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Everything posted by KentBrockman
noodles and I got this running! Our scenario was a ProcessWire 2.7.x version we upgraded to ProcessWire 3.0.7. Uploads would stop at 100% and not finish. The JavaScript console showed the message jacmaes mentioned above. What did we do? We changed all fields of type "CroppableImage" back to "Image" and deleted the module, including the files in /site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/CroppableImage. When we reinstalled the module, we were able to upload files successfully and the previously set thumbnails were created by the module! Everything seemed to work to this point, but cropping didn't work, due to missing processes and routes. The page created within the ___install routine of the module wasn't created!(https://github.com/horst-n/CroppableImage/blob/master/ProcessCroppableImage/ProcessCroppableImage.module#L306) We created it ourself within the admin.php file (dirty, we know - see code below), as a child of /admin/pages, edited and assigned the Process (ProcessCroppableImage) in the given select box within ProcessWire. Et voilà, it works! Dirty workaround we used within the admin.php file as a superuser: $p = new Page(); $p->template = $this->templates->get("admin"); $p->parent = $this->pages->get(3); $p->title = 'Croppable Images - PW3'; $p->name = 'croppable-image'; $p->addStatus(Page::statusHidden); $p->save(); This for sure is dirty, but it will give us all a little more time. We will try to provide a good fix/workaround to make upgrades possible without following the steps above by hand.
Thank you for your reply. It makes no difference if I store a single value or the whole page object in the session. The session gets lost when a redirect is performed. i tried everything but I didn't get it working. In the end I swiched to PHP $_SESSION and now everything is working fine again. I found some other posting about this issue, seems like I am not alone: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7771-session-variable-getting-lost-after-session-redirect/
We've just updated the above mentioned project from PW 2.3 to 2.6 And now the login process isn't working any more, because the session-variable "gallery" gets lost after the redirect. But why? We debuged like crazy but we couldn't find the reason. Domainnames, .htaccess and everything is fine. Are there any changes concering the session-implementation? Thanks!
Hi Horst, I checked the filenames your module creates. My original filename was "testslide.jpg", which was saved as "testslide.-sliderbild.jpg". That looks a little weird to me. In line 194 of FieldtypeCroppableImage.module I found: $basename = basename($img->basename, '.' . $img->ext) . ".-$suffix" . "." . $img->ext; Is there any thought behind the ".-" part of the filename? What do you think of cleaning the basename to an alpanumeric string, plus dots and symbols? A quick and dirty way how I'd save the filename: $basename = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\.]+/', '-', strtolower(basename($img->basename, '.' . $img->ext))) . ".$suffix" . "." . $img->ext; Thank you.
Help getting a custom styles php file working
KentBrockman replied to onjegolders's topic in General Support
Good idea! It's quite interesting. If I add your command to the htaccess-file the header is send correctly, but the Browser still don't see the file as a vaild .css file. Weird.- 15 replies
- css
- custom styles
(and 1 more)
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Help getting a custom styles php file working
KentBrockman replied to onjegolders's topic in General Support
We just ran in a similar problem, but from another point. You have to pay attention, that you do not use ProCache to cache the processwire-generated .css file, because ProCache overwrites the header to Content-type: text/html.- 15 replies
- css
- custom styles
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After some more tests it seem's to be a bit buggy. By creating a new page via the button above the list the new page is generated and saved correctly, but this new page doesn't show up in the list. When I create a new page via the button under the list the page is generated correctly and a new (second) button appaers above the list. With this new button it is possible to create pages which show up in the list correctly.
Such an good idea. Why didn't I think about it. Works fine in my case!
Sorry for pushing! Attached is an image to make clear what I ment in my previous post. Do you see any chance to place the button above the list? Thank you.
Hey there! Is there any chance to place the create-buttons above the pages via a hook? Thanks for your great support.
Yes, sure. Good idea. If i enable the multilanguage description, the default description is shown. But by writing these lines I just recognized, that it's my fault! The User "guest" need to have the other language! Everything works like expected now. Processwire 2.5 with multilanguage description acts not like 2.4 - now I know. Thank you so much!
Since the beginning we are using ProCache in every project without any problem. Until now. There is a file field inside a repeater. We are using the description field to name the download in the web. It works as expected with ProCache turned off. If ProCache is activated only the output of the description is empty. Sidenote: we are using an additional language and the multilanguage description option for the description field is deactivated! PW 2.5.3 Any suggestions? Thank you.
