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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2014 in all areas

  1. About a month ago I announced UserGroups module, which I gave humble beginning, but Nik and Teppo really pushed forward (not sure if there is anything of my original code left anymore...). We are getting closer to initial 1.0 release feature wise, so this is good time to get more feedback from you guys. We have been focusing on finding all the different situations, where user access is defined and finding the right balance of features and simplicity. I am pretty sure there must be some cases where this module fails, so please do test all kind of combinations you can imagine and hunt some bugs! Grab the module from here and install it on big, popular and complex live site and go wild (or actually.. maybe not): https://github.com/apeisa/UserGroups/ Module is based on groups instead of roles. Idea here is that groups are something that your client can manage, but roles & permissions are not. There is no documentation or tutorial yet, but just install it - I think you will figure it soon (just create few groups, look for access tab on pages and try). Also check out this companion module that Teppo has build. It allows access management right from page tree: https://github.com/Aldone/PageListPermissions/
    13 points
  2. Just deployed a new PW site for a contemporary classical composer: http://www.jonathandawe.com/ AIOM Formbuilder ProCache Redirects MapMarker ImportPagesCSV MarkupSimpleNavigation Hanna Code Version Control Audio plugins used: Soundmanager2, 360 player with visualizer Fancy Music Player And thanks to the combination of AIOM, Procache and Cloudflare, the site seems to be very fast, gets a yslow of 96-98; Homepage Here is the sm2 circle player example with vis, overlaid on a relevant image: [goodbye joomla....!]
    10 points
  3. Hi guys We are thinking about organizing a little PW-meetup for all the Finnish PW-developers (of course, people from other countries are also welcome). Logical location could be Tampere, since we have people there, and I know many from these forums who are also there. Avoine can provide meeting place and something to eat/drink. I am thinking about having the meetup at workday (maybe Friday), but if that makes it harder for people to join, we can think of weekend or evening also. What I have in mind is half day long (maybe from 12:00 - 16:00), very free form meeting, where people can just discuss about pw, projects they have done, talk about modules etc. Also few more "official" presentations are welcome. I don't have actual date yet - but I think meeting would be in end of March. If you are interested, please let me know by personal message here on these forums or by emailing: antti@avoine.fi
    7 points
  4. I have no idea. Probably some tricks soma is doing again, and reno is following blindly (as usual)...
    4 points
  5. Inspired by @apesia recent post about a meetup in Finland, I thought I would try and reignite this thread and set a date for some sort of PW meetup in Switzerland. No need to call it a conference, just a very casual meetup to talk about experiences with Processwire and ideas for the future. We only need a few people - it could just be me and @soma. In fact the whole reason I wanted to have a meetup is to actually meet the real person behind that alien avatar so I can dispel my suspicions that he is not just an alter ego of Ryan. Open to having micro talks if anyone is interested - possible topics could be about best practices or case studies of projects you have worked on. Have a few possibilities for locations to host the meetup in Basel. Also open to meeting in other cities nearby like Bern or Zurich depedning on the amount of people and interest. Have setup a Doodle to get an idea of possible dates - thinking sometime in March (not during the Basel Fasnacht carnival!). Please vote on the Doodle if any of these dates work : http://doodle.com/sgvy6kxavs5t2agw
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Shortest is to just echo $page->field. If empty it will not output anything.
    3 points
  8. 2 points
  9. If you need to offer a user a forgot password reset, there is this module included in the core: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-forgot-password/ If you need to do it for frontend users, then this post from our fearless leader should get you going: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1716-integrating-a-member-visitor-login-form/?p=15919
    2 points
  10. Inspired by apesia recent post about a meetup in Finland, I thought I would see if there is any interest in having a PW meetup in Switzerland. This will just be a casual meetup to talk about experiences with Processwire and ideas for the future. Open to having micro talks if anyone is interested - possible topics could be about best practices or case studies of projects you have worked on. Have a few possibilities for locations to meet in Basel depending on the amount of people interested. Also open to moving to other cities nearby like Bern or Zurich if there is demand. Have setup a Doodle to get an idea of possible dates - thinking sometime in March (not during the Basel Fasnacht carnival!). Please vote on the Doodle if any of these dates work : http://doodle.com/sgvy6kxavs5t2agw Please leave a comment or send me a personal message if you have ideas or suggestions.
