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  1. I didn't know where the right place to share this was on the forums, so I'll post it here since it may be helpful to those getting started with ProcessWire hooks, or some experienced ProcessWire developers who might find them useful. Either way, dear reader, If someone already wrote it, why write it...
  2. I’m working on a website with the following structure: |-- Academy (template = academy) | |-- Courses (template = courses) | | |-- Course 1 (template = course) | | |-- Course 2 (template = course) | | |-- Course [...] (template = course) | |-- Masters (template = courses) | |...
  3. Hi everyone, I'm having trouble correctly targeting and displaying a button within InputfieldRepeater and InputfieldRepeaterMatrix fields in ProcessWire. My current approach involves hooking into ProcessPageEdit::buildFormContent and attempting to attach a custom button to InputfieldText a...
  4. I took Ryan's old Page Edit Per User module and modified it to: Allow users to assign access on pages they have edit access on (and pages they create) Check a field on the page, and current user, and make sure there is a matching value (ex: multiselect field on both the user account an...
  5. I am using FormBuilder to collect data and save it to pages. The forms (and the page templates used) use file fields to collect PDF files. The uploaded files should automatically be renamed to match the name of the fields. This should happen every time a page is saved. The first time after the form...
  6. I would like to run this via a hook: $page->of(false); foreach($page->table as $row) { if($row->pass == "") { $pass = new Password(); $string = $pass->randomAlnum(22); $row->pass = $string; } } $page->save('table'); and tried this: $this->addHookAfter('Pages::save', function($event)...
  7. I need to show (in my backend) since when a page special type of page has been published (not created, as there may be a long delay between creation and publishing). So I made a datefield in my template and added following code to my site\ready.php $wire->addHookBefore('Page(template=templateName...
  8. Preventing a page from being moved is not necessarily a straightforward matter of trapping the change in a save hook in the same way as a page edit. A problem occurs if the page is only to be 'blocked' conditionally - when the page path is in some given array, for example. In hooking before pag...
  9. $wire->addHookAfter('Pages::added(template=booking)', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); $selectable_pages = $page->getInputfield('booking_group')->getSelectablePages($page); $current_group = $selectable_pages->find("template=booking_price, parent.bo...
  10. I'm trying to do something I thought would be simple, but maybe not!... I'm trying to hook ProcessPageEdit to change the label/text displayed on the page save button in certain circumstances based on fields in that page. But can't figure if it's possible to target the button. I can get to...
  11. I have a couple of pages that has a specific template. In the template i have a page reference field (Activator). What im trying to achive is when i select an option in the dropdown (Activator) in admin and save, then the specific option is disabled (greyed out) in all of the other pages that has th...
  12. Hey all, I have pages that can be created two ways, in the PW admin and via an endpoint where JSON data is sent. I have a hook that checks field data on page save and errors if it is not correct. I would like this to create an error in the PW admin using $this->errors, but if the page is c...
  13. Hey all, I've been building a new feature on our PW site and the URL hooks are exactly what the doctor ordered. I am developing a RESTful web API to allow external platforms to integrate with our site. The API endpoints are namespaced at /api/v1. I am having trouble making use of the named rout...
  14. While this is working perfectly: public function init() { $this->addHookAfter('Page::render', $this, 'replaceEverything'); } This is not, nothing happens: public function init() { $this->addHookBefore('Page::render', $this, 'replaceEverything'); } replaceEverything looks simply like t...
  15. Hi I'm working with PW for some time now, but – please don't laugh – never used hooks. I have 200 – 300 subpages with the template 'artist', the title of each page represents the full name, sometimes John Doe, sometimes John Emmet Brown Doe. I want to auto-populate the field 'artist_last_n...
  16. Hi, is there a hook after the current (active) page got created? Or which method got called in the Page class after the Constructor of the current page got initialized? Thanks.
  17. I need to restrict editing access based on both the user role, and the value of a sub-field in a page reference field. eg $page->competition->closingDate There's some discussion about restricting editing access based on role, and that works, but when I try to access the page via the metho...
  18. So I thought of hooking up with hooks. I installed that "hello world" module, and now, when I save a page, I see "Hello world..." message on top -- which makes sense. To play with it further, I copied the hook code from the module to my header.php file. The code is: $pages->addHookAfter('s...
  19. so i am trying to put CustomHooksForVariations.module, a custom module, i am placing it into site/modules direcotry yet my modules page in admin panel gives me errors so this is the screen show when i refresh modules, i dont know why the shole hook is written on top of the page :|| a...
  20. Am I right in thinking that multiple hooks that are added for the same event can be prioritised by doing something like this... $session->addHookAfter( 'login', $this, 'myLoginHook', array('priority'=>xyz) ); Where xyz is the relative priority for the hook and the lower the value, the earlier...
  21. Continuing my journey into PW hooks, I'm trying to find a way to retrieve all images from a page that explicitly *do not* have a certain tag (or tags) attached to them. Found this post from 2015 But I'm wondering if there's a more elegant way to go about this. Let's say I have a mult...
  22. Getting a little deeper into the ProcessWire state-of-mind here. I seriously think I wouldn't have come back to webdev if it wasn't for this wonderful little gem of a CMS. I have an "Options" field added to all users on a site. If the user has anything other then "default" selected, I would lik...
  23. Hello, Here's what I'm trying to achieve : I have a textarea field that is frontend editable on any page I want to. If a user with a specific role updates it, I want to tick a checkbox field on the parent page where the textarea resides. So I tried to hook as follows in my ready.php file...
  24. Hello, I'm struggling with hooks to try and do this : adding user page to a page field when visiting a particular page on my website. In fact, I want to have a list of connected users on a particular page (called meeting-hall). I've tried all kinds of things (which I don't really understan...
  25. Hi guys (didn't see any gals here), I have a module which has some custom helper classes. One of these classes has methods which are hookable. The class is derived from WireData. An additional complication is that this class has its own namespace. What would be the correct way to provide the ho...
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