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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Yep, I checked add internal link field box. The image uploads fine, and i can add a link, but it doesn't matter whether I actually add the link or not, I still get that error and the only way to get it to go away is to remove the field from the template, or uncheck internal link field box for the field. It seems to occur with every page containing the field. The only thing I can think of that might be making it work on one server vs the other is php version: 5.6.4 works, but 5.4.33 5.3.29 doesn't.
  2. Why do you need to use a fake page? Why not use an existing one - could be any existing page, or one dedicated for the purpose. $img = $modules->get('InputfieldImage'); does work if you use $img->attr("value", new Pageimages($this->page)); It would be helpful to see all your code - how are you using WireUpload? I know you say it works, but I think ->destinationPath should be ->setDestinationPath - at least that is how I have always used it. On that note, I put that as part of the image upload processing, not the upload input field, eg: // save image to page //WireUpload stuff $validExts = array('jpg', 'jpeg'); $imageProcess = new WireUpload("ImageUploadJPEG");//name of image file upload <input> $imageProcess->setOverwrite(true);//overwrite files $imageProcess->setMaxFiles(1);//only allow one file! $imageProcess->setDestinationPath('/temppath/'); $imageProcess->setValidExtensions($validExts);//check for valid file extensions //upload the image file $arr_file = $imageProcess->execute(); Does any of that help?
  3. On one of my PW sites it works fine, but on another one, if I try to edit a page with an image, I get this error: Error: Using $this when not in object context (line 213 of /home/path/site/modules/ImageExtra/ImageExtra.module) Both site are using the same versions of Image Extra and PW (both the very latest).
  4. Hey Ryan, I see that you just implemented a fix for the Max 1 and the Save as Copy, and also the modal size - thanks! One more thought for you - do you think that the cropped image should respect the "Min Image Dimensions" settings. I think it is strange to allow someone to resize or crop an image to be smaller than this setting's value.
  5. Looks like chrizz has disappeared from this topic - we PM'd a bit about it and I implemented a fix for his problem, but never heard back. All that is needed is to add the following: // make sure the value is of type Pageimages $obj_field->attr("value", new Pageimages($this->page)); You can thank soma for that fix: https://github.com/somatonic/ImagesManager/blob/master/ImagesManager.module#L173 Does that take care of your issues too?
  6. Not referring to adding of new pages - I understand how it works in both modules - I am talking about the way they display existing pages - ChosenSelect loads all into the DOM using the Select field. Autocomplete uses ajax to search and return matches dynamically.
  7. Autocomplete is actually really nice. I see pros and cons compared with ChosenSelect and I think it comes down to how many tags you are likely to end up with. Automcomplete uses ajax to load matching pages/tags, but this means that you can't browse existing ones like you can with ChosenSelect, but maybe nicer than potentially loading up hundreds of items into the DOM. Sorry, will stop the OT comments now
  8. The problem is more of a user interface one, than a coding issue. If you have grandchildren that are editable, but children (their parent) that is editable, then you have to show that level anyway, or the page tree would become a mess Have you tried this: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1176-hiding-uneditable-pages-from-users/?p=84916 That way you can hide the branches you want from the appropriate roles. Alternatively, have you considered a custom admin page - either a process module, or one of these modules: http://modules.proce...cess-dashboard/ http://modules.proce...n-custom-pages/
  9. Hi Qurus and welcome to PW! It really depends on your needs. Do you need to get all images from all children of a certain page, or just one image from one specific child page that you can target directly? Basically you need to select the page somehow: For example this will get the url of the first image from a field called "images" from the first child of the current page: $page->child->images->first()->url If you need further help, let us know exactly your setup and we can help further.
