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MarkupSEO - The all-in-one SEO solution for ProcessWire.

Nico Knoll

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You at the wrong place.

explanation see line:


you've changed the fieldname in the module settings page.

change the <meta> tag itself could be done in this line:


for real dublin core metas this module should get an option for this with a checkbox - to add the DC. tag to every meta tag and add additional tag like content type or created date.... could be done with a checkbox in the settings and an additional if statement to get those DC.tags.

May Nico find some time, if i've got more time on my hands i would proud to contribute to this awesome module...but my calendar says :frantics:

Best regards mr-fan

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  On 8/26/2015 at 6:34 PM, mr-fan said:

You at the wrong place.

change the <meta> tag itself could be done in this line:


If I change

$rendered .= '<meta name="'.$name.'" content="'.$content.'">'.PHP_EOL;

also other tags will be affected, for example keywords and others?

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Therefore it will not help for adapting a single Tab. But, the single entry (description) <meta name="description" is defined somewhere. Exist to the module additional files, which may not be in the module directory? Somewhere, the entry must be ...

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Alternative to changing the module itself is to render the stuff yourself...so you've full control over the output meta tags

like Nico wrotes:

$page->seo // includes all the default values mixed with the page related seo data

// e.g.:

// for rendering all fields with the module

//example with DC and own markup
echo '<meta name="DC.descritption">'.$page->seo->description.'/>';

so the tags are up to you in your frontend template.

May the best solution if you don't wanna change and maintain module files.

regards mr-fan

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, thank you for this great module.

I have installed the latest version (0.8.2) and assigned one template (workshop)

I'm doing import of pages from a Joomla site and want to set values for SEO fields through the API.

But I get this message when trying to save data to SEO fields:

"Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property Page::$seo has no effect in /var/www/qgtpw/site/templates/convert.php on line 225".

My code

$data = csv_to_array('inc/joomla_workshops.csv');

foreach($data as $csv) {
	$jid = $csv['id'];
	$title = $csv["title"]; 
	$description = $csv["metadesc"];
	$keywords = $csv["metakey"];
	$workshop = $pages->get("template=workshop, jid={$jid}, include=all");
	if ($workshop->id) {

		if ($title != "") $workshop->seo->title = $title;
		if ($description != "") $workshop->seo->description = $description;
		if ($keywords != "") $workshop->seo->keywords = $keywords;

		echo "$jid<br>";

The var_dump gives "null";

How would I go about saving data to the SEO fields via the API?

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Gebeer you could try to set them - i do that with a custom script to get seo fields prefilled on publishing if users don't fill seo fields manually.


//set seo_title on publishing
$page->set ('seo_keywords', $default_keywords);

//set seo_description on publishing
$page->set ('seo_description', $default_desc);

set should work for you.

best regards mr-fan

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  On 1/24/2015 at 2:16 PM, Nico Knoll said:


Select a custom field with a fallback to title?

You can use multiple smart titles. So the first one will be used if filled (https://github.com/NicoKnoll/MarkupSEO/blob/master/MarkupSEO.module#L182-L187). If not the second one is used and so on. "Smart title" will be used in case you leave the "Title" field in the SEO tab empty.


I might be missing the obvious here but I can't find anywhere to configure the smartfields as shown in that image. I am using the latest version of the plugin, and the config page doesn't have anything for smartfields.

Thanks for the great work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like your Module. But it worked only about 15minutes for me. After inserting Text to several pages I got:


Notice: Undefined index: canonical in /site/modules/MarkupSEO/MarkupSEO.module on line 250

Notice: Undefined index: title in /site/modules/MarkupSEO/MarkupSEO.module on line 266

Notice: Undefined index: description in /site/modules/MarkupSEO/MarkupSEO.module on line 268

Notice: Undefined index: image in /site/modules/MarkupSEO/MarkupSEO.module on line 270

Notice: Undefined index: title in /site/modules/MarkupSEO/MarkupSEO.module on line 277

Notice: Undefined index: description in /site/modules/MarkupSEO/MarkupSEO.module on line 279

Notice: Undefined index: image in /site/modules/MarkupSEO/MarkupSEO.module on line 280

Notice: Undefined index: custom in /site/modules/MarkupSEO/MarkupSEO.module on line 28

I have no idea whats the problem. Also deleting an reinstall of the Module doesnt solves the problem. All fields are recreated and empty. Still throws that errors. I am using the latest Version 0.8.2.

