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Croppable Image 3


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  On 2/14/2017 at 6:25 PM, adrian said:

I wonder if it has anything to do with using a string for the version number? I am switching my modules over to string version numbers as well, so would be good to know if that is the problem?


normally, the version compare function (should) work correct with strings like "0.9.17". But I can temporary change it, if this would help. (?)


I have updated the repo and changed the version from string '0.9.17' to number 100. Does that change anything?

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on a local test I added a fake module in the root of the modules directory hirarchy and changed the dependencies hirarchy to make it the main module that installs the three others:

/site/modules/CroppableImage3/CroppableImage3.module **


  Reveal hidden contents


@adrian: This way it get recognized by the upgrade module. It seems, it has nothing to do with the version is a number or a string.

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  On 2/13/2017 at 12:59 PM, PWaddict said:

@horst Is it possible to force update the variations when the main crop has been edited without deleting the variations?


No, this is not possible, because if the original update could be with different dimensions than the previous version. If so, there is big potential to crash the image manipulation script with crop settings out of bound of the new original image.

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  On 2/15/2017 at 10:12 AM, horst said:

No, this is not possible, because if the original update could be with different dimensions than the previous version. If so, there is big potential to crash the image manipulation script with crop settings out of bound of the new original image.


Ok thanks for the info.

Let us know if you update the module to be visible on the Upgrades.

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  On 2/15/2017 at 12:16 PM, PWaddict said:

Let us know if you update the module to be visible on the Upgrades.


Uhm, thats sort of a Problem!

I think I cannot simply update it this way, as it may break systems. There are also the check for updates right in the config screen of the module itself, what currently works well. Needs more testing before.

It would be helpful to get some minds / thoughts about this from the veterans.

  • manually update needs to copy all new files over the existing ones
  • (optionally ?) flush the modules cash
  • Install the new wrapper module

I can push it to a test-branch for those who are reading this. But this is not of help for those who want / need updates via PW (individual in module config or via updater module) ??


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  On 2/15/2017 at 2:47 PM, horst said:

Uhm, thats sort of a Problem!

I think I cannot simply update it this way, as it may break systems. There are also the check for updates right in the config screen of the module itself, what currently works well. Needs more testing before.

It would be helpful to get some minds / thoughts about this from the veterans.

  • manually update needs to copy all new files over the existing ones
  • (optionally ?) flush the modules cash
  • Install the new wrapper module

I can push it to a test-branch for those who are reading this. But this is not of help for those who want / need updates via PW (individual in module config or via updater module) ??



Take your time to do it right.
I'm using the 0.9.17 version and when I check for updates from the module config I get: Session: Error reported by web service: Unable to find that module

EDIT: I've just manually upgrade to 1.0.0 and the issue still exists.

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@PWaddict: just to clarify: There are two things here:

The modules version is recognized and the module gets correctly updated via the individual update function in the modules config screen!

The module is not recognized by the third party updater module. This is an issue of that updater module!

What I have tried / described above, is to find a way / workaround without needing to contact the author of the third party module "updater" and ask him if he can debug and change the module to recognize modules that are organized like CI3 too. One way I found out to get recognized by the updater, is to use a wrapper module in the root directory of the module. This will work, AFTER everyone has updated to that version. But with the current situation, before everyone has updated to that version, there may be danger to break systems when silently changing the modules hirarchy and dependencies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a recurring prob on PW 3.0.42 and CI 3 v.1.0.0 on PHP 7.0.16

Anytime I try to edit a page which uses an image crop, I get the following error


Error: Uncaught Error: Class 'ProcessWire\ProcessCroppableImage3' not found in /var/www/vhosts/my-domain.co.uk/httpdocs/site/modules/CroppableImage3-master/InputfieldCroppableImage3/InputfieldCroppableImage3.module:81
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/vhosts/my-domain.co.uk/httpdocs/site/modules/CroppableImage3-master/InputfieldCroppableImage3/InputfieldCroppableImage3.module(58): ProcessWire\InputfieldCroppableImage3->getCropLinks(Object(ProcessWire\Pageimage))
#1 [internal function]: ProcessWire\InputfieldCroppableImage3->___renderButtons(Object(ProcessWire\Pageimage), 'images_e875838f...', 0)
#2 /var/www/vhosts/my-domain.co.uk/httpdocs/wire/core/Wire.php(374): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#3 /var/www/vhosts/my-domain.co.uk/httpdocs/wire/core/WireHooks.php(549): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___renderButton...', Array)
#4 /var/www/vhosts/my-domain.co.uk/httpdocs/wire/core/Wire.php(399): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\InputfieldCroppableImage3), 'renderButtons', Array)
#5 /var/www/vhosts/my-domain.co.uk/httpdocs/wi (line 81 of /var/www/vhosts/my-domain.co.uk/httpdocs/site/modules/CroppableImage3-master/InputfieldCroppableImage3/InputfieldCroppableImage3.module) 

This error message was shown because: you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged. 


