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This week we take a closer look at the upcoming ProMailer module with a lot more details and screenshots. Plus an update on next steps with the new website and development schedule in the weeks ahead— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/promailer-preview/5 points
Hey @ryan. I'm wondering if it would be possible to set up a repository for the new site, so that we could submit pull requests and report issues there? Personally I'd still like to suggest some usability / accessibility related changes and fixes, but currently that's a bit difficult to do – and it basically requires me reporting the issue, and then you having to figure out how to fix it for the site. If there was a repository, we could a) reliably keep track of issues that have been fixed or closed for other reasons (avoiding duplicate reports), b) submit changes so that you don't have to do everything yourself, and c) experiment with the site with ease. If the site has features that can't be made public, a repository containing partial site profile would of course do, but the best solution would imho be a full site that we can install locally, makes changes to, build, test for regressions, and so on. Or perhaps you could only share access on a case-by-case basis, since even GitHub now supports private repositories? ? Thanks for considering this!4 points
Lots of solutions for this from a simple API foreach, to the Batch Child Editor module or even this http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-actions-unordered-list-to-pages/ Everyone baulks at the everything is a page at first, but the benefits become apparent and it's actually very elegant and more importantly very flexible if you need to change things down the road. Not saying there isn't a place for what you have built - just say that there are multiple way to skin a cat ?2 points
We're finally launching a redesign of our website! Doesn't feel like it to us, but our previous design was already from 2013 ? https://ed-works.com/ We like to keep things simple, so the only third-party modules that we installed were Tracy debugger, Admin on steroids and Admin Theme Boss, which we tweaked a little bit to our taste. All in all, there's not much going on inside PW. Our main concern was to serve the frontend with responsive images with a close quality to the originals, and for this, it's important that PW allows us to use ImageMagick for resizing them. We also love to use PW's image tags to add classes to the images. In this case, we use them to display the images with three different sizes. We also had to change the templates to serve the projects to the homepage via Ajax. We hope you guys like our new baby ? Edit: I forgot to refer that we also changed our logo and tweaked our name to ED works.1 point
ElasticsearchFeeder This ElasticSearch module for ProcessWire will sync your page content to an ElasticSearch index, which provides you a convenient way to search it. Thanks to @jonathan-dart who created the first ES Module for PW and which influenced us a lot. Our approach was to create an a module where we can make for each template a flexible schema. You can define on you own which data ind which format should be transfered to ElasticSearch. Github Page: https://github.com/blue-tomato/ElasticsearchFeeder Module Page: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/elasticsearch-feeder/1 point
Deprecation note (06/2022): This module has been deprecated in favour of a new RockForms module that does not only use NetteForms but also comes with a GUI. You can still use this module if you want, but I will not provide any fixes or updates or support! https://gitlab.com/baumrock/RockForms It uses the great NetteForms from Nette Framework (docs: https://doc.nette.org/en/2.4/forms ) Features: Client AND Server-side validation in one go (you only need to code your rules ONCE) CSRF protection (by processwire) Honepot spam protection (custom) Helper to create PW pages from submitted forms ($form->createPage($parent, $template, $title)) Add ?success=yourform tag to url ONLY after successful submission (for analytics) Recover fields after unsuccessful submission (server side validation error) Define custom actions + message on successful submission UiKit form renderer (more can be accepted by pull requests) Sample Form Setup: <?php namespace ProcessWire; $form = $modules->get('RockForms')->form; $form->addRadioList('salut', 'Anrede', ['m' => ' Herr', 'w' => ' Frau']); $form->addText('forename', 'Vorname'); $form->addText('surname', 'Nachname'); $form->addText('email', 'E-Mail-Adresse') ->setRequired('Bitte geben Sie Ihre Mailadresse an') ->addRule(Form::EMAIL) ; $form->addSubmit('submit', 'Anfrage senden'); $form->onSuccess = function($form) { $form->createPage(1017, 'mailitem', date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . ', {forename} {surname} {email}'); // send email // do whatever you want // return success message return 'thank you for your subscription'; }; echo $form->render(); For all available fields you can look here: https://doc.nette.org/en/2.4/form-fields Validation: https://doc.nette.org/en/2.4/form-validation Rendering: https://doc.nette.org/en/2.4/form-rendering More complex form example of the screencast: Module is alpha and not well tested yet. It should be save to use, but there might be breaking changes in the future. Also I'm quite sure that not all possible situations are covered. There are some switch() statements that check for the fieldtype and I only implemented the ones I needed so far. All others are easy to add - please make pull requests if you find any unsupported fields. Thank you. LIMITATIONS: Multiform support limited Changelog: 6.8.18 add multiform support 8.4.18 v2 little bugfix + load assets automatically 19.3.18 alpha release1 point
