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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2023 in all areas

  1. This week we've been resolving a few more remaining issues, mostly those that take more time or discussion. So there's not many commits to the dev branch this week, but that also means we're very close to having the main/master version ready. I'm hopeful we'll be there by this time next week. If you have a chance to test the current dev branch please do, and let us know if you run into any issues. Thanks and have a great weekend!
    9 points
  2. Not sure if I'll post every issue here, but at least here's the first one ? --- Hey there, RockStar developers! ? What's new in the Rock Universe? ? baumrock/AdminStyleRock v1.3.0 Make your ProcessWire backend truly yours with the latest AdminStyleRock update! Version 1.3.0 brings a super cool feature that allows you to effortlessly set a custom logo in the ProcessWire backend. Your admin experience just got a whole lot snazzier! ? ? baumrock/RockFrontend v3.3.0 Get ready for greatness with RockFrontend v3.3.0! We've introduced exciting new features, including static site rendering and a nifty view-folder feature. The top bar's hidden style has been polished for that sleek look. While we're working on documenting these gems, be sure to explore and experiment with these additions! ? ? baumrock/RockShell v2.1.0 Our new db:download command streamlines database management even more. And here's a treat: an alias for your laptop lets you simply call "rockshell db:pull staging." Say goodbye to the lengthy commands and hello to efficiency! ?️ ?️ baumrock/RockMigrations v3.29.0 Prepare to be wowed by RockMigrations v3.29.0! This version brings a fresh approach to shipping your modules with custom page classes. Plus, our new path helper methods ensure your paths are on point, with normalized separators and no more pesky multiple slashes. Another really helpful feature was added to RockMigrations this month, but then removed because it's now part of TracyDebugger itself! Say hello to the "Redirect Info" section in the "Request Info" panel! Have you ever been redirected by something and didn't know why? That belongs to the past as you can now clearly see that the redirect was triggered by line 3 in /site/templates/home.php  ? Sneak Peek: Exciting Commercial Modules We've got some fantastic updates brewing for our commercial modules, slated for release soon. Brace yourselves for RockCommerce, the power behind the shop on baumrock.com, where you'll find our incredible modules up for grabs. And speaking of modules, RockPdf has been making monumental strides. It's now responsible for crafting the invoices that accompany every order. ?️ ? Stay Connected: As we rock and roll into the future of development, there's plenty more where this came from. Stay tuned for more exciting updates, innovative features, and game-changing modules that will take your projects to new heights. Thank you for being part of our developer community. Your passion and feedback keep us strumming along. Until next month, keep coding and keep rocking on! ?? Keep rocking, Bernhard
    7 points
  3. I've often heard people say "It's hard to keep track" with all the updates to my modules. That's why I work on the DEV branch now in all of my modules for one month and then merge the changes into MAIN and create a new release that lists all new features and bug fixes. If you are interested you can sign up here: https://www.baumrock.com/rock-monthly/ ???
    2 points
  4. http://shift-up.pt/ Shift-Up is a consultancy company from Portugal that specializes in government incentives and financing. This is my first project using ProFields and RockFrontend, and I can't really believe how long it took me to start using both. Profields' InputMatrix is a huge step up from my previous custom module that I hacked together using file selects and custom field visibility. And RockFrontend, just by getting latte in the mix, makes everything a lot more polished and professional. The project is a fresh start from the previous old Wordpress solution they had, taking care as to not harm the SEO standing this site had built up with all its content. I started out by writing a content import script that took hundreds of pages from the oh so messy WP export and turned them into neat PW pages. I also had to handle the URLs in the process, ensuring that the old unstructured WP links would be fed to the Redirects module. So the focus here was more on carrying over the content without having to rewrite everything, and now that we're here, when new programs come up we have a platform that can properly grow and add new layout solutions and features.
    2 points
  5. Hello there! After using Padloper 1 for a project I want to look at Version 2 for a new project. I know that Padloper 2 is entirely re-written and despite the name has nothing to to with the original version, am I right? So I can't really build upon my experience with the original Padloper 1. I am a bit confused on how to get started with Padloper 2. I found that there is an official documentation available: https://docs.kongondo.com/ This Docs go through the installation process but then it kind of stops. I would like to have further - basic - information like: - How to create Categories and Products in the backend - How to handle product field data (like custom attributes, variatons, etc.) - What fields are required for the product templates (price, amount, etc.) ? - Does Padloper create these fields in the installation process for me or do I have to do it manually? Basically what I love to read would be a "how to set up a simple shop with categories and products step by step". It looks like the "Frontend" section of the documentation should handle all this, but there is almost nothing to find? The only thing that is shown there is a kind of "category overview" page: https://docs.kongondo.com/frontend.html Maybe I am missing something but the Docs do not tell me how to set up the shop (I mean creating categories and adding products) besides from the installation process and the shop settings: https://docs.kongondo.com/start/ Then theres the Demo repos on GitHub which handle different Padloper shop variants with different features: https://github.com/kongondo/Padloper2Starter As far as I see there you have to install these demos manually and search through the templates and source code by yourself to see "how things are done". I find this a bit irritating, isn't the Documentation supposed to support this kind of information? For Demo 1 it says: It is a complete demonstration of a Padloper shop frontend including products and categories/collections display, single product display, add products to checkout and checkout process. It utilises htmx and alpine.js in various places including checkout. It uses an ajax-powered checkout via htmx. This means ajax responses are htm It would be great if a database-dump would be included which supports the demo with an already existing page tree with the demo categories and demo product pages to see how things are configured in the backend. The Padloper2Starter Readme says that these template files have to be created manually: You need to create a products and a categories page under your root page (home). They should use the similarly named templates respectively. The template files for above pages are: /templates/products.php -> for all or single product. /templates/categories.php -> for all or single category. Then again I am wondering what fields to I have to add to those templates in the first place to make the Demo work? Thanks in advance ?
