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  1. Hey, I'm pulling my hair out abit with CKeditor settings (documentation is impregnable), I'm trying to set the default width x height in the image modal to the same as the original image by default, not some random number which it seems to be currently. is this possible?
  2. Hi, I have been running a processwire based film magazine for more than 3 years now. The resources are wonderful, and the forums are full of information so much so that I did not have to ask a single question during the design process or later. I just added it in the showcase section when the site was done. http://projectorhead.in But in the last week I have been facing some real trouble and the forums dont seem to have anything related. The problem; Once in the admin section, I cannot publish any new content, pages that have some exisiting content, dont accept anything. If I wish to update module settings/ install or uninstall any new module, it does not work either. Every click on any button meant to achieve something in the admin leads to a 404 error in the front end. It started from one page but now nothing would change in the admin, it feels like it has become a hard ball of metal which would just not move. The attempts; 1. I upgraded the entire installation, thinking it was due to the outdated version. I am running the latest stable, 2.7.2, php version 5.6 2. I turned on the debug in config.php, it threw some notices and warnings, have fixed all barring one, where imagesize wants another variable, it hasnt created any issue in the past. 3. I cleared up all caches using the filemanager, removing cache files. Since the backend will not let me purge caches, I had to use the file manager. 4. I cleared the cache table from the phpmyadmin. 5. ProcessImageMinimize was throwing up errors, so I removed the calls from the template and deleted the module using file manager. 6. Saw some suggestion about the .htaccess rules, played around and nothing worked, however the .htaccess is being duly read and used by the server. I am out of options and having to stall the latest issue of our magazine, would really appreciate some quick help on what else I could try, possible solutions etc. I hope I have described the problem sufficiently, but if you need any more details, please ask. Best.
  3. hey all. i experienced a strange behaviour and wanted to ask if somebody has a solution for this. i have a page 'POIs' (points of interest) that keeps multiple 'POI' as childs. each 'POI' should be creatable via frontend through an ajax-call to the page 'create-poi'. then i have a page 'get-pois' that queries all the pages with template 'poi' and return them. Home --> POIs --> --> POI 1 [*front-end created] --> --> POI 2 [*front-end created] --> --> POI X [*back-end created] --> API --> --> Create POI --> --> Get POIs all works fine except that all the POIs created through the api only show up when 'get-pois' is called from default language. for example, POI 1 and POI 2 have been create through frontend, POI X in the admin-backend. now calling localhost/en/api/get-pois outputs all pois, calling localhost/de/api/get-pois outputs only POI X. all the pois have the required fields in both translations. can anybody of you think of a solution?
  4. Maybe i don't see it but how can i delete pages with admin template? PW 3.0.18 logged in as superadmin - advanced mode on... status: System: Non-deleteable and locked ID, name, template, parent (status not removeable via API) is checked...but i wanna remove this page it's from a failed installation of a module...i've deleted module files and db entries...so far. But the admin page stays.. Regards mr-fan
  5. Hi everyone I´m creating an AdminTheme based on Semantic UI framework. Here is the beta version. I 'm fixing bugs. Github here Changelog: 0.0.1 --- Fixed background color / image.
  6. Hello everyone. I am back with a question thats come up lately when i was creating some new fields for a template of mine. The following happend. I created a new field of the "textarea" type and changed it to "CKeditor" on the Details tab under "inputfield type". So far so good. Everything working as expected when editing data on the page using the template wich the field was assigned to. But then i decided to get a little brave, so i went to edit the fields settings and under the "Input" tab i changed "Format tags" string to include the tag "strong". The Format tag field string before my change was: "p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre;address" and after my change it was: "p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre;address;strong" Now, after that change when i saved it and went back to editing the data on the page, the CK editor refused to show and there was only the fields label but just white space under it. If i go back and edit the field and the Format tags back to the default everything works again and the CK editor shows up when editing data. But if i change the Format tags it goes away. What i am doing wrong ?
  7. Hey folks, If I search for a page that is unpublished it can not be found by using the ajax search in the right corner in admin. It can only be found when I am logged in as a Superuser, but not if I am logged in as an Editor (who has page-edit rights!). Searching through lister works - but only if I choose to only search unpublished pages; but not via the ajax search at all. I already looked at the process page search module file and there is a line that allows unpublished pages to be searched if someone has paeg-edit rights, but somehow it does not work at all. Can someone help? Thank you so much!
  8. It would be very nice to be able to save page with common shortcut (e.g. CTRL + S on windows) in admin. Live long PW
  9. Sometimes I had to reset/ delete parent_id in settings of a PageTable field to force items be placed as children of the page being edited. I did this always by manipulating the database. Other way is to delete the field and create a new one. Both ways are not very comfortable. Is there a better way? Am I missing something? Would be nice to have this option from the field settings.
