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Everything posted by mr-fan

  1. i'l translate the actual version - but last days was very bussy... only problem that i'll see for now is the handling of dates and the calendar overview....this should changed to a multilingual version....i thought i've read a snippet for this from Apesia that support something simiar for displayed calendars, too....
  2. Hi Jordan, i've tested out C5, too but it is not really easy to translate...very hard i thought... and it's heavy for a shared host to take....even if you use the cache on some hosts the pages are slower...and much more stuff i didn't like. I used a long time a real simple CMS (same basics like PW Pagetree driven and instead of fieldtypes and templates there where blocks ->like in C5 // but different structur and no more long time devellopment) A Pagetree is a thing that clients check really fast! And the PageContent could be really created to fit the needs for different aproaches on a page f.e. with fieldsettabs and so on! i've only small sites running (biggest is 500 pages in g00gle) mostly between 5 and 50 - but i've until now no usecase in my portfolio that i'm not said to meet here and see PW so late Only thing i didn't checked out/tested is it easy to build frontendforms from PW read a lot in the forum but there is no "out of the box" solution (for bigger forms Formbuilder seems to be the thing) I'll be very excited to build my first site with PW. Best Regards mr-fan
  3. for devs easyphp project is also a great option but no vs! http://www.easyphp.org/
  4. ASAP i will provide german language files... Great Work!
  5. EOT is only to echo large texts within PHP vars i think....so try this untested... else { //ending PHP part start HTML ?> <!--Begin Table For Catalog Data --> <table id="catalog" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th>Artist</th> <th>Track Name</th> <th>Album</th> <th>Length</th> <th>Songwriter(s)</th> <th>Genre</th> <th><span data-tooltip class="has-tip" title="Displays the following mood / emotion / characteristic">Traits</span></th> <th><span data-tooltip class="has-tip" title="All songs are originals unless designated cover (letter C)">Type</span></th> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php //Table Loops --starts PHP is correct for the loop for your tracks $tracks = $pages->find("has_parent=/artists/, template=track"); if($tracks) { foreach($tracks as $track) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td id='artistName'>" . $track->parent->parent->title . "</td>"; // artist name echo "<td id='trackTitle'>" . $track->title . "</td>"; echo "<td id='albumTitle'>" . $track->parent->title . "</td>"; // this is the album name echo "<td id='trackLength'>" . $track->track_length . "</td>"; // track length echo "<td>" . $track->songwriter . "</td>"; // track songwriter echo "<td id='genres'>"; foreach ($track->genres as $genre) { echo $genre->title . "/"; }; echo "</td>"; echo "<td id='traits'>"; foreach ($track->moods as $mood) { echo $mood->title . "/ "; }; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; // determin cover song or not if($track->song_type != null) { echo '<img id="logo" src="' . $config->urls->templates . 'img/letterC.png">'; } else { echo ""; }; //end determin cover echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . "<a href=' " . $track->song_file->url . " ' class='sm2_button'>Play</a>" ."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } // ends PHP part again is correct from your code ?> </tbody> </table> <!-- End Catalog Table --> <!-- Initialize DataTable --> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('#catalog').DataTable(); } ); </script> <?php //start PHP for last closing brace for the if/else contruct // no need for EOD; } ?> But i'am no real PHP Coder....so be aware this is only a hint and may someone else could do this more fancy Best Regards
  6. mr-fan

    Hanna Code

    Actuall in my testing phase of PW - there are much less usecases for such little snippets because you could use simple a extra field or do prefered PHP direkt in the page template....but in other systems you only had some blocks or one Wysiwyg per pages and such snippets catch up some content or bring some logic to a wysiwyg the user doesn't have to think about it. For example you could easy setup some Hanna codes and implement it fast via import on new different websites....reusable codesnippets are the usecase. Iportant question if i wanna make them work in the template i have to call the process i think?? Next HannaCode from my testings is a simple sitemap: //:Sitemap: creates a simple sitemap (Snippet find in the forum from soma) //:Use: [[sitemap]] Just import this one: !HannaCode:sitemap: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/!HannaCode Have Fun - mr-fan
  7. mr-fan

