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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. Hey man! We all here will do our best to help you, but you should provide at least some details) Like what profile did you install and started from. It just might be that you do use the default profile, and the the name of the variable for main content should be $content and not $bodycopy. But that is a just a wild guess. Be more specific, provide some details and get the best answers on the web from the most awesome community on the planet. Have fun with ProcessWire!
  2. Welcome to the forums, @michaelriordan! It is all there in the error message. Something gets added to the file you are writing you markup in (<!DOCTYPE html> in particular) . It seems like you have started with a profile that uses delayed output. And the contents of _main.php are appended after your code. You can check site/config.php if it contains something like $config->appendTemplateFile = '_main.php'; to make sure. Start with a blank or beginner profile instead. If that did not help please provide more details.
  3. I advise you post this in ProCache support forum. Ryan's support is something what is even more valuable than the module itself. I am sure you will find the answer there.
  4. Ivan Gretsky

    i <? php

    I less than question php... as long as ProcessWire is written in it .
  5. There were a few talks about user avatars here on the forums. Like it means something. I never thought it does. But today I suddenly realized how far the right avatar can take you. I was just testing something in the incognito mode in chrome and... here he is, mr. @kongondo himself! I know, I know, you can say it is only someone that closely resembles @kongondo, but does it matter? If he could make it into my subconscious that far, he could easily penetrate the browser .
  6. It is all easily done with a script which bootstraps PW as shown above using api. The implementation depends only on where you are going to import from - a csv, xml or maybe from a remote database on cron to be always synchronized. There are tons of good examples on the forums. This is just a most recent one which is currently being answered. If you'd rather use a gui module, there is one.
  7. Welcome to the forums, Mick! Sure you can do it. Look through these links: PW API way - http://processwire.com/api/include/ Web service way - GrapQL way -
  8. Not using Page field is almost impossible for complex sites with ProcessWire. I am almost sure though that actual contents of that field gets loaded only when you call it. Would be happy to hear some expert explanation myself to learn more on the topic.
  9. How cool is that! Couple of months before it was on the roadmap and now it is here. Or is time starts going faster as you get older?!
  10. I am voting for for that option)))
  11. Good day! This module is in such a rapid development bringing tons of new awesomeness I just can't keep the pace even reading this thread . After upgrade (from a rather old version) the frontend panel stopped working for non-superusers. I figured out I need to create tracy-debugger permission and assign it to every role I want to test the site with. And probably remove the assignment on a live site (maybe only if it is in DEVELOPMENT mode). I often debug under different roles. Is the way described above the right one for it? Or there are some shortcuts? Maybe I am missing something obvious?
  12. @colmtuite The article is super useful. Please count my voice to make the mentioned work opensource. Learning by good example is best.

  13. Sounds so good! And I just want to add my voice to @tpr's proposal made in the comments to one of the previous blog posts to integrate the best of the AOS features in to the core universal admin theme. So we can then just style them or turn them on and off like in the mentioned module. Maybe we can not only bring some new look but improve functionality at the same time.
  14. I want to thank you Ryan for organizing this community effort. Inviting and encouraging to participate in development, making it this straight forward is something rare and yet unusual even for such a great community as ours. It is interesting how things will turn out. Seems like @renobird is going to be leading this endeavour. What could be our strategies to participate? P.S. By the way, do not forget to check out the off-canvas menu in the demo.
  15. I guess writing comment is much more enjoyable in the forums, but not in the code) For now I settled on this syntax for non-phpdoc multiline comments. Without any particular rules on where to write them. /* * Comments here. */
  16. I have not. Just wanted to share this option to install to AWS. Maybe not what you were looking for, but still an option.
  17. Good day! I do not know what exactly is happening, just trying to move the topic forward. Please provide more details. I understood that you got a ckeditor.js failed to load message in your browser console on some non-admin url of your site when trying to open a front-end editing popup. Is that right? Please provide more details/context/screenshots to make it easier to answer. Seems to be PW unrelated problem. Did you check some ckeditor related answers? I know, it's close to "go google it", but that is how I would start.
  18. I was thinking of a few endpoints to handle authentication with the template permissions. One for the public, another for the registered users with the ability to make changes via mutations when they'll be implemented. There are other ways to handle authentication of course. But then we will have to implement some restrictions via module itself. But maybe I am not seeing something obvious here.
  19. Here is another idea. What about the ability to make a number of API endpoints with different allowed templates and restrictions based on single instance of a module. By passing an argument to executeGraphQL() or something like that. With the ability do distinguish them in hooks. A way to have a public and less public API on the same site. I guess than some authentication questions could be solved on a template level.
  20. Thank you very much for this module, @Nurguly Ashyrov! I missed this graphql thing completely, though was messing around json api a bit. Had some great time reading about it. Seems like ProcessWire fits graphql like a glove. Your module should answer a lot of recent questions about integrating PW with vue.js and alike. Dries Buytaert, the Drupal "godfather", has a nice article in his blog about the necessity for a contemporary CMS to have support for web-services built in. And his choice seems to be graphql and json api. I am sure that improving and promoting PW as a "headless CMS" kind of thing is something that could bring a lot of frontend developers to use PW. This module is the perfect start. As I understand, mutations are a way to not only read, but write data? If so, that is certainly worth implementing, so a complete SPA could be possible with this graphql module alone.
  21. Good day! Looking at @ryan's wonderful documentation I am trying to document my code better. Of course the main standard is phpdoc. I think that is what is mostly used in PW core code and almost everywhere in php world. But phpdoc only standardizes commenting only some elements, like variable definitions, classes, methods. As I write a lot of procedural code in template files I need to document code parts which are not supposed to have their DocBlocks by phpdoc standard. So I am looking for recommendations/standards how to write those. I guess there should be some distinction between simple multiline comments and phdoc DocBlocks. Maybe something to consider about IDE integration or something like that. What I found so far is these (seemingly) phpdoc non-compliant comments in new skyscraper profiles, and these Wordpress recomendations. If you got any thought and/or links on the topic, please share!
  22. Thanks. I think I got it all right, as the pagination actually works, and the pager does display/ But it is the same on every paginated page. I implemented pagination several times, so there is either a typo or some stupid error in the code I just could not find going through code a million times, or some limitation/bug I do not know about.
  23. Service types will be almost the same under each company. So to keep it DRY I would not place this in a tree structure. Plus you need the ability to make api calls for filter functionality - Page Field will probably be better for it. Tree structure seems to be easier for admin management (unless you plan to use Lister Pro module). So I can propose doing it in a mix: put plans under company, make a service type Page Field for plan.
  24. Good day! Suddenly I stumbled upon pagination once again. Pagination itself works as expected, but renderPager() returns the same markup on every paginated page. So it is 1st page current on every /pageN/. What can cause this? Please help.
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