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Everything posted by KentBrockman

  1. Is there any chance to get the predefined size of the image to crop? Something like getThumb('foo')->width; Background, if there is no image uploaded i want to display a placeholder in the given size.
  2. Woooha... So easy! Thank you apeisa. Here is the How-To: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4547-possibility-to-translate-timepicker-addon-on-datepicker/
  3. Ryan, that sounds great! It would be even better, if you could limit the maximum links to one page and limit the maximum links created on a page.
  4. Thank you for your fast response. It works perfectly... Perhaps my following simple solution of your suggestion will help someone with an similar problem. This is the login.inc which is included at the top of every concerning template. <?php // return if is the user currently logged in function loggedIn() { // check, if a gallery is set if(wire("session")->gallery) return true; else return false; } // perform login if($input->post->userLogin) login($input->post->login, $input->post->password); // login user and set the corresponding gallery function login($login, $password) { if($login != '' && $password != '') { // get page to login/password // gc = Gallery Customer $gc = wire('pages')->find("galleryLogin=$login, galleryPassword=$password"); // check exactly if only one login/password combination fits if(count($gc) == 1) { // set gallery in session wire("session")->gallery = $gc->first; return loggedIn(); } else // login data incorrect (or bad configuration) return false; } else // login and/or password are not set return false; } // perform logout if($input->post->userLogout) logout(); // logout user function logout() { // unset gallery in session wire("session")->remove("gallery"); // return current login status to proof success return loggedIn(); } // redirect if(!loggedIn() && $page->name != 'kundengalerie') // redirect to loginform if not logged in, but only if not already on loginform $session->redirect($pages->get("/kundengalerie/")->url, false); elseif(loggedIn() && $page->id != $session->gallery->id) // redirect to gallery if logged in and not the correct gallery page $session->redirect($session->gallery->url, false);
  5. Hey there! Once again, I need your support. We are currently building a website for a wedding photographer. After every wedding she wants to give access to all the photos of the day to the wedding couple and there guests in a private photogallery (a single page) on the website protected by a single login/password combination. What is from your point of view best way to implement this kind of private section in the frontend. Thank you so much! TW
  6. Hey horst, thank you so much for your positive feedback. We took all the images in a halfday photoshoot. You are absolutely right about the missing content. It is still on the customers todo-list.
  7. If you like, please check out one of our latest projects - A tiny website to a local veterinarian. As usual beautifully powered by the stunning Processwire: http://www.tierarzt-partale.de Thank you so much for all your efforts and support.
  8. Hey, is it possible to set the first day of the week to monday in the datepicker? Thank you for your support!
  9. If you like, please check out our latest project powered by Processwire: http://www.gasthaus-stuhlmacher.de/ A small website to the well known Restaurant Gasthaus Stuhlmacher in Muenster, Germany. It is one the oldest restaurants in town with a long tradition and a great historical background. Processwire is absolutely stunning! It is just unbelievable how fast and clean we are able to develop our projects. The backend is so easy to use. All of our customers are in love with it too. Especially the ones who are coming form Typo3, Drupal or Jomla! Thank you so much for all your efforts and support.
  10. I absoluty with you, especially with the photos. But, as mentioned, the design and the content came from a friendly webdesigner and we only did the implementation into a running website. Agree. To start again on the main page by changing the language was a customers request. We don't use any modules or multilanguage functions build into processwire. The two languages are just two "root"-pages which hold the pages/contents for the languages. We wrote a little snippet that always tells us what the secont level navigation (de/en) is, so we always know, which navigation to load. Very basic and simple, but works fine. You are right! Thank you for the hint. It's 2.3.0 stable.
  11. Hey, after many questions here in the forums, (by the way, thank you for the great, fast and straightforward support) we would like to show one of our projects, which we realized using to awesome Processwire. A designer friend of us asked us to transfer one of her webdesigns into a running website. The customer is one of Germany's most experienced and well-known horse transportation companies. The multilingual website is based on Processwire and should be completely responsive, so please feel free to resize your browser or view it on your smartphone or tablet. http://www.johannsmann-pferdetransporte.de Currently the customer is about to fill the website with more data. So please don't mind, if some pages are not complete. Every comment is welcome - either suggestions or constructive criticism. Thank you so much for this great project and this stunning community!
