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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2013 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! I launched yesterday another PW site: http://compab.it The modules that i have used are: • Site wide file manager. • CKeditor • Language Field Tabs • Modules Manager • Site indexer • Ergo ADMIN THEME Enjoy!
    8 points
  2. I used this one: http://caroufredsel.dev7studios.com/ It have a lot of features!
    4 points
  3. If you like, please check out our latest project powered by Processwire: http://www.gasthaus-stuhlmacher.de/ A small website to the well known Restaurant Gasthaus Stuhlmacher in Muenster, Germany. It is one the oldest restaurants in town with a long tradition and a great historical background. Processwire is absolutely stunning! It is just unbelievable how fast and clean we are able to develop our projects. The backend is so easy to use. All of our customers are in love with it too. Especially the ones who are coming form Typo3, Drupal or Jomla! Thank you so much for all your efforts and support.
    4 points
  4. A way of using columns what I like is: if you allow HorizontalRulers in your WYSIWYG you can spit the text with <hr> Every splitted text becomes a column with the code below: $body = str_replace('<hr />', '<hr>', $page->body); $columns = explode('<hr>', $body); $column_count = count($columns); if(count($columns)) { echo "<div class='grid grid-pad'>"; foreach($columns as $column) { $last = ($key + 1 == $column_count) && $column_count > 1 ? ' last' : null; echo "<div class='col-1-{$column_count}{$last}'>"; echo "<div class='content'>"; echo $column; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } echo "</div>"; }
    1 point
  5. Still haven't simplegrid working the way I want, gonna be late again, but the music is gonna be ok. Yeah
    1 point
  6. Hey diogo, thanks for suggesting that. The child page template is now unhidden so ajax calls can be made, but throws a 404 if it wasn't requested via ajax. Like this: if($config->ajax) { content } else { throw new Wire404Exception(); }
    1 point
  7. Hi, I had the logging ON (debugging mode ON) and the actual actions OFF (commented those lines out) so I could monitor for 2 months how the module behaves. I checked the log in messages.txt on both the staging and the live server and found no mass-unpublishing any more. Looks like the issue I had was solved indeed (I am using the dev version of PW, and PHP 5.3).
    1 point
  8. Hi nikola, thank you very much for your reply and I'm sure there is no need to apologize, absolutely not. You have contributed a fantastic theme, what more could we expect? Your plan for two themes sounds good.
    1 point
  9. Got the same results here too, soma. All returned users are not valid. When I use the ID they are valid. The custom php works fine too. For now I'll settle on that one. Thanks!
    1 point
  10. Hi Ben I've been using the same hosting for a couple of ProcessWire sites myself. The reason I found it fails is because PW is setting the session save path to a directory, but the servers are not configured to use files for sessions - they use a different method. So setting the directory does not make sense. The latest development version of PW has fixed this problem though - it does a check to ensure that the session storage method uses files, before trying to set the path. Another issue I had with this hosting was centred around the cache file that PW generates to keep a track of installed modules. I submitted a small fix for this to Ryan a while ago, which he merged into the development version.
    1 point
  11. Take a look at Hanna Code module, it does exactly what you described above.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Also worth noting that the same selector works when you enter custom php code for a page field: return $pages->find("template=user, roles=company, sort=name"); But there's a note in the source code that : if($field->findPagesCode) { // TODO: we don't currently validate these }
    1 point
  15. Using the ID here works. I'm not sure what's wrong, cause the selector using the "roles=name" obviously works to find the pages and they are the right users. So they should also be valid! Try this script as a testcase in a template to see what happens: $selector = "template=user, roles=company, sort=name"; $pa = $pages->find($selector); foreach($pa as $p){ echo "user: " . $p->name; if(!$p->matches($selector)){ echo " (not valid)<br>"; } else { echo " (valid)<br>"; } } gives me user: testuser1 (not valid) user: testuser2 (not valid) Also using subfield doesn't give valid pages $selector = "template=user, roles.name=company, sort=name"; only changing selector to using the id of the role works $selector = "template=user, roles=1027, sort=name"; Seems strange to me that matches doesn't valid pages that are returned using find() using the exact same selector.
    1 point
  16. I might be wrong here: What I find weird is: roles=company Roles is a Pagearray, so I think only a page ID or ID's separated with | would function here.
    1 point
  17. There you have it, geeber and titanium just answered to the missing points. Building on top of that, your homepage code wouldn't be too different from this: <?php // header code foreach ($page->children() as $child) $child->render(); // footer code Couldn't get much simpler than this, could it? edit: titanium's method is perfectly fine, but if you're using the dev version you can use the method that Ryan describes here http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3551-small-tip-for-pages-that-will-be-used-with-render/
    1 point
  18. I think you need something like this (direct page access redirects to the parent page): if ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'] === $page->url) { $session->redirect($page->parent->url); exit; } alternatively, if you would like to show a 404: if ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'] === $page->url) { throw new Wire404Exception(); exit; }
    1 point
  19. I think for number 2 you need the $page->render() function. On the API Cheatsheet it says: Returns rendered page markup. echo $page->render();
    1 point
  20. Hi Matthew, thank you for the hint. There's so many possibilities to discover. It's amazing. Cheers gerhard
    1 point
  21. Willy, that still limits the field options, no?
    1 point
  22. uses : custom seleactor to find selactable pages >> `````` parent=page.id, sort=title `````` or all ins tree below `````` has_parent=page.id, sort=title ``````
    1 point
  23. Hi totoff, I plan to update this theme in the near future for current and upcoming PW releases, I'm working on the new theme which is almost done, I'm tweaking the responsive part of the theme. I've been quite busy last couple of months and haven't had time to work on any of my themes and I was generally quiet around PW forum in general, my apologies for that (to everybody)... I don't think that I'm planning to support older themes besides Ergo and my new theme that's near release date of pure reason updating JqueryUI and other things is very time consuming. It's better to have 2 themes fully supported then 5 themes partly supported in the end. I'm willing to help anybody that will continue to use my older themes with any kind of advice regarding functionality.
    1 point
  24. Yes, commenting out the 2 save lines will work. I'll take an extra look at the empty fields. Time zone settings are quite important for this module, but would only cause to publish/unpublish pages at the wrong time, but not more than 27 hours off (GMT-12 all the way to GMT+14 + possibly DST) As for the $time variable, that could be an issue. I'll change the variable name to something more unique in the next update. Update: uploaded a new version where: 1. $time has been replaced with $currenttime 2. Added language support for the whole module. /Jasper
    1 point
  25. I just uploaded a new version with logging and a fix for the issue Ryan described. @ceberlin and Pete I hope you can install this version this version with logging enabled (logging can be enabled in the module configuration). Every automatic (un)publication will be logged in the /assets/logs/messages.txt file, with timestamps for the publish_from and publish_until fields and the timestamp of the event itself. If the problem still exists, we can take a look at the logfile. /Jasper
    1 point
  26. There is a bug (probably mine ) in current code. From line 157: https://github.com/f...ges.module#L157 // Publish pages with a publish_until date > current date if($p->publish_until > $time) { $p->removeStatus(Page::statusUnpublished); $p->save(); } If you have unpublished page where you have set publish_from field, but left publish_until empty, then it won't get published. I think this is the most common scenario, so strange that this hasn't popped earlier. Easy fix though: // Publish pages with a publish_until date > current date (and publish_until is set) if ($p->publish_until > 0 && $p->publish_until <= $time) { // We keep it unpublished, since publish until is set and valid } else { $p->removeStatus(Page::statusUnpublished); $p->save(); } I know that could be achieved with simple if instead of if else, but I think the logic is simpler to understand that way.
    1 point
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