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  1. Thanks. I thought its unavailable.
  2. I need to set an attribute for form with single quotes inside the value. Now I have this code: private function getForm($options) { $form = $this->modules->get('InputfieldForm'); $form->action = isset($options['action']) ? $options['action'] : './'; $form->method = 'post'; $form->attr([ 'id+name' => 'contact-form', 'onsubmit' => "ym(53558719, 'reachGoal', 'form_question'); return true;" ]); ... } But on the frontend there is an output: <form id="contact-form" class="form js-simplecontactform InputfieldForm" name="contact-form" method="post" action="./#question" onsubmit="ym(53558719, &#039;reachGoal&#039;, &#039;form_question&#039;); return true;" data-colspacing="1"> Backslashes before single quotes don't help. The quotes turn into &#039; What should I do?
  3. Hi, @Wanze I found some solution for Google Analytics to use an event trigger with Google Tag Manager (https://www.jeffalytics.com/track-downloads-google-analytics/). Is it possible to display downloads tracking by the module?
  4. Hi, everyone. I have the same problem. The module cannot find any accounts. I've checked the Analytics API is enabled in Google console. I've got Google Analytics gtag and module found the account.
  5. Hello @abdus. Do you have a progress with your ProcessMailer module?
  6. Yep! How right you are! I have cleaned cache and Firefox opens admin page without problem. Before PW installation I tried another CMS at the same domen. So Firefox cached admin data from old site. Thanks everyone for the help!
  7. So I opened admin page from several PCs at work. Everything works fine. At home I check site from my wife's laptop. And its ok too. Finally I tried to open admin page by Microsoft Edge and it works. As a result I can conclude that server, it's services and PW work normal. The problem is the configuration of Firefox on my home PC. I have not locate problem yet. But the activated private browsing solves the problem.
  8. The situation is more weird than I guess. Today I tried to open admin page from the PC at my work. It works fine. There are no any ? symbols at url. I blew my mind yesterday at home. It seems server works and problem may be my PC at home. Perhaps the firewall or antivirus software blocks something. Try to check later.
  9. I tried to rename .htaccess file. Site loads only home page. Other requests return 404 error. The request to admin page keeps on returning home page with /?/admin/ at the url of the page.
  10. I've tried to add gibberish to the .htaccess file. Server returns 500 error.
  11. I've already checked this. AllowOverride all
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