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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. There is continuation of this discussion with some solutions on github. This seems to be the problem with locale settings.
  2. Thanks, @Robin S. I think kongondo's answer solves my issue. For now I do not seem to need the ability to check what permissions are added by the module. Thanks for the support.
  3. Thank you @adrian! It is amazing to watch something being created with such an amazing pace by people like you and ryan. And so much to learn from. I recommend everybody to go through these guys' code to learn how you can be really powerful using ProcessWire. Another little idea. Not sure it is necessary, but seems logical to me to separate "core" actions and those specific to the site. Like core ans site modules. I can see this module to be a base to easily create little things that would other way need their own process modules. In that case, most of the time I would use only custom actions... A filter option or a tab. What do you think? I know, that for everybody but admin I can achieve about the same with by-action role assignment. But as I almost always login a superuser myself...
  4. Good day! I have a hook addHookBefore('FieldtypeMulti::savePageField'... Inside that hook I need to create and save an additional page. If I add that code to the hook, on the original page save the changes to Page field do not get saved. All other fields do. If I change hook to After the problem goes away. But I have so much code now I do not know if it is safe to change hook to run after the method. If anyone has any guesses, why is it like that and how to fix it, please help!
  5. Just to have a reference. There is a native PW way to generate random string. Do not know how it compares to other ways, but it is here to use.
  6. Thank you for your best-in-class support.
  7. I did already managed to write a simple action and launch it via the API. I am currently going with a json in a textarea (but also looking at this field). Mandatory backup is problem 1. I had to give admin-action permission to the guest user. Not sure how dangerous is that. Is there a way to get around it? I am planning to have some security string stored in a dedicated field on the callable-from-outside action page which the token input value will have to match. Is there anything else you recommend? Not sure what you mean under handling authentication. Currently the script is running from the guest user.
  8. Merry Christmas, @adrian! Want to try to use your action module in a slightly different way. I need to be able to execute actions from outside of PW (from emails). I am planning to solve this task kind of like in this module: I will have a page for each callable-from-outside action with some random security string and some options. But I want to try to make it a little more customizable. I plan to write new actions for Admin Actions module, call them from API like you said it is possible to and pass options stored in some field of the callable-from-outside action page. Do you see any caveats? Can you suggest a field to store options? Is there a way to turn off auto-backup feature (at least for the from-API usage or by configuration)?
  9. Hi @Robin S! Wonderful module! What is the API way of checking, which templates are allowed for the page?
  10. Nice catch! See it too. I guess that is Putin's personal hacker squad making itself known to all web-traffic concerned .
  11. @workdreamer There is a way to override core modules, but it is certainly not the best way to handle the situation here in my opinion. But still an option. And welcome to the forums, man! You've found a thing to work on you could only dream of!
  12. My best guess is that Germans support both David Hasselhoff and Ryan Cramer because both have German last names (and maybe origins - Hasselhoff does for sure). If Ryan's last name was Ivanov he could be much more popular in Russia. But your question @Robin S is pretty interesting marketing wise. Could this be part of the answer?
  13. Looking at this It seems like I should be with you guys. But damn, who is David Hasselhoff? I read Wikipedia but still do not get it. Or should I believe the stats and ask @teppo? And PW is definitely at home at Germany.
  14. Ivan Gretsky

    14.000 Topics

    Looking at the url we can easily see that there is more going on in the private area... Or where do those extra 945 come from? BTW I was scared for a moment that it is 14000 topics by you, @horst ))
  15. Awesome idea and bad ass realization @adrian! (pardon my French) I did not install yet but will do soon and check it out. As @szabesz said collaboration is the baddest part. I can expect a load of wise stuff to learn from those actions contributed by PW gurus. It just might happen that there will be a lot of actions - maybe put them in a folder? And one question about the backup. It seems it is custom and not integrated with db backup module. Is there a reason for that?
  16. Good day! You already listed two best ways to get started: going through tutorials and reading the code available. Nothing will get you any further but starting a project, facing questions and finding answers in the forum or asking for help. Everybody here has walked this way. So good luck on this one the most exciting journeys in your webdev career! Viam supervadet vadens.
