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  1. Agreed with everything else you said but not this.
    4 points
  2. It will be a BIG mistake if we make Processwire a commercial platform No it won´t. Opensource with paid support and paid modules/forms/templates etc. works perfectly. Providing paid professional support, modules, templates, etc. etc raises respect and attracts different clients. Commerical modules for who? Shops, pro seo, pro templates, billing systems, order tracking, renting, bookings, real estate, etc. etc. It´s a big world out there. Also check processwire jobs => https://processwire.com/talk/forum/22-jobs/ Let's take Linux, is the BEST operating system and is free, there is a small fee for support but that's all. Ever seen the linux support from red hat, oracle, ibm, ubuntu etc. ? And let's organize a Donation online event, Donating doesn´t work, I will spare you the reason why. We should thank Ryan and his coding team for releasing processwire with the level as it is today for free. I would go for this: Leave it for free for what it is today but: a) paid future upgrades to the core b) paid pro modules/forms/templates/etc. c) paid support
    3 points
  3. I managed to add this functionality to my local copy of PW. Will make a pull request out of it this evening and submit it to Ryan for his consideration. Update: PR submitted.
    3 points
  4. you can have your own custom js for any form, so you could duplicate a formbuilder theme, then add all your custom JS.. here's an example of a formbuilder form using some custom js: http://www.pinw.org/inquiry-form/
    3 points
  5. Some people put a LOT of work in this project that benefit a lot of other people. The fact that they can sell a very small percentage of this work to compensate all this involvement is probably the only warranty that you have that they won't be forced to stop doing it at some point. You are already using a great piece of software* without paying a dime for it. Edit: *sorry for the understatement. Please read: "the best CMS and best CMF in the world"
    3 points
  6. I don't see a problem with commercial modules. In fact, if that little extra cash allows the developers to spend more time working on them and publishing higher quality stuff others can buy (for a reasonable price) and use in their projects, everyone benefits That being said, high quality free modules (or commercial ones made available with a PWYW model) are still more than welcome and (IMHO) have a very important role in the future of this project. Personally I'd like to see that "donate now" button one day too.. and definitely some non-software products (clothing, mugs, pins etc.) When it comes to raising funds, FSF is a model example of doing it right.
    3 points
  7. For web development and support services, i only support the latest two versions of IE. Life is easier that way. .
    3 points
  8. Interesting: http://macaw.co/ (although writing code is easier for me than designing, but interesting to see if they really nailed it)
    2 points
  9. Hi there, I just saw totoff's new doctor's site and thought, I add my dentist site here: http://zahnarztpraxis-wunschik.de/ Credits for design and concept go to http://www.gruenklee.de/grkl/ They did a great job on the design and photography. This is my first PW project where I learned my ways around. It is running on v2.3. I used the default site and married it with H5BP and added a sass framework for the styling part that I used in good old Joomla days. From the PW side of things, this wasn't a great challenge thanks to this great forum. I was very happy about the Gmaps field. Only had to tweak it a little to display the info bubble. And FormBuilder. Didn't want to spend too much time on the form coding in a new environment. Tricky part here was to get the datepicker to display in German. There are some Animation features. The three info boxes at the top are slidable. And there state (closed/open) is remebered across the site. That was tricky, too because I had never worked wit jQuery cookies before. Gave me some headache but finally worked out fine. There are also some image slideshow features in the header on the "Praxis&Philosophie" page and on the start page. I used cycle2 jQuery plugin which is absolutely great. And some slide-in effects on the team page. All in all I learned really a lot from setting this up. It gave me a good base to explore PW further and work on more challenging projects with even more Animations AJAX etc. that shall be presented here in the near future.
    2 points
  10. I can understand adonnis point of view for someone that is new to Processwire but once you come to appreciate what Processwire offers then paying a one off fee for something like form builder (which I hope to purchase soon) and at the same time supporting Ryan and the Processwire development seems like a bargain to me considering the hours it takes. The only concern I would have is if possible improvements to processwire often or only start to become paid modules instead of something that could be made a part of or an improvement to the processwire core.
    2 points
  11. First of all, I'll assume that you've read enough to know that there are more than a few gotchas to be taken into consideration. The tricky part, IMHO, isn't implementing this for ProcessWire -- getting it right and making it secure is way more complicated. Once you got that figured out, you could set the token or whatever method you're using right after successful Session::login. Other part, logging the user in, depends on how and where you prefer this to happen. ProcessLogin::execute is one option you might want to consider. Hope that helps a bit.
    2 points
  12. Plus the prices that ryan is charging are so low for what they are I really don't have a problem paying them personally. I wouldn't mind it if he increased the prices actually - the benefits are that great.
