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Module: Blog


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  On 11/21/2015 at 9:42 AM, kuba2 said:

I had to move the CSS folder into the template folder. It's in the Markupblog folder in the Modules folder.

Yes, just like it says in the instructions :-)


If you chose to install the demo Template Files, also manually copy over the /css/ and /js/ folders present in Blog module's folder to your /site/templates/ folder.


Welcome to PW and the forums. Please note that the CSS and the demo template files are just that; a demo...You can do pretty much what you want using MarkupBlog. I'm in the process of transferring the documentation to my new server. Thanks for choosing Blog :-)

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  On 11/21/2015 at 6:56 PM, kongondo said:

Yes, just like it says in the instructions :-)


Welcome to PW and the forums. Please note that the CSS and the demo template files are just that; a demo...You can do pretty much what you want using MarkupBlog. I'm in the process of transferring the documentation to my new server. Thanks for choosing Blog :-)

Thanks kongondo geuss I didnt read enough before I posted a typical newbie mistake :-[

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I'm sure this question has been asked and answered but I can't seem to find it.

First please excuse my lack of wisdom that stems from my newbiness.

In the readme it states "Easily output your Blog in the frontend, where and how you wish"

What my first goal is to out put recent posts lets say three of them on my home page.

I can't figure out how to do this.

Thanks in advance for any help.

p.s. If it matters I am using the Zurb Foundation Site Profile

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Hi Kongondo,

Is there a way of copying or preserving the blog posts on 1 database to another?

My users want the ability to auto-publish the blog articles, and it looks like it's possible but I would need to reinstall the Blog Module again with some pre-requisite modules preinstalled first?

I'm guessing reinstalling the Blog Module would result in the loss of the blog articles.

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Rather than reinstalling and reimporting from your old database, you can do the following:

Do not test this on the production server, obviously :-)

  1. Back up the database of your current Blog install
  2. Import your backed-up database into a fresh Blog install on your local/test server. This Blog install should not have 'Schedule Pages' installed (just to better illustrate the steps below)
  3. Check that this test Blog works fine
  4. OK, now the fun part. Install and configure the module Schedule Pages. If you do not yet have LazyCron installed, ProcessWire will complain that it cannot install Schedule Pages since a required dependency is missing. LazryCron ships with ProcessWire so, in that case, head over to modules -> install to install it.
  5. The module 'Schedule Pages' will create two fields with the names 'publish_from' and 'publish_until'. Give them appropriate labels if you wish, e.g. 'Auto-publish from' and 'Auto-unpublish on' respectively. Make sure you read the module's usage notes (e.g. that you need to confirm LazyCron is working properly on your server)
  6. Add the above two fields to the template 'blog-post' and save. If this had been done via the Blog Install Wizard, these fields are placed at the very top of the list of fields on this template, just above the 'blog_date' field  and given a width of 50%.
  7. OK, off to the database we go. In phpMyAdmin or similar, go to the ProcessWire database where you have your (test) Blog installed and find the table 'modules'. In that table, looking into the 'class' column, find the row 'ProcessBlog' (see screenshot below). In the column 'data' you will see saved Blog configurations (see example code below). Find and edit the entry 'schedulePages'. In your case it should be empty and looks like this: schedulePages":"". Modify it to be like this: schedulePages":1. That 1 tells Blog that use of 'Schedule Pages' is true. If using phpMyAdmin, it has inline editing (double click on what you want to edit and make your edits and mouse out to save)
  8. In your Blog's Posts Dashboard, under 'Quick Post' You should now see two entries 'Publish from' and 'Publish until'. When editing/creating a post, you should also see the two fields that you added to the 'blog-post' template. 
  9. Create (but do not publish) a Test Post to test auto-publishing/unpublishing at the dates you set. Note that since the module 'Schedule Pages' uses LazyCron, it needs a browser visit to trigger it. Visit your post (in the frontend, in a different browser where you are not logged in) at a time near its scheduled auto-publish time. You should get  404. Reload your browser some time after the auto-publish date and you should see your 'Test Post'.
  10. You are done :-)

database blog config


database blog config without 'schedulePages' enabled

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kongondo,

I've an early version of the blog module (2.0) running.

Now that I'm more comfortable with PW selectors etc I want to custom-build my own blog using basic pages. Tags and Categories will be new pages too. In fact - it's very similar to what you've done with blog but less technical.

My questions are:

1. if I start a new blog (manually built) is there anything to stop me moving the old Posts to a new containing Page (called Blog 2).

2. Ditto with Tags and categories (I'm not worried about Archives and Authors right now)

3. Not urgent but I'd like then to uninstall Blog. is there a clean way to do this and leave my tweaked templates intact or should I just leave it installed?

