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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2020 in all areas

  1. I've been using Fathom Analytics for a while now and on a growing number of sites, so thought it was about time there was a PW module for it. WayFathomAnalytics WayFathomAnalytics is a group of modules which will allow you to view your Fathom Analytics dashboard in the PW admin panel and (optionally) automatically add and configure the tracking code on front-end pages. Links GitHub Readme & documentation Download Zip Modules directory Module settings screenshot What is Fathom Analytics? Fathom Analytics is a simple, privacy-focused website analytics tool for bloggers and businesses. Stop scrolling through pages of reports and collecting gobs of personal data about your visitors, both of which you probably don't need. Fathom is a simple and private website analytics platform that lets you focus on what's important: your business. Privacy focused Fast-loading dashboards, all data is on a single screen Easy to get what you need, no training required Unlimited email reports Private or public dashboard sharing Cookie notices not required (it doesn't use cookies or collect personal data) Displays: top content, top referrers, top goals and more
    6 points
  2. We've just launched our new site, rebranded AND become a B Corp. Phew! (only took us 2 years to do all that...) https://humanafterall.studio/ We're a design agency in London working with tech and purpose organisations. We've used PW on many client projects and on all our own previous websites. For this one, we built with: Processwire 3.0.155 ProCache for speeding everything up Custom Inputfield Dependencies for keeping the back-end in check (thanks @Robin S) Markup regions for templates Bulma as a frontend framework PJAX for page loading Service Worker module for adding a service worker ImageOptim (online) for optimisation of all images (using this PW module) KeyCDN for serving static assets Lazysizes for lazyloading of all images/video Lots of what I worked on was optimising for speed — which can be a challenge for an agency that wants a lot of big imagery. (it's also a PWA so you can install it on your desktop in Chrome and add to homescreen on iOS for fullscreen standalone app view) Anyway it's a culmination of working and developing with PW for a long time, hope you enjoy!
    3 points
  3. Salut Jeannette, I can help you to keep your shop up-to-date and improve it. I own a license of PadLoper and wrote somes custom payment processing methods and others improvements. I live in France, near Bayonne - meeting ourselves could be easy. I will send you my phone number / mail address by private message, and if you feel then we can call us tomorrow. You too ! ??
    3 points
  4. You need to init() the panels again. This is usually done when the dom is first loaded. So panel-links don't work on ajax loaded markup. See this request + workaround: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/176
    2 points
  5. This module adds CSV import and export functionality to Profields Table fields on both the admin and front-end. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/table-csv-import-export/ https://github.com/adrianbj/TableCsvImportExport Access to the admin import/export for non-superusers is controlled by two automatically created permissions: table-csv-import and table-csv-export Another permission (table-csv-import-overwrite) allows you to control access to the overwrite option when importing. The overwrite option is also controlled at the field level. Go to the table field's Input tab and check the new "Allow overwrite option" if you want this enabled at all for the specific field. Please consider limiting import overwrite option to trusted roles as you could do a lot of damage very quickly with the overwrite option Front-end export of a table field to CSV can be achieved with the exportCsv() method: // export as CSV if csv_export=1 is in url if($input->get->csv_export==1){ $modules->get('ProcessTableCsvExport'); // load module // delimiter, enclosure, file extension, multiple fields separator, names in first row $page->fields->tablefield->exportCsv('tab', '"', 'tsv', '|', true); } // display content of template with link to same page with appended csv_export=1 else{ include("./head.inc"); echo $page->tablefield->render(); //render table - not necessary for export - just displaying the table echo "<a href='./?csv_export=1'>Export Table as CSV</a>"; //link to initiate export include("./foot.inc"); } Front-end import can be achieved with the importCsv() method: $modules->get('TableCsvImportExport'); // load module // data, delimiter, enclosure, convert decimals, ignore first row, multiple fields separator, append or overwrite $page->fields->tablefield->importCsv($csvData, ';', '"', true, false, '|', 'append'); Please let me know if you have any problems, or suggestions for improvements. Enjoy!