    2 points
  6. Oh, specifically for the console. I believe I experienced this once as well. Will try to be more attentive. Hasn't happened since. I am not using any Rock modules currently, though since it's only happened once to me I would lean more toward PC performance over module in my instance. Have you tried a different browser just to see if it's primarily a Chrome (on Mac?) thing? Safari / Firefox... If you have access to a Windows or ChromeOS box, maybe try Chrome there too? Chrome has a task manager. When you notice the issue - assuming you've reduced your Chrome tabs to just the one (?), does the task manager give any additional insight? Similarly, Chrome's DevTools offers a runtime performance monitor (not the same thing as is shown in the above photo)... Just some things to look into.
    2 points
  7. I just tested on the latest version of Chrome and no problem here. Not dismissing this as an issue - just trying to help rule things out.
    2 points
  8. I thought I was the only one. Keyboard lag is brutal with the latest chrome. I figured it was chrome's new inbuilt 'privacy protection' spy features.
    2 points
  9. I love the text-reveal animation for the headlines. Really neat! How did you approach this feature? It seems that every letter in the headline text gets wrapped inside a <span> element via JavaScript and is then animated via CSS transforms?
    2 points
  10. Hello PW forums, I started using Prepros after coming across it on various discussions here. I've got a local dev environment going using Prepros + MAMP server as proxy. I was curious to try this specifically for the bundling js feature. I am trying a new folder structure and wanted to experiment with some Node.js package (via npm). My project is structured: . ├── node_modules ├── src/ │ └── js/ │ └── main.js ├── wwwroot/ │ ├── site/ │ │ └── templates/ │ │ └── scripts/ │ │ └── main-dist.js │ ├── wire/ │ └── index.php ├── .env ├── package.json └── prepros.config ProcessWire core lives in the wwwroot and is served via MAMP configured as a virtual host to that specific path and served at https://localhost:8848 via. Prepros. Because I am not spinning up npm run dev or node locally, I bundle the main.js via Prepros JS Bundle features to get a main-dist.js file that I move into the PW site/templates/scripts/ directory and which I then call in the _main.php <head> section in /site/templates/ I also specify the Global Variables in Prepros (.env variables that I want to access in main.js) const chains = [mainnet, polygon] const projectId = process.env.WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID; const alchemyKey = process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY; Now interestingly when Bundling JS with Prepros, it creates several named files in addition to the main-dist.js file, which I need to also include into the site/templates/scripts/ dir otherwise it I receive errors in console. I don't understand what exactly all those files are really doing other than … dependencies being bundled ? 1..prepros_main-dist.js 2..prepros_main-dist.js 3..prepros_main-dist.js 4..prepros_main-dist.js 5..prepros_main-dist.js 6..prepros_main-dist.js 7..prepros_main-dist.js Finally, the Global variables I set in Prepros do not seem to be defined when reloading the local dev/server (console errors). Is there something I am missing? This .env variable business has really taken me for a spin … especially seeing as how in production the parameters change quite substantially. I am not sure what the best practice is for production, but I seem to be trying to adhere to standard practice for local dev ? Any pointers from Prepros users much appreciated! Thanks,
    1 point
  11. Thx for the input @netcarver I don't think that it can have anything to do with anything on the backend. PW itself is fast, I'm just experiencing a very laggy console on the frontend. Sometimes even the mac os spinner pops up for some seconds. Do you think that can have anything to do with sessions or cookies? I'm thinking maybe the SSE stream of RockFrontend/RockMigrations livereload could interfere somehow? Just throwing in an idea as well ?
    1 point
  12. I don't know what's going on - so just throwing an idea into the ring. Could you try looking at your wire cookie id and then checking the size of the session associated with that same id? If it's extremely large, could you try deleting the file (or row in the DB session table) - which will log you out when you reload the page. When you log back in, is tracy any faster?
    1 point
  13. Just kidding ? Maybe it's one of my modules if @gornycreative is also using them and also seeing the issue?! Maybe we can track it down further. Can you check if it only appears with RockFrontend or RockMigrations for example? I always have both installed, so I can't test ? Good to hear that I'm not the only one seeing this. Maybe others can also report their observations and we can put all pieces together and find something. PS: I'm also on Chrome.