  10. Hello, I use a page field to link members to cities. But a city must be associated just with 1 member, no more. And of course, in the admin, when I go to the member page, the page field "cities" lists all values even if they are already used. So the question is " In the admin, can we filter values of a page field with a rule (a custom function?) " ? In my case, if the value is already linked to a member. Thanks a lot for your help! Chris
  11. Hey all. I just created a new "Avatar" user-image field in the user-template. Unfortunately, it is only showing in 'Access->Users->user-xyz' and not in 'Wrench-Sign->Profile user-xyz', so on the page http://localhost/testsite/admin/profile/ Does anyone of you know what to change that this new field is also shown in the profile-page? Thanks a lot!
  12. Hi Guys, I have a site that I built for a software company. The site has someone that will be managing the blog which is in ProcessWire now. Here is my question, I need to give the user's role the ability to change the created user for a page however, ProcessWire template settings only allows me to add this capability to the superuser. Any suggestions? Workaround ? Thanks.
  13. I can't find anything about this in the forums or anything, but I have a file field that accepts mp3 files. Trying to upload from an Android phone (I've tried from two) the files aren't accepted, it says they must be mp3 files, but they are, so it's not reading the file extensions I guess... The error names the file name without the extension saying it's missing the extension. Has anyone come across this? Thanks.
  14. For my event template I have tried setting the Name format for children as title and date, respectively, as those are the only two I've ever gotten to work with that. So I do have a small module that renames them before save, to Y-m-d-title, but I can't manage to get adding an event from the admin the standard way to skip the Page Add step with the Title and Name generation. Not only that but it always displays the warnings for Name Already taken, which I don't want, as they're organized by date... Admin users don't need to see "The name entered is already in use. If you do not modify it, the name will be made unique automatically after you save.". How can I bypass this? Thanks.
  15. I want to set the pagestatus of a admin-page to hidden when a user is logged in which has the role "company". I did this in the admin.php but it doesn't work. What I am missing? if(wire('user')->isSuperuser()){ $pages->get(1265)->removeStatus(Page::statusHidden); } else{ $pages->get(1265)->addStatus(Page::statusHidden); }
  16. How to write a module that adds links to edit previous or next sibling in page editor?
  17. Hi there, I'm developing locally on my laptop and we have a testing server where I deploy via rsynch + running a DB Dump script. (Exported via MySQLWorkbench) I've noticed that the admin password becomes invalid every time a DB Dump script is run on the server. Is this possibly because there's a hash and/or salt stored alongside the password and my local one is not valid on the server? Are there better practices of synching between my local Processwire and the server instance to prevent the admin password being invalidated?
  18. I find that editors with low web skills have difficulties working with the ProcessWire Admin interface. I am here talking about users who rarely write text and with low web skills. Also, my customers are Danish but see the ProcessWire Admin interface in English -- they are not all comfortable working in an English user interface (I can fix this in part by adding fields in Danish). The main reason for the usability challenges is that users are forced to work in the tree structure in the ProcessWire Admin interface as it is today. The Page tree can be hard to comprehend when getting back to Admin after 2 months or more. Below I offer observations on what I have seen customers do in the user interface, and based on that I suggest how usability may be improved. Note, this post is written in a positive spirit with the intention to improve ProcessWire. Observed user behavior 1. New pages. Users incorrectly place new pages at root level when they correctly should have been placed in - say - the "News" section. Observed behavior: Users log in to Admin, immediately see the "New" link and create a new page. The link is incorrectly being placed at root level. Correct behavior: Users log in to Admin, click "News", click "new" (next to "News"). Training users in doing the right thing is also hard. It is hard to explain users to: "1) log in to Admin, 2) click "News", 3) click "new" (next to the News link)." As a possible workaround, I can lock down the content types that can be created from the root level, but in my view that should not be stricly necessary. 2. Overview. Users find the admin interface hard to understand when getting back to it after 2 months. Some of the questions users (and me too) ask themselves are: "What can I do here?", "Under which section (segment1 nodes) should I add my new Product or Event?" Possible workaround: The web designer can spend time writing a guide, but I guess most would prefer that the admin interface answered the question "What can I do here?" -- possibly with a written instruction. 3. Clutter in the tree structure. As a web designer I have to store categories andother system nodes in a tree structure that is visible to end users. I create a "Value lists" node and put pages that I use in different Select boxes in other pages -- editorial users really don't need to see these "Value lists" in the main view. Better: Move system information to a secondary area as in many other CMSes (see suggestion 3 below). 4. User error risks. Users can mess up the entire site structure if they start moving around with root-level pages. For instance, Navigation will suffer when using the Simple Navigation module. Also entire sections can be deleted / moved by editors. Suggested Solutions 1. Buttons. As a web designer it would be nice to have the option to create "buttons" on the admin start page (/processwire/page/). Example Buttons: "New Article" - clicking the button will create a new page of type "Article" and place it under a specified parent page ("/articles"). "New Event" "New Product" "New Solution" "New Employee" 2. Apps. Pretend that the website contain many "apps". As a web designer I can create such "apps" in Admin. Apps can be as simple as a shortcut in a menu (right menu as seen here). 3. "Site system trees". The Page tree contain two very different types of data. The first is content, the next is "system nodes". I would like to move the "system nodes" to one or more "site system trees". As a web designer I can create a "system tree" for the site that contain non-content nodes. A link to the "site system tree" can be placed in the admin navigation (Pages, Setup, Modules, Access). Access to "system trees" can be restricted. My "system tree(s)" would contain information such as: Blocks Snippets Menus Site settings Search Admin 404 Page Not Found Trash PS: How do I create "Admin apps" in the Admin left menu (as in this example)?