    1 point
  6. --- Module Directory: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/privacy-wire/ Github: https://github.com/blaueQuelle/privacywire/ Packagist:https://packagist.org/packages/blauequelle/privacywire Module Class Name: PrivacyWire Changelog: https://github.com/blaueQuelle/privacywire/blob/master/Changelog.md --- This module is (yet another) way for implementing a cookie management solution. Of course there are several other possibilities: - https://processwire.com/talk/topic/22920-klaro-cookie-consent-manager/ - https://github.com/webmanufaktur/CookieManagementBanner - https://github.com/johannesdachsel/cookiemonster - https://www.oiljs.org/ - ... and so on ... In this module you can configure which kind of cookie categories you want to manage: You can also enable the support for respecting the Do-Not-Track (DNT) header to don't annoy users, who already decided for all their browsing experience. Currently there are four possible cookie groups: - Necessary (always enabled) - Functional - Statistics - Marketing - External Media All groups can be renamed, so feel free to use other cookie group names. I just haven't found a way to implement a "repeater like" field as configurable module field ... When you want to load specific scripts ( like Google Analytics, Google Maps, ...) only after the user's content to this specific category of cookies, just use the following script syntax: <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="statistics" data-src="/path/to/your/statistic/script.js"></script> <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="marketing" data-src="/path/to/your/mareketing/script.js"></script> <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="external_media" data-src="/path/to/your/external-media/script.js"></script> <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="marketing">console.log("Inline scripts are also working!");</script> The data-attributes (data-type and data-category) are required to get recognized by PrivacyWire. the data-attributes are giving hints, how the script shall be loaded, if the data-category is within the cookie consents of the user. These scripts are loaded asynchronously after the user made the decision. If you want to give the users the possibility to change their consent, you can use the following Textformatter: [[privacywire-choose-cookies]] It's planned to add also other Textformatters to opt-out of specific cookie groups or delete the whole consent cookie. You can also add a custom link to output the banner again with a link / button with following class: <a href="#" class="privacywire-show-options">Show Cookie Options</a> <button class="privacywire-show-options">Show Cookie Options</button> I would love to hear your feedback ? CHANGELOG You can find the always up-to-date changelog file here.
    1 point
  7. Thanks, @Ivan Gretsky and @kongondo, My old site is on PW 3.0.42, whereas the module is in 3.0.72. My new site is on 3.0.148. Looks like I'll have to upgrade. Peter
    1 point
  8. It should be under 'not installed' core modules. (modules/install/ Pages Export/Import
    1 point
  9. Hi Peter, A couple of things: Having bootstrapped ProcessWire, why not just use it to give you access to paths? That will make your code more portable and consistent $image_dir = $config->paths->files; $old_domain_file_dir = $SECONDARY->config->paths->files // etc This: If getting one, you might just as well use a get, no? // @note: no need for wire as well $old_results = $SECONDARY->pages->get("id=SOME_ID");
    1 point
  10. Yes sure I can make something work here thanks. Love these kind of simple approaches - I was way overthinking it!
    1 point
  11. I think it should be enough to put this in your /site/templates/admin.php if(!$user->isSuperuser()) $session->redirect('/');
    1 point
  12. Hey @bernhard - thanks for all the details. I'll have to get back to you on most of them, but I can explain the reason for the quirky stuff in your module. It is due to the really old version of ACE included with the InputfieldAceExtended module that you are making use of. The same thing happens with Ryan's HannaCode module - there is an issue posted about that here: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessHannaCode/issues/21
    1 point
  13. Thx adrian, this is what I have currently in my RockFinder2 module: This is basically a sandbox where one can test finders, sees a dump and also sees the data listed as tabulator. When looking at the code of RockFinder2 today I was quite surprised that it has +1200 lines of code. I had in my mind that it is quite lightweight compared to RockFinder1 because it builds upon the pw core query classes. Then I realized that I actually have lots of stuff packed into RockFinder2 that imho does not belong there. The finder tester is one of those things! I want to remove that part from the module so that RockFinder3 will just do one thing: Finding PW data and returning it as array of objects. Nevertheless the finder tester is useful! So I don't really want to drop it as a whole. I can use the