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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2024 in all areas

  1. Similar to what @wbmnfktr and @poljpocket said before, I like PW so much because it is an API with a backend, the api is well documented (!), it is so easy to install, easy to update, easy to understand, easy to extend and customize, it can be installed anywhere, it is so direct, I can program simple php templates to output what I want the way I want. I could build simple websites and more complex web applications on my own without the need of experts of this and that technique or paradigm. That's cool! Please keep it simple, keep it that way and don't overload the core with too many features... ?
    12 points
  2. Like others I was also attracted to PW by the simplicity and low entry barrier. @ryan I am very grateful for the work you put into PW. The development experience with building the module was great, even addictive and I learned a lot on the way. I was also going to suggest Kirby as a good example. I think a redesign of the modules page would help a lot. A buying option is maybe not needed for now, but having a category like „commercial/paid“ that is easy to find. Also a „module of the month“ or „loved by the community“ (based on likes) section and a prominent spot on the homepage to highlight some modules would be nice. I am on mobile right now and can post more thoughts on this once I have some time. Edit: Also +1 for letting superusers access this new "module explorer" from the admin. This would make installing modules even easier and give new modules more attention. (Maybe we can address the security issues, that were mentioned.)
    7 points
  3. @theoretic It's actually the opposite of that. ProcessWire is an API and that's all it is. Any output comes from the user of the API and not from ProcessWire, as it doesn't output anything on its own. ProcessWire started as a headless CMS, before the term even existed. The admin was later added on as an application built in PW, and then grew from there. But the base of PW is still just nothing but the API. ProcessWire itself doesn't output HTML. But since most use it for that, all of our example site profiles output HTML. There could just as easily be a site profile that outputs JSON or XML, or whatever you want it to. The point is PW has always been separate from whatever you choose to output with it, so that it has no opinion about what you use it for. While we could have a site profile that outputs something other than HTML, I don't really know what we would have it output or who it would be for, but maybe someone else does (?), it would be a simple matter.
    4 points
  4. One can have a look at how others do it: https://plugins.getkirby.com/ There the navigation is clearer as the categories are tucked away under “Types” and allows to have a clearly visible “Paid modules” menu link (Pro Modules could go under there as well as “First party paid modules”). Also they have no centralized way of selling modules, authors adding links to their own ecommerce solution (be it a custom one, Gumroad, ...). One thing I note though is even the paid modules are released on Github (but always mentionning how they are not “free software”), on PW modules are also required to have a Github page to be listed (I assume to be auditable / accountable). Regarding a blog post, I’m not selling anything but I guess it could be nice even though it remains a one-off promotional tool.
    3 points
  5. Just a follow up here for those who haven't found the Github issue: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1952 It looks like the next version of Apache (2.4.63) will include a fix (https://github.com/apache/httpd/commit/a1a93beb58b81f1de2b713ae5f96c41ed5952a74) that should hopefully prevent this from being an issue for PW.
    3 points
  6. @jploch @bernhard Long term I think we'll want to make it possible for others to sell their commercial modules here. But short term, what else can we do to help? You've both written some amazing page building software that deserves a lot of attention. Would you like to do a blog post about about it here? Or should we maybe have section on the site that highlights these tools? Perhaps something on the download or modules page? Doing commercial modules is hard either way, for me too, but I think it benefits all of us to have these tools available. Let me know what I can do to help.
    3 points
  7. I took a look at StaticWire. It's truely a basic SSG, but IMO it's rather a local tool not intended for use in hosting environment. It's okay if You have some hundreds of pages, but what if there's 1000+ of them?.. Generating a lot of static files at once can take too much memory and time, so personally I opted for a lazy static pages generation. Here's my module doing exactly this: https://github.com/theoretic/StaticPages It's open source, and it's free.
