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Everything posted by mr-fan

  1. Just used this on the frontendside...not in the backend UI...
  2. Not with JqueryUI for a little privat project i found this with support nesting - multiple popups...see point 6. MISC http://dinbror.dk/bpopup/ regards mr-fan
  3. even the smileys could be nice to administrate with one page for one smiley image page title = ";)" page image file "smiley.png"... and some link i've in my bookmarks on this topic: http://tutorialzine.com/2015/01/shoutbox-php-jquery/ it uses Emoji One: http://emojione.com/demo May a own comments branch would be better for this as the full blown blog modul. together with commentmanger modul it would be a nice solution for such guestbook things.. regards mr-fan
  4. ProcessWire is that CMS/CMF for real craftsman! Other CMS give you the structure (mostly strange and not comprehensible) - and PW gives you the toolkit to build up websites along with your actual knowlegde and learning process. There will always be room for new improvments and enhancements in your skills while you building websites with PW, without break something or "crying on a update"...a little bit like playing a game and level up with every project/website that you learn something new. Best hint at start is to change general thinking. Much more reflect the basic structure, data and possible enlargements on your project, than simple installing plugins. Build your website just with HTML/CSS like you need it and then carve out the needed data and form it with PW templates and fields. First important advice on the forum is to search with google and not use the forum search itself, since this search is not that good. Second important advice is to wish you the same fun that i have after switched to Processwire - you will get some great moments if you are open to the basic concepts and ideas behind this piece of software. best regards mr-fan
  5. You could take my advice to search for those terms and get a other solution to "teach" your CKEEditor field to have some extra CSS classes on several HTML tags like ul, img and so on...http://bfy.tw/2X2g so no need for extra CSS element dependancy just use the plain HTML tag and add a class... (understanding is no problem - mostly it is searching and reading with all this technical things - not meant as criticism to you or your question)
  6. This could be solved in two ways. 1. create a second term 2. add a field for "plural" and change the textformatter to search in "title" and "plural" field... would work. But from my experience you will need specific terms on specific words like ||PW|| or ||contact|| as Link and for abbreviation you have fix terms, too. regards mr-fan
  7. You have to search for CKEEditor using own styles so you can set the CSS classes in your mystyles.js needed and use it via the RTE field after inserting a image: example: CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'mystyles', [ //images { name : 'Image left' , element : 'img', attributes : { 'class' : 'thumbnail align_left' } }, { name : 'Image right' , element : 'img', attributes : { 'class' : 'thumbnail align_right' } }, or you chould search for a module that is named ImageInterceptor so you have control over inserted images and not the user. regards mr-fan
  8. I will share a little texformatter from a actual project for a client. In my former CMS i had an easy addon where i could preset terms like in a glossary that will replaced in the Wysiwyg fields on every page. So there are solutions that i know but the all work not that easy like my former used addon. The title of the glossary_item is used for the termsearch. This textformatter search for terms in ||termexample|| or ||example term|| and replace them complete. If a term was in ||pipes|| and there was no hit in the glossary entries the pipes will deleted from the term and only the clean value will returned. So no room for wrong user entries like if i used HannCode or something else. This is great for abbreviations, external- and internal links and could extended for every possible replacement that makes sense like footnotes and so on. I like the pages concept for content and so i use pages for glossary and simple replacement where a user wanna have it. No autolinking without control, easy use pipes on abbreviations and links and it simple works. Some explanations from the Github Readme: Setup You have to use a pagestructure for the glossary items holder Page for entries template "glossary" glossary items template "glossary_item" The type of a glossary item could be a abbreviation, a external or internal link. Everything you need could added to the textformatter like more complex stuff, footnotes or other replacements. Why? There are working solutions like the great module from Ryan Cramer Autolink in the Profields https://processwire.com/api/modules/profields/autolinks/ But here Users don't could setup easy the terms to replace - this is only ment for webmasters or admins. There are a module for abbreviations from sunlix https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7467-module-processabbreviate/ But here i only have options for abbreviations and i couln't easy add stuff or replacments i need. Links Github: https://github.com/mr-fan/TextformatterGlossary Example Templates for Import: https://github.com/mr-fan/TextformatterGlossary/blob/master/template-examples.json Best regards mr-fan
  9. mr-fan