    2 points
  11. Of course there can be security issues on pw. And since it is full framework instead of just sandbox for simple sites, developer can create bunch of holes themselves. But so far there has been zero vulnerabilities found from pw or pw admin. Of course it doesn't have millions of eyes watching like more popular frameworks out there. But all the most common web security pitfalls are very well taken care of in pw. Things like session capturing, brute force login, crsf protection, password encryption, sql injections... no software is 100% safe, but what comes to processwire, I know that we have pretty darn great foundation.
    2 points
  12. Ok, I have just added support for images that are embedded into the text within an email. These images are now added to the page's images field and then embedded into the body RTE field, just as they appeared in the email. Minimal testing so far, but seems to work great even with multiple images. Would appreciate some testing of the attached version before I submit to Pete. My forked version ProcessEmailToPage.zip
    2 points
  13. I am curious as to the name of your images field. That error you are getting makes me think you don't have a field called "images". The module currently has the field hardcoded as "images" so clearly that needs to be made flexible so that other fields can be used. Not sure the best approach for this though. If there is only one image field in the selected template, it's easy, but if there is more than one we'd have to either just choose the first, or ask what field to use in the config settings, which might be best. Also, if there is more than one image attached, and the chosen field is set to only store one image, then there is also an issue. Also I see that there isn't anything to determine if the attachment is in fact an image which is something that should also be checked, and if it's not should the file be added to a files field on the page? Anyway, please check that your images field is in fact named "images" and see if that helps. I am curious about nothing showing up in the body of your page though. Do you have a "body" field in the selected template? Sorry, I see that you didn't enter any text in the body of the email, so this is expected. Regardless, I think this is something else that needs to be made configurable - at the moment the body field must be named "body" as this is the hardcoded name. EDIT: I haven't narrowed down why yet, but if I send the email from Mac Mail, no attachments get converted to images, but if I send them from gmail from within the web interface, everything works perfectly - maybe there is some limitation with flourish and its ability to detect attachments in some case, or maybe it is the crazy way Macs attach files ANOTHER UPDATE: I just sent an email with an attached image from MS Outlook and it also works perfectly, so I am beginning to think there really is something amiss with attachments and the Flourish/Mac Mail combination. Can anyone else confirm this with the version of the module attached to my previous message? AND ANOTHER: I have added support for inline attachments and this seems to be helping with Mac Mail. I had also been using this setting: defaults write com.apple.mail DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes on my Mac, but reversing that (change yes to false), along with the new inline support and images are now being added. The one outstanding problem I can see at the moment is that if a Mac Mail message also has text in it, the image won't work, so test without anything but the image for now if you are using Mac Mail. Turns out this needed "related", not "inline". I have added support for this in the new version attached this morning. One other thing I think might be a nice addition to this module is support for embedding images into the body field if they were embedded inline in the email. I need sleep now, but might look into this tomorrow! My forked version
    2 points
  14. It's nothing just a little game. Yeah he needs still bigger glasses!
    1 point
  15. (was just searching the forums for "ProcessLister"). Maaaaaaaan.
    1 point
  16. Cool! PS: What is this ProcessLister you speak of?
    1 point
  17. It is indeed very fast - but also very impressive, lot's of content and high quality design! I like it!
    1 point
  18. Citizens! The first bug has been destroyed. Those nasty characters (sometimes invisible, other times %32c - or something) are now removed and the hyperlink is functioning fine. Comrads renobird and adrian, you have been awarded an award.