tracy console and do this: This is already great, but it would be even greater if I could see the data in a tabulator. That's what I have in my process module, BUT: What I do not have there is the dumping features of the tracy console. Look at the first screenshot: There is a dump, but I always dump the returned finder object. I cant to any other dumps, because it's a custom implementation of the console. I also don't have the same settings and shortcuts as in the console. Vision: Ideally I'd like to build RockFinder3 with only the features that it needs and pack the tester in a separate module. This module would require tracy (but only the process module, not the finder module) and could use the tracy console process. This process would show an InputfieldForm that everybody could modify easily via hooks. So I could just add a new InputfieldMarkup to that form below the tracy console, add some lines of javascript that intercept the AJAX events sent by the console and then show the result as tabulator grid. Hm. I see that the ajax response at the moment does only send the html of the dumps. Maybe it could instead send the response as JSON? One property being the dump: "<foo>bar</foo>" and the other property being the returned value: In this case the code would return a RockFinder2 instance, so we would need something on the backend that transforms the returned data (here the rockfinder) in something readable by the client. Maybe something like this: // pseudo code $wire->addHookAfter("Console::getPayload", function($event) { $rockfinder = $event->arguments(0); $array = $rockfinder->toPlainArrayReadyForJavaScript(); // ['foo', 'bar'] $event->return = $array; }); This would result in this ajax response: { dump: "<foo>bar</foo>", return: ['foo', 'bar'] } So the console could just dump the markup and I could intercept that response with JS: $(document).on('tracyConsoleResponse', function() { // get the return value of the xhr // render tabulator }); Maybe that kind of refactoring could also make sense for the console? Maybe this approach could also make sense in an even bigger context: What if all panels where process modules? I for example have no idea how to build a panel for tracy (I'd have to study my hello world module again ? ), but it would be piece of cake to build a process module. Maybe I'm requesting too much here. But again: Maybe refactoring could make sense - I leave that assessment to you ? --- Side note: Also I have this bug when I open the console on my process module: The code of my ACE field gets quirky. That's not a request how to fix it - just to let you know why it would be great to have one central solution that can be modified instead of building our own solution and fix bugs ?
    1 point
  14. @Peter Falkenberg Brown - sorry, I don't understand why you are trying to reinvent the wheel here - there are a LOT of problems to solve and Migrator works for this already.
    1 point
  15. millipedia.com was set up in Gibson Gardens N16 at the end of last century (we are sooo old).
    1 point
  16. Hello Fellows, I have a wonderful webshop, using PL and Padopt, a module developed by Julien Vaubourg and highlighted in ProcessWire Newsletter. Here is our shop: cheval-ami.fr I am looking for a new developer, helping me to keep the shop smooth and up to date. We would like to improve automated invoicing and worldwide shipping, getting DHL integrated and give people the possibility to create their personal accounts and be the nicest shop in the equine industry. We are still a young company, working all in german, english and french. We are very interested in a long time, kind and friendly relationship without any stress, but reliable reactivity in case of urgency. We are based in Hamburg and near Paris and would prefere to work with somebody who is available to catch up around a table, at least sometimes. Contact: mail@cheval-ami.fr or +33 626 22 1000 or +49 170 20 28 215 Thank you, Have a beautiful day, Jeannette
    1 point
  17. Bonjour @flydev ??, ça serait avec plaisir de s'appeler demain. Merci!
    1 point
  18. As both a director of an ethical development agency and an ex-resident of Stokie can I just say that I'm slightly jealous. Lovely looking site and well done on getting B-Corp status.
    1 point
  19. We've found the same thing on PW 3.0.148 with any custom image fields, when the images are inside a repeater. After drag-and-dropping the images in, on the first save after that, any custom field text (e.g. caption, photographer) is simply lost. In a subsequent save, the text is saved fine. Every time a new image is dragged in, the page must be saved before adding text to the custom fields for that image. Otherwise text entered for the new image is lost (text previously entered for other images in the same repeater is fine). This seems to have been logged as a bug on 23 January: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1070
    1 point
  20. You can also use $sanitizer->entitiesMarkdown(), either for basic markdown or full markdown by setting the options argument to true.