    Hanna Code

    thanks for get into it adrian....so here is the next one... //:Greeting: creates output depending on actual hour //:Use: [[greeting]] (for eg on a headline) !HannaCode:Greeting:eyJuYW1lIjoiR3JlZXRpbmciLCJ0eXBlIjoiMiIsImNvZGUiOiI8P3BocFxyXG5cclxuXC9cLzpHcmVldGluZzogY3JlYXRlcyBvdXRwdXQgZGVwZW5kaW5nIG9uIGFjdHVhbCBob3VyXHJcblwvXC86VXNlOiBbW2dyZWV0aW5nXV0gKGZvciBlZyBvbiBhIGhlYWRsaW5lKVxyXG5cclxuJEhvdXJPZkRheSA9IGRhdGUoXCJHXCIpO1xyXG5pZiAoJEhvdXJPZkRheSA8IDEyKSB7XHJcbiAgICBlY2hvICAnR29vZCBNb3JuaW5nJztcclxufSBlbHNlaWYgKCRIb3VyT2ZEYXkgPCAxOCkge1xyXG4gICAgZWNobyAnR29vZCBBZnRlcm5vb24nO1xyXG59IGVsc2Uge1xyXG4gICAgZWNobyAnR29vZCBFdmVuaW5nJztcclxufSJ9/!HannaCode If it be ok - from the modside we could make a new Threat with only HannaCode Examples as Posts - i would sort them into groups in a first post? If this is welcome? Best Regards mr-fan
  8. i will try to learn fast.... i'm already amazed and i only see the surface! i've to less time to dive into all the sourcecode...
  9. mr-fan

    Hanna Code

    so i don't know what is wrong: [[genQR size="200" link="http:\\google.com"]] [[genQR size="200"]] and same code as above but with echo the $link give me a screen like this (second QR is emty with no $link is given) (....system is PW 2.4 clean install with some testaddons and the basic-site profil) thanks for take a look
  10. mr-fan