  10. Not sure if this is a new bug or not - I haven't seen it on other sites, but I just installed it on a new site and with HTML minify turned on, certain spaces are being removed. This works as expected: <strong>Lesson Rating: </strong>Excellent But if the code is generated like this, the space between ":" and "Excellent" is removed: <strong>Lesson Rating:</strong> Excellent
  11. Hey Ryan, I have just started looking at the new cropping functionality - it's awesome, but I have a few thoughts I wonder if rather than the onhover edit button, it would be better to have an obvious edit/crop button - at the moment, I think editors will need instructions on how to find it. I'd also like to see the crop, resize, min, and max button permanent, rather than onhover for the same reason - they are going to open the modal and stare at it, not knowing what to do When the image is cropped very small, the resize, crop, max, min onhover buttons get messed up as there is no room for them to display - my comment above would solve this. Speaking of those onhover buttons - do these work ok on touch screens? Again #2 would solve this if they don't work well. There seems to be a random bug with the modal edit window sometimes being much taller than the viewport, so after I click "Save Crop", I have to scroll down a LONG way to get to the "Save as Copy", "Save and Replace" and "Cancel" buttons. This is on the default admin theme and it's not all the time. I am honestly a little confused by the "Save Crop" button - I have to save it, then choose one of the other three options. It is a different behavior to the resize options where I am asked to use existing or original. When the images field is set to Max = 1, Save as Copy is a little confusing as initially both appear once the modal is closed, but after page save, the original is gone. I would like to see a way to disable the options and force replacement of the original - I think this is likely the most common scenario. Especially if the image is not being embedded into an RTE, I think the current behavior makes it difficult to use the API to target the one cropped version of each image if there is no Max set for the field - you could end up with multiple copies of each image and no way to figure out which one the editor actually wants to use on the page. Thanks again for all these new tools!
  12. What you are looking for is a Process module. There are lots of examples that you can use as a starting point - any module that adds a page under your Setup menu would be a good place to start. Other alternatives that you might find helpful include: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-dashboard/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-admin-custom-pages/
  13. You might also find this useful: echo $fieldtypes->implode('<br />', 'name'); It will list out the names of all installed fieldtypes, both core and those from site modules that you have installed.
  14. I have been using https://dlvr.it/ for quite some time, but there are lots of solutions out there if you google "rss to facebook"
  15. Have a read of this thread about the main PageTable field: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8177-page-table-howto/ It is possible to automatically add existing pages if they are under the same parent. If they aren't then you can add them with a small bit of API code which Macrura shows in that thread. Hope that helps!
  16. As noted above by Pete (2nd post), what you are actually looking for now is: throw new Wire404Exception(); Does that work for you, or is there something else going on still?
  17. You could definitely do this so long as you have exec available for PHP and also have imagemagick compiled with ghostscript. If these requirements are met, then something like this should work: exec('convert -density 600 document.pdf[0] -colorspace RGB -resample 300 output.png'); inside the thumbnails function: https://github.com/uiii/ProcessWire-FieldtypePDF/blob/master/PagePDF.php#L7
  18. Just had one more thought for you - how hard do you think it would be to also offer this as an inputfield for Ryan's new Options fieldtype, in addition to the Pages fieldtype that is currently uses. Thought it might be nice because with tags it is often unlikely that you actually need these to be accessible via a URL, hence no real need for having them as pages now that we have this new fieldtype. Just thinking out loud if you are looking for something to do
  19. Awesome - so much better with Enter working to add tags - thank you! As for the no results/placeholder text - I might just go with some jquery. Thanks again for a fantastic job on this - it really is the best solution for tags fields!
  20. Sounds great Pete - please revisit this if you get the time. Like lots of us, I have been using PageTableExtended for this sort of thing, but I would love to see a fieldtype like this - would make it much easier to set up and be better for selector driven searches, and would generally feel cleaner - at least to me!
  21. This is not directly an issue with this module, but I would like for users to be able to upload and crop their profile pictures. Ryan talks about the HTML uploader being disabled for profile editing (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5644-images-in-user-profile/?p=60172), but I honestly think this needs to change as this is a common need on sites. Do you guys have any thoughts on how "we" can make croppable image work properly on an image field in the user template when a user is editing their profile?
  22. It might be considered a small thing, but I'd prefer to see the "Columns of Checkboxes" setting result in: 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 rather than what is currently does, which is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? Maybe it should be an option for one way or the other?
  23. Just a quick request - can you make it possible to override these: AbstractChosen.default_multiple_text = "Select/Enter tags"; AbstractChosen.default_single_text = "Select an Option"; AbstractChosen.default_no_result_text = "No results match"; Thanks again for this - it's coming in very handy, although client feedback unfortunately is saying that the "Tab" to create a new tag is confusing - any chance you can revisit making Enter work in all situations? Sorry for sounding demanding
  24. Two thumbs way up for anything SVG Started using it on the web in 2004 (for server generated vector downloads) - it's been a long wait, but it's awesome to finally see it supported in all browsers!
  25. On a roll today - looks like there is a permission issue when using a croppable image field in the system user template. When the field has been added to "What fields can a user edit in their own profile?" at /module/edit?name=ProcessProfile then the user gets a blank page. Thanks guys!
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