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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Thanks to Renobird and LostKobrakai, ProcessWire’s images field has been re-designed and redeveloped with a lot of great new features we think you’ll love! This new images field is available for use now in ProcessWire 3.0.17. The linked blog post covers it in detail. There’s also a screencast at the end that shows you the new images field in action. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/major-images-field-upgrade/
    12 points
  2. @Peter one more suggestion, have you tried the Tracy debugger yet? Once you have it installed you could simply bd($page->portfolio_type) and then see what the system is outputting in either case, instead of guessing at it...
    4 points
  3. The truth is that the Tracy module is only a cover. It's adrian who analyses your code in the background
    3 points
  4. Hi, if I'm not mistaking, you can check if a specific option is selected using the has() method. So in your case one of these options should work: if ($page->portfolio_type->has(1)) { ... } //assuming the option is defined as: "1=A Project" if ($page->portfolio_type->has("title='A Project'")) { ... } Hope this helps. Edit: Background should be that the option field returns a WireArray. Which has the has() method for checking its content.
    3 points
  5. I decided to go ahead and make the validator work with local dev sites as well (note the local ".dev" domain in the results). Also note that the validator is now using the html5.validator.nu version when it sees a HTML5 doctype declaration. Note the colored "cross" icon indicating some errors.
    3 points
  6. Hi Bernhard, I finally made some time to add a validator panel. At the moment it only works with live sites because I am using the standard "doc" method for sending the URL to the validator.nu service. If you guys are interested in a version that also works with local dev sites, let me know and I'll add that too - looks like it's possible, but this was the easiest way to get started to see what you think. The debugger icon is changed based on the report so you have a quick visual of the result. The panel is not enabled by default. Anyway, let me know what you think.
    3 points
  7. Cheatsheet tip: sometimes its search feature can help too, when we can gess the right keyword, such as: http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/search/?q=include The answer is still one (or a a few) click(s) away though, but it is often worth a try.
    2 points
  8. thank you adrian, that's great! i didn't think about dev-sites. that's surely a good thing to be able to check the markup before going online
    2 points
  9. Support thread for WireMail Mailgun. For bug reports, please use the bug tracker on GitHub. https://github.com/plauclair/WireMailMailgun
    1 point
  10. The admin search is great because I find it the fastest way to move around admin. But is it possible to select a result from the list via keyboard only? When results are showing I can move the highlight up and down with the arrow keys but Enter does not navigate to the selected item. Is there some other key that does this? I use the default admin theme and I'm a Windows + Firefox user if that matters. Edit: there is a Javascript error associated with the search module which may be the cause of the Enter key not working as expected.
    1 point
  11. Hey Adrian I just meant that TracyDebugger had uncovered a call to one of my own missing include files. I didn't mean there was an issue with TD as such
    1 point
  12. Hey Pete - be sure to post about this in the Tracy support thread so I can take a look. It works out of the box with the settings as they are. For more info though, be sure to check out the blog post: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/introducing-tracy-debugger/
    1 point
  13. Hi adrian, I think the original idea was to avoid displaying and saving data that was 'no longer there/invalid', aka, that page is not reachable. But maybe I should have limited this to trashed pages only. I like your idea about making this configurable. Definitely I'll still exclude trashed pages but will make displaying of 'unpublished' and 'hidden' rows and columns configurable (not sure as one choice or two options [i.e. the page statuses as choices]) but separately for rows and columns .The default (for backward compatibility) will be to exclude such pages. Hope it makes sense (typing quickly...)...
    1 point
  14. Thanks, all solved now as per the edit to my post. Just needed to uncheck "Enable Test Mode" in the module config.
    1 point
  15. I am not certain, however I noticed that you are including Gmail in your test. This is a note from the Mailgun User Manual that may apply to your situation. Source: https://documentation.mailgun.com/faqs.html#why-am-i-not-receiving-an-email-when-sending-via-the-route-with-the-sending-address-as-a-destination Gmail doesn't like sending anything to the same Gmail address. You may want to try sending your test using another provider.
    1 point
  16. Apologies - you are correct - I don't think I ever realized PW did that. If you look at the database tables for a date field (without time) it is stored as Y-m-d, so I guess I assumed it would return just that. Note that it returns the timestamp for 12:00:00AM GMT that day. By contrast, a datetime field is stored as a timestamp so I would expect a timestamp to be returned as the unformatted value.
    1 point
  17. I'm currently on mobile, so I won't add much here. I just think people should know this: https://medium.com/@jitbit/target-blank-the-most-underestimated-vulnerability-ever-96e328301f4c#.4u4t4drfs
    1 point
  18. Try check_access=0 in your selector: http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/selectors/built-in-page-selector-properties/check_access-0/ foreach ($top->children("check_access=0") as $child)
    1 point
  19. Maybe you have simplified your example, but why not simply do this: echo "<div class='container inner-{$page->switchColor}'>"; or to take care of no selection: $switchColor = $page->switchColor ? $page->switchColor : 'green'; echo "<div class='container inner-{$switchColor}'>"; PS I think you might actually be looking for $page->switchColor->value or $page->switchColor->title but I would need to confirm as I haven't used the Options fieldtype very often. Look at the docs: https://processwire.com/api/modules/select-options-fieldtype/#separate-option-values
    1 point
  20. As with most code in this forum this is not real and best practice code as macrura also points out. Once there's no image it will fail. Also body I asume is a RTE field and will have a <p> already.
    1 point
  21. A few comments - I think this is a PW bug and should be reported. Do you really need to make the field required? If you are populating the image automatically, then how could it be empty? You should only save the field, not the entire page - this way the save hook won't be triggered again, so do this: $page->save('article_visual_snippet'); Just looking for maxresdefault.jpg will bite you at some point because not all YouTube videos have this image - this is why in my module (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-get-video-thumbs/) I look through all the possible options so you will always get something.
    1 point
  22. also to be safe you should make sure that there is a logo.. foreach ($pages->get("template=case-studies")->children("logo!=") as $child) {
    1 point
  23. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/383-module-import-pages-from-csv-file/?p=119390
    1 point
  24. Just for the information: I have answered and moved questions from here into private Padloper forum (and will continue to do so in the future). There isn't any automation to get access into Padloper forum, so it will always take me some time (day or two usually) to grant access, so it is perfectly fine to ask questions here though.
    1 point
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