    2 points
  13. This module creates a blank dashboard page in your site admin and sets it as default when you login instead of the page list. It came from a need in a few projects where I was creating modules for various user roles to use and I didn't want them to see the page list at all, but needed to display various stats and quick access buttons. For example, if you have a person who is creating invoices or doing other back-office stuff in various other Process modules then as an admin you wouldn't want them to access the page tree anyway, and there are other scenarios where you might want to have a dashboard instead of launching straight into the page list. It also requires (and adds) a permission - "dashboard" - so you can create new roles and assign the dashboard permission to those roles - something you might want to do fairly commonly if you have a lot of admin modules that you want to restrict access to. Editing the template is simple - there is a dashboard.php template file in the /site/modules/ProcessDashboard/ folder (decided to leave it in there to keep it safe, but I might be tempted to move it into /site/templates/ ) as well as .js and .css files ready to add your code to. You can use the API as you usually would to create your dashboard experience. For example, display data based on user roles or even specific users using code like this: if ($user->hasRole('invoices') { echo "Hi staff member $user->name. View invoices to be processed below: ... ..."; } if ($user->name == 'pete') { // Show some super-awesome stuff here } You can also do away with the dashboard.php template file and edit the module directly, putting your code and output in the execute() function (the way most Process modules are written) but I decided to include the separate template file to make it easier for more people to use. This does touch on areas a few other modules have addressed to some degree (like diogo's Custom Admin Pages) but this is designed for one purpose - instant dashboard creation. You can download the module here: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-dashboard/ This module also uses code from diogo's ProcessHomeAdmin module so that the default admin page can be overridden.
    1 point
  14. Hi all, I've just pushed a new fully responsive site profile to Github: Unsemantic Site Profile for Processwire 2.3 After having tried seven zillion responsive grid systems, boilerplates, frameworks etc. I finally opted for Unsemantic Grid System. Mainly because it supports IE7, is lightweight and includes Compass/SASS. I've designed the profile as a starting point for development according to my needs. This includes almost no styling, an easy-to-use solution for placeholder images and three teaser boxes on the front page. In addition, I converted the .sass files that come with Unsemantic to .scss because I like the syntax better. Glad if you give it a try and find it an improvement for your workflow. You can see a preview here. Download from Github: https://github.com/christophlieck/UnsemanticSiteProfile
    1 point
  15. Sorry about that. I have a quick fix for you. Replace line#113 with this: $videoID = strpos($matches[2][$key],'#') !== false ? strstr($matches[2][$key], '#', true) : $matches[2][$key]; I need to get a more complete fix though because there are other ways to define the start time, but haven't got time right now as I want to check out all the options for vimeo as well. This should get you going in the meantime though.
    1 point
  16. I finally got to a somewhat finished state of a low-budget project I've been working on besides my main job at the university. Enjoy it at shallahotel.com In short, Shalla Hotel is a small hotel in Shashemene, near Awasa 250 km south of Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. The aim of the website for now is to just provide a simple presentation page for the Hotel. The website will be improved continuously from now on.
    1 point
  17. Begging, you say? Seriously speaking, agreed. This is why I prefer selling apparel etc. over simply asking for money. $100 for a printed photo of Richard Stallman, even if it's autographed, is a bit much, but people still buy those to support a cause. Too bad someone already invented skyscraper plushies..
    1 point
  18. Only their webpage already gives me the creeps, but seeing their demo really freaks me out. I can't install it to try myself, but for what I've seen we are talking of two completely different products. I can't tell you if it's "better", only that one I feel like trying and giving it a chance and the other I feel like never looking at it again. Edit: how can a company that sells a software for building websites have this kind of quirks in their own website?
    1 point
  19. You tend to run into these requirements with government sector/healthcare etc because they are often tied into legacy applications that they have spent tend/hundreds of thousands on and can't justify upgrading. Seriously, that's the reason most of the time, sad as it sounds. The problem is that whilst they would often be better off using newer technologies in a lot of cases and getting rid of some of the legacy systems, but whilst the money is from taxpayers they're stuck really. If you saw in the news that a database cost tens/hundreds of thousands that's all you generally focus on - it's hard to sell the benefits of a newer system for performance gains because newspapers tend to focus on the negatives. That's just been my experience anyway having worked "on the inside" in the past
    1 point
  20. Gave it a short trial run the other day. I'm more of a code-writing, design-in-the-browser kind of guy than a “visual designer”, which basically means that I can't even start a site design in PS or any other graphical tool because I never learned how to do that. That's probably why I didn't really grasp the idea behind Macaw quickly, I'm just not used to working that way. However, I don't even think I'm the target audience for it. I think the target audience are graphical designers who also do web design. To them, it might appeal more. And frankly, anything that makes people still doing fixed width designs in PS realize that it's a new world out there and helps them find their way in it is a good thing.
