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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. Let's do it, Oliver! Why don we start with creating a separate topic for that. I do not want to steal your credit for the idea, so go ahead and do it if you will. Not sure where this shall lead us, but it is the only way possible, as noone is going to do it for us. But if someone is already doing it for us, please uncover yourself and join us (or let us join you) .
  2. The first is the description of what Antti did and the second is what he is saying he is doing (but noone is sure, 'cause it is in development for a while). So it seems like Joss is wrapping up this topic. We got what we got )) Integrating OpenCart into PW seems like a task noone is really going to do (or is sure has to be done). I was thinking about integrating the cart and checkout part from OpenCart, read some code, and realised that I am not ready for a task of such scope yet. I did not hear from anyone about development of any kind of modules, alternative to Apeisa's. I have not seen any medium-to-large retail online store built on PW. I am not sure current Shop module is suitable for that. If Antti or anyone could comment on that it would be really usefull to hear. But I'm still hoping to use PW as an E-commerce solution, because it is so good at everything else))
  3. If you mean something like this go ask the author! I'll be very interested to get the answer too so will watch on that topic.
  4. Now you have to figure out how to change that $view variable... It is possible to make those view-switch buttons a form that will set get or post variables which can be sent to the same page and caught on reload with this or this code. But you will probably want to make the layout change without the page reload via ajax which I do not know how to do. Waiting for someone with experience on that to step in ))
  5. Oh silly me) I've adjusted those settings a few times, but always thought they control maximum and minimum dimensions allowed. My only excuse is that "my can read not big white brotha letters much good" . Probably by setting minimum and maximum to the same value I can achieve the exact size needed (not that it is needed too much since we scale images via API anyway). It would be cool to be able to define width:height ratio (like 4:3) though. And/or behaviour to scale images to that ratio defining scaling options like in imagefiled $options. But all probably exeeds the scope of this topic. Thank you again, Adrian. I'll play with the newly discovered options and with your splendid module.
  6. Dear Adrian! I just updated the module and finally, for the first time in 2 years was able to just through the pictures in there instead of manally renaming and moving them to the right folder. It was such a pleasure! You + PW just gifted me a moment of true happiness. I was delighted to show this to my companion working on Joomla! And equally proud of the community to say that this was just done in few days especially for my case. Can't find any dancing emoticon so putting this one . My last challenge is to make them resize on upload.
  7. I like my images having consistent names. But I probably will live without them. So it is up to you - please consider making this if you will have a little spare time for perfection )) Thank you for your module anyway. It should be on someone's list here.
  8. Is it possible to make a name mask with numbers? Something like img-{$page->path}-###? And make it start with 001?
  9. It would be really nice to see those as working modules, not just prototypes. Seems like there are not so many admin theme modules with stated campatibility with 2.5. Is it hard to implement or nobody had enough time recently to upgrade/create new ones?
  10. I am building a search with standard API selectors. Have faced a few confusing moments, so decided to share my experience with it. 1) In the default site profile the search is built with the ~= selector operator like this: $selector = "title|body~=$q, limit=50"; Let's assume that $q = "Process Wire" This does find pages with title or body fields containing both full words Process and Wire (disregarding the case of the letters). It would not find any pages with ProcessWire. That is expected. But if $q = "Process" it still won't find pages with ProcessWire as ~= looks only for full words. This is quite uncomfortable especially for fusional languages like Russian. 2) Nice way to go is to use *= instead like this: $selector = "title|body*=$q, limit=50"; This does find ProcessWire with $q = "Process". But it won't find Pro-Fields with $q = "Pro", as *= uses MySQL fulltext indexes. This index does not index short words (<4 letters or so by default). And the hyphen breaks complex words and makes both split parts index separately (see user comments here). So Pro never gets indexed as it is only 3 letters long. This *= selector operator also does not allow to serch for several separate words as ~= does with its limitations. 3) The slower but more advanced way is to use %= like this: $selector = "title|body%=$q, limit=50"; This would find Pro-Fields with $q = "Pro", but will work slower and still won't be able to search for several words in the same time. I did not find a way to search for several incomplete words in the same time. Seems like it is impossible to achieve with just one selector. Probably I would need to process the search input somehow and build a series of selectors. If someone have already done that I would be delighted to find out how. Good day!
  11. Yes, they do change to little dots. They work fine in Chrome, work with no transitions in Opera and do not work at all for me in latest Firefox running on Windows.
  12. Looking at http://www.galerie-luise.de/shopping/geschafte/gisy at 768px width and below. The slideshow controls do not function. Have a look. Maybe it is only in desktop-resized version.
