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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. It worked. I'm uploading it, then sharing the link here. Edit: Here it is: https://github.com/NicoKnoll/site-skyscrapers
  2. Okay, I think it isn't working because new site profiles have a little bit different structure (an information file, with name, image, etc. for example). I think the solution will be to install PW 2.3 (or 2.4), install it and update PW. (Give me some minutes, I'll try that for you)
  3. What happen if you delete all of the other site-* folders and then try to install?
  4. Nico Knoll

    Non uk test hrlp

    (I moved this to Pub)
  5. Could you post the whole function or link on it on github?
  6. You may could use ProFields Table for that. I did it before and it works great.
  7. "site-default" is probably the same as "Default" in the dropdown, isn't it?
  8. I know this question. It's a little bit hacky but this should work: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/651-set-created-by-creating-a-page-via-api/#entry5293 Edit: $sql = "UPDATE `pages` SET `created` = '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['crdate'])."', `modified` = '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['tstamp'])."' WHERE `name` = '".$page->name."';"; $update = wire('db')->query($sql);
  9. Hey, then you're probably doing something wrong If you install 2.5.2 correctly (I explain later what "correctly means) "Reno" should be in "modules" by default and you just have to hit "install", then go to "Access -> User -> admin (or whatever your username is)" and click "edit". Now you can change which AdminTheme should be used (select "Reno" and hit "Save"). Updating PW: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire#upgrading-from-processwire-24
  10. Why not just using a custom function on runtime? Like <?php echo bingTranslate("Some static dummy text") ?> Or do you want to save them?
  11. Would love to have PW merchandise - but Ryan has to decide
  12. Could you add all those wishes to the issue list? Otherwise I will lose overview
  13. Maybe ryan could implement a option for the image/file fields to disable changing the filename. (Including a little warning and the preferred way to only use [a-z,0-9,_]).
  14. @LostKobrakai: You don't even get this far if this error happens. @Ryan: I think you could check if the root url changed and then run a version check. That should catch most of the cases. And I think it's already implemented somehow if you activated "Markup/HTML" with your textarea inputfields, isn't it?
  15. Shouldn't be that hard to find me today
  16. Well yeah it creates the keywords field. I've never been that deep in SEO so I thought this field would still be relevant. Thanks for the tip with the Focus Keyword !
  17. Yeah, I just thought it would be nice to get language updates via module manager
  18. Some ideas I recently had to make it even better: Resort the icons and searchbar at the top right corner: (P.S.: In this case you would have to add a border at search suggestions right side, too) Select menu for "Pages" in configuration (Tree, Lister, Both (dropdown)) I never use "Lister" so it would be much better for at least me if I could choose that pages directly takes me to page tree. Don't need a accordion here. But maybe other people. So a config option would be the best, I guess.
  19. Hmm, do you have a link to that module? Not sure where the conflict comes from..
  20. So the only thing missing now is an official PW Shirt. Maybe I'm going to make one in the copyshop next to my flat
  21. Have to go to university so I could only attend on the evenings/nights
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