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Everything posted by 3fingers

  1. Have you tried: if($page->editable()&& $user->isLoggedin()) { // also check if the user is currently logged in echo "<a class='nav' id='editpage' href='{$config->urls->admin}page/edit/?id={$page->id}'>Edit</a>"; } to make a double check that the current user is logged in?
  2. It looks like you're importing your db after a new installation of processwire, which has just set some primary keys (ids) and so it gaves you an error when you're trying to overwrite them (at least I'm guessing so). Try to import your db before installing pw, skip it and then try to go to yoururl/processwire (or any admin url you've set). Just my two cents.
  3. Shame on me, I was looking for :processwire.com ProcessFieldChangeNotifier. My fault
  4. Super find Horst! I'm wondering why this isn't present in the official Modules Directory, even as an alpha release....
  5. This is a good starting point, for sure....what about setTrackChanges() method? Never used before and it's kind of a mistery to me how its usage would be. Do you think that would come in handy?
  6. Hello all, I'm trying to figure out a method to build an activity stream in PW (or vanilla php). Something like "User1 has updated his profile picture 10 minutes ago" "User2 added/modified his profile description" and so on... Does anyone have some suggestion to point me in the right direction? Thanks!
  7. Sorry for the delay, did you solve your problem? I've noticed yesterday you are using Pw pagination to show all of your projects on the homepage, and I'm wondering if this is somewhat overwriting your ajax load more plugin, coupled with the fact that your script is placed inside head.inc, which seems not to be loaded correctly in this situation.
  8. Try to put this code inside your $(document).ready() function too var ias = $.ias({ container: "#container", item: ".item", pagination: "#pagination", next: ".next a" }); ias.extension(new IASTriggerExtension({ html: '<div class="ias-trigger" style="text-align: center; cursor: pointer;"><a class="button round large alert">{text}</a></div>', })); ias.extension(new IASSpinnerExtension({ }));
  9. $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : 'path/to/contact/here '// try to put the relative path to your php page here instead of echoing data : formData, dataType : 'json' }); I maybe wrong, but I don't think you can <?php echo $something ?> inside a Javascript object since php needs to be processed on the server rather than on the client side.
  10. Hey leoric, take a look at this post, where the kind Macrura gave me (and us all ) some insights on how to filter a form's results based on different criterias. It should point you out on what you are trying to achieve. Let us know!
  11. 3fingers


    I agree with renobird, this opens up new ways to work with processwire completely. Thumbs up Ryan and Apeisa, you rock! (..as usual..)
  12. Nice and complete guide Martijn, just bookmarked to my evernote account. Just one question: What's the benefit of install everything manually vs a quick and easy MAMP installation? Anyway, thanks a lot!
  13. Hi joe_ma, not sure if this is going to work (not tested) but you can try this: function slider() { $albumimages = wire("page")->slider; $out =" "; if (count($albumimages)) { // COUNT IF SLIDER FIELD IS POPULATED WITH IMAGES, NOT ONLY IF IT EXISTS // REST OF THE CODE... Basically now you are checking if your slider exists in your template, and it always does. If you add count() function you can check if it is populated with images. Try it, let me know if it solves your problem Cya!
  14. 3fingers

    New Logo

    Yeah, but you also have a HUUUUGE Pw logo in the wrong position Wtf is happening on the homepage?
  15. 3fingers

    New Logo

    It's not the header the problem, are the two buttons to download processwire that are missing here..
  16. 3fingers

    New Logo

    Am I missing something on the homepage? I know I know, next time I will crop the image....
  17. Hi adrian, Is there a way to use your module when images are uploaded via API (through a custom upload form)?
  18. function kiddiMenu($current= "/planning-your-journey/"){ $homepage = wire('pages')->get($current); $children = $homepage->children; echo "<ul class='' >"; foreach($children as $child) { $class = $child === wire('page')->rootParent ? " class='active'" : ''; echo "<li><a$class href='{$child->url}'><span class='l'></span><span class='r'></span><span class='t'>{$child->title}</span></a></li>"; } echo"</ul>"; } I think you can also pass a parameter to the function to make it reusable.
  19. Really nice and clean! I'm really envy about your studio's location, too cool
  20. Hello Sevarf2, lots of fonts rendering problems here, check this images : http://imm.io/1lWRX http://imm.io/1lWS9 Chrome Versione 31.0.1650.63 m Windows
  21. Newbie question here @teppo: could this module be used to output on fronted some informations like: " user foo has uploaded 1 image 2 minutes ago " or "user bar has updated his profile description 1 minute ago" etc etc... ?
  22. @teppo, you're right, it's kinda useless if bandwidth plays major role here, and yes...that snippets only works with a mobile-first approach (even if there's a workaround mentioned in this article, but this will lead the thread OT). Only "solution" that comes in my mind right now is to manually declare system's fonts inside the css of Pw core, but of course this is a hack.
  23. If the problem happens when using the admin panel on mobile (and actually almost 1Mb of custom fonts looks too much to load for me too...) why not simply use media queries to disable custom fonts on mobile? With Sass: $mobile: 320px; // or tablet screen sizes too @media screen and (max-width: $mobile) { font-family: "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"; }; // Then Arimo for other resolutions
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