  17. @Pierre-Luc Thank you for your module! Please keep it going. Here are my wishes for the development roadmap. Make it possible to fully customize the markup. Maybe with some kind of template overrides or something. I think there is no need for anything default, rather an easy way to make it your own. Ajax would be a good option. A bit more docs would help. I did experience some bugs when using it with installation having users with multiple templates. It took some time to figure out that I should configure the passwordResetUser field to use multiple templates. And there should be a 1.0.0 version in the module directory, of course. I did check it on 3.x - seems to work fine.
  18. Now you can do it even easier: wire()->addHookProperty('Page(template=basic-page)::hello', function($event)) { $event->return = 'hi'; });
  19. Hey man! I do not know about a straight forward way to place template files in subfolders. I remember that I did struggle with it when I was new to the system. But know I do not think about it as a limitation. There are a lot of ways to organize the structure of your template folder, and none of them will limit you to include any kind of blocks from other folders. Just look at this and you'll have it figured out. If not - feel free to ask for details.
  20. That is a great topic! Hope to find out about more of the cool stuff from you people, so please keep it coming! Here is my little addition to the list: Deployer - a deployment tool written in PHP. I am working with it deploying PW projects. Think of it a s Capistrano on PHP. The project is mostly a one man show similarly to ProcessWire. The author asked for support recently. I am the first and pitifully the only one on the bakers list yet. As I like the project a lot I encourage you to try it out in your deployment process and give it a little support if you can afford it and find it useful. ERPNext - an open source python+js based ERP from India. I like a lot playing with it but just do not have the courage to start using. It is configurable, said to have easy and powerfull API just like PW and looks good. And it is true opensource comparing to competitors. Zabbix - a powerful infrastructure monitoring service from Russia. Something like nagios but fully opensource. A thing to monitor your servers uptime and site availability.
  21. It is better to deploy all the shared resources after the initial deploy with deployer script, as all the folders needed are already created then. I wrote a couple of tasks right there in deployer file to upload the resources. Something like: /** * Upload ProcessWire assets folder */ task('upload_assets', function () { upload('site/assets', '{{deploy_path}}/shared/site/assets'); }); You actually only have to run it once via cli when in production, but could be handy while developing or on a semi-static site. In the latter case you can even include this task in the main deploy task. P.S. I actually decided to include config.php and the wire folder to my version control as @Wanze once suggested. It makes it much easier to deploy (and a proper composer way probably will not come any time soon). So my configuration now is more defined comparing to these vague thought described here - I put everything but the assets folder and the compiled static assets (I use gulp workflow, so only frontend sources are version controlled) in git. As I (for now) always deploy from the local machine. I compile frontend assets locally as a part of deployment process and upload them to the server in a task similar to one presented above. I even managed to make tasks for database upgrade. But it is not really useful as I can't simply upgrade db on production this way. I hope to master @LostKobrakai's Migrations one of these days and include them to the workflow.
  22. You 're on PW forums, man! We wouldn't be here if we didn't think that PW deserves all 10s . So do not count on us - try it. Seriously I think that PW could be the best choice for that what you are after. There are some large scale projects with millions of pages done with ProcessWire. And security is one of the first priorities of the development team.
  23. Hey darkmesaia! (it is so enjoyable how you can welcome people with such names without a doubt on Internets ) Welcome to the forums! If you need a customizable CMS - ProcessWire is certainly one of the best. Go ahead and try it. You can change almost everything on the frontend and a lot in the admin area. Give it a try. ProcessWire is not based on any of the general purpose php frameworks. But it has a set of features built in you would expect from a framework. And you can always extend with community modules or composer packages. I would say ProcessWire would save quite some time comparing to building a CMS from scratch. Feel free to ask further. Or just dive in and try building something with the help of the tutorials.
  24. @kongondo, did you have a chance to check if @Michael van Laar's pull request fixes the new version issue? A life without Menu Builder is not so bright for some of us)))
  25. One might want to use regions to make them easier to pass around and not to conflict with existing variables. But anyone coming to project from outside of PW has to read the blog or the code to guess what that + means.
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