I've refreshed the Modules several times (that worked before) but the problem persisted. I thought perhaps ProCache wasn't helping so I disabled that too temporarily.

Anyone have similar issues ?

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  On 3/6/2017 at 6:10 PM, adrian said:

Hey @Peter Knight - not sure how you normally install modules, but I would suggest in general going for the class name, upload, or url to zip approaches, which avoid this possibility. Manually downloading and unzipping means you have to watch for this.


Hi Adrian

Thanks for the tip.

I normally do install via class name but CI 3 at the time had a more recent version which was only available from GitHub as a ZIP.

At least I think that was the case. Thanks anyway for the help.

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  On 3/15/2017 at 2:23 PM, Timo said:

Hey, great module!

Any chance of using the predefined crops via the CKEditor Image Tool? There is even a button for cropping, but it's just the default cropping tool.


Some people do this via HannaCodes or other, self created markup-modules added to the ckeditor boxes.

Something like that:

[[image=theimagename.jpg, crop=thecropname]]

The above could be used by a custom markup module, if you have not installed HannaCode. Assumed you have only one image field on that templates/pages, you have to search for that image in the field and replace that marker with the img tag and src pointing to the crop.

if you have more than one imagefield on a page, you need to add a third param:

[[image=theimagename.jpg, crop=thecropname, fieldname=teaserimages]]


If you are willing to get your hands dirty with code and build an own markup module, this is a nice way to learn much about PW and PHP.

Otherwise you can install Hannacode and do it there. Hannacode is a flagship! :)
Pretty usefull for a lot more use cases.

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Hello @horst,

First of all, thank you for adapting CroppableImage for ProcessWire 3.x. Modules like this one make ProcessWire into an (even more) robust and flexible option for all kinds of new projects.

I downloaded CroppableImage3 and I was wondering if "free" (variable) width/height is a supported feature in this module (and if not, could it be, pretty please?)

For example, suppose I have this in my field's crop settings:


This would allow the user to create a crop of 900px width and a custom height, so maybe the first image ends up being 900x500, the second one is 900x320, etc. It all depends on the dimensions of the area the user has selected during crop generation.

The calculation would be as follows: get the aspect ratio from the area selected by the user (e.g. a 640x360 area would have a 16:9 aspect ratio). Then, we already know the final width (900px). We calculate the final height using the selected area dimensions and the known final value (i.e. 900 * 360 / 640 = 506.25px --> round down --> 506px final height).

Same idea for width: freewidthcrop,0,900 only this time the width is the variable.

I tried to put freeheightcrop,900,0 into the field configuration and ProcessWire accepted it, but the user's crop won't be saved (it generates a crop that is exactly the same as the original image). Also, when cropping, the upper text that indicates the size of the selection will display "NaNxNaN" until the user selects an area.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Horst,

when I'm trying to install the new version I get an error:

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: sharpening in D:\wamp\www\zaub\site\modules\CroppableImage3\FieldtypeCroppableImage3\FieldtypeCroppableImage3ConfAdaptor.php on line 96
Call Stack
#	Time	Memory	Function	Location
1	0.0040	374752	{main}( )	...\index.php:0
2	0.5650	13487256	ProcessWire\Wire->execute( )	...\index.php:55
3	0.5650	13487528	ProcessWire\Wire->__call( )	...\index.php:55
4	0.5650	13487528	ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks( )	...\Wire.php:442
5	0.5650	13487904	ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod( )	...\WireHooks.php:698
6	0.5650	13487904	ProcessWire\ProcessPageView->___execute( )	...\Wire.php:383
7	0.6430	14965016	ProcessWire\Wire->render( )	...\ProcessPageView.module:205
8	0.6430	14965064	ProcessWire\Wire->__call( )	...\ProcessPageView.module:205
9	0.6430	14965064	ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks( )	...\Wire.php:442
10	0.6440	14966448	ProcessWire\Wire->renderPage( )	...\WireHooks.php:782
11	0.6440	14966720	ProcessWire\Wire->__call( )	...\WireHooks.php:782
12	0.6440	14966720	ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks( )	...\Wire.php:442
13	0.6440	14967096	ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod( )	...\WireHooks.php:698
14	0.6440	14967096	ProcessWire\PageRender->___renderPage( )	...\Wire.php:383
15	0.6480	14970688	ProcessWire\Wire->render( )	...\PageRender.module:514
16	0.6480	14970736	ProcessWire\Wire->__call( )	...\PageRender.module:514
17	0.6480	14970736	ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks( )	...\Wire.php:442
18	0.6480	14971576	ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod( )	...\WireHooks.php:698
19	0.6480	14971576	ProcessWire\TemplateFile->___render( )	...\Wire.php:380
20	0.6480	14990608	require( 'D:\wamp\www\zaub\site\templates\admin.php' )	...\TemplateFile.php:268
21	0.6490	14991328	require( 'D:\wamp\www\zaub\wire\modules\AdminTheme\AdminThemeDefault\controller.php' )	...\admin.php:13
22	0.6490	15028512	require( 'D:\wamp\www\zaub\wire\core\admin.php' )	...\controller.php:13
23	0.6590	15076312	ProcessWire\Wire->execute( )	...\admin.php:113
24	0.6590	15076360	ProcessWire\Wire->__call( )	...\admin.php:113
25	0.6590	15076360	ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks( )	...\Wire.php:442
26	0.6590	15076736	ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod( )	...\WireHooks.php:698
27	0.6590	15076736	ProcessWire\ProcessController->___execute( )	...\Wire.php:380
28	0.6770	15619400	ProcessWire\Wire->executeEdit( )	...\ProcessController.php:244
29	0.6770	15619448	ProcessWire\Wire->__call( )	...\ProcessController.php:244
30	0.6770	15619448	ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks( )	...\Wire.php:442
31	0.6770	15619824	ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod( )	...\WireHooks.php:698
32	0.6770	15619824	ProcessWire\ProcessModule->___executeEdit( )	...\Wire.php:380
33	0.6810	15622488	ProcessWire\ProcessModule->renderEdit( )	...\ProcessModule.module:1136
34	0.7190	15742248	ProcessWire\Wire->getModuleConfigInputfields( )	...\ProcessModule.module:1213
35	0.7190	15742520	ProcessWire\Wire->__call( )	...\ProcessModule.module:1213
36	0.7190	15742520	ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks( )	...\Wire.php:442
37	0.7190	15742912	ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod( )	...\WireHooks.php:698
38	0.7190	15742912	ProcessWire\Modules->___getModuleConfigInputfields( )	...\Wire.php:383
39	0.7260	15747744	call_user_func:{D:\wamp\www\zaub\wire\core\Modules.php:3582} ( )	...\Modules.php:3582
40	0.7260	15747744	ProcessWire\FieldtypeCroppableImage3::getModuleConfigInputfields( )	...\Modules.php:3582
41	0.7320	15807072	ProcessWire\FieldtypeCroppableImage3ConfAdaptor->getConfig( )	...\FieldtypeCroppableImage3.module:478


Can you help me? I've tried to search for it, but found nothing.

ProcessWire 3.0.62 © 2017


Many greets!

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I have a serious and mysterious problem with CroppableImage3 module since I upgrade to PW 3.0.62.  Since my local copy of the site works perfectly well, I uploaded it to the production site, along with the database. But, I get this error when accessing a page using CroppableImage3.

Exception: There is no crop setting for the template 'promenade' called 'miniature' (in /home/guyvervi/public_html/site/modules/CroppableImage3/FieldtypeCroppableImage3/FieldtypeCroppableImage3.module line 209)

The miniature crop setting IS set. I really does not understand what is going on.

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Hey, this is a follow up from here:

So, now I have tested every possible combination from ClassNames, filenames and the ModuleName. Every thing will break something when used from an allready installed module with an upgrade through PW.

When I define the main classname in the modules directory as FieldtypeCroppableImage3, the update process fetches the repo, but installs it under site/modules/FieldtypeCroppableImage3, whereas the existing repo stay under site/modules/CroppableImage3! This breaks the whole site, front and backend. The updater doesn't rename the origin repo with a leading dot.

Other solutions tested also broked things.

So, can you please tell me which way to go to bring the module into recognition of the update process?

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@horst, what if you create a new module file/class in the root of the CroppableImage3 directory named 'CroppableImage3', and that class does nothing apart from auto-install the other classes?

Not ideal of course but might be an okay workaround seeing as you are stuck with the existing directory name.

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