    Hanna Code

    There is a Export/Import so here comes my first HannaCode that works for me....please test and give some feedback if it is helpfull or not and if there some issues like i'm no really good at PHP (I'm willing to learn and listen to pros... !HannaCode:lorem:eyJuYW1lIjoibG9yZW0iLCJ0eXBlIjoiMiIsImNvZGUiOiJcLypoY19hdHRyXG5ibG9ja3M9XCJcIlxuaGNfYXR0cipcL1xuPD9waHBcclxuXHJcblwvXC86bG9yZW06IGNyZWF0ZXMgTG9yZW1JcHN1bSBUZXh0IHBhcmFncmFwaHNcclxuXC9cLzpVc2U6IFtbTG9yZW0/YmxvY2tzPTZdXSAobWF4IDYgcGFyYWdyYXBocylcclxuXC9cL1xyXG5cL1wvIFBhcmFtZXRlcnM6XHJcblwvXC8gJGJsb2NrcyAtIGRlZmF1bHQgaXMgMSBibG9ja1xyXG5cclxuJGxvcmVtID0gYXJyYXkoKTtcclxuJGxvcmVtW10gPSBcIkxvcmVtIGlwc3VtIGRvbG9yIHNpdCBhbWV0LCBjb25zZWN0ZXR1ZXIgYWRpcGlzY2luZyBlbGl0LiBVdCBvZGlvLiBOYW0gc2VkIGVzdC4gTmFtIGEgcmlzdXMgZXQgZXN0IGlhY3VsaXMgYWRpcGlzY2luZy4gVmVzdGlidWx1bSBhbnRlIGlwc3VtIHByaW1pcyBpbiBmYXVjaWJ1cyBvcmNpIGx1Y3R1cyBldCB1bHRyaWNlcyBwb3N1ZXJlIGN1YmlsaWEgQ3VyYWU7IEludGVnZXIgdXQganVzdG8uIEluIHRpbmNpZHVudCB2aXZlcnJhIG5pc2wuIERvbmVjIGRpY3R1bSBtYWxlc3VhZGEgbWFnbmEuIEN1cmFiaXR1ciBpZCBuaWJoIGF1Y3RvciB0ZWxsdXMgYWRpcGlzY2luZyBwaGFyZXRyYS4gRnVzY2UgdmVsIGp1c3RvIG5vbiBvcmNpIHNlbXBlciBmZXVnaWF0LiBDcmFzIGV1IGxlbyBhdCBwdXJ1cyB1bHRyaWNlcyB0cmlzdGlxdWUuPGJyIFwvPjxiciBcLz5cIjtcclxuJGxvcmVtW10gPSBcIkR1aXMgYXV0ZW0gdmVsIGV1bSBpcml1cmUgZG9sb3IgaW4gaGVuZHJlcml0IGluIHZ1bHB1dGF0ZSB2ZWxpdCBlc3NlIG1vbGVzdGllIGNvbnNlcXVhdCwgdmVsIGlsbHVtIGRvbG9yZSBldSBmZXVnaWF0IG51bGxhIGZhY2lsaXNpcyBhdCB2ZXJvIGVyb3MgZXQgYWNjdW1zYW4gZXQgaXVzdG8gb2RpbyBkaWduaXNzaW0gcXVpIGJsYW5kaXQgcHJhZXNlbnQgbHVwdGF0dW0genpyaWwgZGVsZW5pdCBhdWd1ZSBkdWlzIGRvbG9yZSB0ZSBmZXVnYWl0IG51bGxhIGZhY2lsaXNpLiBMb3JlbSBpcHN1bSBkb2xvciBzaXQgYW1ldCwgY29uc2VjdGV0dWVyIGFkaXBpc2NpbmcgZWxpdCwgc2VkIGRpYW0gbm9udW1teSBuaWJoIGV1aXNtb2QgdGluY2lkdW50IHV0IGxhb3JlZXQgZG9sb3JlIG1hZ25hIGFsaXF1YW0gZXJhdCB2b2x1dHBhdC48YnIgXC8+PGJyIFwvPlwiO1xyXG4kbG9yZW1bXSA9IFwiVXQgd2lzaSBlbmltIGFkIG1pbmltIHZlbmlhbSwgcXVpcyBub3N0cnVkIGV4ZXJjaSB0YXRpb24gdWxsYW1jb3JwZXIgc3VzY2lwaXQgbG9ib3J0aXMgbmlzbCB1dCBhbGlxdWlwIGV4IGVhIGNvbW1vZG8gY29uc2VxdWF0LiBEdWlzIGF1dGVtIHZlbCBldW0gaXJpdXJlIGRvbG9yIGluIGhlbmRyZXJpdCBpbiB2dWxwdXRhdGUgdmVsaXQgZXNzZSBtb2xlc3RpZSBjb25zZXF1YXQsIHZlbCBpbGx1bSBkb2xvcmUgZXUgZmV1Z2lhdCBudWxsYSBmYWNpbGlzaXMgYXQgdmVybyBlcm9zIGV0IGFjY3Vtc2FuIGV0IGl1c3RvIG9kaW8gZGlnbmlzc2ltIHF1aSBibGFuZGl0IHByYWVzZW50IGx1cHRhdHVtIHp6cmlsIGRlbGVuaXQgYXVndWUgZHVpcyBkb2xvcmUgdGUgZmV1Z2FpdCBudWxsYSBmYWNpbGlzaS48YnIgXC8+PGJyIFwvPlwiO1xyXG4kbG9yZW1bXSA9IFwiTmFtIGxpYmVyIHRlbXBvciBjdW0gc29sdXRhIG5vYmlzIGVsZWlmZW5kIG9wdGlvbiBjb25ndWUgbmloaWwgaW1wZXJkaWV0IGRvbWluZyBpZCBxdW9kIG1hemltIHBsYWNlcmF0IGZhY2VyIHBvc3NpbSBhc3N1bS4gTG9yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9sb3Igc2l0IGFtZXQsIGNvbnNlY3RldHVlciBhZGlwaXNjaW5nIGVsaXQsIHNlZCBkaWFtIG5vbnVtbXkgbmliaCBldWlzbW9kIHRpbmNpZHVudCB1dCBsYW9yZWV0IGRvbG9yZSBtYWduYSBhbGlxdWFtIGVyYXQgdm9sdXRwYXQuIFV0IHdpc2kgZW5pbSBhZCBtaW5pbSB2ZW5pYW0sIHF1aXMgbm9zdHJ1ZCBleGVyY2kgdGF0aW9uIHVsbGFtY29ycGVyIHN1c2NpcGl0IGxvYm9ydGlzIG5pc2wgdXQgYWxpcXVpcCBleCBlYSBjb21tb2RvIGNvbnNlcXVhdC48YnIgXC8+PGJyIFwvPlwiO1xyXG4kbG9yZW1bXSA9IFwiQ3JhcyBjb25zZXF1YXQgbWFnbmEgYWMgdGVsbHVzLiBEdWlzIHNlZCBtZXR1cyBzaXQgYW1ldCBudW5jIGZhdWNpYnVzIGJsYW5kaXQuIEZ1c2NlIHRlbXB1cyBjdXJzdXMgdXJuYS4gU2VkIGJpYmVuZHVtLCBkb2xvciBldCB2b2x1dHBhdCBub251bW15LCB3aXNpIGp1c3RvIGNvbnZhbGxpcyBuZXF1ZSwgZXUgZmV1Z2lhdCBsZW8gbGlndWxhIG5lYyBxdWFtLiBOdWxsYSBpbiBtaS4gSW50ZWdlciBhYyBtYXVyaXMgdmVsIGxpZ3VsYSBsYW9yZWV0IHRyaXN0aXF1ZS4gTnVuYyBlZ2V0IHRvcnRvciBpbiBkaWFtIHJob25jdXMgdmVoaWN1bGEuIE51bGxhIHF1aXMgbWkuIEZ1c2NlIHBvcnRhIGZyaW5naWxsYSBtYXVyaXMuIFZlc3RpYnVsdW0gc2VkIGRvbG9yLiBBbGlxdWFtIHRpbmNpZHVudCBpbnRlcmR1bSBhcmN1LiBWZXN0aWJ1bHVtIGVnZXQgbGFjdXMuIEN1cmFiaXR1ciBwZWxsZW50ZXNxdWUgZWdlc3RhcyBsZWN0dXMuIER1aXMgZG9sb3IuIEFsaXF1YW0gZXJhdCB2b2x1dHBhdC4gQWxpcXVhbSBlcmF0IHZvbHV0cGF0LiBEdWlzIGVnZXN0YXMgcmhvbmN1cyBkdWkuIFNlZCBpYWN1bGlzLCBtZXR1cyBldCBtb2xsaXMgdGluY2lkdW50LCBtYXVyaXMgZG9sb3Igb3JuYXJlIG9kaW8sIGluIGN1cnN1cyBqdXN0byBmZWxpcyBzaXQgYW1ldCBhcmN1LiBBZW5lYW4gc29sbGljaXR1ZGluLiBEdWlzIGxlY3R1cyBsZW8sIGVsZWlmZW5kIG1vbGxpcywgY29uc2VxdWF0IHV0LCB2ZW5lbmF0aXMgYXQsIGFudGUuPGJyIFwvPjxiciBcLz5cIjtcclxuJGxvcmVtW10gPSBcIkNvbnNldGV0dXIgc2FkaXBzY2luZyBlbGl0ciwgc2VkIGRpYW0gbm9udW15IGVpcm1vZCB0ZW1wb3IgaW52aWR1bnQgdXQgbGFib