    1 point
  19. Nasty space at the end of the URL is breaking it!
    1 point
  20. Head explodes! *feels around for eyeball* Between this and ProcessLister, I've got some testing to do. Antti, The github link above is 404
    1 point
  21. That's correct, it's not the best but the badest solution! http://plaintextoffenders.com/
    1 point
  22. Thanks for the feedback. I may not have time to look into the ios issue today, but will get to it as soon as I can. Could you please let me know the actual filename of that image in the 1283 folder? Regarding the behaviour of images and whether they should automatically end up in the body field or not. My thought was that if they were attached images, they should just end up in the images field and not embedded into the body field, but if they were embedded in the email text (html), then they should be embedded in the body field, just as they were in the email. Perhaps I could add an option to control this behaviour. The complication to all this seems to be that Mac Mail always sends images inline within the message body, which being relatively new to Mac, is still a mystery to me. I think we can end up with something pretty robust here, but it might take some testing with different email clients and some tweaking to get everything always working as expected.
    1 point
  23. Yep! Admin, just like everything else, is a page. So, if you click on Admin on the pages list, edit and then go to settings, you will see you can change the name (and therefore the path) just like any other page. You will need to log back in after, and don't forget what you changed it to!
    1 point
  24. If Basel, I'm in. But please consider a longer timeframe for planning, not only 2 days to 4 weeks ;-)
    1 point
  25. Inspired by that, I should have added: Windmills of the mind Here I go again And this that I did for a commercial: http://dancingbear.co.uk/site/assets/audio/single-jingles/liecestershire-parknride-full.mp3
    1 point
  26. Hi Felix, be sure utf-8 is selected when saving your csv sheet. That should do the trick for you.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. I can't make the Finland meetup, but thanks for the inspiration I am going to try and do the same in Switzerland - maybe we can do a live link up if we get the same dates
    1 point
  29. ...nice portfolio site! But I feel so clumsy when I drag the scrollers! It's my personal taste but I would prefer classical left and right arrows in this case. Anyway, good job!
    1 point
  30. Ah...I see you are using this module? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2567-user-profiles-for-pw/, no? OK, that's a third party module but hopefully you can get answers here, although it would have been better to post in the modules support forum (it looks quiet over there though...) EDIT Ignore above - I got confused Troubleshooting: Are you getting any errors? When testing on your local install change config->debug to true. Also check for errors in /site/assets/logs/errors.txt..
    1 point
  31. I think for websites and applications that are designed for desktop systems, domain sharding is still acute and helpful. For mobile-optimized sites, it is counterproductive. The DNS overhead, is however, in my experience, not in comparison with the cookie data. For large news portals I continued domain sharding in use.
    1 point
  32. The security issue in PW would Be The devloper.
    1 point
  33. Not sure about "favourite" programming music, but I did think of a few that are possibly appropriate; Tears of a Clown Puppet on a string (think about it...) All the burning bridges still I held my head up high Suicide is Painless Brand New Toy (Tom Paxton) After Midnight (The late great JJ Cale) All by Myself I cant get no (Satisfaction) Wont be fooled again Pigs on the Wing Is there anybody in there? The entire "Tommy" album And just about anything by Leonard Cohen
    1 point
  34. Something to get you started: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1932-security-sql-injections/?p=18127 http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4426-pushing-pw-in-web-design-agencies/ And more.... http://bit.ly/1fxHHux Good luck with your talk! I know you'll do PW proud!