    1 point
  21. Got this working on your codepen: var accordions = $("[uk-accordion]"); accordions.each(function(index, item){ UIkit.util.on(item, "beforeshow" , function(e){ accordions.not(item).each(function(index, item){ var opened = $(item).children('.uk-open'); var openItemIndex; if(opened.length){ openItemIndex = opened.index(); } if(openItemIndex !== undefined){ UIkit.accordion(item).toggle(openItemIndex); } }); }) });
    1 point
  22. TemplateEngineFactory with TemplateEngineSmarty SeoMaestro AdminOnSteroids FieldtypeSelectExtOption ProCache ListerPro
    1 point
  23. You asked about this once before... ? But "pages.id==1234" is a pretty naff syntax, so here's a hook that lets you match pages just by typing an ID into the admin search: $wire->addHookAfter('ProcessPageSearch::findReady', function(HookEvent $event) { $selector = $event->return; $q = $event->wire('input')->get('q'); // If the admin search query is a number if(is_numeric($q)) { // Get the individual pieces of the selector $selector_pieces = explode(', ', $selector); // Modify the first piece so that it includes an ID clause in an OR-group $selector_pieces[0] = "({$selector_pieces[0]}), (id=$q)"; // Replace the original selector $event->return = implode(', ', $selector_pieces); } });
    1 point
  24. My top 3: TracyDebugger TracyDebugger TracyDebugger ? We already have such a thread here:
    1 point
  25. Couldn't you loop over all templates(excluding system templates) and use the template's name along with a count? For example: Basic Page (55) Calendar Postings (77) Job Postings (88) community-event (55) <- this one doesn't have a friendly template name, the others above do Total Pages (400) It would probably be helpful to show file information as well. Like: Documents (1,000) Images (2,000) Audio (30) Videos (40) Total Files (3,000) The number of users would be helpful per role Editors (20) Contributors (25) Vendors (22) System Admins (2) Total Users (60) All of that would probably need to be cached so isn't too taxing on the server. Maybe only displayed to admins as well? I thought I remembered a module that already provides similar counts? I can't remember the name. Maybe I'll remember it later?
    1 point
  26. Hey, I just wanted to say that this kind of functionality is super important for many websites. I just spend three hours looking for a solution until I stumbled on this. Seriously consider adding it to the documentation. Now I can easily show only news item that actually has content in the relevant language.
    1 point
  27. The documentation could be clearer in this regard, and I'm probably oversimplifying here, but there two basic categories of selector usage in PW. 1. Methods that use the PageFinder class - common ones would be $pages->find($selector), $pages->get($selector), $page->children($selector). Also find/get selectors for $users. Those are the ones that spring to mind, although there might be a few more. These methods do a database query behind the scenes. 2. All other methods that accept a selector, for example $some_pagearray->find(), which is actually WireArray::find(). These methods do not query the database but work on items that are in memory. There are differences in the ways that these two categories of selector usage are implemented. Some things work in a PageFinder selector that don't work in an in-memory selector. The documentation for Selectors seems to be assuming the reader is interested in PageFinder selectors because there are code examples there that won't work with in-memory selectors. There isn't any definitive list of the differences (that I know of), but here are some things that I have found do not work with in-memory selectors (but do work with PageFinder selectors): 1. Datetime values as strings, e.g. "some_datetime_field>today" 2. Page statuses as strings, e.g. "status!=hidden" 3. OR groups In a perfect world selectors would work the same everywhere and you wouldn't have to think about it. There's an open request for this here.
    1 point
  28. If anybody wants to give it a try, here's a little attempt at an OR-group capable PageArray extension (just to see if this might be worth investing some more time and creating a PR). Usage: $regularPageArray = $pages->find("template=mytemplate"); // Returns an OrGroupsPageArray instance with the contents of $regularPageArray: $groupable = $regularPageArray->getGroupable(); $groupable->filter("fieldA=1, (fieldB=today), (fieldB=tomorrow)"); // or $filtered = $groupable->find("fieldA=1, (fieldB=today), (fieldB=tomorrow)"); OrGroupsPageArray.zip
    1 point
  29. echo html_entity_decode(__('you.text w <blink>htmls</blink>'));
    1 point
  30. Magic! Discovering a hidden gem like this always makes my day. Thanks, diogo!
    1 point
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