TemplaneEngineMustache This module adds Mustache as engine to the TemplateEngineFactory. Project page in Github: https://github.com/blue-tomato/TemplateEngineMustache/ Module Page: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/template-engine-mustache/1 point
Hey, I'm new and I created a simple module for tagging pages because I didn't found a module for it (sadly this is not a core feature). This module is licensed under the GPL3 and cames with absolutly no warranty at all. You should test the module before using it in production environments. Currently it's an alpha release. if you like the module or have ideas for improvements feel free to post a comment. Currently this fieldtype is only compatible with the Inputfield I've created to because I haven't found an Inputfield yet, that returns arrays from a single html input. Greetings Sebi2020 FieldtypeTags.zip.asc InputfieldTagify.zip InputfieldTagify.zip.asc FieldtypeTags.zip1 point
Hi @psy - no time for a detailed answer, but I expect the solution is similar to repeaters and so this should help: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5397-assigning-fields-to-repeaters-with-the-api/?do=findComment&comment=52123 Probably worth reading through the whole thread.1 point
1 point
Under Modules go to Core and look under the Process Heading. You will find the Page Clone module.1 point
1 point
Wouldn't it be a good step in the right direction to validate the HTML5 patterns via PHP too. They are valid regex and it should be not too hard to process them via preg_match (). Selecting sanitation and validation modules like the textformatters would be really cool too. And it wouldn't be too hard to put together a collection of both. You could even use textformatters for that(at least for sanitation). This would be even helpful for other fields like certain currencies and date formats, where you could correct some bad formatted input. Building tons of fields seems not really comfortable to me though it is an option. Just using the HTML5 patterns would relieve us from a lot of work and even when its not a perfect solution it would help a lot. Having an easy and quick way to do some simple custom validations/sanitations in text fields is one of the last few things i really miss in PW.1 point
Most of the page fields (like autocomplete) allow creating new pages on the fly, while editing the actual article page. But I totally see place for modules like this (they are always faster to configure for example).1 point
1 point
As first discussed here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/20596-new-post-new-pw-website-ready/?do=findComment&comment=178781 Here is the next version of the searching interface. You can see how it automatically populates the module class name in the field from the matches based on what you have typed. This is basically ready to go if Ryan is willing to incorporate. Now we just need to figure out a browsing/filtering interface to make it easy to discover modules base on categories and keywords.1 point
1 point
Hi and welcome ! Great first contribution ? FYI there is one similar field (I think) based on Chosen there : @Sergio https://github.com/sebi2020/InputfieldTagify https://yaireo.github.io/tagify/1 point
Hello @Sebi2020 , welcome to the forums! Could you explain a little further? How your module differs from the standard way of creating tags as pages and using a page field to link the tags to other pages?1 point
Fully agree with @LostKobrakai. I guess a well documented ->sanitize() method would do, I'd say those magic methods are more confusing than helpful. Also I originally came here to comment that a "slug" sanitizer method that also handles Umlauts would be an awesome addition too. "I drink Jägerbombs" -> "i-drink-jagerbombs"1 point
Feel free to keep reporting here. I am checking in here for errors like this every few days and then fixing them as they come up. I'm guessing not too many more of these will turn up, as I've been continuing to update the logic in our 404 hook, plus logging 404s in ProfilerPro to catch any others that might have been missed.1 point
@gregory @Jonathan Lahijani I tested it (but not with all the Custom Embed option), it works with the Custom Embed options C and D. Use the following hook : <?php namespace ProcessWire; // the captcha module $captcha = $this->modules->get("MarkupGoogleRecaptcha"); // hook FormBuilder $forms->addHookBefore('FormBuilderProcessor::renderReady', function ($e) use ($captcha) { $form = $e->arguments(0); // do some custom check here ... if ($captcha->data_recaptcha_type === 'invisible') { // invisible captcha $captcha->render($form); $f = $this->modules->get("InputfieldHidden"); $f->attr('id+name', 'login_submit'); $f->value = 'login_submit'; $form->append($f); } else { // recaptcha v2 $f = $this->modules->get("InputfieldMarkup"); $f->value = $captcha->render(); foreach ($form->children as $field) { if ($field instanceof InputfieldSubmit) { // find the submit button $form->insertBefore($f, $field); // insert reCAPTCHA before the submit button } } } }); I will test later to see if it's possible to embed the captcha into an IFrame.1 point
1 point
Since I read about the new fieldsets I'm thinking if it would make sense to have some kind of fieldset library. Maybe export jsons in github gists? Or maybe collect them just in a forum thread here... This could make it more easy and more efficient to share common fieldsets, like SEO, person details or the like. What do you guys think?1 point