    2 points
  8. @szabesz I've thought Lexical looks like a really interesting project so have been curious about it. I can't even make past the first line of their quick-start work though, it gives me a JS error. I'm interested to see what the guy from BookStack comes up with. I'd also like to experiment with Lexical more. TinyMCE is providing custom open source licenses to projects like ours, and I have requested it from them here, but so far the responses I've received from them don't seem to be aware of any of it. They've been giving me prices for commercial licenses, so I'm kind of confused. There is a fork of TinyMCE 6 called HugeMCE that will apparently continue on the MIT license, but not clear how far that will go.
    2 points
  9. As a default? Big NOPE from me. The super easy way and low barrier to enter the world of ProcessWire was one of the main reasons I gave it more than a quick look, did all the tutorials, read the docs, read the forum, ... and stayed. I tried a lot of CMSs back then and because ProcessWire had this "direct output"-way of achieving a lot without needing to know much about PHP or programming in general was the biggest PLUS ever. if/else/echo/foreach is almost everything you need to know to get up and running - and this quite far. Easier than anything. Easier than the Wordpress-loop, Silverstripe's way of doing things, or Drupal and Typo3. Such a delight and super fun to learn something new, a new CMS. Sorry for interrupting this great discussion.
    2 points
  10. Hi all. Reading through the discussion about page classes, I have to add my two cents. I feel like we are mixing concepts here. We are talking about OOP concepts where the request arises to extend page classes' capabilities to better allow for separation of concerns. Many OOP concepts stem from or are just a fancy form of the MVC pattern. I strongly believe ProcessWire follows such a form too. Whereas the core handles MC and it's API provides endpoints for the V in Model-View-Controller and hooks for extending and altering the C part. So to really allow for separation of concerns, page classes aren't the right place to start off. A page is just the representation of an entity, a line in the database. Instances of said class that is. And thus Page and page classes belong to the Model part of ProcessWire. And this is exactly where my motivation to side with @ryan and his general scepticism of page class init and ready methods comes from. So it makes sense to add virtual properties or basic relationships to the page class. But the model should never contain business logic which acts outside of the lifecycle of the entity. Having made my point so far, I think Ryan's second to add a new class file to act as a controller (by using the ProcessWire's hooks) makes a lot of sense. And exactly that is why I believe, ProcessWire already offers a very good way to enforce MVC patterns and true separation of concerns. It offers a good API without forcing everyone to use the same architectural patterns so many other systems do.
    2 points
  11. @Jonathan Lahijani I'd need specific examples to respond to or questions to answer. This is a fully built out profile. I think some might expect that I would classify/objectify everything, but I don't do that unless there's a strong reason for doing so. I use classes when there's an OO reason for doing so, and rarely is "group of related functions" one of those reasons, unless for sharing and extending. Using custom page classes or OOP is not at all necessary for most installations. It's only when you get into building larger applications that you might benefit from these things. And even then, it's not technically necessary. One good reason to use custom Page classes is just to have a documented or enforceable type, with no need to have any code in the actual class: /** * @property string $title * @property float $price * @property PageArray|CategoryPage[] $categories * @property string $body * @property Pageimages $photos */ class ProductPage extends Page {} If you add something to the class, it might be to add an API for the type's content that reduces the redundant code you'd need when outputting it. class ProductPage extends Page { /** * Get featured photo for product * * @return Pageimage|null * */ public function featuredPhoto() { $photos = $this->photos; if($photos->count()) return $photos->first(); foreach($this->categories as $category) { $photo = $category->photos->first(); if($photo) break; } return $photo; } } I'd like that too. Maybe "buy" is a longer term