3JlIGV0IGRvbG9yZSBtYWduYSBhbGlxdXlhbSBlcmF0LCBzZWQgZGlhbSB2b2x1cHR1YS4gQXQgdmVybyBlb3MgZXQgYWNjdXNhbSBldCBqdXN0byBkdW8gZG9sb3JlcyBldCBlYSByZWJ1bS4gU3RldCBjbGl0YSBrYXNkIGd1YmVyZ3Jlbiwgbm8gc2VhIHRha2ltYXRhIHNhbmN0dXMgZXN0IExvcmVtIGlwc3VtIGRvbG9yIHNpdCBhbWV0LiBMb3JlbSBpcHN1bSBkb2xvciBzaXQgYW1ldCwgY29uc2V0ZXR1ciBzYWRpcHNjaW5nIGVsaXRyLCBzZWQgZGlhbSBub251bXkgZWlybW9kIHRlbXBvciBpbnZpZHVudCB1dCBsYWJvcmUgZXQgZG9sb3JlIG1hZ25hIGFsaXF1eWFtIGVyYXQsIHNlZCBkaWFtIHZvbHVwdHVhLiBBdCB2ZXJvIGVvcyBldCBhY2N1c2FtIGV0IGp1c3RvIGR1byBkb2xvcmVzIGV0IGVhIHJlYnVtLiBTdGV0IGNsaXRhIGthc2QgZ3ViZXJncmVuLCBubyBzZWEgdGFraW1hdGEgc2FuY3R1cyBlc3QgTG9yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9sb3Igc2l0IGFtZXQuIExvcmVtIGlwc3VtIGRvbG9yIHNpdCBhbWV0LCBjb25zZXRldHVyIHNhZGlwc2NpbmcgZWxpdHIsIHNlZCBkaWFtIG5vbnVteSBlaXJtb2QgdGVtcG9yIGludmlkdW50IHV0IGxhYm9yZSBldCBkb2xvcmUgbWFnbmEgYWxpcXV5YW0gZXJhdCwgc2VkIGRpYW0gdm9sdXB0dWEuIEF0IHZlcm8gZW9zIGV0IGFjY3VzYW0gZXQganVzdG8gZHVvIGRvbG9yZXMgZXQgZWEgcmVidW0uIFN0ZXQgY2xpdGEga2FzZCBndWJlcmdyZW4sIG5vIHNlYSB0YWtpbWF0YSBzYW5jdHVzIGVzdCBMb3JlbSBpcHN1bSBkb2xvciBzaXQgYW1ldC48YnIgXC8+PGJyIFwvPlwiOyBcclxuaWYgKCFpc3NldCgkYmxvY2tzKSkgJGJsb2NrcyA9IDE7XHJcbiRibG9ja3MgPSAoaW50KSRibG9ja3MgLSAxO1xyXG5pZiAoJGJsb2NrcyA8PSAwKSAkYmxvY2tzID0gMDtcclxuaWYgKCRibG9ja3MgPiA1KSAkYmxvY2tzID0gNTtcclxuJHJldHVybnZhbHVlID0gXCJcIjtcclxuZm9yICggJGk9MCA7ICRpPD0kYmxvY2tzIDsgJGkrKykge1xyXG4gICAgJHJldHVybnZhbHVlIC49ICRsb3JlbVskaV07XHJcbn1cclxuZWNobyAkcmV0dXJudmFsdWU7In0=/!HannaCode as far as i understand copy this in the import field of the HannCode Module. Best Regards mr-fan @Argos: PW is much more Coding like our older System but for the frontend it isn't that hard to use it seems to me. For the Frontend it depends an procedural Coding combining with the PW API it's really amazing - Backend and process are mostly OOP PHP and a little bit more devwork
  11. Blogwide there is only one option -> ignore blogpagesettings and overwrite this settings but not change it...if one switch back to comments=on the blogpagesettings are already there? Don't know this is to do in the PWWay...
  12. mr-fan

