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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. Thanks, @johndoe! The conversion did not work on my local xampp with some php 5.6, but did work on a live server. I can guess some requirements are not met on localhost. It would be nice to know those requirements, bit for now I know that I should try to keep the server environment as fresh as possible (which is a good thing anyway)))
  2. This one is converted to webp with black background by GD on my localhost. I tried another one it behaves the same way. Is there any requirements on GD version or php?
  3. A lot of (even shared) hosting providers nowadays use nginx for static. And you may have no control over which extensions they include. So renaming to .php could be more secure than doing .htaccess restrictions in some cases.
  4. Thanks @bernhard! I did try about the same tricks to make it work and ended up just doing exit(0);
  5. Yes, that is what I need to do. But in a function, where $this (which contains current template) is out of scope.
  6. Good evening (at least in my part of the world)! Is there a way to call halt() method from within a function in a template file?
  7. Yep) There is a link to process module that is broken "by default" if the process module is not installed. And I would guess most of the time users would expect an admin page to be in place after installation for such a module. Maybe reconsider and make it auto installed?
  8. Maybe not the direct answer to your question, but You can easilly enable/disable Tracy in config dependant on your $config->debug setting.
  9. Maybe edit the 1st post of this thread too?
  10. Thanks for your answers and for you generously shared work, @teppo! I really like your Wireframe idea - a well-established and documented way to structure code in ProcessWire MVC way. So one could follow rules that are thought out and described. I understand quite well that in order for this to work one should give up some of his own preferences) Will be looking forward to next additions to the project we've been talking about here.
  11. I can relate to that. But the thing is I often do not do my html/css/js myself and pretty often people with very little knowledge of php are to make minor changes to view code. That's why I try to have my markup as close to raw html as possible. And render functions are clearly the opposite. A am with you here. Entities should not be multiplied without necessity)) And that's why I do not quite like the placeholder thing. I think it should be that generic call for controller and view. And in this specific case sidebar usually is not tied to a particular template. So this thing seems "too opinionated" for me) I even think that the whole layout thing can be moved to view folder. I now think it is more clear to keep all the view related stuff in one place (though i did use dedicated layout folder in the past - now it is inside the view folder in my recent projects).
  12. As MVC is about separation of concerns, as you said a number of times yourself, @teppo, I think render functions are not so good here. Because a html/css is mixed too much with php. Logic and presentation together again) I was talking about something like described here, with dedicated controller and view. I looked through recent projects for examples of those partials. These are common ones: menus; breadcrumbs; sidebar; repeating forms (any repeating elements really, anything like wordpress widgets / joomla modules).
  13. Cool thing! Is there an easy way to include all the necessary fields (by name/type) from Repeater/RepeaterMatrix fields?
  14. Two more) How is it possible to separate logic for partials from their presentation? I often find the need to prepare content for partials same way as for the views. Do you have experience of using Wireframe with RepeaterMatrix based content?
  15. This time you came prepared, @teppo! Great intro post and a cool documentation site. Congratulations! I did not have time to dig into it (yet). The 1st question that comes to mind is can twig or some other templating language be plugged in for the views?
  16. I am not sure I quite understand your problem. But maybe this API reference can help? If not, feel free to explain yourself a little better?. Source code would be the best.
  17. Good evening here) Maybe this feature can help you to manage users with lots of custom fields. The frontend login should be managed with some custom code or a ready-made module like this one.
  18. Good day, community! Somehow this one was left unanswered since 2015! I have googled and found the question, but not the answer. Does anyone has a ready-made solution? I know that processwire.com has these, but they are probably added by ProCache.
  19. @franciccio-ITALIANO, is there a direct link to your site? Could you post it for testing?
  20. Great to see updates to the major pro modules. Looking forward to new RepeaterMatrix version!
  21. See ryan's comment on this here. Check teppo's module as a workaround.
  22. There is a github issue that makes Soma's answer even more clear and proposes a solution.
  23. I was reading a bit about Cloud9 yesterday, which is now an AWS service. Could this (cloud in-browser IDE and everything running on a remote server) be an ideal solution for developing on a low-end machine? There is also a github-trending code-server which offers vs code in the browser. But it probably will need much more effort to set up. Just for an alternative
  24. I think it will be it_IT.UTF-8. Was looking for a list of locales, and found this one. Does not look like something official thought)
  25. Nobody's talking about bringing content builder stuff to the core. I guess only Ryan could)) But the request for content building is high. Content is king. And RepeaterMatrix + Hanna codes are not as user friendly as Gutenberg seem to be. SPA editing is way more pleasant than opening and saving things one after another and adding images only after 1st save. PageTable Extended showed a way true block editing could be done in PW. Frontend editing is another step that could revolutionize content editing, but I never read about any good implementation. RepeaterMatrix is cool and could be even better if it would be PageTableMatrix with a similar Inputfield))) I think we can and should find a way to solve this need in true ProcessWire way. And we have to look at competition. Gutenberg might be hard and messy for developers, but it is desirable for end users. Let's make good for both using our strong points. P.S. js page api was on the roadmap. Might be a good fit here once it's done.
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