goal, but shorter term I'd be interested in suggestions for how best to help promote others modules. @bernhard There's no need to use OOP in ProcessWire, especially for someone new to it. ProcessWire does all the work to make sure that by the time your template file is called, you are output ready. So it's only once you get to be more advanced that you might then start using hooks, and you might never use OOP. If someone wants to add a hook, the most reliable place for that is the /site/ready.php file, or in some file that you include from it (conditionally or otherwise), and that's what I'd recommend. ProcessWire wouldn't even load your ProductPage.php file if no instance was created. But even if it did, why would there be a need for any hooks related to page class "ProductPage" if no page of the type is ever loaded? Maybe I'm missing something. You already know I'm skeptical of hooks being added by Page objects, but now we're talking about hooks that aren't even related to the page class being within it? ? If there are, they still wouldn't be called unless something triggered PW to load the ProductPage.php file. And the primarily reason it would load the file is to create an instance of the class. That makes sense. For most I'd suggest this: $wire->addHook('Pages::saveReady(template=product)', function($e) { // ... }); Or this if you are using custom page classes, and want to capture ProductPage and any other types that inherit from it: $wire->addHook('Pages::saveReady(<ProductPage>)', function($e) { // ... }); If conditional for the requested $page, then wrap the call in an if() if($page->template->name === 'product') { $wire->addHook(...); } If you need to hook the same method for multiple types, it can be more efficient to capture them all with one hook. Maybe you want it to call a saveReady() method on any custom Page classes that have added it. Since you wanted hook type code in the Page class, here's how you could do it without having hooks going into the Page class: $pages->addHook('saveReady', function($e) { $page = $e->arguments(0); if(method_exists($page, 'saveReady') $page->saveReady(); }); Rather than more initialization methods, if you needed hook-related implementation in the custom Page class, the above is the sort of thing that I think would be better. At this point, it's only about being "ready to save THIS instance of the page" which I'd have no concerns about. I could even see the core supporting this so that you could just add a saveReady() or saved() method to the custom Page class, and neither you or the core would even need to use hooks. But back to hooks, if you don't want to load up your /site/ready.php with code, maybe just use ready.php as the gatekeeper and organize them how you want. If you only need hooks for the admin, maybe put them in /site/templates/admin.php. If you want to maintain groups of hooks dedicated one type or another, put them in another file that you include from your ready.php file: include('./hooks/product.php'); I understand you like to maintain these things in or alongside your Page class files. Your MyCustomPage.php class file is one that might be suitable because those hooks won't get added unless an instance of the class is created, or something does a class_exists('ProcessWire\ProductPage'). I think you did something like the following in an earlier example, and it's just fine because it's independent of any instance and doesn't add pointers into any specific instance, and will only ever get added once: class ProductPage extends Page {} $wire->addHook(...); Or maybe you want the hooks in a separate related but dedicated file. It would have the same benefits as the previous example, but isolated to a separate file: class ProductPage extends Page { public function wired() { require_once(__DIR__ . '/ProductPageHooks.php'); parent::wired(); } } Maybe you want to do it for all classes that extend BasePage.php. Or you could use a trait, but here's an example using inheritance: // site/classes/BasePage.php class BasePage extends Page { public function wired() { parent::wired(); $f = __DIR__ . '/' . $this->className() . 'Hooks.php'; if(file_exists($f)) require_once($f); } } // /site/classes/ProductPage.php class ProductPage extends BasePage {} The word "trivial" means "of little value or importance" and I wouldn't agree with that classification of these files. But I think you might (?) mean that it's really "basic/simple" (which is meaning I think of sometimes too), and that's actually the goal of it, so I would agree with that classification.