  13. Good day and welcome to the forums! In processwire you can choose what editor is used as an inputfield for a specific long-text field. You can leave it as just plain textarea input, or use some kind of (rich) text editor. CKEditor comes with the core, there are others in the modules directory. You can adjust a lot of settings of those editors right from the admin and even more in the config files. You can choose, what buttons will be shown, for example. Content filtering (the thing which removes h1 and other markup) can be turned off completely or be modified to suit your needs. You should start at the config page for the field you are using and play around with options there. Try reading these forum topics to learn more: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3023-module-ckeditor/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7231-rich-text-editor/ Content filtering is a feature not a bug) It can make your life easier once you let your customer start working with the site. It is considered best practice by many here not to put any complex markup in those textareas, but rather move it to template files or include other ways, like with hanna codes.
  14. That is great! If you could make a little tutorial about how you did that, that would be awesome. What did you start from (scratch or Reno theme)? Is it a module? Maybe a quick ordered list style of steps you took to arrive at this wonderful interface... I am always looking for some learning and am eager to learn how to modify backend interface. Learning from your recent experience should be a pleasure. Of course if you got a little time for that.
  15. I just played with uploading your files and it worked fine (maybe not so fine, but worked) for me without Adrians module on PW 2.4.14. Got the same results as Adrian. Maybe png.png is not the best option and should be changed, but it does function. I tried moving around those hieroglyphs so I get two 3-symbol files with untranslatable symbols in the filename and it still worked. I got "png.png" and "png-1.png" or something like that. Working on Windows 7 with XAMPP.
  16. I think you are making valid points here. Those files are often marketing information and are better saved with filenames as designed.
  17. I am quite new to caching and do not know, what do we have in PW right now, but what you are proposing makes a lot of sence. If you could explain the difference to the curerent state of affairs it would be great. How would pages with conditional output, url segments be treated? Maybe we could even make the cache expire when some API call with PW selectors returns changed value (against the stered one)?
  18. Silence is golden! Let's close the forums! I guess that we have all the human rights here to spit a little acid about all the other CMSs and the sites that let them win over us! Even if they are those that let us win over them in the past. Arghh? I am just kidding and want to make it explicit. CmsCritic is "cool" as it brought me to Processwire. And it is half full of banners. I sometimes use this site to demonstrate my clients what are sidebar banners and how they could look (and that is no kidding). So CmsCritic is "cool" anyway: as a way to opensource world and as a online banner ad demo . I think that we really should be more tolerant to untolerance because that is the greatest tolerance there is and the way to freedom of thought . Let's keep this as ironic as it gets and spill no blood here.
  19. Damn, I have not managed to move them to PW yet .
  20. I have to say Joomla is making really good effort not to loose its position in the big 3. They rebranded, moved to github, started to redesign code to be more modular. Maybe they deserve it this year. And yes, this the known flaw of democracy, as crazy commies from the place where I live not so long ago, and Plato a little earlier warned us about .
  21. 1) Here is the collection of APIs to insert different Google+ pieces into your site. Do not have time to dig into this, but should be easy. 2) This is the official tutorial how to place those social share buttons on your site. It can be done in any the template file. Anyway, there are tons of those social sharing pieces around the web.
  22. Great topic! And really nice to see that everything that has been outlined and planned got its way into reality. I am trying to update russian translation right now and find it difficult to find the file with the string I want to translate. Am I completely missing the search and find capability, or is it not in place? If it is really not there, I think it would be great enhancement to find translatable string by text in default language.
  23. I am using sass a bit, but never tried Susy though. I think I should give it a try. Wanted to link to some really nice interactive online presentation about building grids with sass, but did not find it. But this is probably the same, but on slideshare. I do not have an own opinion on the best breakpont widths. But I've read, that content should determine that. If so, sass ans susy (or less equivalents) are the tools to be used. But I have an opinion on twitter bootstrap breakpoints: it certainly misses Joss' #2 and #3 (or at least one of them).
  24. Please help me on this! I followed your links, Adrian, and it seems like in validateFilename function there is already a possibility to get the transliterated name for a file by passing "TRUE" instead of "Sanitizer::translate" to filename method. $value = $this->wire('sanitizer')->filename($value, Sanitizer::translate); I am so unexperienced in this, that I may be completely wrong. And if I am not, I still do not know how to hook and change that constant. But if there is a way to transliterate a name for a page there must be a way to transliterate a filename. We just need to find out how )))
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