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Today I can finally share a project with you, that started about two years ago. Together with a colleague (the daughter of the client) I did the concept and design and a click-dummy for a course of my studies. Half a year later after finishing my studies we then did some clean-up and I programmed it in ProcessWire. And now nearly a year later all the content—texts, photos and a lots of tech. information—is ready, too, so it can soft-launch on monday. http://korona-licht.de/ The client is a small local company selling mostly LED lighting. They've a handful of quite flexible systems to build on, which can be adapted to a lot of use cases, as well as the ability to custom build things if needed. While they're not a very big company their portfolio has lot's of great national and even some international projects to offer. It was a really nice experience working with them and I'm really happy that even things like well written texts have finally found it's way into the website. Others may have just published it halfway through the project.7 points
To circumvent the operator issue use or groups. $selector = "(ref|title|type|version%=$q), (state=$q)" https://processwire.com/api/selectors/#or-groups Edit: To search for each word independent you need to define it that way: $qs = explode(" ", $q); $fields = explode("|", "ref|title|type|version|state"); foreach($fields as $f){ $group = array(); foreach($qs as $q){ $group[] = "$f%=$q"; } $selector .= ", (".implode(", ", $group).")"; } resulting in (ref%=this, ref%=that), (title%=this, title%=that), …5 points
can you delete all rows from the table caches via phpmyadmin? or, if not, can you delete the table caches and create a new one: CREATE TABLE `caches` ( `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `data` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, `expires` DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`name`), INDEX `expires` (`expires`) ) COLLATE='utf8_general_ci' ENGINE=MyISAM; This should solve it. After hitting refresh, it rows should be populated again.4 points
New kid on the block https://code.visualstudio.com ! Is this the same Microsoft that kept IE6 alive for so long??4 points
You can even sort by multiple values like this "template=posts, sort=-date, sort=title".3 points
Thanks for the comments so far apesia, I did test tplaner/When, but the code is completely uncommented, and it has an issue that you have to make sure the start date (when expanding) matches the first occurrence. I ultimately failed to make it expand correctly. I tested simshaun/recurr as well, but TBH I don't recall what the problem was :-/ In the end I ended up using Sabre because it actually did the job correctly, but I agree it's quite large for this limited purpose. However, it does open up the possibility to provide iCal import/export etc later on if someone was interested in that. About the RRULE field, yes it's way too technical. Right now I have given my client a small document with the patterns she needs, that she can copy-paste from. But it would be great with a GUI to hide it away from the user3 points
Hi I've been working on a site that needed a calendar. Specifically it needed a calendar with support for some rather iffy recurrence patterns. This is all still pretty rough but I have written two modules. Calendar : Implementes basic event recurrence expansion using four fields: calendar_start calendar_end calendar_rrule calendar_exdate these fields are created on install (but not removed!) and are added to the template: calendar-event which is created on install (but again not removed on uninstall!). the calendar-event template is intended to be expanded to represent the needed calendar event structure. The ProcessCalendarAdmin provides a calendar admin gui. the modules and a slightly more detailed readme can be found on github https://github.com/lindquist/processwire-calendar I'm not sure how much more time I can/will spend on this, so here it is in case anyone finds it useful2 points
2 points
it use wiremail() in the dev branch at least: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/dev/wire/modules/Process/ProcessForgotPassword.module#L197 and in last stable too: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Process/ProcessForgotPassword.module#L1972 points
Quickly tested this today (since I have need for it on one personal project). Very nice implementation and will definitely meet the criteria for my project. Few notices if lindquist or someone else goes further with this: - used new [] array syntax (but just once) - I removed that since I run on Ubuntu LTS (stuck with php 5.3 until update to 12.04). - no language tags (quick fix though) - recurring events are done by writing RFC5545 RRULE format, which is of course way too technical for most users. Does anyone know any JS plugin that would offer nice UI for that? Would make lovely inputfield. (This might be it: https://github.com/jkbrzt/rrule ) - sabre library is huge and only small subset of it is in use. Would some smaller library be enough, like these: https://github.com/tplaner/When or https://github.com/simshaun/recurr It was breeze to setup and works flawlessly. Admin ui is very snappy and easy to use. Nice work!2 points
I'd perhaps use WireCache for something like this, depending on how you need to retrieve these items later on. The most obvious method would be to key it by the user who will receive the notifications - so you would create a simple array structure with the important information for the notifications, and store it using a cache name like "notifications-1142" for user ID 1142. This should make it quick to retrieve. You can then pull this out, show it, update it by modifying the notifications array, and putting it back in the cache. Other than that - a simple module as an interface to a custom simple database table would be more than suitable.2 points
recurrenceinput is from the Plone project. It has jQuery Tools Dateinput & Overlay dependencies. jQuery Tools is not maintained anymore. Latest rel. is from 2012: https://github.com/jquerytools/jquerytools/releases/tag/v1.2.7 (I used to use it back in 2010-11) Here is a screenshot from the recurrenceinput interface: http://jquer.in/jquery-plugins-for-html5-forms/recurrence-input/ In the screenshot I recognize the jQuery tools overlay interface. I guess I'll add an issue and ask, if they would remove the dependency. Edit: heh, it seems I don't have to: https://github.com/collective/jquery.recurrenceinput.js/issues/221 point