    2 points
  12. Thank you for all the feedback, I'm enjoying reading it and it's opening up a lot of good ideas, so please keep it coming. I also have some ideas to add. With regard to big/major features, I'd ideally like to focus on things that absolutely must be in the core, and not on things that can be built and supported by others as modules. My wishlist would be that ProcessWire focuses more on its roots, being the best it can be as a framework and CMS for running modules. If I can focus on that part of the core, and let others develop major new features with modules, then not only would the core be that much better, but I think I'd have the bandwidth to do things like develop a more formal testing framework, make the docs that much better, have more time for issues and requests, etc. Things like media/asset managers and web/block builders/editors (as examples) are best built by those that use them. When you are both the user and developer, you can develop and support something better than if you hired someone to develop it. @bernhard is a great example, he has stepped up and built answers to several things that people ask for, and he's both developer and user of those things. I understand some of these external modules cost money. But when something doesn't cost money to you, it has still cost money and time resources from someone else, the developer, or whoever sponsored the developer. So it's a question of who pays for it and how they are doing so. My strategy here has been to focus on developing things that I can use in my projects and very often the clients help cover the cost. That's how much of ProcessWire has been built. Other features that I use but could not afford to develop and support for free have been developed into Pro modules. This helps fund the core too. I don't make enough to survive on that alone, so I do a lot of client work as well, and I like the diversity of work. When I say that one particular feature is not likely to be developed in PW's core in the next version, I'm not saying that it's a bad idea at all, nor am I rejecting it, but more likely that I don't have the ability to fund that feature at the moment. (But maybe will later). Or in many other cases, it may be that a particular feature might only be useful in some installations rather than most, and thus belongs as an external module. If something like RockPageBuilder or PageGRID or others could suit your needs on a particular project, support the developer and get it. The more we can do this, the more that developer can do, the more decentralized the responsibility for ProcessWire can be, and the more I think it benefits not just that module and developer, but the entire ProcessWire project. Maybe the developers of these modules would be open to having a free version with less features so people could get to know them better and upgrade when they need it. Kind of like how there is Lister and ListerPro. One idea I'd like feedback on. What if ProcessWire 4.x would be just the core and only the modules essential for the "blank" profile? And that's all the core would be. Then, on the download page (or maybe the installer), you could select all the modules you want to be part of your installation. For instance, you know you'll need repeaters, so you check the box for the Repeater Fieldtype. You know you want Tracy, so you check the box for that. At this stage you could select both 1st party and 3rd party modules to basically configure your own ideal version. From here we could also highlight other options like the Page Builders mentioned. There would have to be some predefined options, like a "well appointed" installation that is the same as the core as it is now. It would be a whole different way of building ProcessWire, but much more back to the roots of PW, becoming even more of a community project, sharing the responsibility a little further and getting more people involved, growing the family.
    2 points
  13. I was suggesting you link to a separate page that is handled by ListerPro. I don't think it's possible to render a ListerPro page into a dashboard panel. If you absolutely require filtering in a dashboard panel, I'm afraid you'll have to develop that yourself as there's really no ready-to-go solution available yet.
    1 point
  14. @Robin S Thank you! Must set this as my homepage… ?
    1 point
  15. There's no search/filter functionality built into the module. The way I've previously done this is by rendering a custom select dropdown in a template panel, and hard-reloading the page with a query param. Not very elegant, but right in line with the requirements. This seems to be where others have landed as well. Anything more complicated, it's best to manage that in a module built for wrangling large amounts of data. A custom ProcessPageLister page or the commercial PageListerPro module have worked well in the past.
    1 point
  16. Check other pubs, restaurants and such. Sometimes you can find a badge or link of such a service, or look into the source of a page and check where the JS comes from.
    1 point
  17. This is super true. Gideon
    1 point
  18. Output logic is a part of the view. When I build a site profile to share with others my primary goal is to make it as simple and easy-to-follow as possible. For most websites powered by ProcessWire the template files are the views, and that's where I think most should start too, as it's very simple. As needs grow, many will naturally isolate the views to reusable files separate from the template files when it makes sense (like that parts directory in the invoice profile). But I think it's good for PW to be less opinionated about that because people may be using different template engines, different output strategies (direct, delayed, markup regions), etc., or they may not even care about following an MVC pattern, even if PW naturally leads there. This pattern was around before we had web sites/applications, so the "view" part is not like it was when we were building desktop applications in the old days with Borland C++. With HTML we've got server side markup and the additional layers of client side CSS and JS. Not everyone always agrees about where to draw the lines and it can depend on the case. I don't think we should decide that for people and I think it's good to be flexible on on this part of it.
    1 point
  19. @wbmnfktr was just a minute faster, but I feel exactly the same way: I have to say I am using ProcessWire exactly because it doesn't force me into a direction and/or into a form of "best practice". But nevertheless I think there is already a lot of controller in the ProcessWire core. What you @szabesz want I think is a way to create your own controller manifested as a class and tightly integrated in the request lifecycle. But can't you already do that? That is the beauty of ProcessWire. You can alter anything I can think of with hooks. They will allow you to create a fully-fledged controller system if you want to. But again, I feel like ProcessWire handles most of the controller stuff one would ever need.
