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Gideon So

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Everything posted by Gideon So

  1. Hi, I have a addon domain in hostgator but can't make the site work cause all js files and css files are block and show 403 forbidden error. I check the error log there is many lines like this: Permission denied: /path/to/public_html/add-on-domain/site/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable. I wonder why the web server search for the .htaccess file in the site directory. Any hints are welcome Gideon
  2. This module seems not compatible with the latest Facebook policy. If you want to post something through a Facebook app, you need to apply for the permission. Otherwise, it ask for login every time just as your case. Gideon
  3. Hi @adrianmak, This is indeed a much better way to white list all the Chinese characters. And seems that it is feasible to implement into the core. Gideon
  4. Please check your mail log to check what are the reasons of those bounces. Gideon
  5. Looks very interesting and good. Gideon
  6. Simply edit your web server config file to point yourdomain.com to the directory that your subdomain.yourdomain.com reside. Then edit the config.php file in the sub-domain directory to change config.httpHost to yourdomain.com. Restart your web server. Done. Hope this helps. Gideon So
  7. Hi, Do you mean that you want to merge two site into one? If yes, take a look on ProcessWire multi-instances support which enable you to load content from one site to the other. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/multi-instance-pw3/ Gideon So
  8. Take a look at the .htaccess file and look for the rewritebase directive. Read the comments there. You may find some light. Gideon
  9. Hi, This module is the best solution for user based access control. I highly recommend it. Gideon
  10. Hi, I don't think this is a good way to do it either. Seems other CMSs get a more simple way. Gideon
  11. Hi Adrian, I found a 5000- word list and copy all the characters to the config.php and don't forget copy them to the .htaccess file too. But from time to time I need to add more. Gideon
  12. Hi, @Robin S Learn something new today. Thanks. Gideon
  13. Hi @xxxlogiatxxx, There is no $page->find(). You may want to find all pages which use template "item". The syntax should be: $fields = $pages->find("template=item, sort=item_type"); Gideon
  14. Hi @Neveroff, I started my journey with this one: Gideon
  15. Just replace the css file and js file and you have the latest bootstrap 4 version. Gideon
  16. I read Medium everyday but not a blog. Medium indeed is replacing blogs. Gideon
  17. Very impressive. Why not post in the modules main forum? Gideon
  18. Hi, Maybe you should try using a full URL. Gideon
  19. Hi @Macrura Thanks for your advice. I will take a look. Gideon
  20. Hi @kixe, Thanks for your suggestion but I am not looking for logging. I need to show some message in the backend while a user edit a page. Gideon
  21. Hi, I have a field (page reference field) that allows user to choose news category. I want to show some message if the user choose certain category as a reminder. How can I do that? Gideon
  22. Hi, $page->child already select the first child of the current page. I think there is no need to add any selector to it. Gideon
  23. Sort or search by field other than system field like id, created, etc is not possible because all the custom form fields are saved as one array in the database. Gideon
  24. +1. Much better to have it in field settings. Gideon
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