    1 point
  35. I'm having a small problem with downloading the All In One Minify module. I suspect it's because there's a + sign at the end of the filename. I get a download error through the Modules Manager which replaced the + with a space: File could not be downloaded https://github.com/FlipZoomMedia/ProcessWire-AIOM-All-In-One-Minify/archive/AIOM .zip
    1 point
  36. Just added a new forceSecure option to the config. Also made sure that if port is left blank, that it sends NULL, rather than blank which seems to be a requirement. Also added a fix for the HTML vs text email issue reported by @martind All these will go to another PR for Pete in a few minutes. Please let me know if the attached version works for you now. My forked version
    1 point
  37. hi joshua you are a great designer, very innovative and a excellent firt impression, just a set more speed to the pointer cursor when is onhover over the slides, if i click fast in other section of your site, i select the image and not run correctly, i just need wait a sec for the manual slide function
    1 point
  38. I have attached a revised version of the module. I know Pete is pretty busy with other things at the moment, so I thought I'd try to help out. I haven't tested this thoroughly, but I think it should take care of things. It also includes a few other fixes, like adding delete buttons for each category and also fixing a bunch of PHP warnings. If you could test and let me know if everything is working fine and then I'll submit a pull request for Pete. My forked version
    1 point
  39. @Macrura - that was the post horst linked to ;-)
    1 point
  40. @dragan: that's good to know and definitely not nitpicking -- my intention at this point is to make this module support all native fieldtypes (except images and files, though I'll hopefully get there eventually), including checkboxes. I'm starting to realize that not writing specific tests for multilanguage part was a huge mistake, obviously there are quite a few weird things happening there As soon as I get the time, I'll write a test case for checkboxes (for starters) and see what exactly is going on. It should work.
    1 point
  41. Don't be afraid of PW and its modules, hooks etc. They're worth learning and not really complicated if you grasp the concept, really. Compared to other systems this is fairly simple. I showed you an example of a property hook in the RSS markup thread remember? Also there's some infos on the forum or other resources that would help you understand (I think teppo's write up here is also good). And of course the HelloWorld.module that comes with default install shows exactly those simple hooks. Play around with it and be in awe!
    1 point
  42. Nice work - that's pretty much exactly what I was thinking. I am not sure about setting the flags to system and permanent though as the defaults for a function. I think there should at least be a comment on that line that users should adjust to their needs as I don't think this is a typical use case. Glad to see that code of mine is getting some use - I have to say it was quite an effort to figure out and as you said, very un-PW in its complexity. I would love to hear from Ryan as to whether there is an easier way to achieve this. Also, for the sake of putting all the information about creating and working with repeaters from the API in one thread, I think it is worth mentioning the special getNew() method for creating repeater items. It is used in the Page Tree Migrator module and described in detail on this page: http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/repeaters/
    1 point
  43. Ok, well this will hopefully get you started. I haven't seen much on the forum or the docs about doing this. This code is an adaption from what I have just put together to support repeaters in the page tree migrator module. Because the migrator needs to take the IDs from existing repeaters, convert them to names, and then back to IDs, I think what I ended up having to do was probably more complicated than what should be needed in your situation. It worked perfectly for my needs and from some quick testing I think version should work for your needs, but there might be a much simpler way to do it. You will need to adjust the first three lines, and then the lines under both the //Add fields to.. comments. This code creates the repeater field, the necessary fieldgroup and template, but you would still need to add the actual repeater field to the required template, but I get the feeling you have that sorted already with the code you posted. $titlefield = wire("fields")->get("title"); $bodyfield = wire("fields")->get("body"); $repeater_name = "newrepeater"; $f = new Field(); $f->type = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeRepeater"); $f->name = $repeater_name; $repeater_fg = new Fieldgroup(); $repeater_fg->name = "repeater_$repeater_name"; //Add fields to fieldgroup - add others as necessary $repeater_fg->append($titlefield); $repeater_fg->append($bodyfield); $repeater_fg->save(); $repeater_template = new Template(); $repeater_template->name = "repeater_$repeater_name"; $repeater_template->flags = 8; $repeater_template->noChildren = 1; $repeater_template->noParents = 1; $repeater_template->noGlobal = 1; $repeater_template->slashUrls = 1; $repeater_template->fieldgroup = $repeater_fg; $repeater_template->save(); $repeater_page = "for-field-{$f->id}"; $f->parent_id = $this->pages->get("name=$repeater_page")->id; $f->template_id = $repeater_template->id; $f->repeaterReadyItems = 3; //Add fields to the repeater - add others as necessary $f->repeaterFields = $titlefield; $f->repeaterFields = $bodyfield; $f->save();
    1 point
  44. Ah thanks for the tip. I was able to do this in the custom selector template=basic-page|gallery
    1 point
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