    1 point
  20. @FireWire I had to logout and login again. Then all fields were visible in the module config. At first the Language Associations fieldset wasn't there, and Fluency Options. Now it works as expected!
    1 point
  21. My main wish for ProcessWire 4 would be a generally more modern admin theme (e.g. with Ajax-Save unpoly/htmx style) and that at least fields that are also used in the frontend (FormBuilder) no longer have a jQuery dependency. On the subject of jQuery, it would also be great if the updates announced last year could also be activated for live pages in the next major release.
    1 point
  22. Regarding page content creation by "site editors" in the admin, since TinyMCE's future regarding its open-source state is questionable, Dan Brown at BookStack started to implement a replacement based on lexical: Building a custom editor would also allow ProcessWire to cater to its own needs, like a live preview feature described as: It would be nice to be able to implement sort of block editor-like features in the RTE (and share them with the community). More complex block editors have their use cases and clients for sure, but for most projects, being able to do some sort of simple block editing would be enough, just like Ryan's example here: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/using-tinymce-6-in-processwire/#example-of-using-extra-css-styles. But, instead of very limited techniques like that, a custom RTE could provide a more robust solution without being a full-blown frontend block editor like RockPageBuilder and PageGRID. Such a custom RTE would automatically be supported by Ryan's PageAutosave module and its Live Preview feature.
    1 point
  23. For real? This is the first I've heard of any chaos. If my wording was too harsh, I apologize for that. What I meant was that the fact that integers and strings can be used for module version numbers causes unnecessary issues on its own, for example: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/13389-adminonsteroids/page/39/ Quote: issue was: Any one else having trouble with this module not detecting updates with Ryan's ProcessWireUpgrade module? Some of my sites are stuck at AOS version 1.6.71 and it but it also reports As you can see in the picture, there is another version available but it doesn't give me an option to download/update it. reply was: Sorry, that's my fault, I've mixed the string vs numeric versioning and that's why the chaos (adrian reminded me). Next time I'll double check :) comment was: Also, next time for string versions, I think you should leave off the trailing period :) Also, if one reads the whole thread of @netcarver's ModuleReleaseNotes Module, then there is a good view there to see how many variables he had to tackle: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/17767-module-release-notes/ I think sticking to semantic versioning would solve most of these issues and would also support this: Since if there are no strict versioning requirements, then it is hard to imagine a robust and extensible module manager in the first place, no to mention Composer support.
    1 point
  24. @ryan I like the idea. This could speed up the initial setup and if done well would also work for non technical users (They never heard of composer). It could be like a modules manager/installer/picker that lists all modules with short description. Like a more compact list/grid of modules (maybe an expandable accordion with checkboxes for each module). Anything that makes it easier to find and install modules from the backend/installer would be a good addition in my opinion. I have to say doing commercial modules in PW is hard. The target group is small and the marketing of the module is the sole responsibility of the developer (eg. building a website/shop to promote and get the module). It would be nice if there was a platform integrated into the PW site to list/promote and maybe even buy commercial modules (Not only Ryans pro modules but also commercial modules build by the community). What was asked here shows the interest in page/block builders, and I think both RockPageBuilder and PAGEGRID are already very promising and have the potential to attract more users to PW (Which in return would make it easier for other developers to sell modules). I could envision a light/free version of PAGEGRID, but I need to justify the time to maintain and develop it further, so I think there needs to be a commercial aspect to drive the project forward.
