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Everything posted by mr-fan

  1. Oh i forgot one little problem...you mentioned....https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9811-frontenduser-login-logout-and-register-users-members/page-6#entry108578 i changed the module that the registration with emailverification works again: // Load the plain / html email templates $emailContentHtml = '<html> <body> <p>'.$vars['content'].'</p> <!-- empty line and comment only lines works as a linebreak with plain emails --> <p>Internetseite: <strong>'.wire('config')->httpHost.'</strong></p> <p>Benutzername: <strong>'.$vars['username'].'</strong><br /> Email Adresse: <strong>'.$vars['email'].'</strong></p> <p>Freischaltcode: <strong>'.$vars['token'].'</strong></p> <p>Link zur Registrierung:<br /> <strong>'.$vars['url'].'</strong></p> </body> </html>'; so the mailbody is generated directly in the module and not loaded via render->template - i think there is a little change in the 3.x render methode...so it doesn't work? @pwFoo i'm glad to help here since i use this module for a bigger project and dig deep into - for now i've a little deadline but after it i could provide some snippets and detailed examples of usage... Best regards mr-fan
  2. Using FrontendUser and FormHelper modules on dev 3.0.18 here without problems...
  3. Ok it was just a question to confirm my readings of your sourcecode... For now i like to go the simple route and set the sanatizer if i get a value like in your docs described: // Get sanitized value with changed sanitizer $form->fhValue($fieldname, 'text'); for additional validation i just use simple additional functions - just what i need: http://www.maheshchari.com/60-validation-functions-with-php-2-part/#function_rangevalue Thank you for your answer and as information i use your modules on 3.0.18 without problems! Best regards mr-fan
  4. Hi pwFoo, like i wrote in the FrontendUser Thread - your modules are a pleasure to use... one questions on form building...if i create a form from an array it is clear to set the field sanatizer. The question is if i use a form created from a template - have i to set the sanatizer for every field, too- or use the module the sanatizer for the specific field like (PW text field...PW integer field...)? regards mr-fan
  5. Hi JRW, first - you have the luck to came across PW Since we have a great API you could use the system inputfields and the API to create forms... https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2089-create-simple-forms-using-api/ (This is a sticky epic forum topic) And there is a module that does the heavy work for you and provide some more function to rule such forms special for frontend user managment: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9811-frontenduser-login-logout-and-register-users-members/ (really easy module with good docs...) But you will get in trouble with this attitude on the topic this is not possible with no existing system on the web..... You will have to know the basics - you have so setup your forms and check user roles and rights...sanatize input data and process the data... since you have a complete free setup for your data - you have to create a own system to manage them - you could rely on existing tools but with a framework you always have to code something....or you mean secure without deeper skill in security things??? best regards mr-fan
  6. Ok thank you... and i think i've to sleep for now...
  7. Maybe i don't see it but how can i delete pages with admin template? PW 3.0.18 logged in as superadmin - advanced mode on... status: System: Non-deleteable and locked ID, name, template, parent (status not removeable via API) is checked...but i wanna remove this page it's from a failed installation of a module...i've deleted module files and db entries...so far. But the admin page stays.. Regards mr-fan
  8. This could be modificated for the "Release Trailer" for PW 3....
  9. It is also possible for such easy things to create a own dashboard for this kind of one way administration and hide everything else...or change the Process/Settings of the Pagetree Adminpage to Lister Pro Process...
  10. Would be also possible with PageTableExtended to render the setup in the backend use Drag&Drop and two settingsfields for the entries (colorselect and image left/right)...i use PTE as a contentblockbuilder on many cases this would be no problem.
