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Editing user profiles - Difference between /processwire/access/users/edit/?id= and /processwire/profile/

Torsten Baldes

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Today I wanted to add some settings and extra fields to my user template (which went fine) and realized, that if an editor uses the profile link in main navigation, he doesn't see the extra fields i or other plugins added. In this view are only password, mail address, language and admin theme available. But if this user has the right to administer users, he could go to his "other" profile page (/processwire/access/users/edit/?id=123) and see all the additional fields and edit them.

Why is it not possible to edit all fields in the profile view.

I can't give all my editors user admin rights, but I want the to be able to edit their profile with all the additional fields (in the backend).

How could i accomplish this?


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  On 2/15/2016 at 1:50 PM, adrian said:

There are some issues with editing images via profile - https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/989


Are there some updates about issues with making images to be edited by the user in their own profile (admin area)?

I'm in trouble with it.

What I made is:

  1. In the 'user' template, I added an 'images' field.
  2. In the 'role' page (designating users allowed to edit their profile), I checked/enabled the 'profile-edit' permission.
  3. In the 'ProcessProfile' (User Profile) module, I checked/enabled the 'images' field.

What happens is: when the user goes to the page /processwire/profile/ (admin area) then the image upload seems to be successful but the user cannot view the uploaded image.

Is there something I'm doing wrong?

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  On 11/4/2018 at 4:22 PM, Zeka said:

https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1969 This issue looks similar to that you posted and it was fixed.


I'm using ProcessWire 3.0.98 and I'm trying to understand because the user cannot view the uploaded image in the Edit Profile page (even if the image upload seems to be successful since the related file is uploaded to the /site/assets/files folder of the website).

In Edit Profile I get a "blank" image:


and also in the frontend when outputting it:




In file config.php I have set $config->pagefileSecure = true; and if I remove this then the profile image field works as expected. However I need this config enabled since I prevent access to files of access protected pages throughout all the website. Furthermore, for the user template the option "Do you want to manage view and edit access for pages using this template?" under "Advanced" tab is set to "No", so I expect the file to be accessible. However, the user template has not template file (user.php).
What should I do in order to keep things consistent?


BTW @Zeka, in your linked post I have not posted.

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