    1 point
  25. @szabesz I think the phrase "everything necessary" might be worth considering here. A class ideally just has one responsibility. Page instances are there to provide an interface to one page's content and be swapped in and out of memory on demand. When there are things like hooks going into a Page, that changes the role completely. If you start doing this a lot on a large site then it may affect scalability. Maybe it's fine for one individual installation or another, however. In your case, this isn't an issue, as you've solved that concern with a static method. I think that's okay for an individual installation, but it wouldn't be okay for PW to suggest for everyone because it's not multi-instance safe. The core avoids also static methods when possible because they are disconnected from any instance of the class. When there are static methods, it's always worth looking closer if it's worth the convenience (sometimes it is) or if they would be better off somewhere else. Using hooks in your /site/init.php, /site/ready.php or /site/templates/admin.php (when appropriate) is a safe strategy, but I agree it's not great if you have a ton of them. At that point it might be good to have an autoload Module, or to start including your own files from one of the previously mentioned ones. But if you find it beneficial to use /site/classes/YourPageClass.php then also consider a separate class (ProductPageTools.php?). Rather than having a static method, you can have a static variable in your ProductPage class that refers to that instance, but there will only ever be one of them, and it will be multi instance safe. Page classes already do this for a lot of things, delegating to other classes (PageTraversal, PageValues, PageProperties, etc.) for code that can be shared among all Page classes. There's only ever one instance of those classes, no matter how many Page class instances there are. And they are all multi-instance safe. This also keeps the memory requirements of the Page classes very low, since the Page class has very little code itself, and mostly delegates to other classes where the same single instance operates on all Page classes. class ProductPage extends Page { static private $tools = null; public function wired() { parent::wired(); if(self::$tools === null) self::$tools = $this->wire(new ProductPageTools()); } } class ProductPageTools extends Wire { public function wired() { parent::wired(); $this->wire()->pages->addHook('saveReady(template=product)', $this, 'hookSaveReady'); } public function hookSaveReady(HookEvent $e) { // ... } } Maybe you have a method with a lot of code that you want to be callable from ProductPage (any number of instances) but maintain in ProductPageTools (only ever one instance). This is how the core delegates to other classes and limits the scale and scope of classes that may have many instances. class ProductPage extends Page { // ... public function foo() { return self::$tools->foo($this); } } class ProductPageTools extends Wire { // ... public function foo(Page $page) { $result = ''; // A whole bunch of code to generate $result from $page return $result; } } If the strategy you are using now works well for you then I'm not suggesting you change it. But just wanted to point out the strategy I'd suggest as a scalable and multi-instance safe one that also maintains separation of concerns and keeps the Page class from becoming complex or heavy.
    1 point
  26. I'm so happy it comes as a very good module instead of being integrated by default. We're using PW to build internal tools as well, where SEO settings do not make sense. Love this list, couldn't have formulated it better ♥ As for composer installation: This does not mean that an installation of ProcessWire has to get more technical. It could still be downloaded as a zip file and extracted. The only differences would be that instead of site&wire directories, you would have site&vendor directories. Also it would be possible to install a new ProcessWire instance directly from composer, as opposed to going to the website, finding the download page and downloading & extracting the zip archive. And it would appear a bit more professional, imo. I just see advantages here.
    1 point
  27. I have a fairly decent but rudimentary theme engine that I use; the structure is templates/themes/[name-of-theme]. This has worked well especially in redesigning existing live sites; or as a way to test out how things look with different CSS; or to upgrade a commercial HTML template. The theme engine also allows file override where the templates/views/some-view.php to be overridden by templates/themes/[name-of-theme]/views/some-view.php ; it's a wrapper for render, like wireRenderFile, so $theme->renderView('name-of-view), and $theme->renderPartial('name-of-partial'), would look in the current active theme for the file and if existing use that, and if not then use the one in templates/views or templates/partials. i can switch the theme in my _init, which means i can e.g. clone a theme, then have it switch to a development version for me as a user, or by role. Like templates/themes/company vs. templates/themes/company-dev The structure of the theme folder has stuff like _main.php (the main markup for the page), views, partials, assets, as well as theme specific functions, and a theme init where settings are configured.
