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Hello friends! I have another module for you, which will make your daily work as a Processwire developer easier. Introducing: AppApi This module helps you to create api-endpoints, to which an app or an external service can connect to. Features Simple routing definition Authentication - Three different authentication-mechanisms are ready to use. Access-management via UI Multiple different applications with unique access-rights and authentication-mechanisms can be defined The documentation has become quite extensive, so have a look at the Github repository for details: Installation Defining Applications Api-Keys PHP-Session (Recommended for on-site usage) Single JWT (Recommended for external server-calls) Double JWT (Recommended for apps) Creating Endpoints Output Formatting Error Handling Example: Listing Users Example: Universal Twack Api Routes Page Handlers File Handlers A special thanks goes to Thomas Aull , whose module RestApi was the starting point to this project. This module is not meant to replace this module because it does a great job. But if you want to connect and manage multiple apps or need other authentication methods, this module might help you. I am already very curious about your feedback and would be glad if the module helps you a little bit.3 points
3 points
Greetings from the sunny covid hotspot state of Georgia, where we haven’t left the house since March. And now getting ready for the kids to start a new school year from home with virtual learning. Everyone delivers everything now, so there’s no need to go out to a grocery store anymore (or go anywhere). I live about a mile from the CDC, so our school district has more kids with parents working at the CDC than any other. That gives me some comfort, knowing that I won’t be sending my kids back to school until the experts at the CDC are willing to; when it’s really and truly safe. Though I don’t think it’s going to be safe for a long, long time. The US is a rudderless ship right now, so we just have to ride it out. Thankfully, we’re all staying safe and keeping busy. The kids are building houses in Roblox (an online game addiction they have), we’ve converted our yard to be a summer camp, and converted the basement to be a gym, while we clear more space to start building out a massive N-scale train set—my 3 locomotives still work perfectly, even after 35 years of storage. And I’ve been learning how to manage chlorine and PH in an inflatable kids pool that keeps the family cool in the hot weather. The kids miss school and other activities, my wife misses being at her office and people she works with, and we all miss our friends and family, but it’s the way things are now, and I’m just grateful to have my immediate family home and safe; and in place where we can ride out the storm. I’m also really glad that I can work on the ProcessWire core and modules for pretty much the entire work day, and enjoying coding as much as I ever have; feeling great about where ProcessWire is and where it’s going, thanks to all of you. I’ve been working on the latest ProCache version the entire week, so not many core updates to report today other than some new hooks added to the Pages class (they are hooks that the new ProCache can use as well). I’d hoped to have this version of ProCache finished by now, but I keep finding more stuff to improve, so decided give it another 2 days of work and testing, and if all looks good, it’ll be ready to release, which will be next week. This version is essentially a major refactor, where just about every line of code has been revisited in some form or another. But if you are already a ProCache user, you’ll also find it very familiar. While I don’t have it posted for download today, below is a brief look at what’s new. Completely new .htaccess rules (v2) that take up a lot less space, especially when using multiple hosts, schemes or extensions. Ability to choose .htaccess version (v1 or v2). ProCache now creates an example .htaccess-procache file that you can rename and use or copy/paste from. ProCache now has a built-in URL testing tool where you can compare the non-cached vs. cached render times. New setting to specify how ProCache delivered URLs should respond to trailing vs. non-trailing slashes in URL. Significant refactor that separates all ProCache functions into separate dedicated classes. Improved custom lifespan settings with predefined template lines. Improved behavior settings with predefined template lines and simpler letter (rather than number) based definitions. Ability to specify predefined cache clearing behaviors, specific pages to clear, or page matching selectors, from within the ProCache admin tool. New predefined cache clearing behavior: Reset cache for family of saved page (parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, and all within). New predefined cache clearing behavior: Reset cache for pages that reference saved page (via Page references). New versions of SCSS and LESS compilers. ProCache is completely ProcessWire 3.x native