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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. You should take a look at this. I think it's much nicer: http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/
  2. @Joe: I think this should be doable without "eval". I think you should never use eval if possible... Why don't you just use: return $m[1].$compare.$to;
  3. Version 0.7.0: Hey, I added the https option you asked for: $config->https will be set to true in runtime I guess if the template is set to use https, too. So all of the fallbacks should be covered. And I added the fix by @peterfoeng.
  4. Take a look here: https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/troubleshooting-guide/page3
  5. @makari: If you want me to take look at it just write me a PM with login information (you could create a tmp user account for me or so if you're not working locally )
  6. Well I think it's better to leave the file name visible. Otherwise you may not know which file you are working on currently... But I think I'll add this option (your second point)
  7. (Maybe not related to your problem - but why don't you use $a->getNext() ?)
  8. @makari: You now have to define which templates should get a SEO-tab in the module's settings
  9. I think it's not that far away. At least the roadmap says Winter/Spring 2015: http://processwire.com/about/roadmap/#processwire-2.6-winter-spring-2015
  10. @mike: Thanks for adding it. I'll take a look. @ceberlin: Select a custom field with a fallback to title? You can use multiple smart titles. So the first one will be used if filled (https://github.com/NicoKnoll/MarkupSEO/blob/master/MarkupSEO.module#L182-L187). If not the second one is used and so on. "Smart title" will be used in case you leave the "Title" field in the SEO tab empty. Canonical Yes it's $page->httpUrl by default (https://github.com/NicoKnoll/MarkupSEO/blob/master/MarkupSEO.module#L233). But you're right. I should add a comment. URL Segments I'm not sure either how to handle them. But as they are not "real" pages I guess this module isn't able to handle them anyway (you can't add SEO fields to non existing pages...) link rel="alternate" hreflang I'll add an option to include this
  11. I had the same problem, too, some time ago That's why I know Btw.: I added this to the Troubleshooting guide: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/troubleshooting-guide/page4
  12. @TLT: have you tried: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2357-image-upload-gettings-stuck-on-100/?p=22881 ?
  13. Hey, it would be lovely if the ProcesssWire Blog (http://processwire.com/blog/) would have a rss feed so I don't have to check it every 5 minutes on Fridays but get a note if the post is ready
  14. Well, there aren't "default title settings". If you leave the seo title field empty it uses the "{titile} - {sitename}" thing. If you put a title into the seo field it shouldn't use "{titile} - {sitename}". I'll take a look at the code. Could you add this as an issue on github?
  15. In case you haven't seen it yet: https://www.cmscritic.com/2014-critics-choice-award-winner-best-free-php-cms ProcessWire won the CMS Critics 2014 Best Free PHP CMS Award.
  16. Just put a variable in the Session I guess (http://processwire.com/api/variables/session/): $session->customstring = 'Your account do not have enough access privileges to view this page.'; // and then just $page->body = $session->customstring;
  17. PageNum makes sense to me but how do I find out the actual page number? Only by getting "page" from the url? For your picture profile I would recommend to disable "auto title" and just to do it like this in your picture template: <?php $custom_title = $page->title.' - This is a Photo by '.$page->user->title.' for category '.$page->category->title; include 'head.inc'; . . . And in your head something like: <title><?php ((isset($custom_title)) ? $custom_title : (($page->seo->title != '') ? $page->seo->title : $page->title. ' - '.'My cool Webseite')); ?></title>
  18. use: <a href="<?php echo $config->urls->root; ?>user/login">Sign in</a>
  19. I guess you can. But you would have to go through every file which contains a path to /wire/ and replace it, too.
  20. Why not using normal PHP? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] More: http://php.net/manual/de/reserved.variables.server.php Or if you're on a frontend template you can use: $page->url And here you can find all config urls provided by Processwire API: http://processwire.com/api/variables/config/
  21. Sounds really nice! I have to try it later on
  22. Okay. I'm glad you can at least use ProcessWire backend normally again now... Btw.: Regarding the "Uncaught ReferenceError" - which file throws that error?
  23. @Sevarf2: Could you take a look in the "console" and check if there's any error or warning?
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