    Hanna Code

    Ok first try seems to work with given atr in Hanna Code like: [[genQR size="400" link="http:\\google.com"]] but the fallback option would be nice to have a QR Code from the current Link - May used for events or articles.... heres my code for first hanna experiments may i missed the wrong API handling?? <?php //:genQR creates QR Codes with google Charts API //:Use: [[genQR?size=150&link=http://what-ever.com]] // // Parameters: // $size - default is 200 px // $link - default if nothing set is google.com if ( !isset($size) ){ $size = 200; }; $width = $size; $height = $size; if ( !isset($link) ){ $link = $page->httpUrl; }; echo "<img src=\"http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs={$width}x{$height}&cht=qr&chl=$link\" />"; // to testing link url echo "<p>$link</p>"; like written it works with a link="some.link" and if not it doesn't take the current url $page->httpUrl; for a repo would be a cool place to have something like a hanna code gallery or overview of some snippets...?? like in our old system (argos and mine) there was a snippetgallery for this: http://www.websitebakers.com/pages/droplets/official-library.php maybe there is some inspriation for PW HannaCode or if i getting more familiar with PW i can port some for usage with PW. Best Regards mr-fan
  13. mr-fan

    Hanna Code

    ...sorry don't read the whole threat, too short questions about HannaCode: -> Is ther a Overview/Post with contributed examples for "Hannas" -> If yes who can i contribute i've got a few of this little helpers from another system (the CMS Argos and i used and contributed before find PW) there was an Admintool that's called "Droplets". There exists a "Dropletgallery" and we had a WYSIWYG Plugin for choose one for the editor to use. Best Regards mr-fan Example for a "dropletCode" could this used in Hanna as it is or need special threatment or changes... //:genQR creates QR Codes with google Charts API //:Use: [[genQR?size=150&link=http://what-ever.com]] Parameters: $size - default is 200 px $link - default if nothing set is google.com if ( !isset($size) ){ $size = 200; }; $width = $size; $height = $size; if ( !isset($link) ){ $link = "http://google.com"; }; $url = urlencode(".$link."); return "<img src=\"http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs={$width}x{$height}&cht=qr&chl=$url\" />"; just for the starting point - i've more like this to share if it's usefull a starting point coudl even be a gist repo?
  14. Hi guys, like i wrote i'm new. I'm testing PW into the deep if it is the right step for me and my projects... i don't know the history of the handling of the landguage files...but for me there is only one question: Why they aren't shipped with the modules itself?? It's the easy and common way from very much systems with no overload of the core file? This would require a structur with a subfolder namded like the lang de fr or something so it should be easy to search modules for langfiles to edit them in the manner way. only my newbee 2 cent (sorry if i have missed a feature of PW that makes my answer beeing nosense ) Best Regards mr-fan
  15. Thanks for the Link for the robots - it's a thing that i missed until now - and it seems to implement easy like most everything in PW i will work further - thanks for this great addon. PW is almost very peferct to my need or rather beeing so flexible to fit it. Best Regards mr-fan
  16. Some more Tweaking.... - tags are burned words in SEO maybe buzzwords or something is better use actually? - tag pages should be noindex,follow per default? (Since newbee where is the best PW practise to setup such things)
  17. Addes first draft for Blog Module....but there are some strings that not translatable until now...created git request for it. I didn't get all strings but the most of them. Best Regards mr-fan site--modules--processblog--processblog-module.zip