now (previous versions still supported PW 2.x even if 3.x was recommended). Numerous other improvements, fixes and optimizations throughout. I’ve previously mentioned a built-in crawler in ProCache. That part has been moved to a separate module called ProCacheCrawler and will be released a little later in the ProCache board. It was taking a little too much time to develop, so I didn’t want to hold up the rest of ProCache while I developed that. When installed, ProCache communicates with the crawler, identifying and adding URLs to a queue to be crawled and primed for the cache. What it does is pretty cool already, but it needs more time to develop. It’s also something that depends on being run regularly at intervals (like with CRON) so it’s a little bit of a different setup process than the rest of ProCache, which is another reason why I thought I’d develop is as a separate module. I’ll be working more on finishing development of the crawler later in the year, after the next master version of ProcessWire core is released. Next week I'll have the new ProCache version ready for download as well as a new core version on the development branch. It will focus mostly on fixes for issue reports as we continue working towards the next master version. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!3 points
3 points
Thx for this one @adrian and @kixe that really saved me today ? This is my final version: public function init() { $this->addHookAfter("ProcessPageEdit::buildForm", $this, "addGUI"); $this->addHookAfter("ProcessPageEdit::buildFormContent", $this, "addGUI"); } public function addGUI(HookEvent $event) { $tabid = 'my-tab'; $form = $event->return; $page = $event->process->getPage(); if($page->template != 'my_page_template') return; // add new tab after content tab if($event->method == 'buildFormContent') { $event->process->addTab($tabid, __('My Tab!')); return; } // add fields inside the tab $tab = new InputfieldWrapper(); $tab->id = $tabid; $tab->add([ 'type' => 'markup', 'label' => 'foo', 'value' => 'foo', ]); $tab->add([ 'type' => 'markup', 'label' => 'bar', 'value' => 'bar', ]); $form->prepend($tab); }3 points
Page Reference Default Value Most ProcessWire core inputfield types that can be used with a Page Reference field support a "Default value" setting. This module extends support for default values to the following core inputfield types: Page List Select Page List Select Multiple Page Autocomplete (single and multiple) Seeing as these inputfield types only support the selection of pages a Page List Select / Page List Select Multiple is used for defining the default value instead of the Text / Textarea field used by the core for other inputfield types. This makes defining a default value a bit more user-friendly. Note that as per the core "Default value" setting, the Page Reference field must be set to "required" in order for the default value to be used. Screenshot https://github.com/Toutouwai/PageReferenceDefaultValue https://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-reference-default-value/2 points
Hey, @strandoo! I think the trick is in the $options argument. Try something like this (or dig into the docs). $sanitizer->purify( $page->summary, array( 'CSS.AllowedProperties' => [] ) );2 points
We are using ProCache with nginx on multiple sites. Out of the box it generates rules for .htaccess but those obviously can be translated for nginx. there are also configuration examples in ProCache support (accessible once you bought ProCache)2 points
Thank you @bernhard, @adrian and @kixe for this thread and the very timely thank-you note from Bernard that pointed my in a far more productive direction with regards to my question from yesterday: Had been playing around with hooks to try to achieve my goals but this has made things a whole lot better and a whole lot easier. I kinda figured there had to be a way to hook into the form build process, but without this thread I would have remained lost for much longer as I played around the edges. My very grateful appreciation to all!2 points
Another possibility: $clean = $sanitizer->purify($dirty, ['HTML.ForbiddenAttributes' => ['style']]);1 point
@Juergen You can disable formatting from anywhere, why not use $this->of(false) inside your method? If you're worried about changing the output formatting setting unexpectedly, you can save the current setting first and then restore it after you've received the unformatted value or done whatever you want inside your method. $of = $this->of(); $this->of(false); // custom code here ... $this->of($of); Or is this still not what you intended?1 point
Just released an updated version. The translation now is "Modul wird automatisch installiert"1 point
@horst thanks, we still need the session / active login somehow but maybe this is a starting point. @LostKobrakai thanks for the link, the Storage Access API looks very promising (requesting user permissions) and matches our use case (user is already signed in in the main window). Apparently this has no Chrome Support (yet). For the OAuth Solution I need more time to understand it ? Will post updates here if I find a solution!1 point
