The only difference is when you install ProcessWire in a sub-folder. There might be additional steps but even that should work in most situations right out of the box. There are/were minor bugs in some modules when using PHP 7 but there are either already fixes or updated modules. The RewriteBase thing happens sometimes and is more or less related to your hosting. I know hosting solutions where I never had to change anything and then there are some hosting companies where I have to take care of several fixes/changes.
  15. First of all... ProCache. It compiles my SCSS and JS files to small and handy assets. It combines multiple CSS/JS files if necessary. Awesome if you use Premium Templates and don't want to mess around with all of its assets. And it minifies HTML, creates static copies of all your pages and therefore produces all in all really fast sites even on cheaper hosting solutions. BUT... you have to be careful if you handle custom-made forms or any real-data-interaction. ProCache bypasses almost every PHP request so handling user input and things like won't work on ProCache-enabled pages. Second... FormBuilder. It handles 90% of all my necessary use cases of contact forms or any other kind of form my clients or I need. It works pretty well with ProCache - but you have to use the iFrame option then but that's another story. In summary: this form-builder tool can make things quite easy but customizations are sometimes a good amount of work. Replacing one of the includes frameworks, like Bootstrap and UIKIT, can be replaced and you can even use vanilla CSS for it but you have to invest some time here as well. Third... RepeaterMatrix (ProFields). You can create almost every modern (aka lapa.ninja featured) design with it and create your very own page builder tool-kit with it BUT... you have to dig deep into how everything works. It's a tool to built bigger tools. I use it for a very long time now and I guess I used only about 20% of its full potential. Last but not least... every other module from the ProFields collection. There is so much in it and you really should take a closer look at the provided screencasts to imagine what they can do. So... feel free to ask if you need details on one or the other modules.
  16. Try commenting that line above in again and change Rewrite base to / . Another thing... reload after login attempt without error... it had this in my Brave browser a few days back. Its settings didn't allow JS, cookies and almost everything else. You could try another browser or less strict privacy settings as well. Which ProcessWire and PHP version are you using? Was it a blank intallation or a profile with modules or anything else?
  17. Glad to hear that. Removed your projectname already.
  18. I looked up what is set here... folders: 755 files: 644 (config.php 400) Maybe that's too general as well but it seems as those are the only settings - at least I can't find only those permissions here. It matches the details written here: https://processwire.com/docs/security/file-permissions/#permission-755-for-directories-and-644-for-files - so I'm fine with that for now. Whenever I have the feeling I messed to much with those permissions I create a site profile, install it totally fresh and start from there. Doesn't happen that often but it happened. What problems are you facing right now and what errors/warnings show up? Maybe it's something totally different.
  19. I get this kind of error when... 1) I re-use a laragon www site name. If I ever used site name projectabc, delete it and use it again, I often end in database problems. So... if you already used it before, try another name. 2) I use protected names. I once had an older profile in which some field names were protected names. One was limit, one was modules and another one I can't remember. I looked into the install.php or install.sql, tried to find these fields, changed their names to something not-protected and everything worked well. 3) I have cached files in that profile. /site/assets/ has several cache folders and maybe even session folders. I don't know why but my profile had tons of these cached files. I deleted them it worked. Another thing... in install.php (if I remember correctly) is a flag which enables kind of a debug installations that only checks so you can find errors way easier.
  20. Maybe this helps https://processwire.com/docs/security/file-permissions/
  21. Just found this... https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim Maybe way to linux-ish but... that will work even on a poor SSH connection.
  22. That migration-thing is nothing I want to use a module for while syncing dev/test/stage/qa/live environments. I used to use Site Profile Exporter for the most part but once in a while - my own projects - I need a different way that just works of some kind I still try to figure out. But yes... I could and should give your module a try. Besides that... your wish of an independet environment is exactly what I'm looking for as well. Right now im tinkering on a old Thinkpad from 2008, an hour ago I was on a X1 and an hour before that I used my Surface... I wish I could just fire up or log in to whatever to have my dev-environment but actually I haven't found anything that really works. I thought about https://shadow.tech/ and installing everything on that system but still I'd need a fast internet connection which isn't always available. I also thought about slimming down my dev-setup that much that I could easily sync it as a package through Dropbox, OneDrive or any similar solution. VS Code is available as portable version but my Laragon folder is about 6GB which could be a show-stopper somehow.
  23. Wow... that video is old... but as I see it I remember things I have tried to do with Cygwin (https://www.cygwin.com/) a decade (or so) ago. Back to your question... I recently had similar thoughts and ideas and started trying things. Virtual machine Docker WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux) At first I installed Linux in a virtual machine (to save that cloud hosting step) which worked quite well. It ran stable and almost fast enough but even those tiny tiny lags annoyed me that much that I just stopped trying. If a virtual machine can't do it... how should it work via internet and via SSH or whatever? I would need a super fast 1Gbit line but all I get is just enough for Netflix. ? Haven't done anything with Docker yet but installed the WSL and play around with it at the moment. I try to find a workflow that involves my tools, Git (github or Bitbucket) and some kind of easy sync to my hosting-destinations. To be honest... I'm far away from a perfect or even reliable solution. Unless I have to update things in the database - SSH and git on my hosting is almost enough to get things updated within a minute or so. Local Laragon -git-> dev.devdomain.tld -git-> clientorprojectdomain.tld
  24. Are there any errors or entries in the logs? Any more details?
  25. Haven't used this in backends yet but sometimes those skeletons are pretty nice. https://codepen.io/oslego/pen/XdvWmd
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