  18. So i'm a newbie in PW and make my first steps into deep. so i've tried to translate this great addon to german....so far so good. But the Top Menu Bar in Backend ( Dashboard Posts Categories Tags Authors Settings ) seems to cant get translated...so my question: did i not get it or are there some strings hard coded in this module? EDIT: worked the first one out....PW is so easy to learn great stuff... done a pull request: https://github.com/kongondo/Blog/pulls Great Admintool Featurerequests could be like described above: - publish from/until feature (so you've get a eventcal option with dashboard, too without much effort or have a second addon) - in Dashboard -> Overview could the Archive view linked to a row below with lists the posts in the clicked month? - a blog addon that i used in another CMS has widget for "older + newer" topics - it's like "recent posts" but little different (maybe i find the time to contribute this by my self if i was more familiar with PW) - what's about META tags like description and keywords? i've seen some "automatic" functions for create them but let them overwrite from the author... function makemetadescription ($thestring) { $the_description = stripslashes($thestring); $the_description = str_replace('"', ' ', $the_description); $the_description = str_replace("'", ' ', $the_description); $the_description = str_replace('\'', ' ', $the_description); if (strlen($the_description) > 160) { if(preg_match('/.{0,160}(?:[.!?:,])/su', $the_description, $match)) { $the_description = $match[0]; } //thanks to thorn if (strlen($the_description) > 160) { $pos = strpos($the_description, " ", 120); if ($pos > 0) {$the_description = substr($the_description, 0, $pos); } } } //$the_description = ' '.$the_description; $the_description = trim(str_replace(' ',' ',$the_description)); return (' '.$the_description); } function makemetakeywords ($thestring ) { $the_keywords = $thestring; if (strlen($the_keywords) > 100) { if(preg_match('/.{0,100}(?:[.!?:,])/su', $the_keywords, $match)) { $the_keywords = $match[0]; } //thanks to thorn if (strlen($the_keywords) > 100) { $pos = strpos($the_keywords, " ", 100); if ($pos > 0) {$the_keywords = substr($the_keywords, 0, $pos); } } } $bad = array( '\'', /* / */ '"', /* " */ '<', /* < */ '>', /* > */ '{', /* { */ '}', /* } */ '[', /* [ */ ']', /* ] */ '`', /* ` */ '!', /* ! */ '@', /* @ */ '#', /* # */ '$', /* $ */ '%', /* % */ '^', /* ^ */ '&', /* & */ '*', /* * */ '(', /* ( */ ')', /* ) */ '=', /* = */ '+', /* + */ '|', /* | */ '/', /* / */ '\\', /* \ */ ';', /* ; */ ':', /* : */ ' ', /* */ '.', /* . */ '?' /* ? */ ); $the_keywords = str_replace($bad, ',', $the_keywords); $the_keywords = str_replace(',,,',',',$the_keywords); $the_keywords = str_replace(',,',',',$the_keywords); return (' '.$the_keywords); }
  19. Is the lang file in the download section http://modules.processwire.com/modules/german/ uptodate or have i to look / and post new translated files here? Newbee question.... how i can translate name and desc fo a module? If i add new one with the adminmodule for translation i'll get the used strings in the module itself but not the desc that shows up in the modules overview for example? Best regards mr-fan
  20. here i'am I am sending my greetings to all cool guys here! WB was great CMS Idea easy especially for the "end"user - but like argos wrote it was...and has missed it's own future. (there are several Forks out there but no big communites - it's more like dividing the good guys and that sucks and helps nobody.....but like argos said my fist impression from processWire... It's my feeling, too I was a old-timer for WB CMS like setup a portable-project in 2009 (http://www.websitebaker-portable.com/CMS/en/about-portable-edition.php), helped with a tutorial project and did a lot of other stuff there (Like Argos forum Mod/Admin and so on). My idea of open source is take a free software and give work and time back to enhance the project. So i hope to find.. So far i read this forum - i'd like the sound and the way of treatment! Please excuse my bad english (bad german style...) so long Best Regards until the next post mr-fan
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