  11. I've a little problem to fix... I've some fields that provide a complete address and i wanna use a MapMarker field with your module to generate the lat/long of this address entry...so i use a hook to change $page->mapfield->address but this don't work since the generating is triggert by the additional search field on the map....so how could i execute the generation of lat/long? example hook: /** * change address of the mapmarker field on save */ $pages->addHookAfter('saveReady', null, 'addEntry'); function addEntry(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; if($page->template != 'eintrag' ) return; //for this template only //change the "standort" map marker with the adress data $page->standort->address = $page->strasse.' '.$page->hausnummer.', '.$page->PLZ.' '.$page->ort; } the address is saved in the mapmarker field right for example: "Examplestreet 5, 123456 Examplevillage" but like described no generation of lat/long on save from the address field... Version is 2.0.7 from github Best regards mr-fan
  12. I've to write a little love letter! I just play the whole day with your modules and i've to say that i'm very very overtaken by your simple modules with a real big benefit to rule API forms and user managment things! Thumbs up for your input on this topic! Until now, all i've done worked and i will use this for my first bigger community project website (about several hundred frontend users) and will report how fu() will work. But this modules follow PW basic rules - simple - easy to use so i don't see any rough edges... Just wanna say a real big thank you and make the suggestion to put the modules from "alpha" state to "beta" ...since many things are fixed the last few months and i think theese modules are indeed in production use... Best Regards mr-fan
  13. You could go with a activation link via email - so you can simple validate new users and set them activ via a email link...or in the backend and by setting activate_user to sero...or go with two different roles user_active and user_pending....you have multiple options to implement a comfortable managment via Lister pro or something else... link for a really good activation solution: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4066-activate-user-account-via-email/ regards mr-fan
  14. Maybe i will switch to a other service...since the really great people at yahoo even don't rewrite there docs...on their fu**** changes.... This should be a better alternative: http://www.openweathermap.org/api http://www.openweathermap.org/price But i don't know if i've time now since i've some other projects running - hopefully nikola have some time. I use the weather module just in one project for an outdoor kindergarden...so they know the actual weather and it was just a gimmik at their website... regards mr-fan
  15. That's why your excluded workflow (flexible downloads) is called flexible.... First solution ("your no-way please not" one) switch to a one file approach in combination with a PageTable Field to add more than one file....and use the flexible downloads solution. It could be done just with some thinking - setup some fields - setup templates for the single document and the overview - some code - finished Second solution adapt the core modul itself and change it - this is not the easy part if your a not familiar with creating or changing PW (core) modules. Some impression how the first/easy solution could end (even easy to use for the client): Regards mr-fan
  16. screenshot of my PageTableExtended block list.. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12770-does-pw-have-page-blocks/#entry116158 video and some posts below a real good example for template setup and usage: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7459-module-pagetableextended/#entry71793 best regards mr-fan
  17. I like the way tpr and netcarver rule their game....
  18. It's not my code - i only present the former commercial project in agreement with the author....but you know. I'm a little bit under pressure these days (no negative stress - more a positive one with two legs and arms and pretty much hunger since two weeks.... ..) So if someone do a wuick search and replace i take the pull request on github...if not i will see if i got a minute on this... best regards mr-fan
  19. oh - thanks to craig, there are a lot of shorttags in this application...it would be easier to allow them on the server - or search+replace them all before installation... regards mr-fan
  20. yes - give it a try...with some content. https://processwire.com/api/variables/user/ regards mr-fan
  21. hi nifel87 found a hint in a forum that the rss still works without oAuth... It seems that nikola has fixed this problem: https://github.com/nvidoni/MarkupYahooWeather/commit/43f1f95e7942f6f7f02aa58c0b5cb255b1cf111e changed the URL should do the trick for the moment... // Get weather data old API http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=.... // Get weather data new API 15.03.2016 http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss?w=.... it's a bit hackish not using their oAuth secret and token and it would for shure be a deadline sometimes...it's always the sh** with external services... Best regards mr-fan
  22. For shure there is a better solution since i'm not that experienced ajax guy....but the simple jquery hacking a bit guy.. It should just taken as a hint in the right direction. Maybe someone who is more into the details of the new frontendedit of PW3? Best regards mr-fan
  23. Don't have any experince with the new Frontendediting function in PW3 but you could go the ajax route to load content or force a page reload... $(document).on("click", ".trigger_css_class", function(){ location.reload(true); }); just as example...hope this helps a little. regards mr-fan
  24. Thank you very much! Will testing soon....I'm testing PW dev with modules that i use and - TracyDebugger - is on my list, too!! I wish to get more deeper into the rabbit hole and i think tracy would help me to find a faster/better way. Padawan i am - learning i should
  25. Using 3.0.12 devns with BCE 1.2.7 localhost, have a simple template with this kind of fields: title,textfield,textfield,textfield i've added some pages manually and exported them: Title;geo_lat;geo_long;geo_name 84171;121.976.250.779.091;484.157.637.838.784;Baierbach 84169;;484.461.922.885.864;Altfraunhofen 84172;120.430.843.110.488;484.418.204.716.832;"Buch am Erlbach" If i import pages in the same format the title is imported but nothing else. If i change the first value as this would the title and import the exported data...the same title is getting imported and all other fields are empty no error no hint? I don't know why the import is not working....used this module so often. best regards mr-fan
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