    1 point
  14. Hi @Stefanowitsch, I totally agree with your sentiments. The state of Padloper documentation is not good at all. I don't want to make excuses. Written documentation was at the top of my list but other things came up. I then decided to instead create video documentation. I started on those but again was sidetracked. Great! Happy to help you with this. This doesn't mean I won't be working on the video documentation; I'll still work on that. Technically, this is incorrect. Although there are a lot of new features and a new API, some aspects of Padloper 1 remain, e.g. 'padloper templates' to customise markup, e.g. summary of order line items in the basket, etc. Actually, you can. For instance, stuff like 'add to cart', 'checkout form', etc. are near identical. I am entirely to blame for this. As stated, the docs are not nearly good enough. They are actually still in an interim location. The plan has been to move them to the padloper domain. True. Again, I am to blame for this state. I will be covering this in the video docs. It is quite easy to create categories and products. Meanwhile, I can grant you backend access to the demo site to visualise how things work. Zero fields are required ?. Padloper ships with its own custom fields in many cases. It also utilises a few in-built ProcessWire fields such as title and rich text area (for product descriptions). Padloper creates all fields for you during installation. At installation, you choose the features you want. For instance, if you don't want the feature 'category', Padloper will not install its related template(s) and fields. If you installed the feature 'tags' and later changed your mind, Padloper will remove this cleanly for you. Most features are optional. The core features include order and product. This is how I have planned the video docs. I.e., several short videos covering installation, setting up the backend, creating your first product, displaying products in the frontend, checkout, extending Padloper, etc. I understand your frustration. I agree, the docs need to provide this information. The video docs will do this. Meanwhile, I need to update the demo repos to indicate their incompleteness. This is a great suggestion, thanks! Somebody else mentioned this recently. My plan now is to include an option during installation to install a demo shop. This would match the features that you have selected for install. I also plan (not sure about the timeline for this) an integrated JavaScript driven backend demo of how things work in the backend, basically a click-through thing. Apologies the docs are not clear. Now that you point this out I see how they can be misleading and how they are incomplete. The above instructions are only for the demos. You don't need those templates for Padloper to work. You don't need to create any fields. For frontend use, the only thing that is required is a checkout page. Using the Padloper API ($padloper), you can access and display any Padloper items in the frontend wherever you like. You don't need a products page or a categories page, etc. For instance, you could display all your products on the homepage, etc. You could add items to your cart in a modal, or in a dedicated page, or however you want. At the end of the day, things are just ProcessWire pages. Technically, you can access things using ProcessWire API but $padloper saves you a few steps. I hope I have addressed all your queries. The above responses are not a substitute for good, quality documentation. Video documentation and better demo repos are still a high priority for me. Thanks for honestly pointing out the current shortcomings and your frustrations. Whether or not you decide to use Padloper, I genuinely value your opinion ?. Thanks!
    1 point
  15. @heldercervantes Very nice. Perhaps a little more line height needed on .type-title, to stop the descenders in headlines getting cropped? (1.2 worked for me in Firefox)
    1 point
  16. Tailwind Connect 2023: Recap of our first in-person event https://tailwindcss.com/blog/2023-07-18-tailwind-connect-2023-recap
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. What Steve said. And if you need it from your js components, there is dotenv. Take care to not leak the token, if you build the app with Vite, only variable with VITE prefix are exposed as import.meta.env.* eg. VITE_BAAAAAAD=abcd1234 (leaked) DEADBEEF=abcd1234 (not leaked / undefined)
    1 point
  19. Absolutely! Even their Twitter account is having fun right now and ThePrimeAgen is on board of course. https://twitter.com/htmx_org https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=primeagen+htmx
    1 point
  20. On a sidenote: htmx is getting more and more attention. Recent example: It was the spotlight teaser of the last JavaScript Weekly newsletter.
    1 point
  21. Grab one of your used font files (woff, woff2) and upload it to: https://wakamaifondue.com/ It will check for all kinds of features and details. Look for the tnum feature.
    1 point
  22. Hi @Youbility, yes I did. It's working on production at https://www.brightline.org/ Here's a slightly different version of that one: https://gist.github.com/sjardim/d74fae71b5bfe6a44ab88efc9aaa5279 Hope that helps!
    1 point
  23. I'm proud to share this newly released custom-made website with you. Musikschule Neumünster https://www.musikschule-neumuenster.de/ Design details The design was built from ground up to give every aspect and every detail of the website its very own unique look. We faced the demand to create a visual experience that is up to date but kind of classic at the same time. A fact you can't describe but you will feel and see it when visiting the website. ? Technical details From top to bottom every detail can be managed in the backend - all instruments, tutors, events, and content pages. In order to make life easier some things are automated (for example: archiving older events or managing the relationship between tutor and instrument). Modules and time-savers ProCache Croppable Image 3 PagefieldPairs MarkupSitemap Hanna Code Jumplinks I hope you enjoy the result as much as we* do. * A little side note to reduce confusion: I'm partner and the developer of Muskaat (design and development bureau based in Neumünster, Germany).
    1 point
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