  19. After login tree fails to load pop up says unknow error I can get to page by Page > Recent > Edited Site does show on web Any ideas where to look Regards Allan
  20. Hi there, I'm not sure if this is a setting somewhere, but searching for it returns a thousand results so not sure if it's related to front or back end, but my question is: When I add a new page (child) it automatically adds it to the bottom of the list of children. This seems to be the default setting. How do people feel about this and can you go about changing it? Cheers guys, R
  21. Hello guys I am experiencing a very weird admin login issue. I have the correct password and when I login to admin, first it does let me login, but after going to 3-4 pages it suddenly automatically sign me out and when I try to login again, it prevent me to login and I can not login any more. When I try in a different browser or Mac the same thing happens. Everything worked fine before and nothing has been changed and it suddenly started to do have this weird issue. Could you please help me out. This the URL of the admin http://www.greenpeas.no/admin/ Thanks in advanced
  22. Hi. I am trying to create a button on specific admin pages, that when pressing this button, it creates and publishes a new page with some of the input data from the current page. I have been able to add a button to the admin pages with this code in the admin.php template file: $page->addHook('ProcessPageEdit::buildForm', null, 'addButton'); function addButton(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); $href = wire()->config->urls->admin.'page/add/?parent_id=1089&credit='.$page->credit->value.'&partner='.$page->partner->value; $field = wire()->modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $field->attr('id+name', 'create_new_log'); $field->attr('class', $field->class); $field->attr('value', 'Create new log'); $field->attr('href',$href); $event->return = $event->return->append($field); } require($config->paths->adminTemplates . 'controller.php'); I have attempted to add some url parameters, but this method does nothing good. Is it possible to do what I am trying to do?
  23. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a way to add a submit button ('Generate PDF') for a set of templates, which generates a PDF when clicked. So, a submit-button field to which I can attach attach a piece of code. I don't want to run it every time I save, because that will be too much time-consuming. I found https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8457-add-a-new-action-button-to-page-edit-screen/?hl=%2Badmin+%2Bbutton , but I can't seem to get it working. It should be placed inside the admin.php file right? Or is making a module the best way to do this... Best, Charlie *** EDIT *** I'm currently in the middle of making the [GENERATE PDF] button module. I found the Page::editable hook which works great. Somehow it also parses immediately the parent, and because I only want to parse the current page, I remove the parent like this: $page = $event->object; $page->parent = ""; // remove parent! Is this good/okay/bad practice? Then I'm trying to add a button to the template like the following: $field = $this->modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $field->attr('name', 'generate_pdf'); $field->attr('class', $field->class); $field->attr('value', '[GENERATE PDF]'); return $event->return->append($field); But this throws me an error on the appending (Error: Call to a member function append() on boolean (line 60)... The follow up question would be: how can I add an event to when this button has been clicked, and use the current available information of that page
  24. Hi folks, I have just pushed up a site from local to live. I have had a dev server for client testing and all was working fine. However, upon upload, on all the pages, fields are missing (even though the content is coming through on the site) and there's weird formatting issues. Please see the screenshot below. There doesn't seem to be any issues in the console or I have tried reuploading all the files but doesn't seem to change a thing. Any thoughts? Thanks, R
  25. Hello, I've a requirement where I need to have a list of pages using same template available on a page (site settings page) through page field. Basically what I need is, whenever a new page of specified template has been created, it should be automatically added to that pages list, just like home page has children. For example, I've a template called article. Articles are posted under /blog/ page. I've a site settings page which has a page field called articles_list which I use to manage articles list on some other page. This way I can manually chose what articles I want to show and in which sorting order. There's no specific sorting logic to this. So what I need is, whenever a new article is posted, it should automatically be appended on that articles_list page field so the site moderator can manually change the sorting without having to add page himself and then select the sorting. I've this weird requirement cause the site moderator can't see which new article has been added to the blog, he's just allowed to set the sorting. I hope I've clarified the requirement. I think I can use admin custom pages but it for some reason never worked for me. Thank. P.S. Forgot to mention that to add post or any other related task, I'm not using front-end, it's all through PW's admin panel.
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