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@tpr :

I've had a little time now, and i found the line which is causing the trouble in my installation.

Around Line 391 in AOS 1.8.9. The commented line "//theo"

        // add to init() to change early
        if ($this->isMultiLang) {
            if (in_array($subModule, $enabledSubmodules)) {
                if (in_array('adminLangSwitcher', $configData[$subModule])) {
                    if (isset($_COOKIE["aos_lang_id"])) {
                        $lang_id = $_COOKIE["aos_lang_id"];
                       //theo $this->wire('user')->language = $lang_id;

It seems as if this comes too early here. Not sure.

Do you have an idea what is going on here?


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  On 4/15/2018 at 7:53 PM, MilenKo said:

I was wondering if there is a changelog where I could read more about it before deciding to do an upgrade?


I would definitely recommend installing: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/module-release-notes/ so you can see what's changed when using the PW Upgrade module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-wire-upgrade/

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@tpr About the language switcher problem mentioned before:

The problem is with the cookie "aos_lang_id".

If it contains a value for the language (like e.g. 1010) which does not correspond to a language id of your current installation, then then PW backend crashes.

This may happen, if you run multiple PW instances on localhost.

A check for the existence of the id you get from the cookie would help imo.

Thank you.


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Nice find, thanks. I've changed to an arbitrary cookie but couldn't get any errors though. Could you try wrapping the lin in question with this and see if the problem goes away?

if ($this->wire('pages')->get('template=language,id=' . $lang_id)) {
	$this->wire('user')->language = $lang_id;


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  On 4/19/2018 at 8:11 PM, tpr said:

Nice find, thanks. I've changed to an arbitrary cookie but couldn't get any errors though. Could you try wrapping the lin in question with this and see if the problem goes away?

if ($this->wire('pages')->get('template=language,id=' . $lang_id)) {
	$this->wire('user')->language = $lang_id;




No, it does not help.

Still getting: 


Fatal error: Exception: Method Permission::translator does not exist or is not callable in this context


Thank you.

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@theo Thanks - does it help if you change "get" to "findOne"?

I'm experimenting with a new sticky pagelist action, loosely based on the ProcessPageListMultipleSorting module. The idea is to create a global "sticky" field and hook into ProcessPageList::find to prepend sort=-sticky to the original selector (keeping template and page level sort intact). This way un-stickying a page will restore the original sort order.

When sticky-ing a page it finds the sibling with the highest sticky value and sets it to an even greater value, so it will go to the top. It works fine so far, the minor glitch is that if you would like to move eg the second to topmost sticky page to top you'll need to unstuck first and then re-sticky (or edit the sticky field value manally). I find the idea to add extra move up/down sticky actions an overkill.

The order also can be queried on the frontend because the new sticky field is a real field.


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  On 4/19/2018 at 11:04 PM, tpr said:

@theo Thanks - does it help if you change "get" to "findOne"?




I think the check for "NullPage" was wrong. We have to check for id<>0


Like this it works.

$item= $this->wire('pages')->get('template=language,id=' . $lang_id);
if($item->id) {
  $this->wire('user')->language = $lang_id;

Thank you.

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Is anyone interested in the sticky implementation shown two posts above? I think it's a simple but reliable implementation that can be handy not only in the admin but on frontend too.

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I've added the new sticky pagelist action, @theo's langswitcher fix, Tracy panel z-index fix (hopefully) and other minor fixes in v1.9.1.

I noticed that I was using one SCSS mixin too many times (for icon-only pagelist actions) and it contained rules that I could apply to items outside the mixin. After cleaning this up the final CSS shrinked from 127 to 93 Kb so it was worth the trouble.

I removed the js lib "perfect scrollbar" that was used to replace the browser scrollbar with a mini one (RenoTweaks). From now on AOS uses CSS to achieve the same thing, and is available in Chrome only (you can find it under Misc). It's a sacrifice but results in much leaner code, is controlled by the browser so it's unlikely to break, and modifies every scrollbar in the admin. For example they are available in Tracy panels too and also in CKEditors (the latter required additional efforts though):


Documentation is in progress, as usual :) 

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Thanks for the remainder @Robin S. I've replaced the character icon with an SVG. I've committed the changes, no version bump.

Perhaps I would have used FontAwesome if it would have been possible to set it as a background-image but that's not the case. I've tried adding the SVG variant of the FA search icon but then searched for a slimmer one. There are only a few icons in AOS and I wouldn't like to increase the overall module size. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

In v1.9.3 I switched to the $datetime api var in pagelist markup and introduced %modifiedUser% and %createdUser% tokens.

As a result it is possible to display relative date like this:


I never thought about this but it came from a request and seems like a nice addition. In fact I only knew that a relative date function exists in PW but not that it's also an api var. I was even happier when I learned that I need only slightly change the code to support both relative and the existing date formats with $datetime->date().

Full changelog:

  • pagelist markup: switch to $datetime api var (allows relative datetime strings too)
  • pagelist markup: add %createdUser% and %modifiedUser% tokens
  • pagelistUnselect: fix Uikit theme spacing issue (reported by Robin S)
  • CKEditor plugin Link Files Menu: apply fix from Robin S from his original module (ajax response not working for non-superusers)
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hey @tpr could you please add "noAutosize" class support for textarea autosize feature? line 1766 in aos.js (and maybe also some lines below)

autosizeTextareas = target.querySelectorAll('textarea:not(.noAutosize)');

Otherwise it does autosize on my custom textareas, thanks :)

This does not seem to work :( Could you please add a way to exclude custom textareas from this feature? Thanks!

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It does seem to work - or do you mean you are not able to add the .noAutosize classes?

@Robin S 

Just added the cache bust strings to assetpaths, thanks for the suggestion. Will be available in v1.9.4.

Here is a preview of the Fields page with additional data like inputfield classes, description, notes and IDs. It seems impossible to add column headers to the extra columns but i think it's quite obvious even without them.


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  On 5/15/2018 at 11:50 PM, tpr said:

It does seem to work - or do you mean you are not able to add the .noAutosize classes?


You are right, my mod works. Just edited aos.js instead of aos.min.js and that had no effect ? Could you please change both occurances of querySelectorAll('textarea') to querySelectorAll('textarea:not(.noAutosize)') as requested?



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Version 1.9.4 is available:

  • new: extra columns on Fields setup page showing description, notes, id and inputfield class (Misc)
  • skip autosizing textareas having "noAutosize" classname (requested by bernhard)
  • add cache busting string to assetPaths (requested by Robin S)
  • check if $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] exists before redirect (reported by Robin S)
  • fix 1px title field misalignment caused by casechanger (reported by Robin S)
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Hi all,

on a fresh PW 3.0.98 installation using Default Admin theme and site-default profile I have installed AOS 1.9.4 as the only site module.

Two observations:

(1) When in PageListTweaks I check Always show pagelist actions, in the page tree there are no line breaks any more between the entries - see attached screenshot. How do I get them back?

(2) Having checked Sticky header in Admin tweaks, when on the settings page of the module I click the cog of a Submodule, the sticky header would overlay the top lines of the options of the chosen submodule.

Not big problems - many thanks for this incredibly useful module!


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(1) I could reproduce, thanks. For a quick fix use this, or wait for a new version:

html.pListShowActions .content .PageList .PageListItem { width: 100%; }

(2) I'm aware of this, will try to fix with some CSS.

I recommend using Reno or Uikit theme, most AOS features are targeted/tested in them.

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