    1 point
  21. Tried it by drawing a rectangle with some type inside and or what I've seen it creates a very clean code. I just don't really know how to deal with these graphical tools... even being a designer before being a coding I get a bit confused with what I'm supposed to do. Still, it seemed much more intuitive than Adobe's muse or edge.
    1 point
  22. @teppo Great link! Learning some new things from it. Thank you.
    1 point
  23. diogo, You interpreted that question a lot differently than I did. *nice example though* I do pretty much exactly that for a few sites. I've actually been thinking about creating a layout picker field type that allows those options to be set via icons. I used to help with a WP install that allowed you to choose layouts like that. Always seemed very intuitive.
    1 point
  24. Processwire will always be free, but commercial modules have a place where a lot of work has gone into something. For example, ryan currently has two commercial modules that add great benefit to a Processwire installation. He has put in many thousands of hours into this free platform. Are you going to begrudge him making money out of some very useful modules that you have no obligation to use? I also want to make some commercial modules eventually too and see no problem with it as long as developers don't start charging for teeny tiny things.
    1 point
  25. Quick typo on the pricing page: "All room feature feature:"
    1 point
  26. We use Shibboleth for authentication here. The University handles how that integrates with AD, but once authenticated the environment variables give me access to a ton of attributes. I wrote a shibboleth login module for ProcessWire that we've been using for a few years now (a few months after I started using ProcessWire). In my case the username is actually a unique ID set by the university. I'm not entirely sure if/how that is integrated with AD behind the scenes, but it never changes, even if you move from student to faculty/staff. Users actual names and other personal details can change, and they are automatically updated with every login. It also allows me to test for membership in and OU/Group and assign roles/permissions. So when a user is added/removed from a group in AD their PW settings are updated too. This happens at every login, and also twice a day via cron. I've thought about turning this into a configurable module, but haven't stumbled into any spare time lately. Lots of Universities in the U.S. use Shibboleth, so a module would go a long way towards ProcessWire adoption — especially considering all the other major players have Shibboleth modules/plugins.
    1 point
  27. Dear Matthew, Hey, those Biblical names are easy to mix up: Peter, David, Matthew, Lazarus... Fancybox Lightboxes on Front end Images: To all, here's another example: I just parsed through an admin page, to determine what's needed on the front end to use the Fancybox lightboxes on an href to an image, and came up with this: <link type='text/css' href='/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryFancybox/JqueryFancybox.css?v=126' rel='stylesheet' /> <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryCore/JqueryCore.js?v=183'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryFancybox/JqueryFancybox.js?v=126'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldImage/InputfieldImage.js?v=100'></script> <!-- For the Fancybox to work, the hrefs that link to images need this class: <a class='InputfieldFileLink' href='xyz.jpg'> --> In the Significato Journal, we use a lot of images in the articles, and I'd like to start using popups to larger versions. PW has that very fine function, when you add an image to a page (in TinyMCE), to automatically scale a smaller image down, and it has a check box if you want to link to the larger image. I like that a lot. But... by default, it doesn't have a checkbox for target blank, and it doesn't have a dialogue box to use the Fancybox popup. (Unless I missed something.) So, on this article for example: http://significatojournal.com/help-the-world/freedom-human-rights/help-to-end-the-unbearable-evil-of-modern-slavery/ I created a sidebar with images, linking to larger versions. Once I added the above Fancybox css and js files AND manually added the string class='InputfieldFileLink' to the first image in the sidebar, (via the HTML code button in the body text editor), the first image used the Fancybox popup! Zowie! I love it. (I haven't edited the other images yet.) Yes: I read the comments on another post about not using the default JQuery files, so I understand that risk. Maybe I'll copy them to my site dir. My questions now are: a) WISHLIST: it would be really great to add a dialogue box on the image insert, to use the Fancybox module, and b) does anyone have any clever code ideas to parse through the body text and edit the <a hrefs> that have images with the above class string? I don't want to add that class to every href in the body text. I suppose I could use a preg_match to grab every <a ...> and then check for a '.jpg', '.png', '.gif', and then add the class to that string. Just kicking ideas around. Thanks! Peter
    1 point
  28. The basics of programming I learned from Filemaker Pro. (That sounds weird) 13 years ago I started as freelance Scaffolder in in the stage building business. On that time, I really messed up my book keepings and I needed a simple but effective Invoice system. In that time I build occasionally websites with pure HTML, wished to use some PHP, but couldn't wrap my mind around it. Then I found Filemaker. I start building the system and came across a totally new terrain for me (programming). I came across database relations and I really needed to script it. The if statements and database relations pilled up, but at the end I had a simple and effective Invoice system. This is where I learned some basics of scripting, after that my mind was set, and I could start with PHP.
    1 point
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