    1 point
  28. With huge amounts of gratitude for everything you do to make PW as great as it is: I know this is not in the intended spirit of this thread, so apologies for that, but honestly what I would most like to see is fixing all of the current Github Issues before anything new is implemented. I personally still have 49 open issues, many of which require ugly hook workarounds, some result in things being broken for site editors, and others are inconsistencies in the API which continue to trip me up. I am honestly struggling to put energy into thinking of shiny new feature ideas with these things always impacting my workflow.
    1 point
  29. Use the main menu to go to Modules > Configure > FieldtypeFile In the "Allowed Fieldtype modules for custom fields" field, tick the checkbox for URLLanguage. It says it may not be 100% compatible with custom fields but it seems to work fine for me.
    1 point
  30. Making ProcessWire stronger for full-stack web application development, allowing it to become an unassuming alternative to Laravel and Rails but from the origins as a CMS. ProcessWire is the perfect CMS (there's no doubt in my mind about that), and it's actually already quite good for web application development (both natively and with 3rd party modules), but with some enhancements to make it more "batteries included", enhancing page classes and some tooling, ProcessWire can have its feet in both the CMS and full-stack framework buckets in a way that's perhaps unique. I can elaborate on this further as that sounds a little too generic, but I've been developing a web application with PW for over 9 months (it's a very complicated project and it's replacing an existing, in-production system which makes it even more tricky and high-stakes) and when it's done I can share some ideas. This one enhancement alone moved the needle quite a bit in making ProcessWire more web application friendly.
    1 point
  31. // form was submitted so we process the form if($this->input->requestMethod('POST')) { //Set directory for photos $target_dir = $this->wire('config')->paths->files . '_listings/'; // user submitted the form, process it and check for errors $form->processInput($this->input->post); // do with the form what you like if($_POST['prop_delete'] == 'N') { //create the listing_id or pull from hidden field on update if(isset($_POST['listing_id'])) { $propNum = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbCon, $_POST['listing_id']); } else { $propNum = 'CDR'.uniqid(true); } // Database Table Insert Stuff goes here } else { //Delete box checked, removed listing first... } //Process photos function convertImage($originalImage, $outputImage, $quality) { // jpg, png, gif or bmp? $exploded = explode('.',$originalImage); $ext = $exploded[count($exploded) - 1]; if (preg_match('/jpg|jpeg/i',$ext)) { $imageTmp=imagecreatefromjpeg($originalImage); $outputImage = str_ireplace('jpeg','jpg',$outputImage); } else if (preg_match('/png/i',$ext)) { $imageTmp=imagecreatefrompng($originalImage); $outputImage = str_ireplace('png','jpg',$outputImage); } else if (preg_match('/gif/i',$ext)) { $imageTmp=imagecreatefromgif($originalImage); $outputImage = str_ireplace('gif','jpg',$outputImage); } else if (preg_match('/bmp/i',$ext)) { $imageTmp=imagecreatefrombmp($originalImage); $outputImage = str_ireplace('bmp','jpg',$outputImage); } else { return 0; } // quality is a value from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) imagejpeg($imageTmp, $outputImage, $quality); imagedestroy($imageTmp); unlink($originalImage); return 1; } $oldumask = umask(0); mkdir($target_dir.$propNum, 0777); // or even 01777 so you get the sticky bit set umask($oldumask); foreach ($form->get('prop_pix')->value as $pix) { //ensure image is jpg image and delete original upload convertImage($target_dir.$pix,$target_dir.$propNum.'/'.$pix,70); } //Update Database Table if(mysqli_query($dbCon, $sql)){ $this->wire('session')->redirect("/site-admin/setup/add-a-listing/"); $success = "Record added successfully."; } else{ $success = "ERROR: Not able to execute $sql. " . mysqli_error($link); echo "ERROR: Not able to execute $sql. " . mysqli_error($link); exit(); } //echo $success; exit(); // Close connection mysqli_close($dbCon); //Return to controller return $success; } else { return $form->render(); } I think this is what you are looking for. Holler if not. Note: I removed all the DB interaction stuff as it was 100 lines long and not on topic.
    1 point
  32. Thanks, I've looked at their competition and they're prhibitively expensive for the client's size. I'll keep looking!
    0 points
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