$page->getUnformatted('myValue')->myMethod(); This should work.1 point
2 new methods for Schema.org markup added: print_r($page->fieldname->getjsonLDTimes()); returns an array like this: Array ( [0] => Mo,Tu,We 08:00-12:00 [1] => Mo,Th 13:00-18:00 [2] => Th 08:00-11:00 ) Can be used to create the markup by yourself or echo $page->fieldname->renderjsonLDTimes(); returns a string like this: "Mo,Tu,We 08:00-12:00", "Mo,Th 13:00-18:00", "Th 08:00-11:00" You can use the second method in schema.org Local Business opening hours as followed: ..... "openingHours": [ "Mo,Th,Sa 11:00-14:30", "Mo,Th 17:00-21:30", "Fr,Sa 17:00-22:00" ], ..... Best regards1 point
Working until late night isn't always productive. ? watch: { options: { //event: ['added', 'changed', 'deleted'], // 'all' livereload: true, spawn: false }, styles: { files: ['localdev/styles/**/*.scss'], tasks: ['sass', 'postcss'], // , 'cssmin'], // ^^ while temporary switching between cssnano an cssmin, I finally forgot to register cssmin in "watch" options: { event: ['added', 'changed', 'deleted'] } }, So everything makes sense again. ?1 point
New feature added: I have updated the inputfield to support multilanguage timeformats on the frontend. You can set the timeformat of each language in the configuration of the inputfield in the backend (see screencast below). Supports strftime() and date() formats. Languageformat.mp4 Version was bumped from 1.0 to 1.1 on Github. Best regards Jürgen1 point
Thanks for updates,The virus is cruel.Hope all is well with you and your family!1 point
1 point
Regarding the intro to the post, I'm glad to hear you and your family are doing well during this whole pandemic.1 point
Sound quality is strange ? But your English and articulation is very good, clear and easy to understand! Keep up with the videos!1 point
I didn't want to create a topic for this, so I decided to use my existing thread , as mentioned, I am creating some Youtube tutorials around Processwire, I feel a video is much more easier to help people getting started with Processwire. So I did a first video introduction, However I quickly realized my dilemma with self expression skills when talking, so I am working on that but here is the first video and I hope to drop a Video per week or more depending on how fast I can get things out but I am also open to covering other complex topics too around Processwire. Thanks and I hope this helps out a lot of people. NOTE: LOL Working on how I sound too ?, bear with me Love from Nigeria1 point
You can add support for Repeater Matrix Fieldtypes via custom third-party modules. Refer to documentation on how you can create one. https://github.com/dadish/ProcessGraphQL#third-party-fieldtypes-support1 point
Hmm, I think it's very clear because it's a method from $page. Everything you do from $page are tied to the page itself.1 point
If you do not assign a title the autogenerated ID (Inputfield) will be taken. $inputfields->attr('title', 'Weird name'); To put the Inputfields (Tabs) in the right order you could use InputfieldWrapper::insertBefore() or InputfieldWrapper::insertAfter() instead of InputfieldWrapper::add(). Unfortunately this doesn't work in case of ProcessPageEdit. To get it working you need to add another hook to ProcessPageEdit::getTabs() The following code snippet should work. Place it in your /site/ready.php wire()->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::buildForm', function ($event) { $page = $event->object->getPage(); if ($page->template == "bewerbung") { $form = $event->return; $inputfields = new InputfieldWrapper(); $inputfields->attr('title', 'Weird Name'); $inputfields->attr('name+id', 'WeirdTabNameAndId'); // we need both unique ID and Name $markup = wire()->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $markup->label = 'Custom Lable'; $markup->value = '<p>Just a placeholder for any custom markup</p>'; $inputfields->add($markup); $pageEditTab = $form->find('id=ProcessPageEditContent')->first(); $form->insertAfter($inputfields, $pageEditTab); // inserting in the right place is not enough to set the tab order // we need the following hook wire()->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::getTabs', function ($event) { $event->return = array_merge( array_slice($event->return, 0, 1, true), array('WeirdTabNameAndId' => __('Weird Name')), // should be identical to the weird name/title above array_slice($event->return, 1, null, true) ); }); $event->return = $form; } });1 point
@jmartsch - you can see how I have done this in the BCE module when the editor interface is added in a new tab: https://github.com/adrianbj/BatchChildEditor/blob/4cd7f64e28d166b1f78eb02e83167cd7af031e87/BatchChildEditor.module#L374-L4211 point
If you are using CloudFlare, all you need to do is change your CloudFlare config. You don't get true end-to-end https that way, just between the browser & CloudFlare - not between CloudFlare & your site. My blog (see sig) does it that way (and you get SPDY as an added bonus).1 point