    Hanna Code

    Just tested and works fine here. Maybe you take a look at other textformatters or try to change your code....here is the changed example i used to test on normal pages: <?php $template = "basic-page"; //search for special content //$link = $pages->get("template=repeater_links, identifier={$id}"); //seach normal pages $link = $pages->get("template={$template}, id={$id}"); //check if $link has a page for output if ($link != "") { echo "<a href='{$link->url}' target='{$target}'>{$text}</a>"; } regards mr-fan
  10. Ok with 2.6.19 you can access the settings for the Add new Button may there you find a solution. Have a read at: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.17-expands-admin-navigation-with-bookmarks/#page-add-bookmarks regards mr-fan
  11. Template settings are correct? You have to check - the rights for parent templates, too. - allowed child templates there - add new button activated for shure what PW version? regards mr-fan
  12. use this in combination with that and you have a strong "selling point" and/or alternative admin UX for batch editing even this module could be a solution for the "holder page" like /pw-root/posts/... to use The Blog panel serv also all posts in the postspage and all posts have a edit link on there titles....so hide the quickpost row simple via CSS... Also make use of the simple and easy "Add New" Button and/or bookmarks so the user don't have to navigate trough the pagetree...there are many shortcuts and UI improvments possible with PW - but like everything else the choice to use them in your setup is on you! regards mr-fan
  13. Take a read... https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2868-count-views-of-post/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1618-page-view-counter-and-cache/ just create a field and count the field value while a "guest" is calling the page... even clicks can be counted if you have a one file = one page approach to deliver the file - so on every call the file/page you can count a "click" regards mr-fan Ps.: try out the better and good working google search on this forum... https://cse.google.com/cse/publicurl?cx=014789015761400632609:fxrf0rj4wr4
  14. It's possible with a special fieldtype without a module just create a field and use plain PHP to get such elements... https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10804-module-runtimemarkup-fieldtype-inputfield/ Prev next navigation example is already there: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10804-module-runtimemarkup-fieldtype-inputfield/#entry103661 regards mr-fan
  15. I'll spend a little snippet to render a nice admin table in such kinds of dashboard.... //lets's show some last events //rootpage of articles is XXXX // Find some pages $events = $pages->find("template=event,check_active=0,limit=5,sort=event_start_date,sort=event_start_time"); $table = $modules->get("MarkupAdminDataTable"); $table->headerRow( ["Title", "Created", "User"] ); $table->setSortable(false); $table->action(array( 'New Event' => $config->urls->admin . 'page/add/?parent_id=XXXX', 'All Events' => $config->urls->admin . 'page/events/', )); foreach($events as $page){ $data = array( // Values with a sting key are converter to a link: title => link $page->title => $config->urls->admin."page/edit/?id=".$page->id, date("F j, Y", $page->created), $page->createdUser->full_name ); $table->row($data); } // $table->footerRow( $someArray ); echo '<div class="someclass">'; ">'; echo $table->render(); echo '</div>'; renders something like this: have fun
  16. I always set the title/name of the homepage and after that i go to >template>home>fieldsetttings for title and set visibility to locked...so this page name is save. I do the same for "critical" content pages like news, events, contact....and so on. regards mr-fan
  17. Yes diogo your are right. even if something happend to luis would his rights on this software be passed. The only one who could share this is himself.
  18. No response from luis via Twitter and other canals, too....did a short research on his name (think it's his real name)...but did not find anything. The app is fully made as a own twitter bootstrap frontend - pw is only used as a dataprovider....so for frontendthings like ajax, creating listing there is much to learn for a newbie like me. Don't shure if we could provide the files here? In the downloaded zip after buying the fee is no License file or instructions on this topic...so may i even don't get in trouble since the product store doesn't exist and the files has no license file within...your thoughts?
  19. YOU SAVED MY LIFE TONIGHT... works if i changed from "AUTO" to "SINGLE ELEMENT".....seems to be a issue with 2.6.19. I know it's alpha state but it works on all my other instances and servers just this problem is caused by the dev version of PW! Thank you again - now i can go sleep
  20. while testing and knocking with the head on the wall...i found that this only with single imagefield happens. with one field with mutliple images it creates thumbs as usual...
  21. just read the whole thread - this seems to happen somethimes...check forceNew also. was off and i've put this in my config.php /** * ImageSizer options */ $config->imageSizerOptions = array( 'forceNew' => true, // force create new thumbs/images ); But no effect - even it shouts that forceNew is true. Important hint could be that i use the imagefields with a PageTable field...but on my local Installation all works??
  22. If i tell the user to create a crop manually that this fit exactly his needs all works...but it don't create default crops.
  23. Have a problem with this module...since i'm switched from local to life server... PW 2.6.19 all uptodate No default crop is created...this is really not that good since i can't really uninstall it or switch image handling.. don't have a clue where to start debug or change something on this.... help is very appreciated regards mr-fan
  24. All notices are gone! ....and i know i owe you the next german translation... (coming next week for shure) This is as a matter of course if i use a module like yours in my projects! Getting such modules with great support from expirienced developers is a real good thing and my opinon is that even if i don't could code such thing myself i've to support/test/translate or do something else that contributes and honor the author. (Finally "Opensource" is like sharing time and experience at the same time to benefit - and it only really works if the most participants take part of that game) added: i've less experience so i'll bring in my time... Best regards mr-fan
  25. some actual testing with BCE get me Notice: Undefined index: parentPage in S:\DEV\www\xxx\site\modules\BatchChildEditor\BatchChildEditor.module on line 303 Notice: Undefined index: parentPage in S:\DEV\www\xxx\site\modules\BatchChildEditor\BatchChildEditor.module on line 384 Notice: Undefined index: parentPage in S:\DEV\www\xxx\site\modules\BatchChildEditor\BatchChildEditor.module on line 1746 Notice: Undefined index: listerDefaultSort in S:\DEV\www\xxx\site\modules\BatchChildEditor\BatchChildEditor.module on line 1804 PW 2.6.19 - BCE 0.9.9 - local - usage is in the content tab Best regards mr-fan
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