horst, you're a star Thank you. I was tempted to drop the table but being unfamiliar I was reticent. I found I could not delete it's rows as phpmyadmin came back with an error. However I selected the table and deleted it via phpmyadmin and then used the SQL you provided. The table was re-created and after logging in and doing a check for new modules the table now has some healthy looking rows and data. Also now the remote backup via Navicat works. Thank you!1 point
A bit off the topic, but I had to say something ftp, sftp, rsync, git.. Whatever, deployment is as easy simple as we make it. This article kept me cool: http://lesjames.com/deployment/ Btw: Currently, I use gulp, git, hooks (and maybe flightplan in near future) to deliver my stuff. PS: I tried both them all. Notepad, dreamweaver, nvu, pspad, notepad++, bbedit, aptana, netbeans, eclipse, textmate, scriptly, coda, atom, brackets... (Sorted by first use) I'll stay with sublime text... Atom looks pretty neat, but it feels like an early bird, at midnight. And brackets, yeah, it's a toy (today), nothing for productivity, sorry adobe...1 point
Yup, I just relooked at the github code and it's there. I need to be more awake when responding to these topics1 point
have a look here: http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/pagearray-wirearray/sorting-and-filtering/a-sort-property/ mainly all multiple results in PW are based on wirearray and thus you can use this to sort them, or you define a sort={property} in your query selector ->find("something=something, sort=title") or sort=-date etc.1 point
I believe your logic is a bit flawed. A preliminary look at ProcessForgotPassword code didn't seem to show it using the class Wiremail or the function Wiremail(). However, I could be wrong (I'm not a coder).1 point
I use it since it exists and it works as expected. Why should it function with one wiremail call and not with another? There must be something different with those calls. I use wiremailsmtp v 0.1.9 and processforgottpassword v 1.0.1 and all is fine. Do you have setup the same emailadress as sender in processforgottpasswords modules config screen like the default sender in wiremailsmtp? DO you have setup a default sender in wiremailsmtp? Do you have setup a valid emailadress with your useraccount? (without typos?) (just thinking loud)1 point
Do you know what the new password is? You need to edit your /site/config.php file and change: $config->dbPass1 point
the site is pretty much fucking dojo, congratulations. my favourite is the muschi kreuzberg section. oh dear, why can't we all move to berlin?1 point
Thanks for playing with google trends on this subject....just checked my former CMS and community and it seem that i've had luckily the right decision in 2014.....and basicly the luck to find this alternative.... http://www.google.de/trends/explore#q=WebsiteBaker%2C%20ProcessWire&cmpt=q&tz= sorry for offtopic heldercervantes just a note on the comparison topic in this threat...on the defending side i've the luck to work only for non techi/smaller clients - my problems is usually that i've build a relative professional website and they ignore the promotion and informal potential of a good website....they just wanna have one. The only real thing that i know from other parts of my life and other communities, is that a trough positive, wise work from even positive and wise people always and always will outlive everything else. And especially on webdevelopment a new thing isn't always a bad thing if objective reasons on the desk! For sure the newest trend isn't always the way to go and sometimes it could be expensive to switch or change systems......but THAT would be the best argument at all that even if you build a site with PW and lets say in 4 years there is nothing - how much effort would it really be to switch?? - data could be easy used/migrated - on the frontend part there is nothing that comes from the PW Core - so absolute no problems on this side so may you write a comparison of exact this subject (the fear or killer case in their argumentation) with Wordpress, Drupal and so on. What would be the effort to switch in worst case.....i think we all know how such a sheet would look a like... best regards mr-fan1 point
Pete, you are right. That's why I'm using the PW trend only as a very first WOW catcher. of course i'm honest to my clients and show them the comparison to wordpress. and i explain them why wordpress is so famous and why i trust in processwire for this special project. this does not mean that tv is far better then smartphones maybe this comparison does not match 100% to pw<->wp, but at least i experienced that the WOW-chart made my clients feel more confident to "try" something new and made them hear my explanations with other ears then before. and at least it may kick out 50% of his competitors that are offering them a drupal-based solution1 point
1 point
If you like you can write me a PM in german - to clear open questions. Welcome to processwire forum - be not afraid - asking for help here.1 point
404 pages serve an important purpose from an SEO standpoint. So if this is a public facing site, I'd recommend maintaining a proper 404 page rather than just redirecting to or displaying the homepage. You could always have your 404 page link to your homepage or even meta redirect to it after a few seconds.1 point
For something like that, I think you'll be better off just importing from the API. Probably 70% of the time that I need to do any kind of importing of anything, I just use the API because it usually makes a quick and easy job of it, without having to consider any limitations. But if you want to get image/file descriptions in with the CSV import module, then I would probably create a temporary field to store them in, for import purposes. Then go back and paste a little code in a template to quickly convert them over: foreach($mypages as $p) { $p->of(false); $p->image->description = $p->temp; $p->save(); } Once you've done that, you could then go and delete that 'temp' field from the template.1 point