  12. Ryan, i can't tell, how much i love you. Works like a charm.
  13. Hey, i have to style the comment form in a other way so that it fits into the design of the page. It has to be just other HTML and CSS, the fields will be the same. Any hints how to do this? Do i have to edit the code for renderForm()? Thank you for your support!
  14. Yes. It works! Perfect, thank you for the hint. I read about it, but it wasn't clear to me, that the result will be different. I just though it is more compatible.
  15. If your module searches all fields by default there will sure be some pdf files. The web is running on a Mircosoft ISS, perhaps this could be a problem too. But if it would run, would it solve my problem?
  16. Alessio, thank you for your hint. I looked up your module and read the support forum, but it is absolutely not clear to me, if the module will solve my problem with the "complex" searchstrings. I tried to install and use it, but when i will use "Reindex"-function to index all existing pages for the first time it won't work: Incorrect string value: '\xE3\xBCber ...' for column 'data' at row 1 Thanks.
  17. Once again, i need your help. I integrated a search in a customers site. The search performs as aspected if i use only one "word", for example "foo". If i search a more complex string like "foo bar" or "foo-bar" the result is empty, although some pages contain these strings. if($q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->q)) { $input->whitelist('q', $q); $matches = $pages->find("teaserBody|contentHeadline|contentBody~=$q, limit=20"); The code is pretty much the same as in the basic site, i only adjusted the fields to search in. What am i doing wrong? Thank you!
  18. Ryan, brilliant stuff! For me it won't work in my first attempt and it took me some time to figure out my failure. You can't use the identifier "name" for a variable. [[gallery name="Test"]] I didn't found any comments on this issue, so perhaps it helps.
  19. Soma, thank you for not giving up on me! My "wish" is still to have an defined array of "parent-ids" and the module should render the navigation for only these ids including all subnavigations in one call. Let's say we have the following structure: Home/Root - Company -- About -- Team - Products -- Category 1 --- Subcategory 1 --- Subcategory 2 -- Category 2 --- Subcategory 1 --- Subcategory 2 - Services -- Service 1 --- More services 1 --- More services 2 - Directions - Contact - Impress This is the whole navigation tree and it's used all over the website. In some special cases i only want to show the navigation for Products and Services. My simple snippet $ids = "1015,1016"; $navigationHeaderMain = $pages->getById($ids); foreach($navigationHeaderMain as $nht) { $customRoot = $pages -> get($nht->id); echo $treeMenu -> render($options, $page, $customRoot); } doesn't work out, because it will output two lists <ul><li>Products... <ul><li>Service... and even if i set show_parent to true the "root" (Products, Service) are not included correct in the list. Can you follow? If it is possible to set a flag (checkbox) like "add this page to my customNavigation" as you mentioned in your post, it would be perfect! But what is the correct statement for the 'selector'? I have no clue. Thank you so much for all your efforts!
  20. Soma, my explanation wasn't the best, so i think we are talking past each other. But never mind, i'm now excluding the ids i do not need. It's more or less a workaround, but it works perfect. Thank you.
  21. Hard to explain. Let's say we got the following constellation: Root (1000) - Level1 (1001) - Level1(1002) - Level1(1003) -- Level2(1011) --- Level 3(1021) - Level1(1004) - Level1(1005) And now i need to render the navigation including all subnavigations for the ids 1002, 1003, 1004. It has to be "hardcoded" via ids because have no other chance to differentiate between the the pages on level 1. If i call the module three times with other rootpages, it works. But isn't there a better way to do only one rendering call by using the selector option? Thank you for your support.
  22. Sorry, it's me again, but i don't get it. I need to render the Nav for a defined set of ids (eg. id=1015|1016|1017|1018). I'm not sure how to set the selector right. Even if i only use one page via id|has_parent the module is not rendering thru the levels. What am i doing wrong? Thanks!
  23. Works perfect. Little addition to avoid that the index.php gets into the google index. # Redirect index.php to root RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*/index.php RewriteRule ^(.*)index.php$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,R=301]
  24. The customer updated the MySQL and now the manual sorting works like expected. For now, everything is fine with IIS.
  25. Oh oh oh, so easy! My fault. Thank you for the fast reply.
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