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Bootstrap with Joomla


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Hi all,

I'm building a new section on to an existing Joomla (1.5) site. I think the PW admin interface will be great for this purpose and so I've setup PW in a subdirectory of the main site.

All installs well, but I'm running into issues when I try to include the PW bootstrap file in a Joomla template.

I simply add:


where 'specials' is my PW root.

What I end up with is this error"

"Class 'JDocumentRenderer' not foundClass 'JDocumentRenderer' not found in /libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/modules.php"

Is there another way for me to include PW that might remove any conflict with Joomla? I am running 5.3 if that matters.


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I think I'm gonna go with creating a PW page that has the content I need and pull it into the Joomla page via ajax. Not the greatest solution, but I'm up against a huge time crunch so have to get something going now.

Open to any other suggestions though :)

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Other options for quick and dirty:

  • iFrame
  • JS-widget (ok, can be pretty time consuming)
  • Joomla might have some kind of proxy plugin (which looks for external url and grabs contents there)

But it seems that your thinking is just fine. If you install PW to same domain, then you can use Ryan's ServicePages module and get JSON from there: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ServicePages

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Properly namespace Joomla and PW, problem solved

Namespacing not supported by PHP 5.2.x which currently represents a large base of ProcessWire users. Probably by ProcessWire 2.4 we'll require PHP 5.3 at which time we can namespace.

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Namespacing not supported by PHP 5.2.x which currently represents a large base of ProcessWire users. Probably by ProcessWire 2.4 we'll require PHP 5.3 at which time we can namespace.

I know Ryan, hence the ;)

PHP 5.2 has been in EOL status as of 16 December 2010. It still amazes me that almost two years later apparently more than 50% is still on 5.2.

And yes, i know how things work, at my workplace we are still on Windows XP and Office 2003. I just thought that the 'webworld' would be faster to adopt new things. Are the (cheap) hosting companies to blame?

Anyways, if we go strictly by percentages it will be another 2/3 years before 5.3 becomes possible. Still, i think it would be good thing to pick up the pace on this; is it too much too ask new PW users to use 5.3? It will become much easier to use third party components via stuff like Composer and the Packagist site.

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Well I sort of understand, I mean I'm still using VIM and a 1986 IBM Model-M keyboard. :) Those maybe those aren't good comparisons. I see us requiring 5.3 within the next 6-months or so, not 2-3 years. But at the moment, my main interest is just in growing our user base, so anything that contracts (rather than expands) the user base is undesirable. But I think 6-months from now will probably be the right time to do it.

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Well I sort of understand, I mean I'm still using VIM and a 1986 IBM Model-M keyboard. :) Those maybe those aren't good comparisons. I see us requiring 5.3 within the next 6-months or so, not 2-3 years. But at the moment, my main interest is just in growing our user base, so anything that contracts (rather than expands) the user base is undesirable. But I think 6-months from now will probably be the right time to do it.

I was thinking the exact same thing with regards to not putting up any potential barriers too soon. In fact, I know a few web hosts who have only just recently made that switch. I don't use them of course, but just saying that while several hosts still seem to be switching 6 months sounds about right.

(By the way, this is my keyboard and I love it dearly - I cannot recommend it enough and have one for work and home. It is also heavy despite being uber-slim so can be used to fend off any would-be home intruders ;)).

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Have you considered using something like Fabrik or Zoo (since you're already in Joomla..)-

Either of those can handle custom content pretty well, (not as nice as PW!); I have a bunch of sites using Zoo and it's decent for custom content; it runs as a sort of a separate sub-cms with custom fields...

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