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I'm signed-in as admin with guest, superuser roles, but cannot edit any content within Body or Sidebar. This is despite the Access page apparently showing I have permission to do all this.

I'm really keen to get started with PW, but this is extremely frustrating.

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Hello cstevensjr, thank you.

Running current version of PW with the 'demo' skyscraper content locally on Windows 7 with current version of XAMMP. Anything else you need?


This is an 'out-of-the-box install, no additional modules added or custom changes made.

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This is very weird. Try to edit the summary. Can you safe what you write in there? If so, something might be broken/corrupt with your body and/or sidebar fields. Try to replace them. If you can't safe the page at all, report back please.

EDIT: Have you checked your server environment? (https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire#troubleshooting-installation) Is your site/config.php and site/templates writeable?

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Hi totoff.

Yes I can edit and save Summary and Title.

As this is clearly not a common problem, perhaps I should just download a new package and try another clean install. I'll save this template set to compare later. If all goes ok on second install, I may be able to determin the cause. I shall do this a little later on today and report back. Thanks all.

Ivan: JavaScript is running.

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  On 7/14/2014 at 11:22 AM, Nico Knoll said:

It's like Ivan said: Looks like a TinyMCE problem.

Do you tried different Browsers? Which OS are you running (looks like windows 2000)? Have you tried to use another computer? 

Tried in Opera - an old Presto build ironically - and et voila :)

So it was a browser issue all along. Why didn't I check that?

Many thanks Nico. I shall now try to work out why this was the case at localhost, but not at the PW online demo, which rendered perfectly.

For future reference my main browser - since Opera committed suicide - is PaleMoon, a custom build of Firefox. Though that in itself is clearly not the sole cause. I

Many thanks to everyone for being so helpful. Glad I don't have cause to blame PW for this initial glitch, because it appears to be the ideal bloat-free, common sense CMS solution I've been searching for.

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  On 7/14/2014 at 11:45 AM, Joss said:

If you are using Chrome, check the console output to see if there are errors

Yes I should have done more investigation browser-wise, but it was that the online demo that worked perfectly that threw me!

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Just to tie things up....

The lack of editing options was due to127.0.0.1/ProcessWire/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTinyMCE/tinymce-3.5.8/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin.js prevented from loading. The culprit was the following badly implemented regex in my custom adblock script:  .popup.*\.js  Either a typo or accidentally left in place after some testing. Removed it and everything is dandy! TinyMCE editing returned to normal. Now I can get on and enjoy PW. Thanks again all :)

I take full responsibility for my clumsiness. :-[

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  On 7/14/2014 at 1:14 PM, totoff said:

this is, btw, true and sad at the same time.

Very sad indeed totoff. I miss Opera/Presto ever second I'm online. Nothing else comes close. :(

I've done my best to replicate most of the functionality with numerous plugins and PaleMoon (Firefox), but I just can't achieve the same contented, secure feeling I always had with Opera/Presto. Opera/Presto was solid and they just threw all away in favour of a re-badged Chrome. Opera ASA never gave a single thought for it's devoted user base. It's a tragic waste. Don't let me get started. >:D

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