Martjin, your posted solution fit's perfect... To another customer we've got. Thank you in advance! But for this project i would like to get back to my initial question. Background: The pedigree is only to show the horses ancestors in a small overview. No children will be shown and no more ancestors than mother/father and grandmothers/grandfathers. That means a depth of only two ancestors. According to the briefing, the customers is selling a lot of sports horses in a week. So it would be nice if the customer would not have to create six pages with just names to build up the pedigree for a single horse. To make the creation of a horse easy and fast I'm thinking about only one page on which the customer can set all the data including the pedigree at. I think I will create six simple text fields for the pedigree... Or does anyone see an acceptable solution without pages? Thanks!
In my point of view horst is still right. But it depends on your hosting solution (hoster) what you are allowed to do with the php.ini! Have a look at it in advance.
In my point of view horst is right. But you have to define the max sizes in the php.ini
Perfect! I chose option one. Thank you!
I'm talking about the field "Description -> Additional information describing this field and/or instructions on how to enter the content." when you are editing a field. We are using our own theme, which provides the colors and look of our company design.
We are using the description for nearly every field in the manager. By default the description field is closed. Is it posible to always open it by default? Thank you so much for your support.
We just created a complete coporate design to the german coach Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Michael Huber. The corresponing website is as always based on the beautifu Processwire. Feel free to check out this tiny responsive website under http://www.huber-idc.ch We are looking forward to your feedback.
- 2 replies
- 11
Martijn, what a stunning Link! I didn't found that thread during my previous searches. I will check your profile!
Hey there, once again I need your support. We are currently working on a project for a sport horse trader. To every horse in the database the pedigree should be shown. If the ancestors are horses in the database too, it would be clear, that i only have to mark up the mother and father by a page-field. So i could show the family tree using recursion. But in this project the ancestors are only names, means text without a link. To create a page for every ancestors would be hard to handle. Does anyone have a good idea on how to implement a family tree without using pages? Repeater, ProFields? THX!
Module: AIOM+ (All In One Minify) for CSS, LESS, JS and HTML
KentBrockman replied to David Karich's topic in Modules/Plugins
Hey David, what a useful module! Thank you so much. Does anyone else have issues with inline svg graphics? During the compression it seems like the AIOM-Module is breaking up. Perhaps wrong escaping? background-image:url(' vcnQgUGx1Zy1JbiAuIFNWRyBWZXJzaW9uOiA2LjAwIEJ1aWxkIDApICAtLT4NCjwhRE9DVFlQRSBzdmcgUFVCTElDICItLy9XM0MvL0RURCBTVkcgMS4wLy9FTiIgImh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnL1RSLzIwMDEvUkVDLVNWRy0yMDAxMDkwNC9EVEQvc3ZnMTAuZHRkIj4NCjxzdmcgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBpZD0iRWJlbmVfMSIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIiB4bWxuczp4bGluaz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMTk5OS94bGluayIgeD0iMHB4IiB5PSIwcHgiDQoJIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAyMCAyOSIgZW5hYmxlLWJhY2tncm91bmQ9Im5ldyAwIDAgMjAgMjkiIHhtbDpzcGFjZT0icHJlc2VydmUiPg0KPHBhdGggaWQ9InBob25lLTItaWNvbiIgZmlsbD0iI0ZGRkZGRiIgZD0iTTEzLjc5OCwyOC45MDRDMTMuNzk4LDI4LjkwNCwxMy43OTgsMjguOTA0LDEzLjc5OCwyOC45MDQNCgljLTEuNTY5LDAtMy4xNTctMC43NDctNC43MjEtMi4yMTljLTEuODM0LTEuNzI2LTMuNzQ2LTQuNTU3LTUuNjgzLTguNDE1QzAuNjUxLDEyLjgwOS0wLjQxMiw4Ljc1NiwwLjE0Miw1Ljg4DQoJQzAuNzM0LDIuODExLDIuNjQ0LDIuMDM0LDYuNzM4LDAuMWw0Ljc0OSw5LjQ1NWwtMy4xNzIsMS41OTNjLTAuMTQxLDAuNCwwLjAyNSwxLjkzMiwxLjA3OCw0LjA1NQ0KCWMxLjA3NiwyLjE3LDIuMjIzLDMuMjUyLDIuNjM2LDMuMzgzYzAuMTg2LTAuMDkxLDMuMTctMS41OCwzLjE3LTEuNThsNC44LDkuNDQ4QzE2L 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') -
[BUG] Verified sort bug with PageListSelectMultiple in PW 2.4.0
KentBrockman replied to Ovi_S's topic in General Support
According to Github the bug should be solved, but i'm experiencing the same behaviour in PW 2.4. Is the bug back again? https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/34