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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. Hello! I am using Atom more and more recently. My knowledge of this editor is limited, so I do not even know what to desire) The one thing I am still struggling to achieve is something not snippet or highlighting related and it is jump-to-definition thing, which am used to in NetBeans. Helps a lot when going through the chain of extended classes. Please share if you know how to do that. But I'll be happy to discuss anything else about Atom and PW being together)
  2. Have not tried it so no gurantees. 404 page is just a page (though with it's id or name or both hard coded somewhere in the core). It is accessible in the page tree. So try to change the template of that page and write some code in template file to handle your case. Something has to be availiable there, like the url initially requested. But honestly I do not think that throwing a 404 for a product out of stock is a good idea in the first place. Maybe show some message (but with the 200 code) and handle the case in the product template file.
  3. Hey gentlemen! I just happen to need this kind of js on a project of my own and am experiencing some trouble with implementing it. So please post the solution here if it is possible. Or just do not go private .
  4. Hey, ROBINJAIN! Welcome here, whatever country, county, location or village you're from . A user in PW is a page (almost) like any other. You can extend this page with custom fields and then retrieve the values of those fields (via $user API variable) at runtime and use them to determine, what content to show to specific user. Hope I got your question right. If not, please feel free to ask again.
  5. Welcome to the forums Mr. yuters! Just a guess... the files might not be actually added to WireArray untill the page is saved. So try $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'adminFileAdded');
  6. You can use WireIncludeFile core function and pass something like $p (Page) as variable into it. In the included file you can use $p instead of $page, so it will be something like $this for ya.
  7. This is a great question I was going to ask myself one of these days. So thank you, icietla! I can think of another option (that has been rejected by you straight away though) for that: using repeaters with field dependencies. I mean 1 page field to select a feature, another one (initially hidden) to display available options for that feature, and a text field for custom options. You can even put a link there to create options in place. Repeaters are not so nice as a table from the GUI point of view, but they will do the job. This way it is not so easy to make a predefined list of features.
  8. How is it possible to check if a page is viewable to specific role (guest)? Need this to build a proper sitemap.xml.
  9. Of course the pictures add so much to it... But anyway, this is the 1st site from the forum I've sent a link to my wife to. Cool!
  10. Sometimes my choice of words might not be the best one, sorry for that. I am Russian-speaking most of the times, so please forgive me. I was trying to sound rather jokingly (this very phrase is partly translated with Google translate, so might not be quite what I was really intended to say either ). I have to say that paid modules in demos are something that turns me off too. We, the free open source users do not like commercial modules being pushed at us for sure! And I remember having a doubt about PW being "blazingly fast" exactly in the same context. Damn, It is still pretty slow on my Windows Xampp. But I like it on the live servers without any cache at all most of the times. P.S. And you are lucky! Ryan himself is here on Tuesday!
  11. @mikeuk: If I were you, I'd be hooked. Such a thorough answer on an insulting 2nd post from a man that does not even sell the paid modules. When I first found ProcessWire I was really disapointed with FormBuilder being a commercial module. By now I know how to build complicated forms myself, but already got a copy of FormBuilder. I am sure you'll learn to substitute ProCashe with something free like Redis, but you'll probably won't have to do it to get times faster win over Drupal. Please through at us more of those provocative posts so we can show you one of the best things on the Internet from all of its shining edges)
  12. If your pages in the tree are stroked through, that means they are unpublished. Visit the page and hit "Publish" button.
  13. You should post this question to the module support thread here.
  14. Hallo, james! You can include literally any js or css in PW templates. So this one is covered too) You can start with this tutorial to understand how it should be done.
  15. Hi berechar! It just might be that all of your pages are not published. As you are logged in in Firefox, you can access those pages (that is the way PW works). But they are not accessible for guest users (which are you in other browsers).
  16. Hey! Welcome to the forums, skylundi! Almost everything is possible with hooks. But as it is your first post there is a chance you do not need complicated solutions. Please explain your case a littlt deeper - maybe there is some simple way we can suggest. And there is this nice module if you need just to show something on condition.
  17. Hallo Neo! Follow the white rabbit. 1) Pages scale much better that repeaters. So if you will have really lot of banners you better use pages. Or consider commercial Repeater Matrix field. 2) You do not have to unpublish your banners. You can just add a datetime field and name it something like show_until. Then in the code just use this field in the selector and choose only pages that have show_until field value less than today. 3) If you really need to unpublish those pages you can use Lazy Cron module.
  18. That is 2 levels maximum... I am sure there could be multiple usages for a "Shadow PageTree" kind of thing. Maybe there is a way to alter PageTree in-memory object? Whatever it is (my knowledge is limited here).
  19. Hallo! Is it possible to create such a thing? To pass it to SimpleMarkupNavigation for example?
  20. My bad. It is PageArray, not WireArray. Anyway, could you consider the scenario of somehow making it possible for MenuBuilder and MarkupSimpleNavigation to work together? Maybe providing PageArray output with some dynamically-made-up pages for external links? I really like the idea of separating concerns. It seems to me very handy to have one module to build menu markup from anywhere (MarkupSimpleNavigation) and one module to be able to generate contents for it from custom user input (MenuBuilder). So you do not have to learn two ways of doing the same thing on one site. What do you think? Could this be possible?
  21. MSN is something to build markup with. I thought it was capable of getting custom WireArray in for building menu from instead of a page tree (as they are the same thing). If you got MSN set up as you need and you are familiar with it's API it is easier to use it for all menu generation instead of lerning how MenuBuilder does it. I am not saying MenuBuilder does it any worse though)) And of course you can always do it manually. But MSN seems to be kind of a standard for PW menu markup generation and is probably more widely used than MenuBuilder. So as soon as I learned about MenuBuilder quite some time ago I was dreaming about using it just for the backend needs, and MSN for the markup. I just wrote that this use case is probably possible now. I'll write back as soon as I'll have a chance to check it out. Thanks, kongondo!
  22. Looks nice! Some cool ajax things going on. Could you elaborate why and how it was created? A profile is something to be reusable. When should this one be?
  23. I guess it could now be possible to build menu markup for MenuBuilder with soma's MarkupSimpleNavigation module?
  24. Hey, owzim! Thank you for your wonderful module! Any chance making in PW 3 compatible in WireArray mode? Seems to be not so hard - just reference ProcessWIre classes with namespace. But I may be underestimating it, of course.
  25. @Peter Knight: I believe it is this option: 'current_class' => 'active'
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