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All SEO Tabs disappeared from Pages and there is no output anymore. Also all my inputs Ive done are not accessible anymore.

I can reconfigure everything and manually add all fields to each template and place them in a own SEO-Tab. But this would be nearly the same way, as I created my own SEO-Tabs in the past. Means there are no advantages of the module anymore. Because I have to trust in the abilities of this module. If its not working properly my project would be harmed. So better I take the safe way. 

Would be great if there is any solution. Cause the features of this module are really exciting and would help a lot.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a small feature request.

Any chance of added an option to do Enhanced Link Attribution?

All it requires is an additional line of code to the Google Analytics code that is already generated (highlighted in Red)

I will probably modify my local MarkupSEO module code for now but it would be great to see it as part of the official code branch.

P/S I'm a fan of the module. Would happy to buy some beers to show my appreciation.

ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-X');
ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js');
ga('send', 'pageview');

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've just noticed that removing the GA Code from MarkupSEO and saving the settings results in all the SEO data previously entered being deleted.

Is this by design, or more likely a bug?

Luckily, we bulk upload our SEO settings via Spreadsheet/PW Custom code so it was easy to restore the values.

I've had several of these messages logged for the different SEO fields

"Deleted field "seo_tab_END" data in 0 row(s) from 0 page(s). [page-by-page]"

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I really like the ease of use of this module. I'm using it on a page which I'm working on and seems to be pretty good for google searches.

But I have one issue...

I would like to have the page I'm working on in google searches listed as this:

Main site
    child page 1   child page 2
    child page 3   child page 4
    child page 5   child page 6
    child page 7   child page 8

as only one google search listing. Right now I get every page separately in the google search, making it look little messy. This might not be due to this plugin but google settings but I'm not sure. Anybody knows what I should work on to get it working?

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@Olli: It's explained here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/47334?hl=en

So I guess the module has no real impact on that. But try to add a sitemap and with a bit of luck Google will find fitting sitelinks

  On 10/30/2015 at 3:06 PM, FrancisChung said:

Just a small feature request.

Any chance of added an option to do Enhanced Link Attribution?

All it requires is an additional line of code to the Google Analytics code that is already generated (highlighted in Red)

I will probably modify my local MarkupSEO module code for now but it would be great to see it as part of the official code branch.

P/S I'm a fan of the module. Would happy to buy some beers to show my appreciation.

ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-X');
ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js');
ga('send', 'pageview');


I'm glad that you like that module. Could you add any bugs directly on GitHub?

(And I'm always happy if someone is buying me beer ;) (There is a link under this text - just saying ;) ))

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  • 2 weeks later...

I may have missed this, but is there any way to override a value at runtime, prior to calling ->render?

I'd like to programmatically insert a page-specific value for og:image, something like:

$page->seo->{"og:image"} = '/path/to/image';

Any way to do something like that?



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Is it possible to reassign field values from within a template? Not save back to the database, just override in memory.

I'm using the MarkupSEO module, and want to use its built-in ->render function, but I want to tweak some values first, e.g.:

$page->seo->{"og:image"} = '/path/to/image.png';



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No worries.

As for general API, yes you can override (and even create methods and properties) on the fly at runtime since PW is an OOP application. So (and I assume you probably know this) you can do:

// where such a field does not exist (i.e. this page has no summary field but we create one at rt)
$page->summary = 'My nice summary';
// and you can also do, replacing the saved page title at rt (but not saving it)
$page->title = 'My replacement Title'; 
Edited by kongondo
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