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  1. No. Just re-parent them or leave them as is and rename parent(s) (if you wish) Blog to whatever you want (e.g. Blog 2 :-))
  2. No. Ditto
  3. If you uninstall Blog without first running the Cleanup utility (only seen on menu if logged in as superuser), none of your fields, templates, demo template files, blog pages and role 'blog-author' will be touched. They will be left as is. So, don't run the Cleanup utility and you should be fine.
Edited by kongondo
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi and thanks for this modules sir.

For days, I follow https://web.archive.org/web/20150227095218/http://www.kongondo.com/tutorials, the docs, the forum and the source at https://github.com/kongondo/Blog/blob/master/MarkupBlog.module. Time for me now to ask help.

I would like to know what is the best way to get only posts's title, for example to show them in list in the footer of a page ?

Note: I have a newbie's experience with ProcessWire :rolleyes:

<div class="col-sm-4">

       $blog = $modules->get('MarkupBlog');
       $posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, limit=5");
       foreach ($post as $posts) {
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Hi @flydev

Welcome to ProcessWire and the forums and thanks for using Blog.

If all you want is to show the titles, there's no need to call the module itself. The posts are normal ProcessWire pages, so adapting your code like below should work.

<div class="col-sm-4">
       $out ='<ul>';
       //$blog = $modules->get('MarkupBlog');// no need for this line
       //$posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, limit=5, sort=-blog_date");// if you want to sort by date
       $posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, limit=5");
       foreach ($posts as $post) {
           $out .= '<li><a href="' . $post->url . '">' . $post->title . '</a></li>';
       $out .= '</ul>';       
       echo $out;
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @Asmordean,

Welcome to the forums. 

Until yesterday, not it was not possible. Given your question (and previous requests), I have gone ahead and added an option to enable CKEditor in Quick Post (see demo below). This is currently in the dev branch only (version 2.3.6). To enable, follow these steps:

  1. Update Blog to version 2.3.6 from Dev branch (either download the zip or use url to pass to PW to upgrade the module)
  2. Scroll to the bottom of ProcessBlog's module configurations (via /modules/). 
  3. Check the box to enable use of RTE in Quick Post. NOTE: This setting (unlike the others) is available both before and after installing Blog). I decided to keep it here so that only Superusers can control it
  4. Head over to /blog/posts/ and reload the page. You should see CKEditor loaded


  • If you are on an older ProcessWire install without CKEditor, you will not see the RTE,  of course.
  • You cannot insert images in your post using this option. To do that, edit your post in normal 'page-edit' mode

Please test and let me know how it goes. 


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  • 2 weeks later...


This is a great module, and thanks Kongondo for all your work  :rolleyes:

I'm using featured images on my posts, which works fine apart from when I try to show the un-truncated post, when the image doesn't appear for some reason.
This is the code I'm using in my blog-post.php file (but I've also tried changing 'true' to 'false' in the blog.php file with the same result):

$options = array('post_small_image' => 1, 'post_count' => 0, 'post_comments' => 0, 'post_author' => 0);
$content .= $blog->renderPosts($page, false, $options) . $blog->renderNextPrevPosts($page); 

As you can see I've added some options, to turn off the post count, comments and author, since I don't need these features (I'm using the module more as a news page than a fully featured blog).

If I change 'false' to 'true' on line 57 the image is shown, but obviously the post body is truncated and displays the 'Show more' link, but using the 'false' option causes the image not to display.

Is there something I'm failing to do? I'll admit I'm a bit of a ProcessWire newbie!

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Tony,

Glad you find the module helpful.

I have really been so busy I've not had a chance to update the docs, my bad. As the name of that option suggests 'post_small_image' will only work with truncated posts. What you want is its big brother, 'post_large_image' option set to 1. The default is 0 (meaning don't show the image), hence why you don't see your image in un-truncated posts. Until I get round to updating the docs, please have a look at the source code (not ideal, I know :-() for all available renderPosts() options (as well as other methods' options). For your particular question, these might also be of use:

$options = array(
  // ** large/full post featured image **
  'post_large_image_width' => '',// no width manipulation of featured image if this is blank or 0
  // no height manipulation if this is blank or 0. 
  // Note, if size is true and both width and height > 0, we use size() instead  
  'post_large_image_height' => '',				
  'post_large_image_size' => false,// if 'size' = true AND both width and height > 0, this kicks in
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Hi Kongondo,

Thanks for the reply.

  On 1/31/2016 at 8:21 PM, kongondo said:

I have really been so busy I've not had a chance to update the docs, my bad.

No need to apologise! If I'd given it some logical thought I should have realised that 'post_large_image' was meant for the full post. :)

Anyway it's working great now - thanks again.


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Is it possible to hide the author link shown in the sub-nav sidebar (under the heading See Also)?

I've hidden the author in the post itself from the Settings in the Blog dashboard, but I'd like to do the same in the sidebar (since all posts will be written by the same author so it's rather redundant).

Having looked at the html I see that each sub-nav link is a <li>, but they're not given a unique class or ID so it's hard to target them individually.

All the best,


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